Chapter 38 Sweet, Oscar Short Film
Twenty Lang was at his best, when he was in his best health.

When dry wood meets raging fire, the two let go. For Yan Danchen, even a little bit of pain turned into sweetness.

However, Lu Pingan still maintained a certain degree of restraint.

Because he found that his body seemed to be stronger than expected.

This is a good thing, but it is not a good thing for Yan Danchen, at least not now.

So after a few times, the two stopped their intemperance, cuddled together and talked about love.

Chatting and chatting, Yan Danchen talked about gossip about "The Love History of the Tang Dynasty".

"You know that the costumes of the Tang Dynasty are all exposed, and the scale of the play is also large. At the beginning, we actresses were very embarrassed to face Mr. Tang Guoqiang. In the end, Mr. Tang Guoqiang was even more embarrassed. His wife was also on the set. She is playing Fang Xuanling's wife, every time she shoots a scene with an actress, Mr. Tang has to go through it all over again, he is afraid that his wife will twist his ears, haha..."

"Nie Yuan from Debate Machine is very good at talking, but I don't like him. He got my number on the first day I joined the group. I really don't know how he got it. He sent me several text messages. It’s about discussing roles, and I haven’t played against him, so why don’t I know what it means to discuss roles with me?”

"However, he stopped after watching it and didn't react. Now he seems to be very hot with Shen Aojun, who plays the role of Princess Gaoyang. I think Shen Aojun will fall into trouble soon... You are not allowed to be so flamboyant in the crew, you know. No?"

Lu Ping'an looked upright: "I'm a professional director!"

Yan Danchen pinched Lu Ping'an's nose: "In the circle, a handsome, talented, and rich director like you is the most sought-after. In the future, there will inevitably be people who post back."

"Hey, I'm also very distressed, what should I do?"

"No messing around!"

"You're slandering me, do you think I'm a messer?"

"Hmph~ You can't believe what a man says."

"Then if I wear a condom, I will never get sick."

"safe trip!"

"Don't catch me, I was wrong, I was wrong..."

The sweet mutual complaints lasted until the early morning, and it was already noon when I woke up the next day.

The weather in Beijing is not very good today, it seems to be raining gloomyly.

This brought a lot of coolness to the capital city under the scorching heat, and also gave the two a strong reason to stay at home.

In the evening, after a torrential rain washed over the capital, the two of them who watched TV all afternoon finally went out to look for food.

For couples in love, everything can be sweetened with sugar.

After a barbecue, Yan Danchen ordered several oysters in a serious manner and placed them in front of Lu Pingan, so she couldn't help laughing.

Slander, this is slander!

Lu Pingan felt that he had to open the car tonight!
For a movie, I avoided the popular "Soldiers Under the City" and chose a comedy "Who Says I Don't Care".

"I pulled out the monkey rubber band in her pants, and I made a slingshot to bounce the glass in your house!"


The whole place laughed.

It also made the two of them finally separate and wipe their mouths in a panic. . .

On the way home, holding hands, shaking hands, seeing a supermarket, going in for some shopping, in front of a certain counter, Yan Danchen's face under the mask was as red as an apple, and shaking hands even more.

Then Durex, which entered China in 98, ushered in a big customer.

Going on, seeing the pharmacy, Yan Danchen blushed again.

Well, just in case.

Lu Pingan put on his sunglasses again and walked forward. . .

When I got home, I turned on the TV, and it was still "Deep Love in the Rain", a replay.

But the TV watchers are already in the bathtub rainy, but not reruns.

Happy days are always short, and it's time to separate again.

"Do you really want me to take you back?"

On the morning of the third day, Lu Ping'an asked Yan Danchen in his arms after Yun Xiaoyu rested.

"It will be seen."

Yan Danchen raised his head and nodded at Lu Ping'an's nose, "Wait a few years, okay?"

"It seems like I should be the one to say that."

Lu Pingan couldn't help laughing.

The careers of the two have just started, and the relationship between them will not be disclosed for the time being, which is the result of discussion.

