Although Lou Xiyue didn't understand the intrigues and intrigues in the court, with her keen sense of world, she could figure out some clues from the files and account books.

In the past, she only felt that Prince Xiang Feng was very ambitious and wanted the throne, but she never expected that he would take the initiative to collude with Rong Guo.

To be honest, she originally thought that "Xiang Feng colluded with Rong Guo" was a bit ridiculous, but after carefully reading the account books and files, she was doubtful.

She thought that Fu Guan must have the same doubts as her, so she wanted to listen to Shangguan Jie's words.

However, this statement is partly true and partly false. I am afraid they will need to verify it further.

I won’t tell you what happened next. At this time, Shangguan Jie pulled up a chair and sat closer to him, saying, "What does the lower official say..." He said:
"When the case was handled by the lower official, Furong Bank was not yet the property of His Highness the Crown Prince - Prince Cai and the Princess had both read the files and knew that the bank was owned by the Yan family at first, and was then gifted to Qiu Zhi.

"But as Yan Mansion and Qiu Zhi fell in turn, their properties were also taken over by the imperial court. Among them, Furong Bank fell into the hands of His Royal Highness after some manipulations."

It was only after Xiang Feng took over Furong Bank that the strange records of income and expenditure appeared in the ledger.

Afterwards, Fu Guan and Lou Xiyue left Beijing and went south to inspect floods in the south of the Yangtze River.

During this period, Shangguan Jie accidentally caught Qiu Zhi's family and entered Dali Temple. Then he began to assist in the investigation of the corruption case between Yan Mansion and Qiu Zhi in Beijing.

When Shangguan Jie was appointed as a new official, he naturally did not dare to neglect and tried his best to investigate the case. Then he discovered that there was a murder case involved behind Furong Bank.

According to the clues he found, the suspect in the murder was related to a clerk at the bank.

"It stands to reason that when the murder case is investigated here, I will report it to the superior and inform His Highness the Crown Prince to handle the matter." Shangguan explained: "But my colleague, Mr. Zhao, advised me not to be involved in this murder case anymore."

After saying that, Shangguan Jie smiled bitterly: "Why did Mr. Zhao persuade me? The prince and the princess must know it well. It's just that the subordinate is not convinced. Why must the case be closed hastily when it involves the Prince's Mansion? This makes no sense at all! So... "

Fu Guan: "So you investigated secretly?"

"Yes." Shangguan explained: "Xiaguan made several overt and covert visits, and finally found a clue one night - Xianguan saw with his own eyes that a boy next to the prince that day took several men dressed as Wuyue tribesmen. Brought into Furong Bank..."

"A member of the Wuyue tribe?"

"At that time, Xianguan saw that those people were dressed like foreign businessmen from the Wuyue tribe." Shangguan explained: "But after Xianguan lurked inside, he was shocked to realize that those so-called 'foreign businessmen' were just people from Rongguo pretending to be!"

He said: "They spoke with an authentic Yunchuan accent. After sitting down, they casually threw the Wuyue clan emblem on the ground. They opened their mouths and asked for Rongguo's bishou tea to drink. They didn't look like serious Wuyue clan members. .”

Anyone who is truly a member of the Wuyue clan will never throw away their clan emblem.Furthermore, Yunchuan is located in the central and southern part of Rongguo and has a unique accent that cannot be easily acquired by outsiders.

What's more, those people like to drink Rongguo Bishou tea, and their style is indeed more like that of Rongguo people than the Wuyue people.

Lou Xiyue and Fu Guan were both interested and asked, "What happened after that?"

"I actually didn't hear very clearly what happened next." Shangguan explained: "Xiaoguan only heard that the shopkeeper of Qianzhuang was discussing with a few people from Rongguo about sending a batch of medicinal materials.

"It seems that the medicinal materials that the bank planned to deliver to Daxuan Capital could not be delivered on the agreed date. They are negotiating how to handle this matter."

Hearing the word "medicinal materials", Lou Xiyue felt alarmed.She couldn't help but think of the drug dealer she met in Jiangnan not long ago. "Speaking of medicine dealers..." Lou Xiyue looked at Fu Guan: "The medicine dealers we met last time when we went south were from the border between Xuanrong and Xuanrong. They also wanted to bring medicinal materials to the capital. You said, between the two, Is it possible that there is some kind of connection between them?"

Fu Guan shook his head: "I can't tell."

Shangguan Jie said "Huh" in surprise and said, "Why, when the prince and princess went south, they also met the medicine merchants from Rongguo?"

Lou Xiyue: "The drug dealer we met is from Guicheng, not from Rongguo."

"That's it." Shangguan explained: "But since we have met him, the prince should be more careful. Maybe the drug dealer is just like the 'Wuyue tribesman' that Xianguan saw that day, and his identity has been concealed. "

Fu Guan: "I will pay attention to this matter. Back to Furong Bank - have you ever heard what kind of medicinal materials they ordered and how to solve the matter of medicinal materials?"

Shangguan explained his regret and said: "'s a pity that while they were talking, Xianguan's whereabouts were exposed. In order to escape, I had to evacuate first. I didn't hear what happened next."

"Really?" Lou Xiyue said, "That is indeed a pity."

Shangguan Jie then went on to say: "Although Xianguan did not get any clues related to that batch of medicinal materials, from their conversation, Xianguan learned that the reason why the batch of medicinal materials was delayed in Beijing was related to an incident at the border a few months ago. Related to smuggling cases.”

Fu Guan frowned slightly: "That smuggling case refers to the case of Mr. Ying, the new top scholar last year?"

Shangguan explained his surprise: "Exactly! It turns out that the prince also remembers Mr. Ying." As he said that, he sighed and said, "Xiaoguan has met Mr. Ying several times. He is a young talent. It's a pity that he was young. Pass away."

Lou Xiyue said: "Do you mean that what was smuggled in the smuggling case was the medicinal materials ordered by the bank?"

"Absolutely." Shangguan explained: "According to the original plan, the smuggled medicinal materials were to be delivered to the bank. However, they were discovered by Master Ying midway, which disrupted the plan. Therefore, the bank had to find another way to get them. Those medicines.”

"I see."

"Yes." Shangguan explained: "Logically speaking, if the medicinal materials requested by the bank are non-toxic and harmless, why do they have to be smuggled? It can be seen that there is something fishy in that batch of medicinal materials."

He said: "It is precisely because of this that I suspect His Royal Highness the Crown Prince... Alas. Everything I know about has been told to you. It is up to the prince and princess to decide what to do now!"

After the words fell, Lou Xiyue also turned to look at Fu Guan.

She doesn't care much about how the Daxuan court changes.For her, the most important thing is revenge.Therefore, she just took a sip of tea calmly and asked slowly:

"Yes, Your Majesty, it's up to you to decide what to do next."

Fu Kan saw the meaning in her eyes: It's up to this point, it's up to you what to do.

He smiled briefly and slightly, then raised his eyes and said: "This matter is serious and needs long-term consideration. I was very shocked after hearing Lord Shangguan's opinion today, and I have no countermeasures at the moment."

He said: "Let me go back and think about it carefully before making a decision."

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