Lord Moyu was forced to open

Chapter 485 Chapter 484

Following Zhao Duan's narration, Zhao Ming seriously suspected that his father used the records of Taohuayuan to deceive himself.

For a big city that accommodates nearly 300 million people, you must know that Bianjing only has about one million people.

How can there be a huge city in this world that can accommodate 300 million people?
The people have food in every house, but no food, and there are not even beggars on the street. This is even more impossible!

Even in the city of Bianjing, it is inevitable that there are people who cannot eat enough to eat, and there are beggars everywhere.

The most intractable disease in the world is the disease of poverty. How could it be possible that in a city with a population of 300 million, there would be no hungry people, no disheveled people, no wandering beggars?
This is simply impossible!

Why is it that everyone in the city has work to do, and the major workshops are still short of people, so much so that they have to buy slaves to work, but the government stipulates that the ratio of employees to slaves in a workshop must be [-]%. Without enough people, there cannot be so many slaves.

This also led to the fact that as long as the people in Yunzhou County were willing to work, they would not be short of food or clothing.

This is simply impossible!

Even in Bianjing, there are still a lot of people without work. If it is according to what the father said, then isn't this Yunzhou County the place recorded in the Peach Blossom Spring?

Zhao Duan didn't want to believe a word of Zhao Duan's description of Yunzhou County's praise, but looking at his father's sworn look and the extremely serious look on his words, he had some doubts in his heart.

Is it possible or is it really not possible?

If this is true, then Lao Liu really has means!

But before seeing it with his own eyes, Zhao Ming would still have doubts about all this, but he would not say it out loud. Since his father said so, he would just listen to it.

But when Zhao Duan said that those old monsters were going to ambush him, Zhao Ming couldn't help feeling tense, and hurriedly asked, "Father, are you okay?"

Zhao Duan shook his head and said: "You don't know that the sixth boy is silent, but unexpectedly he has practiced martial arts, even Li Bubai, the strongest among those old monsters, is no match for him.

But the others were not his opponents against Cao Daban, they were all blocked, and finally the Second Emperor arrived in time to seal the battle.

Not only did this ambush not hurt me, but it also wiped out these confidants in one fell swoop.

I have been trapped in this imperial city all these years and dare not go out. Aren't I just afraid of being ambushed by these old monsters?
Now that they are dead, this can be considered as a shackle, which is indeed a good thing. "

Zhao Duan didn't know why, but concealed the matter about Yunzhou County's firearms from Zhao Ming, and only vaguely explained it with a misleading sentence. Zhao Ming naturally had no doubts.

He first complained:

"Father, the sixth younger brother has good martial arts this time, and you are accompanied by Cao Daban, so you escaped the catastrophe.

But if you don't have these conditions next time, your behavior is very dangerous.

If you are injured, what will Da Song do? "

After finishing speaking, Zhao Ming turned his head to Cao Shuang and bowed his hands sincerely: "Cao Daban is thanks to you for saving your father's life by your side this time. As a son of man, I am very grateful!"

How could Cao Shuang dare to accept this gift, so he hurriedly stepped aside and bowed: "What did His Royal Highness say, it is the slave's duty to protect His Majesty as His Majesty's close servant, and His Highness should not be like this. Already!"

Although he said this, as the prince, Zhao Ming could treat him like this, which made Cao Shuang feel very comfortable, and his affection for the prince suddenly became even greater.

"Cao Daban is too modest, you should accept this palace's gift, since Cao Daban doesn't want to accept this palace's gift, then if Cao Daban can help me with anything in the future, please just ask Cao Daban, I will definitely do my best!"

Zhao Ming made a promise.

Cao Shuang still didn't dare to speak.

Zhao Duan was drinking tea, quietly watching the two people come out, his face was calm, without any expression.

