40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 32 32 About the Blade, About the Mine (1)

Chapter 32 32. About the Blade, About the Mine ([-])

Standing on the edge of the building where the shelter is located, feeling the cold wind blowing towards his face, Khalil narrowed his eyes and shook his head slowly.

Restful sleep is a rare thing.he thinks.

Last night, he had a rare experience of this feeling again.There were no dreams or anything waiting for him in the darkness, just a peaceful gloom.

He got six hours of sleep in peace. He could have asked for more, but he refused.

After all, there is business to do.Furthermore, greed for enjoyment will make people lazy.

"We need to wait, ghost."

Facing the oncoming sour and cold wind, Khalil squinted his eyes and said.

"What happened last night will soon be known to all nobles."

"This kind of thing can't be hidden for too long, not to mention those families that have interests in each other. Even those nobles who are completely shrunk in their own world and only care about pleasure, should realize something is wrong after a period of time."

"Their reaction may be as I expected, and they will start to compete with each other for the vacant seat and rights. Of course, they may not. But either way, we will need to wait for a while."

Khalil paused and sighed.

"After all, this period is the eve of the Great Purge."

Ghost thought for a while, then nodded, but made a different opinion.

"Why don't we kill the other nobles, Khalil? We know where they are, and we know how to find them."

Khalil raised his eyebrows in a little surprise, and then smiled, with some sincere joy in his smile.

"How about it, Ghost—let me ask you a few questions, how about it?" he said softly.

Ghost nodded silently.

"You see a gang member robbing, what do you do?"

"Kill him." Ghost said without thinking. "He must have done it more than once."

"The answer is correct. Then, the second question, you saw a group of gang members robbing, what should you do?"

"Kill them all." Ghost frowned. "The gang deserves to die."

"The answer is correct. The third question, Ghost—you saw a group of teenagers trying to join a gang commit their first robbery in their lives. What are you going to do this time?"

The ghost fell silent.

And Khalil continues.

"They were starving and disheveled. A few gang members watched their actions from a distance, and even urged them to kill someone quickly. What are you going to do?"

Ghost continued to be silent, but the index finger of his right hand trembled, and his expression became more and more serious.This is rare, and something Khalil likes to see.

This means that Ghost has begun to think about these difficult questions.

"How, do you have an answer, Ghost?" he asked patiently.

"...No." Ghost replied in a low voice. "I don't have an answer."

"Well, let me tell you what might happen next."

Khalil lowered his head, looked down at the dirty street that gradually became chaotic over time, narrowed his eyes, and his voice became softer.

"Kill those gang members, and the teenagers will run away. But it doesn't mean they will give up, they will continue, they will join the next gang, or return to the gang's residence to report what happened"

"And then, if you're lucky, you might even meet a few of them."

"And then, you'd have to kill them—because they joined a gang."

"If you choose to stop those teenagers from committing crimes, they'll ignore you. Some will just go ahead and do what they're going to do, and some will turn to gang members."

"There's only a small number of people who will have a bad conscience because of your persuasion, but they will do nothing. After that, the gang member who was called for help will come across the street."

Khalil turned his head and looked at the ghost.At this moment, there was something on his expression that ghosts couldn't understand at all, and those eyes were full of heaviness.

".So, in the end, you still have to kill them."

Khalil shook his head. "That's the possible development, Ghost. I'm done."


Silence—then, in a difficult voice, the ghost asked, "Why?"

"Because they have to."

Khalil replied softly. "They have seen the appearance of their parents with their own eyes, ghost, you have seen it too, haven't you?"

"The workers in the shantytowns, and the dirty faces in the mines on the edge of the city, skinny and sick."

"Toil day and night, and after being drained of all value, the factory kicks them out. Next, they will cough up black dust and blood on the rotten wooden beds on the street until they die."

"Who wants to live like this?"

"But." Ghost asked hesitantly and frustrated. "Do you have to join a gang?"

"if not?"

Khalil couldn't help laughing out loud.

He is not as pessimistic as he used to be, but he still has a deep hatred for the current state of the world.The laughter dissipated in the cold wind, and it didn't appear to be pleasant, but rather a broken sadness.

"They have no choice, ghost."

Khalil said softly. "Between looking like a human being and living like a pig or a dog, they chose the former. We can't be harsh on this, but we can't forgive in lieu of the dead."


Ghosts are well aware of this—they cannot forgive in lieu of the dead.No one has this qualification except the deceased himself.

"Therefore, killing is never the best solution to the problem. Even if you kill all the nobles, there are still gangs"

"And gangs, sooner or later, will become the new nobles. This is a cycle, Ghost, what we have to do is not to join this cycle by killing, but to break it."

"break in?"

