Lord Moyu was forced to open

Chapter 409 Wusu official's tricks, Li Dingguo's secret weapon!

The arrows that hit the face shot the members of the Mitsui family who were charging into a hornet's nest in an instant.

Before they died, many people saw that the cherry blossoms in their hometown were in full bloom, and the cherry blossoms falling on their bodies pierced them like arrows, causing them to die among the cherry blossoms all over the ground.

It was as if I had returned to my hometown and died in the place where I grew up.

"Bah! The Japanese pirates are just doing tricks here? Still want to sneak attack, dreaming!"

Li Dingguo looked at the corpses on the ground covered with crossbow arrows with disdain, feeling extremely contemptuous in his heart.

After waving his hand, someone immediately stepped forward to drag the corpses down for disposal.

After Li Dingguo ordered his subordinates to clean up the mess, he took a group of brothers from the Japanese army to other places.

Over the years, the Mitsui family has stretched out their tentacles throughout the entire Wusu County, and there are countless people who have taken refuge in them. Even people in the yamen have been replaced by their people. All these will be liquidated this time.

The purge started all day long, and the Pingwa army seemed to be seen everywhere in Wusu County.

A family that usually watched the honest family being caught out, evidence of collusion with Japanese pirates was thrown in their faces, and they were all shot to death on the spot.

The prince has said that there is no need to save the lives of the Japanese pirates and colluders who hurt Song Dynasty, and they are not qualified even for mining.

The Pingwa army killed the entire Wusu county for a whole day, and many families were wiped out. The people were panicked at first, but when they saw that the Pingwa army only attacked those high-ranking families, they gradually became bolder.

After the Pingwa army cleared the field and left, they rushed into the homes of these rich families. Like these wealthy households, although the Pingwa army didn't like many things, these common people did!

Every time the Pingwa army left after taking over and scraping, the common people would always come out with a lot of smiles from ear to ear when they went in again.

Seats and benches, iron pans and shovels, copper mirrors for clothes, etc.

The Pingwa army was too busy to sell and didn't want them, so the common people picked them up.

Later, the Pingwa army was followed by more and more people who wanted to take advantage of it. Li Dingguo was very helpless when he saw it, but in the end, in order to prevent accidents, he could only order his subordinates to warn these people to stay fifty steps away from the army and approach them. The survivors were all arrested and beaten with army sticks.

This makes the people who want to follow closely dare not follow too closely.

When the Pingwa army settled a wealthy household, just after they left, a large group of common people rushed in the next moment.

This kind of spectacle lasted until the Pingwa army came to the gate of the county government. Everyone looked at the majestic county government that dared not approach, and then they were shocked and left in a hurry.

It's not good to go in and pick up cheap, don't go in and get food and money!

The news of the Pingwa Army's arrival was soon known by Huang Tiansheng, and the magistrate of Wusu County came out frowning.

When he came to the door and looked at Li Dingguo who was riding a big horse surrounding the entire yamen, Huang Tiansheng questioned:
"General Li, what do you mean?
Isn't it enough to kill so many people today?

This is to come to our county government to kill a few to make up the number? "

Li Dingguo shook his head: "Magistrate Huang was joking, so naturally Li didn't come here to make up the numbers?"

"Then why are you here?"

Huang Tiansheng asked.

Li Dingguo raised his whip in his hand, pointed at Li Yishu, the magistrate of Wusu County who was hiding behind Huang Tiansheng, and shouted: "Kazuki Murakami, how long do you want to hide, do you think we don't know your identity?"


When Li Dingguo said this, before the identified Li Yishu said anything, Huang Tiansheng was startled immediately, his eyes rolled, and then he jumped out of his place in shock, and turned around in shock A gloomy Li Yishu.

Or Kazuki Murakami!

The Japanese language came out of his mouth, and the next moment, Zhang Heming, the county magistrate, was held hostage by him, and a short knife was directly pressed against Zhang Heming's neck, and traces of bright red blood slowly emerged from the knife edge!
"Don't move! I'll kill him if you're not afraid! He's a high-quality official in your Song Dynasty! If he dies, you'll all suffer!"

Kazuki Murakami stared fiercely at the crowd and threatened.

As the hostage, Zhang Heming was stunned for a while before he realized that he was being held hostage, and the cold touch on his neck told him that he might be stabbed by his former colleague at any time!