Now that Yan Danchen said it, Lu Ping'an felt a little "scumbag". . .

The simple act of getting up and going out lasted for hours.

It was originally planned to part ways in the morning, but it was abruptly delayed until noon.

After a few hours of parting, Yan Danchen came back again, but this time as a friend.

Then the courtyard started a lively housewarming banquet.

At night, the two parted again. This time, Yan Danchen's eyes were full of tears, and Yan Danchen said reluctantly, "Don't miss me, Xiaopingan. I will come to Shanghai to accompany you in a few days."

"Shooting commercials?"

"Yeah, it's specially arranged there, are you happy?"

"Of course, it's just that I can't accompany you during the day."

"It's okay, you are busy with your work, and I am also busy during the day, just be together at night..."

Lu Pingan was also a little reluctant, Yan Danchen had too many announcements, and Lu Pingan was also busy.

After today, we will not see each other for a month.

In the future, it will become more and more normal for two people to get together less and leave more.

Fortunately, both of them are mentally prepared.

The next day, Lu Pingan handed over the key to the courtyard to Zhou Yiwei, asking him to come and have a look at it occasionally this month. There are still a lot of petty thefts these years. There are not many valuable items in the courtyard, but they are also afraid of being ruined.

It’s fine if Zhou Yiwei wants to live there. The school dormitory doesn’t have air-conditioning after all, so it’s a bit difficult in the hot weather. Of course, don’t bring women and other strangers in.

Now that Ning Hao and Xing Aina have confirmed their relationship, they went on a trip these days and they can't see each other. Lu Pingan doesn't care about him, anyway, he is already a friend, and he will come if there is something to say hello to.

The matter of the burger restaurant is still handed over to the store manager, Xiao Li.

Lu Pingan has already planned to sell or close the burger shop this year or next year, and then rent out the shop.

Without the support of core technology, and Lu Ping'an is not too concerned, the burger restaurant will not open soon.

In fact, there has been a decline now. There are more competing products of the same type, and the turnover has declined somewhat.

The shop manager, Xiao Li, is a talent. If he is interested, he can be the shop manager by letting him cook his own private dishes, or simply recruit him to Xingchen Film and Television for a try.

If the ability is good, Lu Pingan will consider using the second offer.

On August 8th, Lu Pingan returned to Shangmei Factory in Shanghai.

On the same day, three news came. One was that Xiang Guoqiang's special effects company's skinning task had been completed, the other was that this year's Golden Rooster Award had sent him an invitation, and the third was about the special effects business.

This year's Golden Rooster Awards will be in October, and "Tuner" will not participate, because this year has passed, but next year will be fine.

The invitation sent by the Golden Rooster Awards this time is for him personally. As a new director, he deserves an invitation letter.

Xiang Guoqiang has completed the skinning work of the special effects company here, and the funds are still sent to domestic companies, because it is now a branch of Hollywood Exceed Effects, and interested people can also check the head office. Hollywood Summit Entertainment once had A special effects company closed down later, and now it is back, but it was acquired and changed its name, the information is true and reliable, thanks to Summit Entertainment for a little help.

This means that as long as Lu Pingan is willing, the special effects business can start.

It's just that before Lu Ping'an planned to open for business, business came to him.

Still because of "The Tuner".

The special effect of the rabbit at the end of the movie "The Tuner" has spread in the industry. 50 to make such a good rabbit, everyone thinks it is worth the money.

So the director and producer of "Phoenix in the Jianghu" found Lu Pingan through Han Sanpin.

They wanted to do opening special effects.

It is also the CG of the giant sword at the beginning of the title song in the later film.

Lu Pingan directly quoted a high price on the phone: "S-type special effects range from 10 to 20 a second, and A-type special effects are 5 a second. If it is worse, we will not do it. Director You can find another company to try."

He had previously prepared several series of special effects demonstrations, in order to deal with investment and commercial use, and let them see what you get for what you pay for. Among them, the A-class special effects are only one level worse than the current top Hollywood special effects. , 5 a second, investors will also feel that it is worth it, S-type special effects are higher than the current Hollywood blockbuster level, and there are S+ and SS levels on top, this kind will not be taken out, the equipment is not good, and it can’t run at all.

