Chapter 304 [Come on! fighting! 】

"Go, go, go!"

Little Peanut shouted in Chinese and kept sending signals to Chu Ge.

"OK, it's easy to kill."

Theshy nodded.

JackeyLove's face was full of astonishment.

Good guys, it’s interesting that the two Korean players communicated in Chinese!

Although Theshy's Chinese is not very good, he can barely communicate with others at basic level. However, in comparison, Peanut's Chinese is much better than Theshy's.

hard to believe.

It was obviously Theshy who came to the LPL first, but it turned out that Xiaohuahua's Chinese was better.

at this time.

The prince finally walked out of the grass.

At this time, the army line in front of the first tower on the road has been cleared, and the crocodile still has about half of its health, but it has been successfully upgraded to level 3 and has 100 points of anger!

In fact, what Chu Ge brought about this time was purification.

Little Peanut knows this too.

But purification only removes control, not eliminates damage.

Crocodile used a red fury W, followed by his second EQ, and the damage from the two of them was enough to kill Chu Ge!

What is lacking at the moment is an opportunity, an opportunity to be in trouble.

At this time.

Theshy made a deliberate 'mistake' in his positioning, allowing himself to be put into Quinn's passivity again.

Sure enough, Chu Ge took the initiative and tried to trigger the mark with a flat A.

It's now!

Both Theshy and Little Peanut had murderous intentions at this moment!

There is no doubt about the damage calculation ability of top professional players.

With just one glance, Shy Man and Little Peanut already had the same idea. A big word 'death' was engraved on Chu Ge's forehead.

not to mention.

Chu Ge couldn't help but be amused. When he saw the passive mark on the crocodile, he wanted to rush up immediately and trigger A.

"I want to kill the pigeon!" Xiaohua urged impatiently.

He has been teammates with Chu Ge since the Spring Split, and now it feels great to catch the person he knows best.

Even said.

It was even more satisfying than the joy he felt when he defeated SKT in a BO5 for the first time.

He is very clear.

A large part of the reason why IG is so powerful is that Chu Ge is too strong, which indirectly makes their team unstoppable.

everybody knows.

As long as Chu Ge can be defended, IG actually doesn't look as invincible as imagined.

Theshy saw the right moment and suddenly turned over and flashed without any warning!

The crocodile's eyes are scarlet, which just proves that the crocodile is in a state of rage at this moment!

The serrated dagger in his hand glowed with a terrifying cold light!

W【Cold Hunting】!

This move caught everyone's expectations, and the crocodile began to wave the short knife in his hand to lock Quinn in place!

"Theshy is taking action! It looks like Little Peanut is about to catch up. Little Peanut is indeed patient enough to squat for a minute on the road, but King Ning is squatting in reverse!" Guan Zeyuan sounded very anxious!

The commentary and the audience from God's perspective are very clear.

On the road side, not only is Little Peanut crouching patiently, but King Ning is also patiently hiding in the grass on the line!

The junglers on both sides showed extraordinary patience!

"As expected, they are junglers from the same team. Both sides know each other's playing styles very well. It just depends on who can operate better in this 2v2 wave!"

"Not necessarily! Can Little Peanut keep up with his skills this time? If he can kill Dow instantly, then Ning Wang's anti-crouching will be useless!" Miller had a different view.

The audience below the stage had already raised their cheer sticks and kept banging them to make muffled sounds to cheer for their favorite players.

Peanut has many fans in the LPL.

Especially female fans.

They couldn't resist the charm of the silver-haired little puppy.


While the audience was discussing, there was another buzz on the field.

The prince, who was originally hiding at the limit of his field of vision, also chose to hand over the flash to close the distance.

EQ strikes twice!

The two movements allowed the prince to quickly approach Quinn!

"It's broken! Is Dow going to be killed instantly?"

The words just fell!

Accompanied by the crisp sound of broken glass, Quinn handed over [Purification] to break free from the dizzy state and regain free movement!

When the crocodile saw this, he used E [Rampage] to move behind Quinn. First, he used his body to block Quinn's retreat. Second, he did not give Quinn a chance to use himself as a springboard to distance himself with E. .

But Chu Ge took a different approach!

Facing the charging prince, Quinn decisively used E [Spiral Strike] and kicked directly towards the prince, forcefully kicking him down in mid-air.

The judgment priority of the Prince's EQ second company is very low.

Any skill can interrupt the prince's second consecutive EQ.

The hero Prince is also one of the heroes most likely to perform the "feeding" operation.

of course.

There are also many people in professional competitions who use this mechanism to cover up the fact that they are loyal to their country.

"Wow, wow, wow!" The doll's eyes suddenly widened, and it let out its signature scream, "Dow, what kind of reaction and hand speed is this?"