With a mournful face, he hurriedly said:

"Brother Yishu! We just went to Taohualou together yesterday, please let me go! Don't kill me! I paid for the flower wine you drank yesterday!"


Speaking of this, Kazuki Murakami's face became even more fierce. He pressed the knife on Zhang Heming's neck with force, and Zhang Heming dared to feel the pain and hurriedly shut his mouth.

Kazuki Murakami said angrily:

"You are so bad, you paid the bill with my money when I was drunk! You despicable and shameless Baga!

The salary I just received yesterday was used up by you!
idiot! ! ! ! "

The more he talked, the angrier Kazuki Murakami became, his eyes turned red!
Feeling his gradually increasing strength, Zhang Heming burst into tears. The retribution of using colleagues' money to pay the girl's fare must have come too soon!
Seeing the county magistrate Huang Tiansheng on the opposite side, he hurried to ask for help.

"Xianzun, save me! Huh, huh..."

At this time, Huang Tiansheng had already retreated to Li Dingguo's side, and he couldn't help thinking in his heart, fortunately, he was smart, otherwise, as the most official, maybe that guy would hold him hostage.

Also, Zhang Heming went too far, actually using his colleague's salary to pay for the female fare, no wonder he suffered this retribution!
But he completely forgot that it was he who started it.

When he first came here, because he had just become an official and had no money in his pocket, he often said that he would invite Zhang Heming to go shopping in brothels, and when he got drunk, he would use his money to pay for the girls.

Later, this kid learned to be good, and he was no longer willing to go shopping with him in the brothel, so he didn't trick him again.

Unexpectedly, he actually learned this set and used it to cheat the new county lieutenant who just took office not long ago.

This is all right, the retribution came too fast, like a tornado, you can't even hide!
After hearing this gossip, Li Dingguo and others couldn't help but feel speechless at the integrity of this Wusu county official, how could he do this?

But the morals of Wusu County officials belong to morals, and things still have to be done.

Li Dingguo raised the simple knife in his hand, pointed at Kazuki Murakami and said, "Now, immediately, let him go, or you will regret it!"

Kazuki Murakami recovered from the fact that his salary was taken away by his colleague to pay for the girl ticket, and sneered, "If you let him go, I will really regret it!
You people of the Song Dynasty have a bad conscience, and there are too many conspiracies and schemes!
If you want me to let him go, don't even think about it! "

As he spoke, he exerted force on his hands, and more blood flowed down from Zhang Heming's neck, in exchange for Zhang Heming's more panicked cry for help.

"General Li, help the county magistrate! I don't want to die. The magistrate cheated me of money and I haven't returned it. I don't want to die now!"


Huang Tiansheng became anxious immediately, and scolded angrily: "Since when did this county cheat you of your money, don't you want to tarnish this county's reputation!"

After speaking, Huang Tiansheng immediately turned to Li Dingguo and said:

"General Li, the suppression of the Japanese is the intention of the imperial court. For the sake of the overall situation, the officials of Wusu County and I have the courage to sacrifice. Presumably Zhang Xiancheng is also the same!

The general doesn't have to be scruples, let his subordinates shoot arrows and kill the Japanese spy!
We will all remember the achievements of Zhang Xiancheng! "

Li Dingguo looked at Huang Tiansheng, who had a careless and awe-inspiring expression, but was speechless when he said the cruelest words. Would you like to listen to what you are saying?
And Zhang Heming on the opposite side has already started to curse:

"Huang Tiansheng, I fucked your mother, you want me to die so much!
To sacrifice yourself!I do not want!asshole!
asshole! ! ! "

After hearing this, Huang Tiansheng replied with a crying voice without changing his face:

"Zhang Xiancheng, I already know your courage and perseverance to sacrifice for the country and the court! You can go at ease, I will take care of your wives and concubines for you! You can rest assured!"

"Bastard! Bastard! Bastard!!!!!! Let me go! I'm going to kill him!!!"

"Baga! Be honest!"

The angry Zhang Heming was about to go crazy, and under his anger, he broke free from Kazuki Murakami's control, and rushed towards Huang Tiansheng like an angry bull.

At this moment, while Kazuki Murakami was still in a daze, he heard a bang.

A burst of white smoke filled behind Li Dingguo.

A scorched black hole appeared on Kazuki Murakami's forehead, and he fell straight to the ground.


(End of this chapter)

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