Game of Thrones: Overlord of the Deep Sea

Chapter 90 The Merciful Prime Minister

Chapter 90 The Merciful Prime Minister

Newgate was taken aback by this sentence, but he reacted immediately.

"Winter is coming, Your Majesty, if we really succeed in breeding, then the darkness of winter will be driven away by you!"

Newgate looked at Jack with a look of admiration, he hadn't thought of this just now.

This long summer lasted so long that what awaited the world would be a long night lasting at least a generation.

Even if the temperature in Essos will be a little higher, but that is relative to Westeros.

Every time there is a long night, the world's population will drop by half, and this time, I am afraid that it would be good to survive one-third.

Especially the slaves, every long night will take away [-]% of the slaves, they are like livestock, after death, they will be mixed into fodder by the slave owners to raise some omnivorous animals.

Thinking of this, Newgate felt pity again, but he was no longer a slave, he was the prime minister of Atlantis, and he had to consider the people of Atlantis first.

However, he is still prepared to do some things within his capacity, such as arranging for the chamber of commerce to increase the progress of buying slaves.

Now that Atlantis lacks labor, he still has some power.

In Atlantis, as long as you work, you get paid, and there are even opportunities for paid breaks.

Newgate didn't think Atlantis would freeze or starve to death after the long night.

It just so happened that I was going to buy a wave of zero yuan next, and all the merchant ships bought by the new zero yuan were put into slave transportation.

Now relying on the transportation model proposed by Jack, it can absorb 5000 people every two months. After zero yuan purchase, the efficiency must be doubled at least.

Thinking of this, Newgate said to Jack, "Your Majesty, there is something I want to tell you."

"Huh? Hesitating, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"It's about the population. I think 10 people is a bit small. Can we absorb more?"

Newgate spoke his mind.

Jack smiled slightly, "Why, the slave who is about to die in the long night aroused your sympathy?"

Newgate's lips twitched a few times, as if he wanted to find some excuses, but he didn't know why he gave up, and finally chose to remain silent.

"It seems so."

"Your Majesty, I." Newgate didn't know how to speak.

But Jack smiled lightly: "I am not a benevolent king, everything I do is for myself.

But I have a benevolent Prime Minister, and the slaves should be glad they have won your sympathy.

It should also be fortunate that there is an old man among them who really cares about them. "

Jack looked at Newgate and said softly: "From now on, Atlantis will no longer limit the number of people it can absorb until the long night comes."

Newgate was greatly surprised, and immediately knelt down in front of Jack, "Your Majesty, they should be most grateful that they met you before the long night!"

Jack waved his hand, signaling Newgate to quickly arrange for someone to build the reservoir.

Seeing the back of Newgate leaving excitedly, Jack felt a little emotional.

What he has to admit is that there is always a group of kind-hearted people in the world. They are the real Madonna, not the Madonna bitch.

Just like Newgate, even more than 50 years of slavery failed to erase the integrity and kindness in his heart.

With his power as prime minister, he could raise the predetermined population limit even without reporting to Jack, because Jack's order at the time was: estimate 10 people, depending on the situation.

But Newgate still chose to report to him.

Excessive integrity and kindness, on the contrary, he lost a little of the smoothness when he first met him, and he was a bit like Ed Stark.

This is not a good thing. If you meet Joffrey, the first emperor of the ages, you may not last for a month, and your head will be put on a spear for public display.

In contrast, Jack seems a bit bad. All he does is to build a powerful empire and then enjoy the pleasure of power.

But Jack doesn't regret it, let alone blame himself. People are different. He likes his current life and the pleasure brought by power.

"Colaxiu, let's go, go back and take you to have a barbecue."

August 301th, [-]AC.

At this time, Daenerys, who was far away in Meereen, received the letter from Jack.

The letter said that Jack was in a state of distress because of the water monster that appeared on the island, and Kraxhu was also seriously injured by the water monster's sneak attack, so Jack couldn't come back.

Dany was a little worried after reading the letter, and immediately wrote a letter asking if Jack needed help, so that the strongest Drogon could try it.

After writing the letter, I handed it to the maid beside me, and asked her to release the letter crow immediately.

After the maid left, Dany suddenly felt sick and dry.

Seeing this, Missandei immediately handed over warm milk, and Dany drank several sips before recovering.

"Your Majesty, are you okay, why don't you find a doctor to come over and see you?"

Since yesterday, Dani has felt nauseous and groaned from time to time, but it is not frequent, and there is no obvious discomfort, so Dani doesn't care.

Dani waved her hand lightly, "No, maybe I ate something the day before yesterday, and my stomach feels uncomfortable. It will be fine in two days."

Missandei was still a little worried. After all, Dany had never had a bad stomach before, and she didn't eat anything strange the day before yesterday. How could she have an upset stomach?
But Dany said it was all right, and Missandei didn't say anything more.

And the maid who was arranged by Dani to release the ravens came to the corner of the pyramid, and then secretly opened the envelope.

After seeing the above content, he immediately showed surprise, but quickly repacked the note, and walked towards the raven cage as if nothing had happened.

It's just that her behavior fell into the eyes of another maid.

The maid who saw all this in her eyes slowly left, as if she had never appeared before.

Not surprisingly, the news that Prime Minister Jack Poseidon would not be able to return due to the serious injury of the baby dragon was widely known that night.

However, thanks to Dany's recent wave of presence, after she personally comforted Meereen, there was no disturbance in Meereen.

The silver moon hangs high, the garden at the top of the pyramid.

Dany looked down at Meereen while stroking Drogon's head.

"It seems that Meereen is not inseparable from Jack, and it is the same with me."

Dany's purple eyes were as beautiful as amethysts under the moonlight.

Sisi's missing emotion made Dani feel more melancholy, just like an ordinary girl who misses her sweetheart.

"Without Jack by my side, I really feel a little uncomfortable, what should I do if I miss him a little bit?" Dani murmured to herself.

Drogon felt that his mother was a little unhappy, and gently licked Dany's delicate cheek with his tongue.

Dany smiled after feeling the comfort from Drogon, and gently pushed Drogon away.

"Hmm, little Drogon, you have a barb on your tongue, it hurts a bit."

Feeling that his mother's mood had returned to good, Drogon also gently rubbed against Dany.

Not far away, Viserion and Lei Ge looked curiously at the eldest brother who was close to Dani.

They couldn't figure out why the eldest brother was so close to his mother all of a sudden.

They even stay with their mother most of the time, and don't compete with them for food.

They couldn't figure it out, so they gave up thinking directly, and it had nothing to do with them anyway.

Drogon didn't compete with them for food, and they were so happy that they flew.

(End of this chapter)

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