It's just that I didn't expect that the investors didn't deal with it now, but they started the business first.

But Lu Pingan didn't have much hope for this time, or he was just rushing to talk about collapse.

On the one hand, such good special effects are not available in the domestic market now, so he only plans to use them for himself in the next few years to gain an absolute advantage.

On the other hand, doing special effects is not about opening your mouth to eat. At the very least, you need a contact team to communicate the needs of Party A in real time.

Lu Pingan has not contacted the team now, so he simply quoted a high price.

This quotation is almost the same as in 2020, and it was naturally exaggerated in 2001.

Of course, if they are really willing to use it, Lu Pingan will also accept it. It's all money, why not earn it?
It's nothing more than a temporary contact team. Xiang Guoqiang should be able to get it done soon, and then said that our special effects will be made abroad, with quality and quantity guaranteed!Think of it as preparations for opening the door to do business in the future.

You Xiaogang, the director of "Phoenix in the Jianghu", retreated at that time.

According to Lu Ping'an's quotation, if you want to use "Feng Zai Jianghu", the lowest-end price of hundreds of thousands will definitely not be able to get it.

Not only their crew, but the current domestic film and television dramas probably don't need such a good one.

Because he has learned from other technology companies that the price is no more than a few thousand yuan per second.

But he still asked: "What kind of A-type special effects?"

"Director You, let's make an appointment, I'll show you the technology."

After making an appointment, he hung up the phone, and Lu Pingan told Xiang Guoqiang to go to the special effects computer room to get a copy for backup.

Next, Lu Pingan continued to invest in the production of the second animated short film.

The most important thing for Lu Pingan now is to make short films.

If you finish it earlier, you can completely shift the focus of your work to big movies and TV series earlier.

As usual, he wrote down the introduction of the story and prepared to lock the work, but the information that popped up this time was a little different.

[According to the story overview, the most suitable movie retrieved is 2008 "Memories Building Blocks House", which won the Best Animated Short Film Award at the No.2009 Academy Awards in 80, is it locked: Yes/No]

"I even won an Oscar, eh, that's not right, why didn't you jump out of the award description before?"

[The world's top four awards and the highest award films have suffixes by default]


It seems that the gold content of the four awards is high, and Goldfinger will treat them differently. Lu Pingan asked again, "Is there any special reward for the successful restoration of this kind of film?"


Lu Pingan immediately turned off the system and started working.

With the tacit understanding of the first part, the production efficiency of the second 15-minute short film is much higher. In addition, the number of team members has increased to 12 this time, and the style of the second part does not pursue fineness. So it is expected to be completed around mid-September.

During the production of the short film, Yan Danchen came to Shanghai to shoot commercials, and there were only two days, so during these two days, he worked safely during the day, and had sex with Yan Danchen at night.

Yan Danchen deserves to be a good woman at home, she cooks very well, she changes her style every day, of course, Lu Pingan will also change her way of paying back every night, and the two of them are pretty close to a tie. . .

On August 8, after a few rounds of arguing with You Xiaogang, Xiang Guoqiang called and said that You Xiaogang had given up because he didn't get a discount and he couldn't offer a high ticket.

Lu Pingan was not surprised at all, he had thought of this result a long time ago.

But after this time, the reputation of Execute Effects spread. Xiang Guoqiang said that there were several people who came to inquire these days, but they were all hesitant, thinking that the product was good, but too expensive.

Lu Ping'an's attitude is also very firm, the price will not drop, and also set a minimum purchase threshold, whether you like it or not, anyway, he is only planning to use it for himself, of course, if he really wants to be taken advantage of, he will not block the door.

Soon to September, the school season is here.

 Thank you for the monthly tickets of "Book Friends Tail Number 5200", "My Favorite Back to the Three Kingdoms" and "Tea Drinking Tool Man", thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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