40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 213 38 Happiness, Nothingness, Hometown, Darkness

Chapter 213 38. Happiness, Nothingness, Hometown, Darkness (End)
The splendid hall, the long steps, the long table covered with white cloth, the dishes that look good but average in taste, about a hundred waiters with extraordinary clothes and good postures - and the one sitting opposite the long table. 26 artists.

Just listening to these descriptions, you can hardly imagine that this is a dinner party.But in fact, it is.Not only that, it was a dinner that was valued by many.Tens of thousands of people have worked for months to get to this night.

The long table is both wide and long, and the white cloth has an ivory-like luster. It is even sewn with thin golden threads that are invisible unless you look carefully, adding a bit of luxury.

Although the table is long, the four people dining are actually sitting on one side.Above their heads were eighteen magnificent chandeliers, on which oils extracted from rare animals from another planet were slowly burning in the form of candles.

The waiters walked between the long tables with extreme etiquette, bringing out the dishes one after another. The aroma was unbridled, tangy and exciting.But there was no one at the table.

It wasn't until a few hours later that the artists who had finished the preliminary drafts left, that the dinner officially began, and the dishes were naturally removed.

Conrad Coates raised his hand and slowly rubbed his stiff face.Dorn, who was sitting next to him, noticed this and handed over a warm wet towel.

There are dozens of heaters under the long table, specially used to heat wet towels to a suitable temperature.Curze took it and smiled politely, but received a frown from Dorn.

"You seem to have changed a lot, brother." Roger Dorn spoke in a deep voice, using his slightly heavy voice to speak the first words after the banquet began.

"People change. In your opinion, is my change good or bad?" Coz asked seemingly casually.

Although his attitude was still natural, his right hand hidden under the towel was trembling slightly.Khalil glanced at him without revealing anything, but just took away an unknown steak with his fork.

The taste in the mouth is very familiar, but also very strange.He was startled for a moment, then turned to look at the emperor. Although the latter had lowered his head to cut the food on the plate, he still nodded slightly as if he had no idea.

The two Primarchs sitting between them were completely oblivious to the matter.

"I can't tell you the answer right now." Dorn told him frankly. "We haven't spoken a word in the past three and a half hours, and I have to maintain my posture to let the painters and sculptors capture my expression and appearance. I have no time to observe you."

"Then, you can observe now." Cozz smiled.

He put down the towel and wiped his hair, which was slightly damp from the towel, on it.He picked up the knife and fork again and started eating naturally.

Dawn stared at him for a while, making no attempt to conceal himself.If it were someone else, I am afraid that at this moment, he would have started to ask him what he meant by this with a gloomy face.

But Konrad Coates just smiled and tilted his head after eating a piece of meat that smelled of pepper.

"How about it, Roger?"

"You are more mature than before," Roger Dorn said. “So mature that I can’t even tell if it’s good or bad.”

He stretched out his right hand and finally picked up the knife and fork.Although this description may be inappropriate, Rogal Dorn does have a pair of beautiful hands.

Slender and powerful, like a sculptor or craftsman.Human beings are naturally attracted to beautiful things, and Dorn undoubtedly possesses this trait.However, when they are combined, you just get an awesome Dorne, rather than a prefix like 'beautiful'.

Konrad Curze couldn't help laughing, he just thought of Fulgrim.

This slightly irreverent joke made him relax for a long time, and also temporarily relaxed his nerves.

In just half a day, his nerves had been provoked once by the officials of the Ministry of Government, another time by the gentle and polite waiters, and the last time by the artists.

Their gazes made Coates feel very embarrassed. He couldn't understand why a dinner party even needed to be commemorated by a painting.

So he asked bluntly.

"Emperor," he said. "Are there no other ways to take photos in the empire other than painting?"

"Of course," said the giant in white robes. "It's just that compared to forms such as paintings and sculptures, they are considered less solemn. You may see them in some taverns that cater to rogue traders and sailors, or you may find family or friends in the soldiers' dormitories. Photo. But it usually does not appear in the palace."

"I see." Cozz tried hard to restrain his intention to comment and moved the sarcastic thoughts to the other side of his mind. "I heard that you made a special trip back to Terra this time?"

"Yes." The emperor raised his head. "To see you."

Dorn picked up the wine glass in slight shock. He had to do this-the physiological structure of the original body would also cause choking.

He drank half a glass of wine in one gulp, but he didn't taste it at all.Only after the food in his throat was washed away by the wine did he hear Conrad Coates' slightly bewildered answer.

".Uh." The pale original body blinked. "I-I'm honored."

"Me too, Your Majesty." Khalil raised his glass to the Emperor and added.

He took a sip of the wine, letting its taste and the painstaking efforts of the brewer explode on his tongue's taste buds.The emperor responded with a toast, and the banquet has continued as usual.But Rogal Dorn simply couldn't immerse himself in it.

He didn't feel at all that this was a banquet where the host and guest enjoyed themselves.In fact, he was choked again by the slightly weird atmosphere.

"Do you know what we are here for?" asked Conrad Coates, having put down his knife and fork.

It seemed that he didn't plan to eat anymore - Dorn wanted him to eat more. According to his standards, Curze was still a little thin.But he didn't intend to bring it up at this time.

"Of course." The Emperor put down his knife and fork with the same force, and even the position was the same as where Curze had placed it.

"Come to collect evidence and investigate who is using power for personal gain within the empire. According to past standards, this kind of thing does not require you and your legion to take action. But after all, this matter involves Leon and his legion, so naturally Treat them differently. The Ministry of Government and the Ministry of Military Affairs will not hide anything about the Midnight Blade. You can go and investigate this matter, Conrad."

