40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 149 Ten War Prelude

Chapter 149 10. Overture to War (End)

Jairzinho Guzman's remarks about theology may have been an unintentional joke, but Khalil can assure you that the death of senior trader Teresi had nothing to do with the gods.

Although bizarre, her death was a purely physical phenomenon and had nothing to do with psionic power.

However, if these things are thrown away to look at this matter, there are indeed enough reasons for her death to be suspicious.A person suffocates to death in five seconds, as if her body thought she should have died from saying that.

It's quite interesting.

"So, this Harkosus Federation may have some kind of power that we don't know much about?" Robert Guilliman asked.

He asked Khalil this question through a holographic projection. After yesterday's meeting, Angron and he both returned to their ship to prepare for the upcoming war.

Gladiator isn't resisting what he's about to do, but don't expect anything positive from him either.

Robert Guilliman was rather pleased—the Emperor's pre-recorded speech was full of words he couldn't refuse.

For example, 'This conquest will serve as a new anchor and will become a symbol of your brotherhood', 'I believe this will also give birth to a new cultural exchange between your legions' and the like.

At the end of the meeting, though, the Emperor simply told his sons via ship comms that he was leaving.

He wasn't joking, and five minutes after the news was sent, the Imperial Phantasm left Nostramo's orbit.

"Perhaps," Khalil said noncommittally. "It's still too early to make a conclusion. In short, we need more relevant evidence. The inquiry is still ongoing, and the matter about the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce has been ruled out."

"So, when are we going, brother? You discovered Harkosus after all." Guilliman asked.

Of course, the object of his questioning was not Kalil, but Konrad Koz who was standing beside Kalil.The Lord of the Eighth Legion clasped his hands, tapped his arms with his fingers, and frowned.

"Tomorrow." After a moment of silence, he replied.
Taking part in a new war is nothing new to any Astartes, it is their life.They live and die for war.During this period, they will go to new battlefields countless times.

The same was true for the Eighth Legion, but not for the Primarchs of the Eighth Legion.Conrad Curze moved his arms calmly so that the Mechanic Priest could make minor adjustments to his fine-crafted power armor.

The Emperor gave him the power armor before he left, and Angron, too, received a suit of armor.He should have been happy with the gift, but he wasn't, because he knew what it was for.

For this reason, even if it was built by the Emperor himself, he did not feel happy for a moment.

But that doesn't mean he won't accept it.

He knows who he is.

The adjustment was completely completed after 5 minutes. The priest lowered his head, bowed slightly, expressed respect to the son of Om Messiah, and then left.

It shows an extreme restraint to this set of Seiko power armor which obviously contains special design.Curz watched it go away, not seeing any possible gender characteristics from the crooked figure in the red robe.

He couldn't help but wonder—are all mechanical priests so cold?

He didn't have an answer, after all, he hadn't seen many of them.

A servitor brought a huge mirror and placed it in front of him so that he could observe himself at the moment.The servitor's arms were steady and strong, the mechanically implanted joints replaced the fragile flesh, and the gears and steel replaced the muscles themselves.

It does its job without complaint.

The armor itself is composed of three colors of gold, blue and red, the gloomy blue is the most important, and the gold is the second. It is only embellished on the edge of the shoulder armor or arm armor. There is a huge and scarlet winged skull on the chest. A variant of the Imperial Skyhawk.

The same scarlet cloak was placed behind his back.Lightning-like patterns stay brightly on the surface of the armor, which is the special effect of the Nostramo Adamantite.However, it is impossible for the Emperor to forge this finely crafted power armor in just one day, not to mention that he did not want any adamantine ore produced by Nostramo.

Konrad Curze didn't know exactly how the Emperor got them, but he didn't care too much.

Some questions don't need answers.

At this moment, he stared at the giant in the mirror, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart.The pale complexion of the person in the mirror did not match the armor itself at all, and even looked perfect, as if he should be wearing it himself.

He frowned, once again realizing his true identity from such details.

a weapon.

A cold weapon to kill and punish, to sow justice.

He took a deep breath, put on the helmet, and felt neither sad nor happy about the upcoming war, not even looking forward to it.He only looks forward to peace after the war.

Through the scarlet eyepiece, he observed the appearance of the helmet.It has an eerie shape, and the visor is even painted with a white skull to enhance the fear effect.

The eyepieces are blood red, bright for a long time in the skull's eye sockets, and different from the eagle's wings, the narrower and more ferocious crimson wings extend on both sides with golden lines.This set of armor is extremely gorgeous, and the increase it provides him is also extremely huge
Conrad Curz lowered his head and looked at his gauntlet.For a long time, he used his talent of actively resisting and sealing up. It happily gushed out from the depths of his bone marrow and began to spread, occupying every blood vessel, every muscle in him, even the tips of his fingers.

Cold perception and trembling roared in the next second, and Curz clenched his teeth, resisting the deep fear, and at the same time silently waved his arms to let the machine servant leave.

It looked at him suspiciously, turned and left.In the blink of an eye, he was the only one left in the arsenal.

He exhaled the icy air. The built-in thermostat system of the power armor did not dissipate the coldness, and it could even be said that he was powerless to resist—a few erroneous readings came from the eyepiece, prompting Coz that something went wrong and needed to be checked. And he couldn't handle that much anymore.

He fell to his knees slowly, and the mirror fell, becoming a piece of shattered glass.He gasped, stared at them, and saw 1000 million possibilities for the future.
However, they are all vague, they have only one thing in common.

In that fragment, his hands were bloody, and he smiled palely at the person outside the mirror.The smile is full of satisfaction caused by killing.

Conrad Curz stood up after a few minutes and was back to normal.He silently called the servitor, and collected the fragments of the mirror.Outside the observation window of the armory, stars flashed by.A huge fleet is heading towards Harkosus.

The war has begun its prelude, no matter whether it is abrupt or not, no matter whether you accept it or not.

 One more chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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