Chapter 264 God is there

The Red Keep and King's Landing were built separately. The Red Keep was built on a huge rock in the southeast corner of King's Landing.

This is a very popular construction layout. Building on the rock wall can not only increase the defensive capabilities of the castle, but also overlook the entire King's Landing from the top of the Red Castle, making it truly "King's Landing" in terms of visual effects.

Aiel was one of the earliest refugees in King's Landing. After the War of the Five Kings broke out, he was forcibly conscripted into the army.

Later, when he returned home after the war, he found that his wife and daughter had been humiliated to death by the defeated soldiers, and the family's food, land, and even house had also been taken away by the new lord.

He had no choice but to join the ranks of the refugees, and eventually wandered all the way to King's Landing, becoming a refugee in King's Landing.

Fortunately, the holy and benevolent Pope gave him food. In this way, he lived up to the Pope's expectations and became a loyal believer of the Seven Gods.

Just today, he heard the news about the expansion of Sons of War, so he immediately signed up, hoping to fight for the Pope. Thanks to his combat experience in the War of Five Kings, he was lucky enough to get his wish.

Just as Al was happily heading to the Great Temple of Baelor, a roar exploded in his ears, and a fear that penetrated deep into his soul burst out.

Al couldn't help but look in the direction of the Red Keep. In his horrified eyes, a huge creature covered in blue and white mist appeared not far from the Red Keep.

Blue light surged through the mist, like thunder wrapping around the monster for its driving.

Fear spread in his heart until it enveloped Al's whole body. With a thud, Al fell to his knees on the muddy road.

He folded his hands tremblingly, and pressed his head firmly to the ground.

"Seven Gods are on top, Seven Gods are on top, please protect your faithful servant"

King's Landing, which had already forcibly gathered 80 people, was completely in chaos after Poseidon appeared.

Despair, collapse, robbery, adultery, crying, praying, running for one's life, the originally barely maintained security completely collapsed.

When Poseidon, who was more than 200 meters tall, appeared outside King's Landing, everyone in King's Landing discovered her. If the dragon made people fearful, then Poseidon would only make people feel desperate!
"You three, please go back. Since you don't want to surrender, let's fight on the battlefield."

Jack's words brought everyone back to reality from the storm in their minds. Everyone who had never seen Poseidon looked at Jack in shock, unable to say a word.

Looking at the monster that was taller than the red castle built on the rock wall, Cersei's face turned pale, and her lips trembled for a long time without saying a word.

Finally, James said with a trembling tone: "What kind of monster is this?"

"I've already said it, haven't I? Dragons have never been the foundation of my rule. The glory of Poseidon will shine on every land in the world!"

"I'll give you half a day to think about it. If you don't bring your army out of the city and surrender before the sun sets, I will raze the Red Fort to the ground."

After speaking, Jack no longer stayed, but stood up and left directly. Tormund and others also followed Jack after making a death-waiting gesture to Cersei and the others.

Cersei stayed where she was and was at a loss. She didn't know how she got back to the Great Sept of Baelor. The Red Keep could no longer return, and everyone in the Red Keep had evacuated.

In the Great Cathedral, Cersei still stared blankly at Poseidon next to the Red Keep. After an unknown amount of time, Cersei seemed to accept Poseidon's existence.

She immediately called Cobain and asked Cobain what to do now.
However, Qyburn had no choice. Jack didn't care about the life and death of the civilians in the city. Even the city walls couldn't stop the dragon, let alone the giant beast that was eyeing the Red Keep.

"What did the Iron Bank say?" Cersei said still unwilling to give up.

"The Iron Bank rejected us. They believed that we were unable to repay the loan or hire the Faceless Men. The Golden Group also withdrew."

"A bunch of short-sighted idiots, do they think Jack Poseidon would acknowledge the Iron Throne's debt if the Iron Throne failed?"

Qyburn quietly looked at Cersei who was starting to go crazy. His expression did not change at all, but he looked at the tall Poseidon with some longing and some fear.

He felt something similar to the undead magic in Poseidon. This feeling was indescribable.

"Cersei, Cersei." Jaime's voice came from far away.

After James entered the church, he saw the crazy Cersei, and he quickly stepped forward and hugged Cersei before she calmed down.

"Give up, we have no chance. Come back to the West with me. Listen to what they want. Myrcella is still favored by Jack. Jack will not kill us and Tommen, but if we continue to resist, we will really You will die, and if you die, you will have nothing."

If Corakxiu could still make James think about taking a gamble, then the appearance of Poseidon made James completely give up the idea of ​​taking a gamble.

In the end, Cersei agreed to Jaime's suggestion. She planned to preserve the strength of the West and slowly look for opportunities in the future.

To put it bluntly, Cersei has realized a truth, those who understand the current affairs are heroes, and there is no shame in giving in first. The Targaryen family had more than a dozen dragon knights, so it was not in decline.

Before the sun set, James took 2 people out of the city and swore allegiance to Jack.

Jaime has inherited the position of Duke of Casterly Rock, and his oath of allegiance represents the surrender of the Westerland.

After Jaime swore allegiance, he made two conditions to Jack. The first condition was to ensure the safety of himself, Cersei and Tommen, and the second condition was that the West was autonomous and could not be reformed.

