Game of Thrones: Overlord of the Deep Sea

Chapter 46 The Evolution History of Dragons

Chapter 46 The Evolution History of Dragons

A mansion in Meereen.

Jack opened Colaxhu's mouth, and reached out to touch the two "fuel injection pipes" inside the mouth.

Kolaxiu's body trembled when the "fuel injection pipe" was touched. It was obvious that the "fuel injection pipe" was very sensitive and fragile.

"Quiet, it's okay, trust me, Clark Hugh." Jack softly comforted Kerak Hugh.

Then continue to study the fuel injection pipe in Corax's mouth.

It is said that the dragon flame of the dragon is fire magic, and the disappearance and appearance of magic coincides with the disappearance and appearance of the dragon, so this statement is generally recognized by the warlock community.

Jack didn't care what the dragon's presence had to do with the magical tides, but noticed an organ in the dragon's mouth.

Jack named this organ the fuel injection pipes. The pair of fuel injection pipes grow on both sides of the dragon's mouth. The fuel injection pipes of Kraxhu are a little bit inward, and Drogon's is very obvious.

Jack had carefully observed the flames of Corachue, and he was sure that some mist-like flammable gases would be sprayed out of the fuel injection pipes when the flames were sprayed.

But how Kraxo ignites these gases, Jack hasn't figured it out yet.

Maybe it's bioelectricity, maybe it's magic.

But either way, it was enough to make Jack marvel at creatures like dragons.

In the previous life, many biologists studied why the animals on the blue star did not evolve the function of breathing fire.

After all, in the era of the explosion of prehistoric biological evolution, flame can be said to be the most powerful "weapon" on earth.

In the end, the most widely spread and most recognized statement is that the evolution of the fire-breathing function is too cost-effective, because if you want to breathe fire, you must evolve a sufficiently large lung capacity, fuel injector, and fuel reservoir.

The complex evolution process caused animals to give up the characteristic of breathing fire.

But the giant dragon, the giant dragon in Game of Thrones, although it has air power at the level of a nuclear bomb, but to put it bluntly, it is a pterosaur that can breathe fire, which is far from the mythical and legendary dragon.

This made Jack very interested in the evolution of the dragon. As for the legend, the dragon was transformed by the Valyrians with blood magic and pterosaurs.

Jack scoffed at this. He didn't believe that the Valyrians, a small nomadic people, would have such advanced blood magic.

For a civilization like the nomads who watch the sky and eat, it would be nice to be able to eat enough, and still have time to study such advanced blood magic?

It's a pity that Jack himself is not a biologist, nor does he have such a high-tech civilization to support Jack's research.

Reluctantly letting go of Kraxo, Jack patted the cage and ordered, "Come in!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Kerakxiu got into the wooden cage directly. Although the wooden cage had no restraint, for Keraxxiu, the real restraint came from the master, not the wooden cage.

"Great, good boy!" Jack rubbed Corakxiu's head, then opened the wooden cage, and let Coraxxiu out again.

At this moment, an Unsullied came in, "Your Majesty, what you requested has been done. A total of 120 knives have been collected, and all three hundred Unsullied have entered the city."

"Okay, hide the weapon and just wait. It won't be long before the news from Yunkai will come."

Sure enough, that afternoon, the news that Yunkai had been breached by Daenerys reached Meereen.

The nobles of Meereen held an emergency meeting to discuss how to deal with Dany, who had nine thousand Unsullied and an unknown number of slave soldiers.

In the end, everyone gave up the idea of ​​hiring mercenaries. The mercenary fee was too expensive. Ordinary mercenaries needed about [-] gold dragons to join the war, and senior officers needed more.

The city wall of Meereen is tall and strong enough, there are enough slave soldiers in the city, and there are many gladiators who can also fight, relying on the city wall is not afraid of Dany.

The last thing is to erect the wall to clear the field, directly burn down the manor farm outside the city, destroy all available resources including food and cash crops, and not give the mother of dragons any resources.

After the discussion, everyone immediately started to act. Everyone was fully prepared, but they forgot about the sewers of Meereen.

On the other hand, after Dani conquered Yunkai, nearly 30 slaves were liberated. Everyone held Dani in their palms and raised them high, calling "Mother" loudly.

Dani enjoys the feeling of being relied on by everyone, and also enjoys the pride of being admired and surrounded by everyone.

But after enjoying it, you still have to consider the reality. After confirming that tens of thousands of people are willing to leave with her, although Dani knows that this will bring great pressure to the logistics, she still bites her head and takes on these burdens.

Dany's army, which had been expanded several times, advanced at a much slower speed, a total of 160 miles from Meereen to Yunkai.

As Dany continued to approach Meereen, her heart became more and more angry. On this road, every other mile, a slave child would be crucified and died tragically.

Jorah came to Dany, "Your Majesty, Meereen has adopted the tactic of erecting walls and clearing the fields. All the surrounding slave manors have been burned to the ground, and there is no supplies at all."

Dany's chest rose and fell slightly, she didn't expect the slave master of Meereen to do such an amazing job.

The nobles of Meereen who erected the walls and cleared the fields undoubtedly greatly increased the logistical pressure on Daenerys' army. Before bringing these new freemen, they just wanted to plunder the manors along the way, but Meereen did not expect that Meereen directly erected the walls and cleared the fields.

"It's okay. Although our logistical pressure is heavy, it is not unbearable. After conquering Meereen, we can still get supplies."

"After the three cities of Slave's Bay are liberated, we can take Jack's boat across the sea to attack Westeros and take back my Iron Throne!"

Jorah's expression turned embarrassing when he heard that. As a man, and even more of an experienced dog licker, he naturally understood what it meant for the cunning Jack to lend Dany's warship.

It's a pity that he was not there that day, and the "drunk" Her Majesty the Queen fell into Jack's way and lost his body.

Originally, it only took a few days' journey, but Dany's army walked for more than one star to reach Meereen.

Set up camp not far away, Daenerys led the vanguard to the city of Meereen.

At this time, the city wall was already full of nobles watching the theater, and a large number of slave soldiers were preparing city defense equipment.

At this moment, a gap was slowly opened in the city gate of Meereen, and then a warrior on horseback rushed out, facing Dany.

"This is the tradition of Meereen. Send out the most powerful gladiators in their arena, and then fight one-on-one with the enemy. This is a good way to improve morale and intimidate the enemy." Jorah explained.

At this time, Jack in the stands was watching the peeing gladiator, mocking Dany, how dare a rootless army led by a woman attack Meereen?
(End of this chapter)

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