The audience at the scene was in an uproar when they saw this.

However, IG's Ueno is not in a hurry. Even so, Quinn will die alone!

But at the same time.

Pig Girl rushed over from the grass, and a beautiful Q flash knocked the crocodile directly into the air.

"King Ning's decisive Q flash has a control effect! Theshy is very dangerous!!"

The crocodile's HP is average.

Although Red Fury Q regained a mouthful of health, it was only half of the health. Piggy Girl's wave of Q followed by A and W, quickly hitting a set of small bursts of her own, and more importantly, she had already hit three layers of passive.

The details of King Ning's operation are reflected here. The angle at which he released W not only hit the crocodile, but also hit the prince incidentally.

Quinn also immediately turned around and started attacking the crocodile, and a Q deprived the crocodile of its vision and refreshed its passive again.

Theshy has an ugly face.

He felt uncomfortable losing his vision.

The crocodile wants to use the second E to distance itself.

As a result, Pig Girl, who had stacked 4 layers of passives, decisively used E [Permafrost Field] to throw out a ball of ice, freezing the crocodile in place and turning it into an ice sculpture.

"It's over! Theshy can't run away anymore."

As Pig Girl swung her weapon and smashed the ice off the crocodile, causing a huge wave of percentage damage, the crocodile's health had bottomed out.

Quinn once again hit a draw with A.

First Blood!

The first blood was so easily pocketed!

When the IG fans at the scene saw the kill prompt, they all burst into laughter and cheered vigorously.

"Can little peanut run away?" Miller's focus was still on the court.

The prince who was slowed down was not out of danger. Little Peanut, who saw that the situation was not good, actually turned around and ran away at the first opportunity.

Chu Ge immediately pursued him.


Within a minute of crouching, Little Peanut had already returned to full strength, and Pig Girl was still a certain distance away from him, so there was no way she could catch up immediately.

Neither control nor damage from IG's side was enough to keep him here.

But for IG, this is already very profitable. After all, according to past rules, if Chu Ge gets first blood, it means that the game is basically half won.

"The junglers on both sides are really fun."

Guan Zeyuan smiled and said, "I remember last year in the World Championship, King Ning played BO5 against Little Peanut, and they were at a disadvantage in all three games."

"I never thought that in today's game, their roles would be reversed."

Wawa nodded. He was deeply impressed by the semi-final match of last year's S6 World Championship.

The clash between two teams with almost aggressive styles is probably still fresh in the memory of many viewers who watched that game.

It was like Mars hitting the Earth.

I thought that Xiaohuahua and King Ning had no chance to compete, but IG management actually divided them into two teams again, and once again staged last year's peak duel.


Theshy also has strength that is not weaker than peak Smeb.

Miller smiled slightly, "Little Peanut's playing style has indeed improved a lot this spring. The frequency of Bao on the road has gradually increased. But the problem is that for the playing style of Bao, among the five major regions, King Ning dares to say that he is second. No. People dare to say number one.”

"This is how he gradually formed his own unique style of play based on the influence of the top top laner when he switched from AD to jungle."

Even if King Ning is in the bad stage.

He can still remember that top lane is his father's style of play, which proves that Gao Zhenning has already formed muscle memory of this style of play.

Today's little peanut.

He has not yet become the type of map-controlling jungler that Samsung will be in the future, but he is still very manic at this time.

IG's coaching staff and KWG coach were originally separated, and Mafa became the head coach who led IG to win the championship last year. He knows Chu Ge well.

[Fighting with IG, do you not know how to write the word "death"? ? 】

【Unfair, unfair! It’s the same for anyone with long hands and broken hands! 】

[Looking at it this way, I think Theshy is not very good. Isn’t it still unable to beat my Dow director? 】

[Don’t think that the second team of IG can do whatever you want. You should go and fight other LPL teams. 】

"'s hard to lose weight." Theshy still had an honest smile on his face after being killed.

He understands games and enjoyment.

On the top road, after Chu Ge and King Ning quickly dealt with the military line, King Ning pulled Chu Ge directly into the upper half of KWG's jungle area. He saw that the prince was only level 3 and in such good condition.

Immediately I was sure that Little Peanut had not gone wild.


When the two of them arrived, the prince was challenging the frog concubine in the wilderness.

However, the prince himself was not in good condition, and he was forced to leave when he saw the two of them.

Have no idea.

The crocodile is TPing back to the tower, and the clockwork in the middle is also suppressed by the rock bird in the defense tower. Although it is in its own wild area, if it really comes to a fight, the little peanut will not get any help from his teammates at all.

He could only grit his teeth and leave angrily.


King Ning not only wants to eat his frog concubine, but also the three wolves.     But it’s still the same sentence.

The middle and upper ranks are dealing with the troops under the tower, who can come to support him.