Jack promised Jaime on his own behalf, and Tommen Baratheon came out of the city to declare his surrender.

Tommen is not only the titular king of the Iron Throne, but also the Duke of the Stormlands. His surrender represents the complete change of ownership of the Iron Throne.

Looking at Tommen Baratheon who knelt down in front of him and presented the crown with both hands, Jack felt that this boy was not sad at all, but more fearful and happy.In fact, Tommen was not sad at all about losing the throne, and he was even a little happy.

Because according to James, as long as he surrenders, he can return to the carefree life in the West with his mother. This is what he dreams of.

After Tommen surrendered, Jack immediately asked the Sons of Winter to take over the security of King's Landing. Anyone who wanted to take advantage of the situation, regardless of age, gender, or age, would be killed.

The armies of Dorne, the Vale, and the Reach were all waiting outside the city, and even the armies of the West had to wait outside the city.

As for the Reach stationed in front of another city gate, although they were shocked by Poseidon's appearance, they were mentally prepared.

Because before they came, Olenna had already sent a letter, telling them not to be surprised when they saw anything, especially things coming out of the sea.

Olenna's information naturally came from Alexander Poseidon.

When Margaery took Alexander to play in the High Garden, Margaery also got a lot of information about Atlantis.

At this moment, they also received a message from Jack, asking them not to leave their military camp or bring anyone into the city. They would wait for Jack's notice, otherwise it would be regarded as a war.

Although Randyll Tarly was angry, he could only be obedient. He was not afraid of death, but he was afraid that Jack would really go to war with them. The giant beast would definitely be able to kill them all and bulldoze any castle in the Reach.

After the Winter's Sons took control of King's Landing, Jack rode Coraxo to the Red Keep.

Colakxiu blew open the door of the throne room with his tail, and then took the lead in squeezing in with all the damage. After checking around and finding that there was no danger, he protected Jack and walked in.

It's not that Jack is too careful, but that Cersei is a crazy woman who can do anything without considering the consequences.

After Jack entered the hall, Hecarim also followed in with a group of people. Jack's safety was the first priority in Hecarim's heart.

Looking at the Iron Throne covered with blades in the throne room, Jack had no interest at all. This tetanus blade had killed many Targaryen kings in history.

Almost all the subsequent wars in Westeros were related to this broken chair.

If Aegon Targaryen had not given this iron chair a special meaning, it would have been thrown away by a certain generation of Targaryen kings.

Jack gently stroked the cold black throne, "This seat is a complete lie. It seems that whoever sits on it can rule the world and live forever."

Corakxiu tilted his head, and then dragon flames spurted out, instantly melting the Iron Throne into a puddle of molten iron.

Jack: "."

It was a showdown, and Jack wanted to show off and say a few flirty words, so that his highlight moments would be recorded in the history books in the future.

Although Colakxiu was very smart, his thinking was still very different from that of human beings. He twisted his head and gently nudged Jack, indicating that Jack didn't need to thank him.

If I had known earlier, I would have stayed in the half-dragon spirit state, which is bad luck!
But Jack didn't care. As the founding emperor of Atlantis, he believed that future generations would have various positive comments about him.

Looking at the puddle of molten iron in front of him, Jack shook his head slightly. He originally wanted to melt the Iron Throne, and he even wanted to bulldoze the Red Keep.

After leaving the Red Keep, Jack rode Corakxiu to the Great Temple of Baelor, which is the holy place for all believers of the Seven Gods. When Poseidon appeared, a large number of believers gathered here to pray.

Corakxiu landed with the wind in his hand. The High Sparrow had been waiting for Jack here for a long time. In other words, when Cersei decided to surrender, he began to gather the sons of war to gather here.

However, the Sons of Winter received Jack's order before entering the city. After entering the city, they immediately arranged for 500 people to surround the Great Cathedral of Baelor and start a confrontation with the Sons of War who gathered around the Great Cathedral.

Looking at Jack getting off the dragon's back and walking toward him, the High Sparrow sighed: "It's so beautiful, like a ruby."

The High Sparrow looked at Corakxiu calmly, but his heart was full of desire. If the church could also have dragon knights, the faith of the Seven Gods should be able to spread to every corner of the world, right?

"Yes, he is beautiful, but the more dangerous he is, the more beautiful he is. Countless people have died under his dragon flames."

"No matter how many people you kill, you can't deny the fact that he is beautiful, right? I wonder why Your Majesty allowed so many people to surround the Great Cathedral?"

"I still have an identity, you know?" Jack said to the High Sparrow.

Looking at the linen clothes and bare feet of the High Sparrow, if I had not read the original work, I would have thought that he was a sincere believer who devoted himself to spiritual practice.

As for the other identity Jack mentioned, the High Sparrow naturally knew that Jack was also the Pope of Poseidon.

At the same time, this also surprised the High Sparrow. It was rare to see him serve as king and pope at the same time.

So the High Sparrow still said calmly: "Of course I know that you are still the Pope of Poseidon. We are all God's servants and God's spokespersons."

"No, you are wrong, you are the servant of the seven gods that do not exist at all.

I am different, I am Poseidon, and my will is Poseidon’s will. "

Jack pointed at Poseidon towering into the sky, "Look, God is there. There is only one belief in Westeros, and that is me!"

(End of this chapter)

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