"Yes, break." Khalil nodded.

The ghost blinked, and then brought up something they had talked about a long time ago: "So, Khalil, you found that way?"

"I saw its embryonic form."

Khalil replied mildly. "But I don't know how to explain it clearly to you, ghost, my expressive ability is not very good, I can only try my best to describe it to you"

He raised his right hand and spread his palm.

"It's like a fire that has just been ignited but, in this world full of special fuel, it will burn the whole world very quickly."

Khalil clenched his right hand sharply.

"At that time, maybe this method doesn't need me to explain it to you again."

Ghost nodded silently, and at the same time firmly remembered every sentence in his heart.Some of these words he understood, some he had a half-understood, and some he didn't understand at all.But his gut is telling him you should write it down.

"Also. Given that we don't need to work today."

Khalil smiled slightly: "Don't you want a knife of your own?"

Ghost's eyes lit up suddenly.
Nostramo is a world rich in adamantine.

In fact, it would even be biased if you used the prefix rich to describe it.The truth is that Nostramo's crust contains vast amounts of natural adamantine.

Huge amount.

Therefore, we can say that it is a world wrapped in pure gold.

Of course, like everything else on Nostramo, Adamantium is firmly in the hands of the nobles.

They would be used by nobles to trade with the surrounding world, an extremely reliable source of income.The nobles would rake in gold and barter it for anything they wanted.

Of course they don't care how many people's blood is stained on these ores.

Jumping, falling, and finally landing, the action is the same as always.Khalil has experienced this many times, but this time, something is subtly wrong.

He frowned.

In the past, Khalil was used to unloading and preparing before landing.This time, he did the same.

However, just now, after he landed, his muscles and knees seemed to tell him, you don't have to.

You don't have to be so cautious, they tell the owner with a gentle shock force that you are very different.

what happened?

On the way back to the shelter last night, everything was obviously normal, why did this change happen after just one sleep?
Is it some side effect of resurrection that I don't understand?Or is the enhancement that comes with that power not lost?

is it permanent?

When Khalil thought about it, he couldn't help but frown more and more tightly—this feeling of not being able to fully control his body made him very disgusted.

"What's the matter, Khalil?" asked the ghost behind him.


Khalil didn't answer, but slowly widened his eyes.

He found something.

That sense of threat—the sense of threat derived from life instinct that would arise as long as the ghost was behind him disappeared.


"...I'm fine."

Khalil spoke in a low voice, forcing himself to temporarily forget about it.He raised his finger and pointed to the other end of the ruins: "Remember that mine, ghost?"

Crouching on the edge of the dilapidated house, Ghost nodded.

He remembered, of course, that it was in that mine that he had met Khalil.

They are now on the edge of the northwest of Quintus.The edge of Hive City City is a little bit better than the wilderness outside the city, but only a little bit better.

There is no electricity, the houses are in disrepair, and no one comes here except the miners.And the miners don't even live here, they just pass by, they will choose to set up simple tents near the mine as a place to rest.

After all, the houses on the edge of the city are very dangerous, so dangerous that there are not even many rats—most of the rats are active in the mines.

You don't want to know why.

"It's been abandoned there."

Khalil stood up straight and lifted his feet over a pothole that appeared on the spire of the house.The surroundings are full of darkness, except for a faint light shining at the entrance of the abandoned mine not far away.

"However, it seems there are still people there." Ghost whispered.

"Of course there are people there."

Khalil replied calmly. "The mines will be abandoned. The gangs and mine owners who are responsible for transporting goods can leave, but the miners cannot."

".But, the mine has been abandoned?" Specter said confusedly.

"The miners are also abandoned." Khalil turned his head and said.


Youhun pursed his lips, not knowing what to say.Khalil shook his head comfortingly, very gently.

"No need to say anything," he said softly. "How about meeting them? If you're lucky, you might meet a few people who know you."

Ghost's eyes widened.

 First of all, thank you for your support.Thank you very much, I never dreamed that I would be able to reach this position in the new book list
  Then, please allow me to recommend two Warhammer fans.

  The first book is Reading the Black Library. Perhaps some readers have already read this handed down work on Youzhan, but the author moved it to the starting point.This is a reading body describing the Primarch and Malcador coming to read the Black Library series. The author was caught by me while surfing in the group yesterday, and now he has not only opened two other new books, but also has to code 6k words every day, Jie Jie Jie Jie.

  (By the way, the author's other two books are also on this site)

  The second book is The Emperor's Children: The Purple Phoenix of Nirvana.

  That title is catchy enough, isn't it?The author's writing is solid, and the translation is strong. Although he is a seedling like me, there are already some interesting signs, so I won't spoil it.If you are interested, please go and have a look.


(End of this chapter)

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