Douluo's twin gods after the battle

Chapter 347 Be alert, have you been discovered?

Chapter 347 Be alert, have you been discovered?
"Then Fatty and I will go look for the inheritance places of our respective gods first, and when we find them, we will look for yours."

Dai Mubai held Zhu Zhuqing's hand and said.
Zhu Zhuqing nodded with a smile, showing more understanding.
After making a decision, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun simply packed up and set off to leave.
They are acting separately, Dai Mubai is going to the White Tiger Mountain where the God of War is.
Ma Hongjun also went to the Star Luo Empire, but only to the southernmost tip of the Star Luo Empire.
There, it can also be regarded as a relatively famous area in the Star Luo Empire, the Scarlet Flame Desert.
According to the information Tang San gave him, the inheritance place of the Vulcan is located in this desert.
Vulcan is a first-level god, while Phoenix God is a second-level god, with a big difference.
Between Vulcan and Phoenix God, he must choose Vulcan first.
Therefore, when looking for gods again, the first thing he wanted to try was Vulcan.
If you can get the inheritance of the Vulcan God, then there is no need to go to the inheritance place of the Phoenix God.
For this search for the Vulcan inheritance, he is quite confident and believes in his talent.
In recent days, Shrek City has been boiling because of the upcoming re-election of the seven major sects.
Today, the visions from the sky and the appearance of the sea god make the people in the city even more excited and excited.
At this time, all the discussions in the city were about the recent appearance of the Sea God, and everyone looked devout.
Yuan Yi practiced with his eyes closed in the hotel, playing at a relatively slow speed without making too much noise.
While cultivating, he was thinking about the phantom cast by Tang San just now.
One thing is certain now, that is Tang San did go to the God Realm.
As for why he went to the God Realm, it is unknown and difficult to guess.
What can be guessed is that he should not come back in a short time.
Otherwise, he will not explain anything through projection, but will come back and say.
This news is rather good for them, and they will have another period of peace.
The only thing he wants to know now is what Tang San explained.
Because of the distance, he couldn't sense anything just now, and he didn't know anything.
I don't know anything, if I want to infer, I have no clue, and it is destined to be just random thoughts.
"Could it be related to the staff of Wuhun Hall?" Yuan Yi whispered.
It is definitely not easy for Tang San to tell even when he casts a phantom.
Taking this as an idea and analyzing it, it is estimated that there are only three things.
The first thing is that he himself may have to stay in the God Realm for a long time, so he needs to be informed.
The second thing is that he may be in the God Realm, and through some means, he learned the whereabouts of the Wuhun Hall personnel.
Now tell Dai Mubai and others about this matter, and let them go to destroy it.
The thought of this level is also because he was spied on by the God Realm some time ago.
The God Realm should have some means to spy on people on the mainland.
If you can spy on yourself, then it is not a big problem to spy on other people.
After all, Qian Renxue's characteristics are relatively obvious, and she can be found according to the breath of the angel god.
The third possible thing, that is about the gods, he is telling the gods information.
Like the inheritance of the God of War in the White Tiger Mountains, it has not been discovered by the Shrek people.
If Tang San found this place in the God Realm, it would be worth telling him by projection.
The first, for them, is a happy event, the second, and the third are bad.
"It's really possible." The more Yuan Yi thought about it, the more he felt that it should be because of something similar.
"If this is the case, it is necessary to go back and remind them"

Yuan Yi didn't pack anything, and set off directly, arrived yesterday, and left the city today.
Naturally, he came to Shrek City for the re-election competition of the seven major sects, which will officially resume tomorrow.
Moreover, there will be a match at Yuandan Pavilion tomorrow, which will be held after the suspension of the previous schedule.
It's just that the competition schedule will be shortened a lot, because the competition system has been temporarily changed, and the middle and low-level battles have been cancelled.
In the next game, there will only be high-level battles, and whoever wins will win a big victory.
This is to end the game as soon as possible, they don't want to waste too much time on this matter.
Yuan Yi left Wuhun City and flew towards Yunshan City.
He is not in a hurry to go to the White Tiger Mountain Range, after all, there are more people gathered there.
Even if they find it, I believe Hu Liena and the others can protect themselves.
As for Qian Renxue, when excluding non-title combat forces, she is considered to be alone.
What Tang San is most likely to find out is her location, and it is her who those people most want to kill.
If Tang San really found their whereabouts through the means of the God Realm, then Qian Renxue would be the first to suffer.
Going to Yunshan City to find Qian Renxue, not only wanted to take Qian Renxue away, but also wanted to verify.
He wanted to know if Tang San had found their whereabouts through means of the God Realm.
If it is found, then the house in Yunshan City will be searched, and a soul master will come to the door.
If they were not approached, then the second guess can basically be ruled out.
Yuan Yi sat on the back of Yufeng Shenying, with a calm expression, but no anxiety appeared on his face.
The matter is considered urgent, but it's not to the point where he looks flustered, it's not that bad.
The Yufeng Condor flies very fast, and the scene below is all flashed by.
Now it is no longer the ten-thousand-year-old soul beast, but a 10-year-old soul beast.
After the Wuhun evolved, Yuan Yi was the first to inject energy, and it was Yufeng Shenying who helped the spirit beast grow.
There is no other reason, if it is raised to 10 years, the journey will be faster.
Out of this consideration, Yuan Yi spent ten days raising the Yufeng Condor to 20 years.
The 20-year-old Yufeng Condor did not disappoint him, and its speed was several times faster than before.
If you release a talent skill to fly, you can fly thousands of kilometers in an hour.
Such a speed makes it very convenient and fast for him to travel around the continent, greatly shortening the time.
Starting from outside Wuhun City to arriving at the outskirts of Yunshan City is about two hours.
After arriving, Yuan Yi quickly returned to the manor in the city, and saw Qian Renxue who was practicing.
"Xiao Yi, why are you back?" Qian Renxue said in surprise, ending her training.
"Something happened," Yuan Yi said, his expression was not serious, he was quite calm.
He briefly explained the matter to Qian Renxue, and the latter's face changed when he heard it.
"If it is as you guessed, then our situation is not good"

Qian Renxue's expression was a little dignified, not because she was afraid of Dai Mubai and others, but because she was afraid of Tang San.
Tang San is not here now, but there will be a day when he will come back, and it will be bad at that time.
"At the beginning, I also thought that our situation was not good, but when I think about it carefully, that's the case."

Yuan Yi said with a light smile, not showing any fear at all.
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(End of this chapter)

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