After making room for each other, Zhao Ming re-talked about the warrior attack and asked, "Father, have you dealt with the sects of these warriors who came to attack? You can't let them go lightly. These warriors help the tyrants to oppress the people and disrupt the order in the local area together with those aristocratic families, which is a harm to the local area.

This time they even dared to attack the emperor. If I don't teach them an unforgettable lesson, I, Da Song, will be so convinced! "

"Is it just a lesson?" Zhao Duan asked suddenly.

Zhao Ming was taken aback, Zhao Duan glanced at him, and then continued: "The old monsters who could threaten me are all dead this time, and I don't have to endure them anymore. After I return to Beijing, King Zhenxi They have already brought 5000 Tianwu army guards, plus the 10 troops that have been sent to Haifu County, a total of [-] people, and have begun to clear their mountain gates one by one."

Zhao Ming was startled, and hurriedly said: "But father and those warriors are hidden in the deep mountains and dense forests, and they can't be wiped out so easily. If they have nowhere to go because of this, they start to make trouble everywhere, wouldn't the country want to kill them?" A big mess?"

Zhao Duan shook his head, punched the table hard and gritted his teeth:

"No, I and Second Emperor Uncle have been preparing for this day for a full 20 years, and we already know the location of their mountain gate.

It's just because those old monsters are still there that Second Emperor Uncle is not sure that he can catch them, so he has endured until now.

Now those few old monsters are dead, and the remaining small fish and shrimps are in the hands of the second emperor's uncle, but they are just fish on the chopping board, which can be destroyed with a flip of the palm.

This time, it doesn't matter whether they go to heaven or go to earth, even if they are arrested by a three-foot ladder, I will definitely wipe them out completely! "

Seeing Zhao Duan gnashing his teeth, Zhao Duan didn't say anything more. He also understood that his father had been trapped in Bianjing because of these warriors all these years, and what these warriors did in the local area had made his father Their patience has reached the limit, and this time they finally seized the opportunity, and the emperor will definitely not leave them a chance to make a comeback.

After thinking for a while, he said: "In this case, why didn't the father wipe out those families together?
With 10 troops and the leadership of King Zhenxi, those aristocratic families must not be able to resist, right? "

Zhao Duan glanced at him and sighed leisurely.

When Zhao Ming didn't understand why, Zhao Duan asked: "And then?"


Zhao Ming didn't understand what Zhao Duan meant.

Zhao Duan then asked:

"After these aristocratic families are removed, what will happen to the power vacuum in the local area? Also, the reason why these aristocratic families can be called aristocratic families is because they have been in the local area for many years, and their tentacles have already penetrated deeply into the local area. In all aspects, if they are uprooted at once, the place will inevitably be affected.

The imperial court now simply does not have that much manpower and material resources to quell these influences, nor does it have that many officials to fill the power vacuum after their removal.

But if the court does not do this and allows these places to develop at will, then a new family may reappear at any time by taking advantage of the power vacuum. How will everything be different from before?

It's not that the imperial court can't take away the aristocratic family, but the imperial court must be fully prepared before doing this.

After these aristocratic families are taken away, the imperial court must be able to gather power back into the hands of the imperial court in a timely manner, and be able to quickly calm down the negative impact caused by the aristocratic families being taken away, so as not to affect the local area too much.

But now the imperial court is not prepared for this at all, and after hastily sweeping away the aristocratic families in various places, the final result is that the localities will become extremely chaotic, even worse than when the aristocratic families were there before.

So if you want to do anything, you have to think about his aftermath.Instead of talking nonsense, thinking about it is always coming out, you must pay attention to this point, Prince, and don't do it again! "

Zhao Ming understood, bowed his head in shame:
"I'm not thinking about it, son."

"It's not that you didn't think about it, you owed a lesson. As the saying goes, you learn a lot from a pitfall. You haven't suffered from this aspect, so you don't know how powerful this aspect is."

Speaking of this, Zhao Duan's thoughts seemed to return to the past, and a look of memory appeared on his face.


(End of this chapter)

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