After waking up from the dream, Miyou had a vague feeling that the small class of Monument King's subordinates should be coming to an end soon.There should be another such important ghost fairy who can teach magic.

She didn't know where this feeling came from, but she knew deep down that it must be right.

This feeling and experience is also new to Miyou.

"Ning Ning, have you ever had that feeling, that is, you don't know where you know it, and then it's for no reason, without beginning or end. But you just know that this is right."

Miyou tried to describe her feelings clearly.

Xiao Yining understands very well.Most of what Miyou is going through is what she has experienced and felt before.And because two people have different personalities and talents, they may have slightly different understandings and feelings of the same experience.This feeling of reaching the same destination through different paths also made Xiao Yining feel a little happy.

"That's great." Xiao Yining sighed with emotion: "Dami, you are also the kind of person who has a strong sense of spirituality, so you also know this feeling very clearly. I have talked to other Chumaxian before, and some of them are not like us. The ancestral hall immortal is a wild immortal, so the adjustment is very painful. The wild immortal has no experience in the hall, and does not know how to communicate with the disciples, so sometimes it is very difficult."

It can only be said that being able to clearly perceive what the Xianjia wants to express and convey is also a talent, and it is a talent that will save oneself much effort in the future.

The weather is getting cooler now, and the temperature difference between day and night is gradually getting larger. Although autumn has not yet begun, a sense of autumn is gradually filling the air.

"It's the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day, do we want to go out for some fun during the holidays?" Miyou, who loves traveling, asked in the group.

"I have to go home. But we can go play together in the future. I can go back a few days later." Gong Jiamu looked at the calendar and said after thinking.

"Where are you going?" Xiao Yining asked.

Last year at this time, they followed Gong Jiamu on a trip back to their hometown in Northeast China. The enthusiasm of the Northeast people and the delicious and large bowls of stew gave them a very pleasant experience.But where to go this year has become a new consideration.

Gong Jiamu was the first to suggest: "How about going mountain climbing? Let's find a place slightly south where the temperature is comfortable and there won't be too many insects."

Miyou's eyes lit up: "Let's book a hotel on the mountain, so that in the morning it will be like waking up in the clouds and mist, and we can watch the sunrise. How about it?"

Xiao Yining has already taken out his mobile phone and started searching for suitable attractions according to the conditions: "Here, here, and here, I feel that they are all pretty good?"

There are really many people on holidays.In order not to catch up with the travel peak, my best friends discussed it and decided to take annual leave in advance, and then chose a location that was relatively less famous and less popular.After all, their main purpose is to play together and relax in nature. Naturally, they don't have to go to famous attractions to crowd out the crowds of tourists.

He Jiayin was originally going to go with him.Her work luck this year is very good, and several of her topic manuscripts have been well received. She was busy before the holiday, and she just wanted to relax during the holiday.Unfortunately, holidays are also an opportunity for major brands to work hard on promotion and marketing, and their company happened to receive a big order.Although it will not affect normal holidays, it is impossible to take time off and travel in advance.

So just like last year, this trip was still with the Iron Triangle of besties.

After some calculations, both Xiao Yining and Miyou felt that the number of people traveling during the holidays this year would be unprecedented, so they gritted their teeth and went forward boldly, asking for a few more days off from the company in advance.Fortunately, the tickets were purchased many days in advance, which saved a lot of the trouble of grabbing tickets.

Tianji Mountain is located in the hinterland of the Taihang Mountains. Because it is located at the junction of the two provinces and has an altitude of nearly 2000 meters, it has always been known as the Ridge of the Sky.

The destination of the three best friends this time is Tianji Mountain - the nearby Wushan Mountain.

The Taihang Mountains are majestic and beautiful. Most of the mountains here have a forest coverage rate of more than 90.00%, and the air is fresh and pleasant.This perfectly meets the health care needs of three best friends who want to be close to nature.

Wushan is a not high mountain, but because of the surrounding mountains, Wushan is shrouded in the mountains. Every morning, half of the mountain top is shrouded in mist, like a fairyland.These morning mist are transformed by the fresh water vapor in the mountains. They are slightly cool, but more refreshing.The hotel chosen by Xiao Yining is in the best position to enjoy the morning fog in the mountains.The only flaw is that the hotel is located halfway up the mountain. It is an awkward location where it is a bit fast to take a taxi and too tiring to walk down.Wushan is not well-known, especially when it is surrounded by famous mountain attractions. It is a small Wushan. There is no legend that Taishang Laojun meditated on the mountain, nor is there any majestic building such as the Jade Emperor's Peak. .Compared with other mountain peaks, Wushan only has the advantage of being clean.

For people who have been squeezing the subway in the imperial capital all year round, the biggest advantage is the lack of crowds and cleanliness.

Chumaxian usually has a small habit when traveling.

Fairy people are usually very curious, and some of them are very lively.When a disciple who has set up a hall is about to go out, there are usually immortals who will follow him habitually.In order to let the Xianjia know the purpose of the trip, so that the interested Xianjia would not miss it, and so that the uninformed Xianjia would not get lost following him, Xiao Yining was used to offering incense before going out and talking about it in the hall.

Miyou, who had also been lost in the Xian family, felt very strongly about this and agreed greatly.

So before this trip, the two of them burned incense at home and explained the destination of the trip, so that those who were interested in the immortal family could follow them to have fun, while those who were not interested could stay at home and meditate at the entrance of the hall.

As they thought, there were not many immortals following them, but not too few, and most of them were juniors who were fun-loving and lively.

After all, we were going to a quiet mountain forest. For some older immortals, it was almost the same as going home, so naturally they had no interest in it.

It was early in the morning when my best friends arrived. After checking in at the hotel in the morning, they went out for a walk.The air in the mountains is so fresh.Gong Jiamu took a deep breath and felt as if his lungs had been washed.

“It’s the comparison that makes me feel happy.” She said with emotion: “I have inhaled all kinds of dust and second-hand smoke in the imperial capital, and when I come to a place like this, it feels as comfortable as washing my lungs.”

"Then you can go to Mount Lushan when you are free next time." Miyou suggested: "We went there once for team building, and the mountains are really rich in oxygen. Although it is very humid, the oxygen content is great. No wonder many sanatoriums are built in Lushan is really suitable for recuperation.”

Gong Jiamu scratched his head: "If it's too wet, will it be like Hainan, where you can't dry your underwear even after washing it?"

Xiao Yining complained: "Isn't your focus a bit strange?"

A few people walked around the mountains talking and laughing.

Although Wushan is not well-known, it is still a member of the scenic spot. Although it is only a small corner, there is not much to see and visit.

There are two temples and one Taoist temple on Wushan Mountain. The Taoist temple enshrines the conventional Three Purities and mainly provides purification services.Gong Jiamu inquired about it and found out that the so-called Qingxiu service meant renting a house for outsiders to retreat.There are also small Taoist temples that can be rented.There is a certain distance between Taoist temples.If a pilgrim goes to offer incense and which Taoist temple the pilgrim goes to, all the expenses will be collected by the layman meditating in that Taoist temple.

The three best friends were a little stunned when they heard this, and for a moment they didn't know whether this was a retreat or a business.

I don't know if I am lucky or not.

I bought yesterday's ticket very early. I was delayed due to work and didn't go out too early. Then I encountered a traffic jam and met a driver who told him he was in a hurry but didn't drive very fast, so he Missed the bus.

Then I squatted at the train station to refund my ticket and grab another ticket. I actually got a business seat on the high-speed rail later that day within two hours.

So although I lost money and was delayed for about three or four hours in total, I went home.Although it was already midnight when I got home...

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