40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 147 8 War Prelude

Chapter 147 8. Overture to War ([-])

Khalil tapped his fingers on the conference table with a calm expression. Only those who are familiar with him can realize what he is thinking at the moment.

And for those who are not familiar with him, or who have only seen him a few times, his expression at this moment is still very intimidating.

At the very least, Marius Gage and Baron Benson had no idea what the instructor of the Eighth Legion was really thinking at the moment.

The First Captain of the Ultramarines and the current First Captain of the War Dogs sat comfortably in their chairs, doing the boring and boring work of 'waiting' with Khalil.

Gage was good at it, and presumably it had something to do with the paperwork the Ultramarines had to do, and it's impossible for someone who's impatient and unable to get into a state of focus to keep doing it.The chapter leader's face was calm, as if he had entered another dimension.

Baron Benson was different. The Captain of the War Hound, whose arm had been replaced by a machine, looked a bit depressed.

The war dogs have never been good at waiting. Compared with this matter, what they are more used to is blood and gunpowder and the faces of dead people.They're not very quiet people, never were.

The war dogs are well-known in the empire in this regard, which even forced them to restrain each other with extremely strict military discipline during the war. The situation of rushing into the enemy group and dying in vain.

Moreover, if the only person sitting here was Marius Gage, or if Khalil was replaced by the first company commander of the Eighth Legion, maybe Baron Benson would not seem a little restless.

The first captain of the War Dogs lowered his head, stared at the conference table, and began to say a name in his heart.The commander of the Eighth Company of the War Hounds on the Resolute is naturally unable to hear, but this does not prevent Baron Benson from finding a channel to vent his embarrassment at the moment.

He would have liked to have spoken directly to Caryl Rohars, to apologize for the misunderstanding they had caused - but how would he have said it?

Furthermore, Baron Benson is not stupid. He knows how terrible the experience of the War Dogs is, and he can roughly guess the role played by Khalil Rohals in it.

He knew that this whole matter must not be publicized, and Marius Gage had reached a consensus with him, and this matter could be completely determined after it was reported to the Primarch.

His thoughts were dismissed five minutes later when the door slid open and the three giants walked in.

The first company commander of the Eighth Legion followed behind them, and exchanged glances with the three people who had stood up in the meeting room, and then the greeting sounded, which seemed normal, but somewhat strange.After greetings, they took their seats.

Conrad Coates sat next to Khalil, and Van Cleef sat between the two captains, at the end of the long table.Angron and Robert Guilliman sat opposite Conrad Curze.

"Long time no see, Instructor Khalil."

Robert Guilliman spoke first, greeting with a smile, completely erasing what happened yesterday in that room on the Emperor Mirage.

"Is everything as usual?"

"Naturally, Lord Guilliman." Khalil nodded, raised his hand impeccably, and made a gesture.

Conrad Koz glanced at him with a strange expression, and didn't speak immediately. After making sure that no one would speak again, he just asked the question he had held back all the time.

"You didn't discuss this meeting with me," Conrad Coates said. "What's wrong?"

"I am sorry I did not inform you, Legion Master, but this was not my idea, but the Emperor's request." Khalil replied.

Guilliman fixed his eyes, exchanged views with Angron, and the latter expressed his doubts with a slight nod.But the Nucerian, after all, never hides a problem, and he spoke up straight after that.

"Do you usually communicate like this?" Angron asked. "With all due respect, it really sounds weird for you to talk like that."

"It's working hours now, and I usually don't leave work." Khalil replied, and Curz sighed, not loudly, but ensured that his sigh could be heard by everyone.

Van Cleef blinked calmly, lowering his guess about the age of the Primarch again.Some things cannot be hidden. Conrad Koz is indeed very mature, even mature enough to be trusted instinctively, but some of his habits are too obvious.
Obviously, the Eighth Army has now been divided into two factions.

One is the emotional faction who firmly believes that the Primarch is older than them, and the other is the rational faction who are trying to guess the real age of Conrad Koz with countless evidences.

As for VanCleef, he was occasionally the former and occasionally the latter.

Well, he is now the latter.

"What's the matter, Legion Commander?" Khalil looked sideways slightly. "Do you have any questions? If not, I want to get down to business as soon as possible."

"Of course I—didn't."

"Okay." Khalil nodded, and pressed an instrument on the table with his hand.

The wall in front of them cracked open, and the sound of machinery running could be heard endlessly, and the exposed cables were wrapped around the pipes, and there was a rumble in the pipes.The mist dissipated again, even beginning to reach the primarchs' ankles.

"This meeting room hasn't been used for a long time. It's in disrepair. I'm sorry." Khalil said without changing his expression. The corners of Van Cleef's eyes began to twitch, and Baron Benson gave him a sympathetic look.

The War Dogs really felt the same way, after all, their ship is not much better now.

After a short buzzing sound, a light blue projection rose up.Guilliman used his insight to discern the truth of the projection. It was a pre-recorded image, not a real-time conversation.The image blurred and fluctuated for a moment, and soon revealed its true face.

That is the Lord of Men, the Emperor.

"You don't have to get up," he told them prophetically. "Sit down and listen to what I have to say."

The Emperor paused for a moment, deliberately giving them time to react.He is pictured in a white robe, with a crown of laurels shining above his head.He put his hands behind his back, and then spoke slowly.


The emperor read the name with a serious expression.He's thinking, obviously.

Khalil didn't interrupt him, just waited silently.He waved his arm, and the blue glow responded immediately from the gap in the armor, and a target made of solid alloy was smashed into twisted scrap iron just like that.

Two Custodians stepped forward and took it away.One of them, recognized by Khalil, was the same La Endymion.

Is it really good to let the imperial guards do this kind of thing?Khalil shook his head, after all, he still didn't ask the question, interrupting the Emperor's thinking.

As for the emperor, he continued to speak after a full 3 minutes.

"Destroy." He said with a frown. "No, not just destruction—there's more to this planet."

"Can't you see clearly?"

"I've never been able to see the future clearly." The Emperor shook his head. "It's obscured, obscured by the thing with its bony claws and rotting feathers, and I can only see a glimmer of light. That's the problem."

"You're not sure it made up what you saw, are you?"

"Yes." The human lord narrowed his eyes. "But it doesn't matter. I'm used to the illusion and the lies he wove, and I just need to cut it off with a sharp sword. Moreover, now that the three Primarchs are gathering, this world can just be a gift of witness."

Khalil sighed: "Every time I hear your tone, I find it difficult to get used to it."

"You'll get used to it," said the Emperor in a low voice, a golden light flashing in his eyes. "We'll all get used to it."

 It's a little less, I know, three more tomorrow.

  Allow me to sleep and recharge my energy first.

(End of this chapter)

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