I can only grit my teeth and swallow it in my stomach.

"IG's lane and jungle linkage is really strong," Miller praised sincerely. "The jungler helps the lane to build advantages, and the lane in turn helps the jungler. They form a virtuous cycle."

Back home because of the advantage of having one blood.

Chu Ge directly bought [Extraction] to further increase his development speed, and also bought an additional iron sword + a pair of straw sandals.

By contrast.

In order to relieve the pressure on the line, Crocodile can only buy an additional Dolan Sword.

Using the sword and shield combination to support his basic attributes to avoid being suppressed can actually be seen from the equipment, Theshy still has not given up the idea of ​​​​fighting Chu Ge in the lane.

Even in the daily training of the IG first and second teams.

Theshy is also the kind of player who is extremely confident. Even if his record is reduced to 0-8 by Chu Ge, he will still fight to the end.

If you were a mediocre or pressure-resistant player, you would definitely want to buy a cloth armor first, and then release cloth armor shoes as soon as possible.

This will indeed make it easier for you to withstand pressure, but at the same time it will completely make you lose the threat to Quinn.

Offense is the best defense.

Always maintain a certain threat to the enemy, so that the enemy will not dare to suppress you unscrupulously.

This is the game concept of Theshy.

Only output can kill people!

Meat costume?

Can you kill anyone?

If the warrior hero does not produce output, but produces meaty equipment, that is the rhythm of slow death!

Back online.

Chu Ge's suppression is still continuing.

With the straw sandals, he has the dual advantages of movement speed and shooting range, and the pulling and consumption will be more convenient.


Whenever Theshy is angry enough and wants E to come forward and exchange blood with him, he can immediately use E to kick the crocodile away, preventing the crocodile from getting close.


Theshy's effect of forcibly releasing the sword and shield is also reflected.

He is really unbeatable!

Very simple.

His most confident operation and understanding of heroes were vulnerable to Chu Ge. He originally thought that he was on the fifth level, and under the layers of games, it turned out that the opponent was in the atmosphere.

Can't play any games at all.

Although he was still beaten, every time he stepped forward to exchange blood, he could cause substantial damage to Chu Ge, making it impossible for Chu Ge to maintain a full blood state.

This is enough!

If Quinn is not full of blood, he has to worry about the jungle, so that he can get a chance to breathe, instead of being suppressed and unable to repair his sword.

As for Chu Ge himself?

That is naturally stronger than the peak shy man, so he can be so comfortable in the lane.

The situation on the top lane is at a stalemate, and there is not much confrontation between the two sides. The junglers of both sides have not flashed. It is bound to wait until level 6 has the ultimate move before the gank success rate will be greatly improved.


Although it is only 8% of the peak strength.

Chu Ge also felt that he was much better than his Louis XVI in the S13 World Championship.

At least, not that abstractly.

This version is inherently lacking in damage, and the impact is that the game rhythm will slow down after reaching level 6.

Chu Ge deliberately chose to go home for a round of supplies. One of the important reasons why Quinn can not bring TP is because of his ultimate move [Go deep behind enemy lines]. He can summon Hua Luo to fly with him.


Even if you are split-pushing from the side, as long as your teammates pull a little, you can quickly support the front battlefield!

Not only that!

You must know that when S6 was just reworked, Quinn was popular in the mid lane for a period of time because of the powerful roaming ability brought by his ultimate move!

Chu Ge's goal is the clockwork in the middle.

"Old Song, would you like to seduce me?" After setting off from the spring, using the flying posture of his ultimate move, Chu Ge went straight to the middle and sent a signal to the toothpaste's clockwork.

Rookie understood immediately, and he deliberately retreated, pretending that he was going home to resupply.

Toothpaste is visible.

Naturally, he wouldn't choose to control the line, after all, he hadn't supplied supplies yet.

That's the normal situation.

After the person who can push the line first goes home first, the other party will also choose to deal with the line of troops and go home quickly. Otherwise, there is a gap in equipment between the two sides, which will easily lead to a solo kill.


When Toothpaste had just pushed his troops across the river and was about to retreat, Yanque suddenly appeared in his sight.

Moreover, Yanque is not at full status, which means that Yanque has never returned home.

So what does it mean to deliberately put the line out?

Toothpaste seemed to have thought of something and quickly retreated back.

But Chu Ge would not give him this chance. He decisively charged out of the river grass on the left side of the center and sprinted towards Clockwork at a very fast speed.

When Chongzhang used Q to direct the puppet to fly towards him, Chu Ge also used E to kick Chongzhang.

Although Clockwork used his ultimate move to suck Chu Ge back, Quinn's E would cause a 50% slowdown effect on the target.

