Lord Moyu was forced to open

Chapter 362 Horrible profit!

"Shopkeeper Tian, ​​you have helped me this time, Shopkeeper Lao Zhou, otherwise I wouldn't know what to do this time, thank you very much!"

As soon as we met, Zhou Lin hurriedly expressed his thanks.

Tian Youcai waved his hands full of local tyrants, the gold and silver jewelry on his hands gleamed, dazzled Zhou Lin's eyes!
"Hahaha, Zhou Shilang is being polite, our firm's meeting is just in time.

For business.

Before the Zhao family monopolized the business of the entire Bian'an County, our firm failed to intervene several times, and would be resisted by the local government, merchants, and even the people, and there was no way to do business at all.

Coincidentally, taking advantage of this opportunity, we can also expand our business here, which can kill two birds with one stone! "

Tian Youcai said with a smile, but Zhou Lin asked in doubt: "Then you are not afraid of boycott when you come here to do business now?"

Tian Youcai explained with a slight smile: "Don't be afraid of Te, before even the common people didn't come, so who do we sell our things to?

Now that people are willing to come to our Feiyun Mall to buy things, having customers is nothing else.

We are competitors on the merchant side, and boycotts are boycotted.

We, Feiyun Commercial Bank, are not easy to be bullied by the government!There is no one behind the house!
As long as there are guests, everything else is a small problem! "

Tian Youcai was in high spirits, apparently the opening of the business situation here made him very happy.

He was appointed as the big shopkeeper of Bian'an County as early as last year, and he was asked to come here to expand his business, but because of the Zhao family, the situation here has been unable to open up, which worried him badly.

I thought, if this year fails, he can only go back to the headquarters in despair and apply for transfer to other counties.

Unexpectedly, I received news suddenly some time ago, and immediately the original shop was directly expanded ten times, from the original plan of opening a small business to directly opening a shopping mall!

According to their internal planning of Feiyun Commercial Bank, they originally wanted to wait for the commercial bank to fully blossom in various counties of the Great Song Dynasty before gradually upgrading to the mall and opening it.

But the current situation in Bian'an County just happened to be at the right time, so after the above research, Dang even thought that he could simply use the model of the first experimental mall in Bian'an County, which is why Tian Youcai said today.

After hearing this, Zhou Lin was a little curious and immediately asked about the operation of the mall in detail. After Tian Youcai explained it clearly to him, Zhou Lin immediately applauded and praised:
"Anyone who can come up with such a method must be a great talent, such a big shop has everything you need.

The common people can buy all the things directly at once, which is not only convenient, but also the common people may be able to buy more if they look at other things and are tempted by putting so many items together.

In this way, the mall is not only selling things, but also selling other items.

The sale of the entire mall is much more than that of a single one. "

Speaking of this, Zhou Lin was a little curious again:
"Has the business of Feiyun Commercial Bank reached that big now? I just heard from Shopkeeper Tian that there are everything in the firm, ranging from embroidery needles to bed furniture. Is such a complete range of goods provided by your firm alone?"

Tian Youcai shook his head and said with a smile: "Zhou Shilang was joking. Although our firm covers a wide range of industries, it has never been able to cover all kinds of industries. Except for some items that our firm already deals in, the rest of the goods in the mall are provided by our firm and other merchants through supply agreements.

Selling their goods in this store can increase sales, and this store will earn an intermediary sales fee. In this way, it can not only supplement the types of items in this mall, but also earn a lot of intermediary fees. "

Zhou Lin nodded: "So that's the case, but even so. This is an amazing method. I really want to meet someone who can come up with this method."

Tian Youcai smiled and did not answer.

It was none other than Zhao Jun who came up with this method. Everyone who should know now knows that Feiyun Commercial Bank is the property of King Yun, but some people still don't know it, so naturally Tian Youcai will not be exposed. "

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Zhou Lin suddenly reminded: "Shopkeeper Tian, ​​you ruined their good deeds today, I'm afraid the Zhao family will retaliate sometime, so please be careful with your actions recently!"

That's right, Tian Youcai said confidently, "You don't have to worry Zhou Shilang. In terms of using force, our Feiyun Trading Company is not afraid of anyone!"

Seeing his confident appearance, Zhou Lin muttered a few times and finally did not continue to speak out the words of admonition because he felt that it was useless to speak out.

After a long time, the two left separately.

And some of the people who had left before had already hurried to the city, and immediately went to the busiest East Market as soon as they entered the city, and as expected, they saw a huge three-story building standing in the East Market.

Some time ago, this place was surrounded by black cloth, and no one knew what was going on inside. Now it finally showed up, which is really shocking.

There are three main entrances of this huge building!
What's even more exaggerated is that these three big doors are all made of transparent glass. Looking at the windows of this building, they are all glass windows. Through the windows, you can see all kinds of goods inside. Now someone has walked in and is walking around inside with a small wooden cart.

