40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 439 165 Terra

Chapter 439 165. Terra (thirty-three)

Constantin Waldo looked intently in the darkness for a possible path. He stared at the ground tightly while smelling the poisonous breath of chaos, never relaxing for a moment.

They were so far into the darkness that the demons seemed to have yet to truly discover the group, and the air here began to torment them before they came again.

It fits Waldo's imagination of subspace very well.

He calmly called the armor's processing system to analyze the pheromones in the air, and got the following concept.

toxin, error, unanalyzable, error, toxin.

Putting aside those repeated conclusions, Waldo knew in his heart that there was indeed a kind of toxin in the air. His armor might have had a small problem with its analysis and processing, but the blood-mist-like air could directly prove that Is its conclusion correct?

Waldo believes that the air is now the toxin itself.

They were digging deeper into his lungs with every breath, bringing a kind of needle-like pain. Interestingly, what lies behind this pain is a suddenly accelerated heart rate and a sharp increase in hormone levels in the body.

The Marshal of the Forbidden Army accurately captured the strangeness of his body and concluded that his strength and speed were enhanced in a way that did not belong to the subspace. The toxin in the air was a powerful one with no side effects. of stimulants.

Repeat: It does not bring any power from chaos, it comes from chaos, is born out of chaos, but it is more accurate.

And how is this possible?

He reported the matter to his master through the connection. Within the webway, the master of mankind used his eyes to see the whole picture and gave an order.

+Don't worry, keep doing what you have to do. +

He didn't explain, but Waldo didn't care.

He stopped and drew a circle in front of him with his spear. The golden light shines for a few seconds, briefly dispelling the darkness. A few corpses were exposed, and the alternating black and white armor brought an interesting coldness.

And the crest on their armor, that black, abstracted cross, Valdor's memory would be unmistakable unless his lord was willing to change it. Therefore, he came to the conclusion that these marks belonged to veterans of the Imperial Fists.

At the same time, a sigh came from behind him. Waldo kept this incident in mind and asked aloud: "Why sigh, Captain Alessio Cortez?"

"It's nothing, Lord Valdo." Alessio replied awkwardly.

He had a natural smoothness when pronouncing the word "Sir", and Waldo immediately reminded himself that Alessio might not be the same as the Astartes he knew.

The successor captain, who had served for only three years, respected the Custodes and not because of the Emperor's brief appearance.

He respects me. Waldo thought. Does he know who I am?

He turned his head and observed the young-faced warrior, but found no evidence to support his conjecture.

"Are they your friendly forces?" Waldo asked.

"They are blood brothers." Alessio replied solemnly. "They are among the most fervent and loyal warriors in the galaxy. If we were to choose a role model among us, they would be at the top."

Waldo nodded and strode over.

The ground was still covered with thick ashes. He knelt down and took out a handful, where he saw some melted ceramic particles. The pheromones in the air changed again, and a unique smell that remained after burning rushed into his nose.

He stood up and continued to approach the dead warriors.

Their white burqas were stained with dried blood. But if you look closely, you can find that all the dark parts of the armor have actually turned a dull blood red.

These warriors must have endured unimaginable brutality before dying, but Waldo must continue his work.

So, he reached out and took off the helmet of a corpse. It didn't refuse Waldo's behavior, and everyone saw an angry face.

The teeth were clenched, the muscles in the cheeks were locked together stiffly, and there were long and narrow blood marks spreading from the eyes and nose to the chin.

"Do you know him?" Waldo asked.

Alessio was silent for a few seconds and gave a name: "Lazon Danuiton."

"Military rank?"

"I can't tell." "Interesting." Waldo nodded. "So, where are these parchments?"

He reached out and gently picked up a long parchment roll hanging on the deceased's right shoulder armor. It looks very old, but miraculously it has not been stained by such a cruel war, and the writing can still be read.

"God Emperor?" Waldo asked, pointing to a word.

Alessio suddenly felt a little nervous for no reason, but the Forbidden Army did not ask any further questions. He just put the helmet back and buckled it tightly. Then they moved on.

From time to time, there will be some distorted sounds coming from the depths of the darkness. It is impossible to see through this place, even if it is modified or the night vision function of the eyepiece is used, it is impossible to see through this darkness.

No matter how long they walked, the ground seemed to be pale and thick with ashes, without any change except for their own footprints. Waldo led the way without saying a word, as if he knew exactly where the road was.

