Moon Emperor

Chapter 460 Traceability to the Netherworld

Chapter 460 Traceability to the Netherworld

Su Yan looked solemn when he heard this, and couldn't help but think of Yao An'an.

Yao Anan is also constantly "reincarnated" in the small world of martial arts, but to be precise, she has never died, but grows normally. At the end of her life, she will degenerate into an infant state and be taken away by the cyan phoenix to give her Grow again in a new environment.

This seems to be based on the special nature of the immortal fairy. Under normal circumstances, she will never die. Even if her body is broken into multiple fragments, each fragment still inherits the characteristics of the original body.

The example Nannan is describing now is different. The girl will really die and be reincarnated after death, and her appearance will change in the next life. She has no memory of her previous life, but only inherits the characteristics of "Twelve Years and One Day".

Nannan continued, "Witnessing the girl's death again, I can't help but fall into confusion. Is this really a coincidence?"

"At that time, I had the idea of ​​going to the underworld to look for clues, but at that time I was not strong enough and there were too many uncertainties in forcing my way into the underworld, so I put the idea aside for the time being."

In the underworld, Su Yan couldn't help but think of the people of the Su family and the old lady.

"I had high hopes that I could 'encounter' the girl's reincarnation for the third time, but unfortunately I didn't. One hundred and twenty years have passed since then, and I haven't been able to find her reincarnation in the vast sea of ​​people. It’s even more unclear.”

"So I still went to the underworld."

"I did not hesitate to show my identity in the past, so the journey was smooth. I also got the help of the Ten Palaces of Yama and searched the book of life and death, and then I found the reincarnation of the girl."

"The kings of hell in each palace didn't know that there was such a person who kept reincarnating and dying at the age of twelve. After all, people die every day in the world, and new babies are born every day. How can they have the spare time to investigate the dead one by one? past and present lives.”

"I asked the kings of hell in each palace, why does the girl have such a restriction that is almost like an eternal curse?"

"But they couldn't explain clearly. They only said that dating back to the earliest period, the soul of the girl seemed to appear in the underworld out of thin air, and it did not attract anyone's attention."

"Even the book of life and death just added a name silently. The reason behind this is that the Ten Palaces of Yama did not dare to go into detail. He only said that it was either destiny, or there was a big shot who could interfere with the six paths of reincarnation."

Su Yan was even more surprised when he heard this. What was the identity of Fairy Yang when she was in heaven? ? As soon as she showed up, she could ask Yama from the Tenth Palace to help her check the book of life and death respectfully.

You must know that since the disappearance of the fairy world, the underworld has lost the jurisdiction of its immediate superiors. In the past thousand years, it has gained a lot of autonomy. Which god will come to make this gang of high-ranking and distant kings give such face?

In addition, the girl's side seems to be involved in some incredible existence.

Nannan's tone was a little lonely, "Although I couldn't find the reason, I finally found where the girl was reincarnated, so I returned to the human world to find her and get to know her again."

"Actually, I could have grown up a long time ago, but in order to make it easier for me to get to know and become friends with the girls in each life, I have always maintained my childlike appearance and behaved more and more like a child."

This also explains a doubt that Su Yan had before: The immortal fairy obviously looks like an adult, and she was almost an adult when she first met Yao Anan. Why is there only the girl in red, who still looks like a child after so many years?

It turns out there is still this kind of entanglement

"This girl in this life was reincarnated as the daughter of a monk from a small sect. Her talent for cultivation is extremely outstanding, which made her parents and the sect very happy, and they all put their hopes for the sect's rise in her."

"So ever since the girl became sensible, she has been working hard and practicing hard every day under the supervision of the people around her, with almost no contact with the outside world."

"I just feel desolate after looking at it. Since I am destined to die in twelve years, what's the point of working hard to practice? It's just a waste of time in this life, and the hardships I endure are in vain."

"So I took the girl and left the sect. She was not willing beforehand, so I had to kidnap her and only asked her to leave a letter to her parents."