Such a luxurious decoration made the people who came to check it a little hesitant, but thinking of the difficulties they would face after going against the Zhao family, they gritted their teeth and walked in.

Carefully push open the glazed door, for fear of breaking the door.

This is Liuli's. If it is broken, even if they are sold, they will not be able to pay for it.

As soon as Grandma Liu enters the Grand View Garden, as soon as she enters the Feiyun Mall, the spacious environment and the dazzling array of goods immediately make everyone dizzy.

Under the guidance of two so-called shopping guides in strange costumes standing at the door, each took a small trolley, walked along the entrance, and everyone quickly entered this huge "shop".

The first thing to come in is the basic daily necessities such as rice, flour, grain and oil, and the price is written on the wooden sign.

Although most of the common people don't know it, but due to the pressure of life, they still know this kind of price word.

"What! Rice noodles cost seven cents a catty!"

An exclamation suddenly sounded in the crowd.

No wonder they are like this, it is the price of rice noodles here that shocked them. It should be noted that even in good years, the price of rice has never dropped below ten cents a catty!

Last year, due to weather problems, reduced grain production, and the Zhao family's monopoly, the price of grain in the entire Bian'an County, even old grain, reached 20 yuan a catty, while the price of new grain has reached [-] yuan, double the price!

But what did they see here, everyone can buy a catty of grain for only seven cents!
Even more shocking is yet to come.

"Look, there's still salt here!
This salt is so cheap!Thirty Wenjin, and it's all snowflake salt!
The salt in Zhao's shop sold for [-] yuan, and it was all bitter coarse salt! "

As soon as these words came out, it immediately attracted all the attention of the crowd. Everyone rushed to the big bucket with the salt brand on it, and someone reached out and twisted a little and put it in his mouth!
salty!All salty!
Whoa!It's really salt, snowflake salt without the slightest bitterness!
"Look, look, there are cloth sellers over there! The cloth here is so cheap!
The most common coarse cloth is only thirty cents a foot! "

"What! Thirty cents a foot, isn't the boss not doing business?"

Everyone swarmed over again, looking at the dazzling array of cloth on the shelves, including ordinary coarse cloth, linen cloth, floral cloth, cotton cloth, and even silk.

And at the top of the shelf is a gorgeous Shu brocade that dominates the place!

Everyone was dazzled and overjoyed.

After that, everyone saw a lot of things in the whole mall, and finally came to the conclusion that the things here are not only full of categories, but also the price is much cheaper than outside. Although I don't know how much money the store can make by selling it so cheap, but if it is cheap, don't take advantage of the bastard!
The common people decided to use the method of buying, buying, and buying to buy the store at a loss!

So, the big purchase started, and everyone immediately went home and informed the family members. When the people learned the price here, they also learned that many people knew about it.

So for fear of being robbed of everything, the family rushed over after taking the money.

At this time, Feiyun Commercial Bank, which was deserted just now, was surrounded by crowds, and the cashier at the front desk was even more busy, with a lot of people waiting in a long line to check out.

Immediately, the people who had just arrived didn't dare to be negligent when they saw this scene, and hurriedly joined the crowd and rushed in for a big purchase.

Rice, flour, grain, oil, salt, etc. are the best sellers. Everyone is afraid that they will be bought by others at such a low price. It is time and time again to empty the shopping malls and sell the goods in the barrels, so that the shop assistants can't supply the goods!
Fortunately, after being emptied by them more than a dozen times, everyone was relieved when they saw that the mall could still take out the goods from the warehouse, and there was no more clearing of goods.

But on the other side of the cloth, except for the top-quality silk and the top Shu brocade, the rest of the cloth has been emptied all the time.

The guys in charge of replenishing the goods are almost cursing their mothers. Several times, the goods have just been halfway delivered, and sharp-eyed customers have spotted them and resisted them!
The guy who was left was stunned and stared at the suddenly empty shoulders, but he didn't react for a while.

When Tian Youcai's projects of the day were summarized in the major cities, Tian Youcai's teeth showed when he looked at the financial statement and the gross profit margin of the day!

This mall is great!
Today alone, the twelve counties and twelve shopping malls in the entire Huangshan Prefecture sold a total of 350 million taels of silver. After deducting the 200 million taels to be paid to suppliers and their own operating costs, there will be 120 million taels left in the end!
That is to say, one day this year, the shopping malls in each county will have a profit balance of 10 taels!
This is 10 million taels!

A full 10 million taels!

Although he knew that it was because of the first day that there were so many, but after calm down, how can there be a daily flow of [-], right?
At that time, a mall will be 15 a day, 180 a month, and [-] in a house, which is [-] million taels.

If the business is expanded to the whole county, it will be profitable!

Tian Youcai gasped!
Some couldn't wait to look in the direction of Heyue Mansion.

Next, it depends on your methods, hurry up and become crazy, Zhao family, if you are not crazy, how could you perish!
If you don't perish, how can I make money!

The whole county!Just thinking about it makes my heart beat!

(End of this chapter)

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