After a while, their perception of the center of gravity of the ground suddenly changed. Just taking one step, everyone's perception became strange, and they began to 'walk upward' instead of walking on flat ground.

Those distorted sounds began to become more and more obvious, and there were more and more bodies on the roadside. Some can still be identified, while others have weathered along with their armor. There were even two sets of Terminators among them. If Adamantite hadn't been so tenacious, they probably wouldn't have been able to detect this from the ashes.

The chaos of time was becoming more and more obvious, and Waldo reported the matter again. During the connection, the Emperor's voice remained calm.

+We are going deep into a high tower. +The Lord of Humanity spoke slowly. +Maybe it shouldn’t be called a tower, but it is indeed a spiraling building. The spiral that represents entanglement is a very dangerous concept on Terra today. Fortunately, Alessio Cortez holds the sword, so you have permission +

+Is it his permission? + Waldo asked. +Is he still there, my lord? +

+ is suffering. +The emperor said. + Just like you all. Keep them bowed, Waldo, and you too. +

The Marshal of the Forbidden Army immediately spoke: "Lower your head."

As he finished speaking, a bolt of lightning struck strangely through the darkness. The raging flames burned into the sky, and the ashes that were originally on the ground were suspended upside down in an instant, rising manically into the sky.

There was a bloody light that easily tore apart the darkness, and a huge shadow enveloped them all. The whistling wind passed by my ears, mixed with the roar of the dead. Waldo remained quiet, lowered his head, and felt an eerie and cold burning sensation.

He immediately realized that this was a gaze, and that the owner of the gaze was observing him.

No, no, that was not an observation, He was just weighing His soul.

Five seconds later, the vision disappeared, and he had a clear understanding in his heart.

Waldo raised his head and saw a blood-red sunset hanging high in the sky.

"It looks like we've arrived," he said.

What he said was true. At this moment, the scene that appeared in front of the Imperial Army and the 425 Astartes of the Crimson Fist was no longer darkness, but a blood-red desert.

The frightening heat burned their armor, the servos began to warn, and slight sparks of electricity emitted from the components. They raised their swords or guns, guarding the surroundings, waiting for the next order. However, the Imperial Guard did not take any steps. He just stood there and meditated, the tip of his spear shining with the sacred light that dispelled all uncleanness.

Alessio Cortes simply raised his head and glanced at the sky. However, the sharp sword in his hand suddenly buzzed at this moment, sending a cold force into his heart.

Unlike Constantin Waldo, at this moment, what he saw in the sky was not the blood-red sunset, but a calm moon.

It is neither fanatical nor angry. In fact, on the contrary, it has a dead coldness, the kind of soft moonlight that shines on the tombstones of the deceased.

+Lord, what should I do? + Waldo asked.

He was annoyed at his own hesitation. It was a shame to ask for instructions repeatedly, but the strangeness here was making his instincts go crazy. And if intuition wasn't enough, then the burning sensation coming from his injured right hand could prove something else.

He once swung a sword for his master, and that sword really hurt the so-called Blood God, and thus created a certain connection between him and Him.

Unlike the connection between him and the Emperor, which is so sacred, it can still make Waldo aware of certain emotions.

Just like the blood-red desert in front of him, it seemed windless and quiet, but in fact, there was an undercurrent, and the terrifying rage was cruelly squirming under the calm red sand. This is also why Waldo has been reluctant to take steps.

+wait. +The emperor said. + Just wait until night comes, just wait until the star torch burns. Our broken timelines are moving together, and two things that happened at different times are about to end at the same point. +

+Star Torch? Thunder is there too. +

+Yes, Thunder is here too. +The Emperor said, his voice calm and smiling, no longer as weak as before. However, Waldo also heard a divinity that should not appear.

He frowned and wanted to ask, but the next words of the Lord of Humanity immediately reached his ears. The voice was a multiple collection of old people, young people, women, and children, including the king's. Wisdom, but also the madness of a madman.

+Thor Tarvitz the Avenger, Sigismund the Champion, Bjorn the Lone Wolf, Azek Ahriman the Blind.+

The Lord of Humanity sighed deeply, and his voice returned to singleness after this moment. And his voice actually sounded in Waldo's ears, with warmth, sadness and pride, and definitely not the coldness unique to psychic powers.

"And my sons."

 You can write as much as you can before twelve o'clock, no need to stay up late.



(End of this chapter)

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