"In this life, I want my girl to have as few regrets as possible, so I will take her to see beautiful scenery, eat delicious food, and play everywhere. Although she is happy, she keeps begging me to take her back to the sect, saying that she cannot delay her cultivation. , her parents will also be worried about her."

"So I told the girl the truth of the matter, saying that she would probably die in a year's time, even if she is in good health now."

"The girl was silent for a long time after knowing it. She believed that I didn't lie to her, but she still begged me to send her back."

"I still remember what she said at that time: 'If I really only have one year left to live, how sad will my parents be? I have to go back and spend time with them.'"

"I sighed and finally complied with her wishes."

"But this time, I am determined to change her fate. I want to see if she will die if I am personally protecting her."

Although Nannan's tone was firm, Su Yan had already guessed the result.

"In the next year, we stayed together, eating and living together. In fact, the person who cultivated the sect didn't really believe what I said, but they couldn't beat me and could only let me do whatever I wanted."

"Finally, we faced a test of fate. Someone came to assassinate the girl that night. It was the life-and-death enemy her parents had formed in their early years."

"But because I was there, the masked man was beaten to death by my backhand, but the girl didn't survive. I watched her suddenly die beside me."

"Yes, the girl died without any warning. She did not die of illness and there were no wounds on her body. But as soon as the assassin died, her life was cut off instantly, as if she was destined to be like this." Nannan murmured to herself, even on the swing. They all stopped swinging.

"But this time I didn't give up. I immediately chased her into the underworld. Although I couldn't find her soul at first, I broke into the Palace of Hell again, grabbed Lord Yama's beard, and asked him to send out the civil and military judges of the Hell Division and the bull-headed and horse-faced judges. , a group of people searched the ground, and finally found the girl again in the team of dead souls waiting for reincarnation."

Su Yan looked a little weird when he heard this, but he didn't interrupt and just continued to listen.

"It's a pity that when I found the girl, she had already drank Meng Po Soup and had forgotten all her memories of her life. She was just like a piece of blank paper, and she was walking in the reincarnation queue in a daze."

"At that time, I hugged her distressedly, but she didn't respond at all. It wasn't until my tears fell on her soul that she froze for a moment, as if she remembered something."

"The girl reached out and touched my head, comforted me and told me not to cry. She also said: 'Thank you for finding me and being friends with me again and again, but it's okay, let's end it here. .'"

"I was very happy immediately. Girl, did you remember? Remember that we had known each other for more than one life?"

"So I grabbed her hand and asked her: Do you remember it all? Do you know why you were cursed like this? I will definitely be able to help you solve it, just tell me the reason!"

"But the girl just shook her head. What she said completely changed my mind. Do you know what she said?" Nannan raised her head and asked.

Su Yan was a little confused. At first, he thought that the reason why Nannan refused to merge with the main body was because he was concerned about the girl and worried that no one would accompany her.

But thinking about it carefully, after merging with the main body, Fairy Yang will inherit her feelings and memories. There will also be people visiting the girl, so he shook his head, "I don't know, what did she say?"

"She said: 'I am voluntary. I want to break away from my body and gain freedom. This is the price I have to pay. I will never grow up in twelve years.'" "I was completely stunned at that time. These words had a huge impact on my soul, and I have been trying to find other individuals, thinking about returning, and thinking about merging with the many me."

"But in this world, there are actually people who are willing to accept such a cruel curse in order to be separated from their true bodies."

"This made me doubt my return for the first time, and I started to think about the meaning of it."

Nannan muttered to herself and fell into silence. After a long time, she continued: "Back to the topic, although my mind was a little confused at the time, I didn't have time to think about it in detail. I just held the girl's hand tightly and wanted to know more information. "

"But the girl refused to say anything. She simply told me that no one forced her and I couldn't help her. That's all."

"She also gave an example: Because of a heavy rain, two passers-by took shelter under the same pavilion. During the period, they talked happily, but after the rain stopped, they still had to separate and go their own ways. .”

"But I don't accept it. I said that as long as those two passers-by leave each other's contact information, they can meet again next time, and the next time, and the next time."

"Girl saw that I was stubborn, so she had no choice but to give up trying to convince me."

