Beauty and Marriage

Chapter 98 I Want Romantic Love Too

Chapter 98 I Want Romantic Love Too

Although Xiaojia and the others spent four or five hours driving back and forth, they were extremely satisfied just to see the stars and eat a meal of seafood!Sometimes you really don’t need to think so much, you need to be comfortable and consider the overall situation, happiness is the most important thing!Xiaojia and her generation still live a more unrestrained life than us!

When you fall in love, you still have to go to a place with stars, a place where you can go without boundaries, run, laugh wantonly, make noise wantonly, return to nature, and release your nature!
Xiaojia brought us back seafood, and proudly said that they went out with the fishing boat to catch the fish themselves. Big, fat, and full of energy, and what's even better is that watching the sunrise from a fishing boat is a wonderful thing.

My envy is very obvious, even if they do something, I will pull Tang Yufeng to do it, completely disrupting what he originally said, those who cook at least once a week, watch a movie a month, take Shi Yun goes out to play once a year, and travels no less than a week once a year.Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and more!I heard Xiaojia say what they did, so I dragged Tang Yufeng there, because I am a pragmatic person, and if I don't listen to what they say, I don't know what else I can do.

So I planned to go fishing with Tang Yufeng again and watch the sunrise on the sea.

But I can't temporarily revolt like Xiao Jia, just leave as soon as I say it!In order to go to the sea, you need to prepare sun protection, food on the way, and a change of clothes. In that case, do you have to carry a big bag on your back, or just pull the suitcase?I need to book a hotel, or buy a tent. Tents are needed, because Shiyun thinks it’s fun, so I have to book a hotel. Shiyun’s health is still the most important thing. First of all, I have to check the weather. Be foolproof!After all, it's not easy to make a fuss when you're old and have a child.I have to make sure the child is as comfortable as possible!

It is really not easy to follow Xiaojia and their love footsteps, even hiking is not easy for me, I am actually a comfortable person, I am too lazy!
Xiaojia and the others signed up for a hiking activity, and I also dragged Tang Yufeng to sign up, and kept saying that I wanted to strengthen my physique. The important thing is that I think it will be a particularly unforgettable memory to participate in such activities that challenge ourselves together. The relationship between me and Tang Yufeng is too plain, I always feel that there is some flavor missing!
Turns out blind obedience was wrong!It even made me want to be old, but Tang Yufeng refused to accept it. He dragged me to complete the whole hike. After walking for a whole day, my feet were numb with pain, and my legs were paralyzed for several days. This kind of self-challenging activity is clearly self-harm Well!However, this self-mutilation has just begun. Tang Yufeng dragged me to the fitness center to sign up, and asked me to go to the gym with him often. I said I would take care of the children, but I didn't have time!
He bought a few fitness equipment at home, and urged me to exercise for half an hour every day. In fact, no matter how busy I was, I could still spare half an hour!But people are lazy, I don't want to, but I like him, even if I don't want to, I still want to cater to him!Just stick to it!

I really shouldn't be messing around with Xiaojia and the others!Just listen to their love story, just like I have been watching it on TV!Tang Yufeng and I are suitable for living a planned and steady life.The truth is so, but I still feel unwilling!

Xiaojia will go to see Lin Zhenghua's trial, and think that Lin Zhenghua's work is really cool and full of sense of justice!I will hit Xiaojia, understand?It's actually my jealousy!Because Tang Yufeng seldom goes to court, most of the cases he handles are economical, and he always seeks to solve the problem through mediation, and even in court, it is so boring that I doze off!
Xiao Jia works as a volunteer in the museum, almost all of Lin Zhenghua's friends have been invited to visit the museum by him!Every time he said that people insisted on dragging him, Xiaojia wanted to bear it!As a result, once, after a group of students visited the museum, Lin Zhenghua told Xiao Jia that the teacher leading the group was his mother, and beat Xiao Jia to death angrily!Then ask him to help analyze whether she was rude just now, because children always have personalities and are not restrained. She felt that in the process of explaining, did she emphasize discipline too many times, and the tone she used would not Will it be too tough, will it make Lin Zhenghua's mother think that she is a particularly brutal girl!

Lin Zhenghua said that he didn't think it was barbaric at first, but after seeing Xiao Jia beat her son like this, he should be able to!

Xiao Jia looked around in a panic, thinking that Lin Zhenghua's mother hadn't left yet, but Lin Zhenghua laughed at her severely, but lost her temper!

I was in their law firm when I told Tang Yufeng about this matter, and then Tang Yufeng looked at me vigilantly and said, "You don't want to fight with me in my office, do you?"

"Good idea!" I really patted him on the arm, and said that by coincidence, his assistant came in at this time!Oh no!

The little girl thoughtfully retreated and closed the door.

I thought Tang Yufeng would say "No embarrassment!" But he said "On the importance of closing the door!"

Xiaojia said that they signed up for a rock climbing competition and invited us to watch it!Participating in such extreme sports is really enviable, and I can only be envious!People should really squander their movable bodies while they are young!

No, I'm not old, but I don't have the ambition to become a hero, so just stay aside and be a person applauding for heroes!
Lin Zhenghua won No.1 in the competition and proposed to Xiaojia with the trophy. I don't know how to describe my excitement. The plots in idol dramas are so vulgar, but they happened in front of my eyes, and I was shocked. common things!Champions in reality are much more difficult and valuable than those in TV dramas. Before going on the stage, everyone is full of heroism. I feel that everyone may become the first person to reach the top. Sports are the most intuitive way to show the fighting spirit. The tiny gap between No.1 and No.2, even the last place is something to be proud of, how exciting is the person who won the first place.An ordinary person like me dare not expect such a person to appear by his side.In the end, he appeared, and Xiaojia became the heroine!The happiness that attracts everyone's attention will appear in front of my eyes!Xiaojia laughed, but I cried!I have never been proposed, I just became a wife in such a muddle, and I always feel that I am the happiest person in the world!And humbly think that he has the best man in the world!

Xiao Jia's marriage proposal was such a sensation!Makes me suddenly want to take pity on myself!

Tang Yu asked me wittily, "Do I owe you a romantic proposal?"

I shook my head "I think you should chase me again!"

"Hopefully it's a little harder this time!" he said.

Pissed me off!

(End of this chapter)

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