LOL: The anchor was not arrested, but just quit the network

Chapter 38 [Why don't you hand in flash? ] (seeking a monthly ticket)

Chapter 38 [Why don't you hand in flash? ] (seeking a monthly ticket)
After taking damage from the defense tower.

Chu Ge used the flaw + the grip of indestructibility + the recovery amount of the dangerous game to force a wave of blood, and exited the tower with 50 blood points.

Jian Ji got into the grass and returned to the city.

Joker's guess in the commentary seat is correct. If Jian Ji doesn't use the A flash mechanism to forcibly change the attack position to poke holes, Poppy will definitely survive.

It will even give Looper a chance to breathe, to show a wave of excellent moves like the king of Qin around the column.

Then it will be Chu Ge who will die.

Although Looper's sword girl has a high level of proficiency, the mechanism of flash A in March 2016 is the same as sword girl's 3 second 1 breaks, which is an uncultivated virgin land.

Since the rework of Jian Ji S5, the A flash mechanism has always existed, but no one has tried it.

QA flash is not difficult.

The principle is the same as that described by Joker, use the Q displacement to close the body and instantly attack the A, flash to adjust the direction to break through the loopholes.

At this time, many viewers who were still learning and stuck in the last step of the 1 second 4 break, after watching the replay given by the director, seemed to have been broken by Ren Du's second pulse.

Transparency instantly!
From the perspective of dismantling, isn't the QA flash the key step for 4 breaks?
After watching the replay with his head down, Joker breathed a sigh of relief, "We guessed that there was no problem. The QA flash that Dow really used broke through the loophole that Bobby hid in the wall."

Changmao responded repeatedly, with a particularly relaxed expression. There is a former coach who is comfortable working with him. He continued:
"This is similar to the mechanism of Yasuo's seamless E and Raven's light speed QA. The existence of Jian Ji's A flash will also allow Fiona to break through the previous upper limit of operation!"

"Player Dow dared to choose Sword Girl to match against Bobby first, and there really is something!"

Fortunately, Chu Ge couldn't hear the spiral rainbow fart with sound-proof headphones, otherwise he would have pretended it with his personality.

Joker was unsmiling, concentrated, continued to watch the game from the perspective of God, and analyzed, "I have to say, Dow chose to attack after entering the tower with a large wave of pawns. He is very experienced, and he can't tell that he is a rookie who has just entered the professional arena. .

"Although Bobby has teleportation, after he is killed under the tower, he will lose more experience and economy in the time of resurrection + TP return line."

"Sword Fairy has maximized her advantage!"

Changmao took over the conversation, and said loudly, "That's right, RNG needs to reconsider the splitting issue, otherwise Dow will continue to develop advantageously, and no one in RNG will be able to deal with Jian Ji's single belt in the middle and late stages."

Chu Ge, who returned to the spring, quickly purchased the long sword + red crystal to synthesize the early core equipment of the sword girl [Net Eclipse].

Chu Ge actually wanted to buy Yaoguang more than [Net Eclipse].

After all, this game is against Poppy, and the passive attributes provided by [Eclipse] seem useless, and the 100% extra basic attack power bonus of [Glory], combined with the Grip of Immortality to consume blood, that's a good idea. It's really a must.

It's disgusting enough for Looper to appreciate what a hell joke is.

However, the 6.5 version of Yaoguang cost 1050 gold coins, which he couldn't afford with his current wealth, and the price/performance ratio plummeted.

When the supply was over, Chu Ge immediately went online with TP.

After Jian Ji reappeared in the field of vision, Looper habitually opened the TAB key.

After seeing the opponent's sword girl's regular outfit, he was relieved.

He was afraid that the other party would do something wrong again.

The player Dow, in just a few minutes, let Looper see the high-spirited shadow of himself when he was young.

The top laner should be like this!
In the past, top laners in the LPL were generally not valued by clubs, and blue-collar top laners were the general trend and the direction of the version.

The appearance rate of the top lane heroes of the three phantom gods is almost 100%, just choose a tank to hang on the top lane, and wait for other teammates to carry the game.

Winning or losing doesn't matter at all.

But Chu Ge is completely different, this kid has his own ideas.

"Xiangguo, can you come and help catch a wave?" Looper actively communicated with his teammates, "The proficiency of the opposite sword girl is a bit exaggerated, if you don't help me wait a while, you won't be able to match the line."

Hearing this, MLXG checked the equipment of the top laners of both sides, and Bobby only had a lone straw sandal + Doran's shield on him, and he couldn't even afford a medicine bottle.

Compared with Sword Fairy, it's simply shabby.

"Okay, Jian Ji didn't dodge, did she? I'll go to Bo Wine Barrel first, and try to come up later, you control the line first."

The tactical styles of RNG and EDG are quite different.

The middle and wild combination of Xiaohu + Mala Xiangguo basically plays games around the upper half area, and Mata also stocks his own ADC to swim to the upper half area from time to time.

And EDG, from the beginning of the team's establishment, opened up the situation around the lower half, and the top road has always been an orphan road.

At this time, Meiko, who was on the bottom lane, marked the second half of the wild area, "Bud is gone, and the spider is probably with you, Ming Kai, be careful."

As soon as the words fell, the vision provided by the [Wolf Soul] released by the punishment three wolves successfully caught the spider's figure.

Chu Ge cut the screen curiously and looked at the wild area.

When I saw [Wolf Soul] following Spider and Bud to provide vision, I couldn't help being surprised and said, "Oh my god, this spicy hot pot has exposed its position, and it's going to go into the wild area, this person is really exaggerating!"

"Don't doubt Liu Shiyu," Ming Kai manipulated the barrel and left the wild area, "This kid starts this season, he always likes to put face on others."

The version of the carnivorous jungler just fits the style of MLXG's gameplay. The graphics-controlling factory manager is most afraid of meeting such a person.

Because you don't have to guess the position at all, he is always on your face.

4 minutes 02 seconds.

Chu Ge, who had just TP landed, took away the little soldiers with little blood. The moment Ping A shot, he immediately received a short Q piercing the air and pierced the flaw below Bobby.

Looper has also been promoted to level 3 at this time, and immediately responded with Q + passively leveling A.

But Jian Ji's short Q is equivalent to casting a spell on the spot to cause two-stage damage, which can pierce the flaw as quickly as possible.

So much so that Jian Ji, who had gained a movement speed bonus, wandered out of the range of Poppy Q in a leisurely manner, only resisting the damage from the shield.

Passive soap drops in the grass.

Looper manipulated Bobby into the grass, and while gaining the shield effect, the flaw was refreshed above.

With the right time and place, he thought about exchanging blood with Jian Ji.

Seeing the other party walk out of the grass, Chu Ge did not retreat but advanced, manipulating Jian Ji to move forward.

Looper frowned slightly.

Seeing that Jian Ji had no intention of retreating at all, Zhang Hengshuo couldn't help feeling tense, and instinctively wanted to retreat.

Why is it a little empty?

Looper, who has fought against countless top professional players, actually felt the powerlessness of being manipulated for the first time after being solo killed in Shangbo.

Shangbo's tower was killed.

Relying on his confidence in damage calculation, he predicted that the opponent would not be able to kill him, so he didn't dodge when he was about to die.

It's very tightly squeezed, and I'm going to hide it until I dial it down.

Now seeing that the proficiency of the opponent's sword girl is obviously higher than his own.

Even many skills that should be avoided by moving positions still feel unresponsive compared to before.

Born in 93, he just celebrated his 23rd birthday last month, which is already at the end of his career in e-sports players.

Both the operation and the response have dropped drastically.

Boil the old man, right?

(End of this chapter)

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