Beauty and Marriage

Chapter 151 Mom's Dress

Chapter 151 Mom's Dress

Then, what she got was people's disgust and disgust for her. No one likes to hear someone complaining about themselves over and over again!Losing people's concern, she still has to continue to accept the ominous things people said about her.

In those days, if anything happened to the family, it was ominous for women, and it was also very scary.What kind of courage does a person who is not seen by others have to survive?no courage!There must be at least one person who understands you, at least one person who is happy to see you, at least one person who can talk to you, at least one thing you are willing to do...

What finally broke Mrs. Xianglin was not letting her participate in "Blessing".It was something she was good at and made her feel appreciated and recognized.The world's last appreciation and recognition for her no longer exists!She completely lost her fighting spirit as a human being.There was nothing else in the world worth cheering her up about.

Once a person's will dies, that person is truly dead.At this point, it became natural for Mrs. Xianglin to leave this world!
It's strange in our time, while advocating the status of women, we forget the status of mothers!For their own career, for their own family, let mothers complete those family affairs that they cannot take care of at the same time, and very few people regard this as the contribution of their parents to themselves.

I often hear colleagues in the company say that when I am at home on vacation, I am treated like a princess. I stretch out my clothes to eat and open my mouth, and I go back to gain weight.Speaking of that happiness, that self-satisfied appearance is really happy to see!However, I have already come out to work, and I have already reached the age to take care of myself and even take care of my parents. My parents still treat us like little princesses. Do we treat our parents like kings and queens?
Only after I became a family did I realize that someone has to do housework, but most of the children nowadays can't do it.I still don't know how to do a lot of housework, but it's nothing to be proud of.People who live with me will definitely suffer a little bit!It makes me so sorry, and of course very grateful.

Among them is the mother!Mother mainly, her cognition is very different from ours.I am very aware of all her sacrifices and what she has undertaken for us, and I am very grateful.

It's just that when we couldn't get together, I must have conveyed a lot of inappropriate information to her. Many of these words were disapproval of her. I knew that these words of disapproval would hurt her, so every time The first time I talked about her, I felt very uncomfortable, but she always smiled and passed.

I don't know more and more whether it's really passed, or she put it in her heart and doesn't argue with me!And gradually losing her personal fighting spirit!
I'm so glad I can still see my mother happily making skirts for herself!I think there is at least one thing you want to do so badly that you don't let your life down!
Obviously, mom has things she wants to do, and I know there are many, many, many things besides making dresses!

It's just that no one supports her except for raising children and other things!Moreover, the child needs someone to take care of it. Everyone else seems to have more important and serious business. Only the mother, anyway, she doesn't understand anything and can't do big things, so it's perfect for her to take care of the child.

Dad and sister both think so!
And I, not my child, I couldn't speak, and when I did, I quarreled with my sister. After the quarrel, everyone would think that I was meddling and didn't let me take care of the child.Mom didn't say she didn't want to take care of the baby!
Mom is really weird at this point, I couldn't understand her from beginning to end.Obviously she doesn't like to take care of children, every time as long as I am here, she will 100% leave the child to me, otherwise, with my short vacation, so few seeing Haohao and Xiaobao, how can I have so much with them of interaction.Because, as long as I am here, time is 100% paid.This is the case, but my mother never said that she didn't want to take care of the child.

She likes children, and if you don't let her take her with you, you may feel lonely, but if you give her 24 hours, she will actually collapse!However, the words that she doesn't want to have children have always come from me, not from her!So, it's only natural that my sister doesn't like me!I not only provoked her marriage, but also provoked her relationship with her mother.

And the reason why I provoke is entirely because I have suffered a lot because of them, many sufferings that I don't want to suffer!
Such as losing beautiful holidays, such as maternity leave but having to take care of her, such as hearing them complain about life...

I finally became a silent person in front of them. When my mother threw the child to me, I would silently help them take care of it. If my sister’s house was lacking, I would bring it along. When they complained, I would just listen and not speak.

Mom is complaining about her sister again, saying that her sister does everything in her own hands, which makes her tired, and she and her father suffer with her too!
Mom says she has lots of great ideas, and she can turn the fabric my sister was about to throw away into a stylish dress!My sister only wants her to take care of the children. If there were no two children, she would have already taken care of those pieces of cloth...

To be honest, the skirts made by my mother do not conform to my aesthetics. Although, I also like the clothes that are in the middle of the standard, with a little trendy element, simple and generous!But what my mother made was too tacky, and she thought it was very classic!
I can only say that my mother hasn't gone shopping for a long time!It's not about mom!

In the past, I might be angry, let me take the baby for a day, her masterpiece is so vulgar!But now I am not like this!I know, I can't talk to my own mother like that.

I said it suits her well.

When I was in college, a classmate taught me. When we went shopping together, she told me that the clothes were not good-looking and not very polite. If you don’t like it, just say it suits you!She will know what I mean.

Thinking of that time, it was really leisurely!How wonderful it would be if people were always at that time!Even if you play every day, Mom and Dad are still full of joy for you!From time to time, I would ask you about your health, worrying about whether you have enough money!Now, just ask me to share the pressure of life.

My sister’s business is said to be doing well, but she has been in a state of shortage of funds all year round, because of the pressing of goods, because of labor, because of rent, warehouse rent, logistics costs, and even utility bills. , maybe everything will go to waste!The current industry is really difficult to do, especially the clothing is so saturated, she insists on breaking into it to share a piece of cake!Or make high-end clothing with very high cost!Naturally, he was overwhelmed.

(End of this chapter)

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