Chapter 111 Housing
Jiang Quhan squatted down, wiped the sweat from the boy's forehead, and asked, "What are you and your sister doing squatting there?"

"We're playing with ants." Zhang Jianjun replied obediently, and then asked, "Mom, are you still dizzy? You scared my sister and me to death today."

Jiang Quhan patted his head, hugged Zhang Meng again, and said, "I'm much better, are you two alone at home? Where are the others?"

Although Zhang Jianjun is young, he knows a lot of things. He answered clearly: "Grandma went to Auntie Hongtao's house to borrow brown sugar, uncle Chunya and the others went to work and haven't come back yet, Fugui and Zhizhi Went out to play."

Chunya is the youngest daughter left by Zhang Dashan’s former wife. She is less than 10 years old this year, and she is already going to earn work points with adults at such a young age. Usually, the work assigned to such a big child is not heavy. Scattered work such as mowing grass for pigs and picking up cow dung can earn two or three work points a day.

Fugui and Zhizhi are the son and daughter of Wang Yinhuasheng, the daughter-in-law married after Zhang Dashan. Zhang Fugui is one year younger than Zhang Jianjun and only 5 years old this year. Zhang Zhizhi is more than 3 years old this year and slightly older than Zhang Meng.

Their four children are all about the same age, and they usually play together.Jiang Quhan asked: "Why didn't you two go out to play together?"

"When we were playing outside, we saw my mother being helped back, so my sister and I came back together. Grandma said that my mother was not feeling well, and told us to guard her." Zhang Jianjun is a small man, but his words are serious .

Jiang Quhan usually has little contact with such a young child, and he doesn't have any siblings, let alone nephews or nieces.

She was almost amused by Zhang Jianjun's appearance.Couldn't help boasting: "You're so cute."

Zhang Jianjun was praised, he puffed out his small chest, held Zhang Meng's hand, and said, "My sister is also good."

This time, Jiang Quhan really smiled, and she echoed: "Well, my sister is also good, you are all great, now that my mother is well, you can go out and play."

Zhang Jianjun looked up at Jiang Quhan with a small face, not worried, but also wanted to go out to play.

Zhang Meng asked Zhang Jianjun to hold her hand, and said to her brother, "Play, play."

Jiang Quhan patted Zhang Jianjun's hair lightly, and said, "Go, grandma will be back in a while, mother is fine."

Only then did Zhang Jianjun happily lead Zhang Meng out together.

Children, there is no one who doesn't want to play wildly with their friends every day. The children in the countryside are also free-range. As long as they can walk, the big ones will take the small ones and run around all over the village.

Today at this house, tomorrow at that house, some ghostly and sensible children know to go home for dinner as soon as it is time to eat, some are stupid and clumsy, and every time they eat, they have to be called by their parents all over the village to know to go home.

After Jiang Quhan waited for the two of them to go out to play, he walked around the house.The structure of the house is also in Li Yulan's memory, but it is not as intuitive as Jiang Quhan's seeing it with her own eyes.

The houses are all made of adobe bricks. There are three main rooms, the middle one is the room where Mrs. Wang lives, the one on the right is the room of Zhang Dashan and Wang Yinhua, and the one on the left is the room of Zhang Qingshan and Li Yulan.

There are also three rooms on the west side, but the roofs of the three rooms are tiled, and the roofs of the three rooms are thick thatch. There is a room with newer adobe bricks, which should be made later, and the door is closed. Han didn't go in either, it was probably the room where Zhang Chunya's three children lived.

There are no doors in the other two rooms, one is probably the kitchen, probably because there is a clay stove in the room with a big opening above it, and there is no pot on it, only a small clay stove next to it, On top stood a mason jar.

There is a large water tank next to it, half the height of a person. The semicircular wooden cover only covers one side, and the other semicircular wooden cover half rests on it.

There is also a wooden cupboard in the room, which contains several large porcelain bowls and a few pairs of bamboo chopsticks.

There is another room where most of the firewood is piled up, and there are two brooms, one is made of bamboo and is very large. It should be used for sweeping the yard. It must have been used for a long time, and the front is a little barren.The other one should also be made of some kind of plant, Jiang Quhan doesn't know it.

There are also two wooden buckets and poles placed by the door, and two dung pans and some miscellaneous small utensils are placed on the other side of the firewood, piled up in a mess.

There is only one adobe brick house on the east side, also with a thatched roof, and this should be the other one built later.

Jiang Quhan also went in to have a look. It was similar to the kitchen on the west side. There was only one earthen stove without a pot, and there was also a small earthen stove next to it with an earthen pot on it.The water tank in this room is shorter and smaller than the one in the previous room.

It was tightly covered by a round wooden lid, Jiang Quhan picked up the lid, there was not much water inside, and there was also a gourd water ladle.The bowl of water that Zhang Jianjun brought when I just woke up was probably scooped from it.

There is no cupboard in this room, but a place to put the bowls was built with a few wooden boards and earth clods.There are several large rough porcelain bowls, several pairs of bamboo chopsticks, and an aluminum lunch box on it.

This kind of lunch box is not available in every household in this era, it was brought by Zhang Qingshan when he came back.

This kitchen was originally used as a house, and it was larger than the old kitchen on the west side, and some firewood was piled on the other side of the house.

When the family was divided, the house of Mrs. Wang in the middle of the main house was taken as the middle line, the one on the west belonged to Zhang Dashan's family, and the one on the east and west belonged to Zhang Qingshan.

Strictly speaking, the distribution of this family is not very fair, Zhang Dashan's house occupies a lot.But the separation was proposed by Zhang Qingshan, and he didn't want to argue too much with Wang Yinhua, a woman, and he seldom spent time at home on weekdays, and the relationship between brothers was not easy to make it too ugly.

The things in the house can be divided, basically all are divided, but there are some things that are only the same, such as buckets, shoulder poles, hoes and brooms, which are shared by everyone first.

In fact, the room in Chaifang was said to be shared by the two brothers when the family was separated, but that room was next to Zhang Dashan's kitchen, and most of it was used by Wang Yinhua and the others.

At the beginning, Li Yulan would still carry firewood from that room for use, but it was not very convenient to move it around later on, so she simply created a place in her kitchen to store her own firewood. , she used even less.

(End of this chapter)

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