Lord Moyu was forced to open

Chapter 400 The Daimyo who gave Zhao Jun a halo by himself, Gold and Silver Mine

Zhao Jun patted Ye Yin's shoulder and let go.

Ye Yin noticed that his strength in holding her had weakened, so she gave him a blank look, then got up and left.

Zhao Jun smiled, but when his face turned to the two Japanese daimyos kneeling at his feet, the expression on his face suddenly turned cold again.

"あなたたちはwho が?あなたたちの废身の名前をすべてはっきり言ったのですか."

(Who are you? State your identities and names clearly.)
Zhao Jun spit out an authentic Kyoto-accented Japanese with a correct accent. This is exactly the ability brought by his golden fingers. Not only the words, but even the words that he needs to be familiar with can be instantly mastered.

How did the two Japanese who were still shivering just now hear the familiar language, still with such a pure Kyoto accent, suddenly forgot the fear just now, opened their mouths wide, and looked up at Zhao Jun in shock.

Zhao Jun's eyes narrowed immediately!
Wang Huai'en on the side also immediately shouted: "Presumptuous! How dare you look directly at the true face of the prince!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Jun raised his foot and stomped the heads of the two of them to the ground one by one!
There was a loud noise on the ground.

The two of them only felt a buzzing in their heads, and the next moment a huge pain came from their heads, and they couldn't help screaming in pain because of the pain!

"Who allowed you to look up?"

Zhao Jun stomped the heads of the two on the floor one by one, and asked in a cold voice.

This voice is as cold as ice for thousands of years, like the deepest abyss in the endless ice field, it makes people tremble from the bottom of their hearts!
A feeling of coldness flooded the bodies of the two of them in an instant, and the two big names had no doubts. If the two of them said something wrong, the next moment the man in the Song dynasty would use his feet mercilessly, The heads of the two of them were crushed like a cold melon!

They don't want that, so they start desperately begging for mercy!
"Adult には申しエない! やめて! もう二度とできない! 私はわざとではありません. My lord ni生きる道を教えてください. お望いします!"

(I'm sorry, my lord! Let me go! I won't dare again! I didn't do it on purpose, please let me go! Please!)

Beg for mercy, say kind words, pretend to be pitiful, and pray that they can use almost all the methods they can think of, even if their head hurts like it's about to explode, but they dare not cry out that it hurts.

Zhao Jun looked at them coldly, and after a quarter of an hour, he snorted coldly and withdrew his feet.

The tense emotions of the two of them immediately relaxed, and they collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath, breathing desperately, like fish that have landed on the shore.

The endless joy of being saved from a desperate situation appeared on his face!
"No matter how good you look up at me without my king's permission, I'll goug out both of your eyes!"

"Yes yes yes! The villain understands! The villain understands!"

(I won’t use Japanese in the future, just translate it directly into Chinese, so you can save me from talking about me. Goofy!)

When the two heard Zhao Jun's cold voice, they knelt on the ground and kowtowed in agreement.

But then the two were taken aback.

What king?

Could it be that the man in front of him is actually the king of the Song people?

No wonder he is wearing such gorgeous clothes, no wonder he is like a god!
No wonder he looked down on the two of them so much!
This is the king!
Da Song, the king of a vast country with tens of millions of people, stands at the top of the crowd. It is only natural for him to despise the two of himself.

The two of us are just two medium-sized daimyos in Kagoshima, and it is an honor to be humiliated by such a person!
Even if Guan Bai, who is in the capital, sees this king, he will not be treated any better than himself and others!

Thinking of the excitement, the two of them almost looked up again to see this god-like man, but the pain in their heads made them soberly understand that gods are not to be profaned, and they must not do so without permission. Look straight at the gods!
The two of them aimed their heads firmly at the ground, not even daring to look around with their eyes.

Zhao Jun looked suspiciously at the two people who had a painful expression just now, but now seemed as excited as if they had won a 500 million prize.

I don't understand what these two people are thinking?
After being treated like this by myself and still smiling so happily, how did this brain circuit grow?

He really deserves to be a Japanese who has a good life in his childhood!
Sure enough, perverted!
Seeing the two of them laying quietly on the ground without saying a word, Zhao Jun immediately frowned and repeated his question.

The two were startled, they were so excited just now, they even forgot to answer the god's question.

"Hi! Great King! The villain is Yuki Oe, a daimyo from northern Kagoshima!"

"Hi! Great King! The villain is the daimyo Ueda Tsuneyuki from southern Kagoshima!"

"Kagoshima? North and South Daimyo?"

Zhao Jun squinted his eyes and thought: "It seems that the missing ship should have veered to Kagoshima, and then defeated the two villages that were fighting, and brought back these two daimyos."

Zhao Jun immediately asked again: "My people told me that you attacked them when they landed on the island?"

Ueda Tomoyuki and Oe Yuki hurriedly said:

"Great King, it's our fault. If we had known that those adults were your envoys, no matter what, we would never have dared to attack them!"

Zhao Jun snorted coldly, noncommittal, and then asked:
"Why are you fighting? How many people are there on Kagoshima?"

This time it was Oe Yuki who answered first: "Because of gold and silver mines! The great king we discovered gold and silver mines in Kagoshima, but he is in the middle of our dividing line, so in order to get more mines, we opened up."

Without the slightest hesitation, Oe Yuki explained the reason for the fight between the two.

On the side, Tomoyuki Ueda hurriedly added:
"Furthermore, this gold and silver madman has very rich reserves. Based on what we can see now, the gold and silver mines here can be mined for at least ten years, and 20 taels of silver per year is no problem!"

Zhao Jun was startled. In his previous life, he knew that Xiaotian was rich in gold and silver, but he didn't expect it to be true.

Gold and silver were actually discovered on an island that was accidentally encountered, and there were at least 200 million taels of silver output just by looking at the surface.

The reserve of this mine is really sufficient!

Immediately afterwards, the two answered the second question asked by Zhao Jun.

This time it was Ueda Tomoyuki who said first: "Great king, we have a population of more than 1000 and [-] people in the south of Kagoshima, and it is the village with the largest population in the whole island!"


Oe Yuki on the side suddenly became anxious, and hurriedly said: "Great king, we are the most populous in the north. We have a total of 1000, 72 people!"

Immediately, the two started arguing over the crowd over there.

"We have a lot of people in the south!"

"We have a lot of people in the north!"


"You're the one who farts!"

Zhao Jun, who was arguing between the two, had a headache, and immediately slapped the armrest hard and made a bang.

The two people who had been arguing just now fell silent, and their heads fell to the ground again.

"Hmph! The two villages together only have more than 2000 people, and the soldiers are estimated to only have a few hundred people.

You are actually a medium-sized daimyo?

ridiculous! "

Zhao Jun's cold words echoed in the hall.

The disdain in his tone was undisguised!

(End of this chapter)

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