It rained once or twice, but the few drops of rain were only enough to moisten the soil, and putting large quantities of fry could only be put on hold temporarily.

The matter of the captain to organize the application for food also came to fruition, but in the end there was no result.

Jiang Quhan's previous suggestions had to be adopted.

After eating like this for more than half a month, the food in the lobby finally started to reduce. Although there are still three meals a day, two meals have changed from dry rice to porridge.And the food is getting less and less.

In the first two days, the team members had no complaints. After all, they had eaten a full meal for so long, and it would be nice to have something thinner to change the taste occasionally.

But after three days, they still ate like this, and many people had opinions. Even if they were full, the porridge would make them hungry quickly. Those half-grown men and those who did heavy labor did not make much difference between eating and not eating. I'll be hungry in no time.

The food in the big cafeteria is not as much as before, and the portion has already been stipulated, especially the two meals of porridge. If it is a bit hard and taken away later, it is not much different from water.

Many people complained to the team leader, but there was no food, and the team leader was helpless.

Only then did everyone realize the seriousness of the problem.

When the brigade's food was dwindling day by day, and it seemed that they would run out of food in a short time, Jiang Quhan began to slowly transport food to the brigade.

These grains were negotiated with people in the town and the factory of the county unit before, but they have not been transported to the brigade.

She waited for everyone to understand the current situation before she started to get food for the team.

The food she got through all the hard work was not a lot, and Jiang Quhan didn't want everyone to continue to think that there was no shortage of food and eat it like before.

These grains can only make everyone not hungry, and it is an extravagant hope to be full.

In any case, it can be regarded as alleviating the tension of food shortage.Save some food, and you can last for a while.

In another two or three months, the first batch of chickens, ducks, geese, and dolphins will grow up, and there will be eggs and duck eggs by then.

I was hungry, and the production could not be stopped. The little meat that the team members had raised in the past two or three months, was hungry and thin again in less than half a month.

Jiang Quhan insisted on eating the food in the big cafeteria for a few days, and then started a small stove at home, not to mention the children in the family who also ate with sallow faces. She had thought about cooking and eating at her own home for a long time.

The iron pot at home has been brought back, and the cooking skills she bought have played a role. Every night when she boils hot water, she will cook something to eat, sometimes steamed buns, sometimes noodles, sometimes cornmeal pancakes, If I came back early, I would cook a few dishes.

These grains were bought with her own money ticket when she was getting food for the brigade.

There is no shortage of food stamps and money Jiang Quhan, not to mention that the previous ones are not very useful, and Zhang Qingshan has sent some back in the past few months.

The money in the game can't be taken out, Jiang Quhan has no idea of ​​saving, and she brings Zhang Dashan's family with her extra meals every night.

Wang Yinhua almost regarded her as her own sister. Some farm work in the family, such as feeding chickens, ducks and pigs, was undertaken by Wang Yinhua.

He also often told Zhang Dashan and Zhang Chunya: "You should also have good eyesight. My younger siblings are very busy all day long. The water and firewood at home are gone. They should be replenished in time. Don't wait until she is useless to find out. "

Several children in the family also like Jiang Quhan, because she often brings some fruits, candies, snacks and various snacks, many of which they have never eaten before.

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