"Don't you think?" Cozz paused for a moment, trying hard to find the words. "Are we doing this during the Great Crusade a bit at the expense of others?"

"The time that Malcador has bought for you has not yet come. You don't have to devote yourself to the Great Crusade now."

The emperor frowned, and his expression became more serious. It would undoubtedly be surprising to see such a degree of trouble on this face that usually did not have much expression.

"What's more, if you don't care, you will sacrifice the good. If this trend spreads in the empire, how many people will lose their lives and have their ideals shattered? Substituting others into the army must not be tolerated. The abuse of power will Leading to the complete depravity of human nature. Don’t worry, Conrad, no one will do anything to stop you from this action.”

"Thank you very much." Konrad Kozin said calmly.

He appeared so surprised by the Emperor's reaction that he almost lost his composure.Don understood this, after all, he had the same reaction himself, which was quite shocking.Fortunately, he quickly returned to normal.Although the Emperor's changes were somewhat drastic, they were not without traces.He turned his head and looked at Khalil Lohars.The latter smiled slightly at him and nodded as a greeting.

"I would like to see everyone shine and work hard at their job," the Emperor continued. "Being down-to-earth is always a rare quality. Keep it up, Conrad, and it will gradually become a sharp knife in your hand."

"Ah, um, okay, okay." Coz said, lowering his head.

"Then, go ahead and eat. Don't let the food go to waste." The Emperor waved his hand majestically and allowed the dinner to continue.
"Honestly, I'm surprised," Khalil said, squinting.

His hair was being blown by the cold wind that often howled in the Himalayas.Not to mention that he is still standing on a terrace at the moment. Looking down, you will find a vast river of lights.

The unique human vitality and sense of security gradually escape in the slight sound and are captured by another person on the terrace.The Emperor raised his right hand and grasped these precious things in his hand.

The temperature turned into a visible white mist that appeared with his breath and was blown away by the next gust of wind.The laurel crown stayed quietly on his forehead, as stubborn as it had been since ancient times.

"Why are you surprised?" the Lord of Humanity asked.

"You are actually willing to talk at length." Khalil said with a half-smile. "No, not really. I'm just surprised that you actually recreated the taste of mutton."

"There is no shortage of scientists in the empire, and it is actually not difficult to find a few who focus on the restoration of paleontology." The emperor came to the edge of the terrace and looked down.

His complexion also gradually softened.The night was desolate, and at such a height, the scenery under his feet was so small that it almost became a blurry thing at the pixel level, but he looked at them with an attitude of enjoyment, as if this was enough.

"I don't think they can really make a full recovery."

"For now, only a part of it needs to be restored. However, if animals like sheep can really be born again, it will actually be a good thing for you, me, and all mankind."

"Yeah." Khalil sighed. "Did any animals survive?"

"Yes, such as dogs or cats. Human beings took them with them when they marched towards the galaxy, but they are no longer the ones you and I are familiar with."

"What? The cat has two tails now?"

"It could be worse." The Emperor turned, briefly becoming Neos.He burst out laughing.

"Some cats escaped into the jungle and became new predators, repeating what happened between humans and their ancestors. Others evolved to be much smarter than they originally were, although they still had That’s kind of a jerk, but isn’t that what’s so charming about cats?”

"I still prefer dogs." Khalil said noncommittally. "Dogs are generally more loyal."

"Dogs are rare now, except for those hounds with genetic mutations, which usually only live two or three years." Nios sighed. "I hardly found any dogs that didn't have the genetic mutation and humans are cruel to them."

"Cruel? What have we done to them?"

"All existing dogs are naturally highly aggressive and loyal to their owners. Their original intelligence and instincts have been compressed in exchange for stronger bite force and larger size. These poor animals have been transformed by us. It became another weapon."

When saying this, Nios's expression looked a little sad.

"In other words, there are no animals that I am familiar with in the galaxy?" Khalil shrugged half-jokingly. "Tell me one, any one will do."

Nios fell silent. He looked into Khalil's eyes, trying to find some evidence to make this conversation less tragic.But he failed. There was no smile in the eyes of the man standing side by side with him.

In fact, all Nios could see was nothingness.

A pure nothingness.

After a long time, he spoke in a low voice.

"This is not Earth," Neos said. "Earth only exists in the past, only in the memories of you and me. Those things in the past are dead or twisted. Let it go, my friend. This is Holy Terra."

"I've never caught it, so how can I let it go?"

Khalil couldn't help but laugh. His smile was not sad, it could even be called peaceful: "I'm not trying to go back to the past, I just want to grab a little shadow of the past, Nios. People must rely on memories to do so. Support yourself to go further.”


Nios was silent for a moment and said slowly: "There is another bird."


"Last bird, Khalil," Neos said seriously. "A dead bird, the black-capped sparrow."

Khalil looked at him blankly.

"I found its bones before the global nuclear war, and I carried it with me for many years. It is now a falcon, and Rogge remade its wings, body and beak. It is here now Flying in the sky.”

The Emperor of Mankind slowly raised his hand and pointed to the dark sky.Following his guidance, Khalil looked up, but could only see darkness.

For a brief moment, he tried to use his psychic powers to catch the trace of the iron bird, but he failed to do so.After a few seconds, he lowered his head and let out a long sigh, as if he was sending away a soul.

"Accept it," said the bloodless and tearless Emperor. "We all just have to accept it."

Khalil looked up and smiled.

"Maybe it'll be better during the day." He winked and joked.

 Update completed, this chapter is 4k, 1k is owed.It feels best to stop here.

(End of this chapter)

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