40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 330: 50 days to help those who help themselves

Chapter 330 50. God helps those who help themselves

"He didn't say what the mission was." Gavir Loken spoke 10 minutes after Horus left, and his voice echoed in the room.

Togaton noticed that he was trembling. This thing made him almost unbelievable, but it did happen like this - Gavir Loken, a member of the Council of Four Kings and the captain of the [-]th Company of the Legion, was trembling. .

What's worse is that Torgadon knows why, he even understands why.

But he refused to be afraid.

"He doesn't need to say it," Torgadun told his brother. "He just came to test us, and he already got the answers he needed."

"Testing." Loken turned his head. "I can't believe you would use that word between him and us and I don't have a problem with it. What is he trying to do?"

"If you think I have the answer, you're thinking too highly of me."

"As always, I think you have the answer, Togaton."

"Not this time," Tarik Torgadun said. "Not only do I have no answer, I can't even understand it at all. His actions are contrary to his words, Lorcan. I even suspect that he himself doesn't know what he is doing. We must find out the truth of this matter."

"How to check?"

"Erebus." Togaton spoke out a name quietly.Gavir Loken's face was twisted for a moment at this moment. It was a kind of anger arising from suspicion, which had not yet turned into hatred.

"When we were on Davin, it was he who told us that the local natives could heal Horus. In fact, if you think back carefully, you will find that there is his shadow in every step from the beginning to the end. He has always been there, Loken .”

Togaton came to the conclusion, clenching his fists and not making a single joke.

His nature is humorous, and any words that come out of his mouth have a chance of turning into a joke. But it is different at this moment. At this moment, Tarik Torgadun is a person who is completely opposite to his usual person.

He continued: "He is like a damn shadow, following us closely. His actions and his words are purposeful. I don't know what he is going to do, but if you have to choose a possibility For those who know the truth, I will choose Erebus.”

"How are we going to find him?" Loken thought for a moment and agreed with Togaton's inference, but also raised a new question.The expression of the tenth company commander was quite serious, because he had already begun to consider how to proceed with this matter.

A serious counter-theory was slowly thrown out by him.

"Whether you or I think about it or not, we are heading to Istvan III to counter the rebellion. This matter is completely reasonable and legal. Vadus Pral took the lead in launching the rebellion as the governor of the system. We cannot do it at this time. Click to leave the Legion."

Loken paused for a moment and gave a bitter conclusion: "If there is no legitimate reason, let alone mobilizing ships, we may not even be able to start a shuttle."

"He will meet the other originals." Faced with Loken's words, Togaton just smiled. "This counterinsurgency involves more than just our legion. Angron will come, and so will Corvus Corax. They will not remain indifferent to this kind of thing."

"you mean"

"Yes." Togaton nodded. "The problems within the Legion are too big to be ignored, Loken. If the battle with Fulgrim can be simply explained as a misunderstanding, then what he did to the Emperor's Children was regardless. A crime that cannot be purged."

"The Emperor would be held to account if he found out. Think about it. One Primarch almost killed another Primarch and threw his legions into the arena to kill each other for fun, claiming it was to cure him. What do you think? What will the Emperor do?"

Gavir Loken took a deep breath and did not answer.

"So we must find an opportunity to inform the other Primarchs." Tarik Torgadun said. "In other words, we must betray and become informers. Think about it, Lorcan. I will not ask you to come with me, after all, this matter is-"

"What are you talking about?" Loken interrupted. "Of course I'll join."


Togaton reached out wordlessly, patted Loken on the shoulder, and whispered: "But before that, we still have one thing to do."


"We can no longer let our cousins ​​kill each other like this." Togaton said sadly but firmly. "I'm going to contact other people who may be as sane or crazy as we are, and you contact them. Seven days, brother, seven days. Make sure you get everything done before then."

"I understand." Loken said, he slowly exhaled the cold air and walked to the door.In the last few seconds before leaving, he turned his head and nodded to Tarik Torgadun.

"Be careful," Loken said.

"You too," Togaton replied.
Akudona lowered his head and concentrated on moving a small knife.It was provided by the fearless elder Gurira. It was originally part of the golden eagle on his right shoulder, but now it became a knife with a very sharp fracture.