It doesn't matter if the control is interrupted. The key is the deceleration effect combined with the control of the rock bird.

This is fatal!

The rock bird quickly followed.

Rookie doesn't have much mana.

But for professional players, even if their condition is extremely poor, they will control the opportunity to release about two skills to a certain extent to prevent being caught by the opponent, or to cooperate with teammates in ganking.

the reason is simple.

It is rare for someone to choose to link up when they are in poor condition. Not to mention the high risk, it is also easy for the opponent to suddenly find the rhythm, putting teammates at a disadvantage.

Toothpaste knows this too.

But he predicted the position of the jungler, but he only missed Quinn who just disappeared in the top lane. Whose top laner came to the middle lane to catch someone!


I've never seen toothpaste before.

next moment.

Rookie is moving!

W [Rock Convex] is released in anticipation, and then E [Stone Formation] + Q starts to output wildly.

Once carried back by W, he will definitely die.

There is no such thing as luck at this time.

Toothpaste flashed back decisively and got a chance to escape.

"It's a pity." Chu Ge sighed, "The young man's reaction is still very fast. If this flash is handed over 0.1 seconds later, he will die."

Song Yijin nodded, "He didn't show up. Prince Ning will come and fuck him later!"

However, if you turn off flash at this time, it will be very dangerous next time. Indeed, both junglers have the ability to retain people from a long distance. Without flash, the risk of being ganked will be greatly increased.

"No problem!" Prince Ning said carelessly.

To know.

Broiler and Prince Ning didn't dare ask Chu Ge to arrest him.

After all, he is just a top laner. He came to arrest people just because he thought of it. If he wants to have such a good opportunity at any time, how is it possible?

But IG’s plan is not just about toothpaste.

A mere head can't satisfy Chu Ge's appetite. He plans and wants more!

I took a look at the time, and it was now more than 6 minutes. The clockwork does not have the defense talent, and naturally it does not have the 15% summoner skill reduction of [Insight].

In other words, it takes 5 minutes to play a full game, and the flash CD of Clockwork will take over 11 minutes to be good!

This is the effect Chu Ge wants!

Using his ultimate move to enter the flying state again, Chu Ge quickly returned to the line. He went home and then deliberately ran to the middle to wander around, but did not suffer too much loss in the line of troops.

That's the benefit of Quinn's immense mobility.

And King Ning has already arrived in the middle.

Doesn't the clockwork without flashing appear to him as something he can manipulate at will?

Stuck in time.

After Clockwork went home to replenish his supplies, before he had time to replenish his vision in the middle, Pig Girl had already come here to lurk.

After all, it is the experience of being assigned kills and troops in the top lane, and killing two groups of wild monsters from the prince. Pig Girl has almost reached level 6 at the same time as the middle lane!

"The clockwork has come to the line. After the toothpaste clears the line, it should be to replenish the vision. There is a sixth in the grass!"

The KWG fans at the scene wanted to tell Toothpaste immediately that there was danger and an ambush!

The sound-isolating material of the sound-isolating earphones and the white noise in the earphones completely isolate all the noise at the scene.

They can only watch toothpaste die in despair!

The moment Clockwork walked towards the grass in the river, a huge ice cube flew out from the grass.


Toothpaste trembled in fright.

He wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

He was directly frozen in place by Pig Girl's ultimate move [Extreme Freeze].

The rock bird keeps up with the output.

Rookie and Ning Wang have worked together a lot, and they understand each other's skill release habits very well, so there is no waste in controlling skills!

Piggy Girl holds Q in her hand, and uses Q to cause knockback again at the moment when the clockwork stun time ends.

Only at this time did the rock bird use W to connect the control.

A tank jungler and a rhythmic mid laner, the burst damage of the two is not very strong.

But they couldn't control the two for long enough, and the full-blooded clockwork couldn't stop the two of them from focusing their fire like this, and that was without flashing.

Toothpaste sighed, looked at the black and white screen in front of him, and gave away his head!

"There's really no way around it." Miller sighed helplessly.

"It can only be said that although there is no participation of Dow in this wave, the biggest credit for the kills in this wave actually belongs to Dow. This is not our boast. If there is no flash of Dow forcing the clockwork, this wave of gank will most likely be It's just a dodge." Wawa said.

This is true.

After Little Peanut reaches level 6, he also chooses to attack in one wave.

However, neither the middle nor the upper lane had a chance, so he had no choice but to come to the bottom lane. After all, they had Thresh in the bottom lane.


Policewoman and Law are too flexible.

Although Thresh used W to help the prince get closer to the two of them, the prince's second EQ was evaded by the policewoman using Flash. When the prince used his ultimate move to frame the policewoman, the policewoman used E to escape.

Lin Weixiang kept making noises in the team's voice chat.

(End of this chapter)

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