"Since then, we have made an agreement. Every time the girl is reincarnated, I will go and see her."

"Even if we have never met before, we get to know each other quickly every time; every time I bring her short-term happiness, I will leave her life and no longer interfere too much in her life."

"I have been doing this for more than seven hundred years, and it was the same way when you met the boatman's daughter more than ten years ago."

The story about the girl is finished here.

Nannan jumped off the swing and turned to look at Su Yan, with a little confusion in her eyes. "Tell me, I have been avoiding that woman all these years. Is it right or wrong?"

"I know the girl's situation is different from mine, but every time I think of her decisive eyes, I feel shocked from the bottom of my heart. Therefore, I have been playing hide and seek with that woman, avoiding meeting her."

"I'm worried that after seeing her, I won't even have a chance to regret, and I will be swallowed up by her. Obviously we are the same person."

Su Yan did not give an answer immediately, but began to think deeply. After a long time, he asked: "Where is the girl now? Has she been reincarnated, or is she still in reincarnation?"

"She ended her new life not long ago. She should be in the underworld now and has not yet been reincarnated." Nannan told the truth.

Su Yan nodded, "When you go to see her in the next life, take me with you. After all, I can be considered sheltered from the rain under the same pavilion as her."

Nannan smiled from the bottom of her heart, "Okay."

"Back to your problem," Su Yan analyzed in a calm tone, "I don't comment on whether your decision is right or wrong. I just think that because the person who said that to you is a girl, you will Take it so seriously.”

"That is to say, at that moment, your emotional factors overwhelmed the rational factors, and after years of self-psychological strengthening, you became more and more afraid of facing Fairy Yang."

"If you want me to give you a suggestion, I think you should meet with her and talk about each other's ideas. After communicating about many things, you will find that it is not scary."

"If you are really worried, you can come with me. I can guarantee that she will not be in a hurry to merge with you."

Nannan hesitated for a moment after hearing this, but finally nodded.

"By the way, there is another factor. You have always maintained a childish physical state, which may have some impact on your way of thinking. You will subconsciously have the idea that 'she and I are different'."

Nannan pouted, "When I become an adult, I can no longer be willful or coquettish."

Su Yan smiled and said, "Actually, it's okay."

"Forget it, let's do it!" Nannan patted the Jiaoli Fairy Tree, then turned and walked out, "Next time that woman comes over, I won't avoid her anymore. Of course, I may not return."

Su Yan nodded and walked out as well, "This side of the eagle"

"Didn't I tell you that I would give you wages? Let's go, kids!"

Seeing the aunt jumping on the sedan and starting to urge her again, Gao Tianyao smiled helplessly at Su Yan and said, "Su, senior Su, let's drink again next time."

At the same time, he resisted the urge to ask this man if he had taken that girl.

Seeing the sedan go as fast as a phantom, Su Yan said to the two patrols behind him without looking back, "It's time for us to leave."

"May I ask the Immortal Master, where are you going next?" Gou Chen asked proactively.

"Go find the remaining two patrol masks. I know where they are."

As the realm advanced to the seventh level, Su Yan's Immortal Master authority was further enhanced. Now he can remotely sense the whereabouts of all masks, finally getting rid of the embarrassing situation of finding a needle in a haystack.

In addition, Su Yan can now delay, pause, and accelerate the flow of time in Daitian Palace at will, which will be of great help to him in mass-producing "immortal tea" and other spiritual objects.

He can also fold, compress, and enlarge the space in the Daitian Palace at will, and can open up independent spaces. If he is willing, it will not be a problem to replicate 10,000 Daitian Palaces in the Daitian Palace.

It can be said that at this point, the authority of Su Yan, the Immortal Lord, in Daitian Palace was finally truly perfected.

Immortal Fengyin was about to speak, but Su Yan blocked him first, "You should go back to Taiyuan Sect first, and we will talk in detail after we go out."

In fact, it would be good to have a powerful helper by his side, but Su Yan was afraid that he would ask questions and make insinuations on the road, so he simply drove this guy away first.

Feng Yin was helpless and could only nod, "I'll wait for you."

(End of this chapter)

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