Akudona must admit that he is now glad that not all parts on the Dreadnought are so hard.The blade gently cut into his skin and muscles, leaving a new name on his left wrist.Blood seeped out and solidified quickly.He studied the wound for a moment and realized it was too shallow to leave a scar.

So, he had to let the blade go deep again and repeat the process.After the fifth repetition, the blade's damage to the skin and muscles finally reached a satisfactory level.

He put down the knife and handed it to Vespasian, who was waiting.The latter reached out to take it, and there were already nearly forty names on his bare chest.Unlike Acudona, he chose to have his name recorded on his chest.

Saul Tarvitz is also on the chest, and Abdemon is on the right hand.They had been doing this for days, and the only person in the cell who wasn't involved was Gurira.

The elder did not participate in the battle. The Sons of Horus awakened him, but somehow blocked his permission to move and fire.It is said that Horus wished to save the rare battle of Dauntless against Dauntless for a later time.

Acudona couldn't imagine how tortured this long-lasting, immobility situation was for Gurira, but Gurira never showed any pain.He even commented on the beauty of their respective fonts, which was quite funny.

They passed the knife around, one person carving the other person's name and handing it to the next person.It rotates like this, like some kind of never-ending spiral.It was already full of blood, and the front end of the fracture had even turned dark red.

However, as long as Fulgrim does not recover for a day, the color will continue to deepen.They were doing this silently but in tacit understanding, and then there was a sound of footsteps outside the cell.

"A son of Horus, I suppose," Abdelmund said. "But haven't we already fought today?"

"Perhaps their bloodthirsty master wants to add to the meal. He wants to eat dinner with our blood." Sol Tavitz smiled cruelly and told a joke that was not very funny.There was no respect whatsoever for Horus Luperkar and his sons.

"It won't be Fabius Bayer anyway." Acudona said softly. "He's disabled."

"Why didn't you kill him?" Vespasian asked.

"Because we still need him to heal Fulgrim," Acudona said - giving a one-sided truth.

He told no one else what he heard from Fabius, not a word.Bayer's words sounded somewhat credible, but after thinking about it carefully, Acudona still discovered the loopholes in it.

If the Emperor really needed them to disappear, he wouldn't need to go to such trouble to arrange such a back-up plan.

Although it may seem disrespectful to say so, judging from the disappearance of the two legions, if the Emperor decided to do such a thing, he would simply send Leman Russ or Leon El'Jonson.

The Lord Commander looked at him for a while, shook his head, and did not object to Akudona's words.This incident made the chief swordsman relax a little, and then the door was opened.An Astartes wearing the black and white uniform of the Luna Wolves came in and closed the door.

In the dim light, Acudona could see his face clearly.

"Gavier Loken"

The man nodded: "It's me, Akudona."

"What?" Akudona asked with a smile. "Honorable Loken, what do you want to do here?"

Gavir Loken was silent for a few seconds, not getting angry at Akudona's mocking tone and title.In fact, there was something oddly gloomy about his face.Under the dim light, he looked more like a prisoner.

".Just wanted to confirm your status." After a moment of silence, he said.

"You have confirmed that we are all alive, Captain Loken." Vespasian said. "But it's just alive. No one can say whether we will die tomorrow. What do you think? Are you betting on us like your brother?"

"What?" Loken looked at him in shock, and Acudona noticed that he suddenly clenched his fists. "What are they doing?"

"Don't you know?" Sol Tarvitz asked, staring into his eyes. "You are betting on us. My dear cousins, I thought we were brothers, but you don't seem to think so."

Gavir Loken lowered his head, and everyone heard his heavy breathing at this moment.

The Emperor's Children stared at him in silence, saying nothing.It was the ancient sage Rilla who broke the deadlock. His voice came from the loudspeaker with a silence that completely despised the pain: "We might as well let the company commander make his speech first. He seems to be in pain in his heart."

"The elder has spoken," Akudona said. "So, tell me, Lorcan, what are you here for?"

Gavir Loken took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

 There is also a 4k one.

(End of this chapter)

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