"When the parallel world first appeared, it was still unstable, and the connection with the earth had not been completely severed.

So during that period of time, some bizarre things often appeared, that is, those so-called unsolved mysteries of the world that I just told you.

Of course, it was impossible for the people on Earth at that time to discover this on their own.
It was the people from the Interstellar Research Institute, after realizing that their mistakes had affected the earth, they urgently sent people to the earth to discuss this matter with the high-level officials of some major countries on the earth at that time.

They found that the parallel world of the earth, although the geographical environment and the earth can be said to be a one-to-one copy,
But there have been obvious changes over there.

People who went to that world unintentionally will awaken something called spiritual power.

The higher the level of spiritual power, the stronger the intelligence and perception.
After reaching a certain level, it can even be released externally, which is somewhat similar to... the internal force in your TV series.

What's more, not long after awakening their spiritual power, those people even awakened their evolutionary ability again!

For example, a strength evolutionist can even punch tens of thousands of catties with one punch.
A defensive evolutionary, even bullets can't do anything to him...

They are obviously not suitable to return to the earth and live with ordinary people. "

"This is..."

Song Qing nodded slightly.

After all, with so many people, who dares to say that they are all good?

What if someone becomes inflated after gaining power, bullies men and women everywhere, and even burns, kills and loots... But it doesn't work if the police bring guns to arrest them.
So the world is still in chaos?
Even if we take another [-] steps back, those people are all honest and kind people, and they won’t do bad things when they have the evolution ability of the power system, and they just rely on his strength to move bricks honestly...

Well, originally people could only earn 200 yuan for a day of hard work, but if they work hard for a month, at least they can earn some money to support themselves.
As a result, as soon as the evolutionary went, he did all the work of all people in one day and took all the wages...

Can ordinary people be happy?

Why are some people able to become superhumans when they are just ordinary people?

Who can guarantee that those ordinary people will not look for the entrance to the parallel world in order to become a superman, deliberately make any dangerous actions, or run to some dangerous places,

In the end, he lost his life in vain?

These are all issues that need to be considered!

Song Qingwei nodded in understanding:

"So those people all stayed in the parallel world in the end?"

"It's not just those people."

Ning Sheng added:
"Including their relatives, they all sent them over or stayed after asking about their wishes."

"Can you still send it over there?"

Song Qingwei was a little puzzled:
"If this is the case, shouldn't all the people on Earth pass by?

After all, after going there, you can become even more powerful. "

"Because the interstellar people disagree."

Ning Sheng shrugged:

"The appearance of the parallel world was an accident, and those people were even more accidents of accidents,
It is already very good for interstellar people to help deal with accidents, why would they intervene in the lives of ordinary people on Earth?
After they sent those people there, they took action to stabilize the two worlds,
Now, except for the official passage, it is almost impossible to stray into another world.

And after that, they also asked all insiders to sign non-disclosure agreements. "

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