40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 5 51 Unusual Nostramo Rainy Nights (1)

Chapter 5 5. An Ordinary Nostramo Rainy Night ([-])

"The essence of a successful hunt is silence."

Above the huge bronze gargoyle, the ghost quietly listened to Khalil's words.He did innately know a lot, but not what Khalil was talking about.

He was too young, too young to comprehend the principles by which the world under his feet worked.Born to know it will only bring him more doubts.

"As you can see, there are tens of thousands of gangs in Quintus. Their territory is divided very carefully, even down to an inconspicuous alley. This means that if you don't be quiet, the sound of killing It will be heard by other gangs."

"Aren't they already accustomed to killing?" Ghost asked suspiciously. "Will they care about the noise from other gang sites?"

"Civilians and gangs make different sounds when they die, ghost."

Khalil grinned cruelly.

"Civilians die when they die. Not many of them feel nostalgic for life, and there are not a few who commit suicide. Do you think there are so many uninjured corpses in the corpse incineration plant? Could it be that they all died of illness?"

"As for the gang members who killed them, tell me, ghost, what noises do they make when they die?"

"Curse." Ghost thought for a while and said. "They cursed me and said someone would avenge them."

"More than these."

Khalil waved his left hand, and the smile became more obvious on his pale face. "And gunshots. Ghosts. They're going to keep shooting, and if you can't muffle the sound like I can, you'd better keep quiet."

"Then why don't you muffle those voices for me?"

"Because this is your solitary hunt."

Khalil moved the muscles in his shoulder and neck, and he narrowed his eyes.

"Listen, I'm going to die one day. I'm just a normal guy, I can't tear apart an armored car with a wave like you. And you, Ghost, you and I obviously share a purpose in some way. "

"So I will teach you everything I know, so that even if I die, you can change this ghost place. In that case, even if I die, I will be very happy."

Khalil finished speaking and shrugged.Ghost listened to his words quietly, with a calm expression.

He kept nodding, but his expression clearly showed the truth: he still couldn't quite understand what Khalil's words meant.

Again—Khalil Rohars felt an extreme irony in this naiveté.

You naive little monster, why on earth did you show up on Nostramo?
Khalil shook his head with a smile.

"Go ahead," he said. "A gang, kill them all."

The ghost came to the edge of the gargoyle, but at the moment he was about to fall, he suddenly stopped.

He turned his head and said to Khalil: "Killing can't solve the problem, Khalil, you told me this."


"Then why do we keep purging these gangsters?"

"Complete the task and clean them up without being discovered by other gangs, and I will tell you the answer."


"I didn't lie to you."

The ghost no longer hesitated, nodded, and leapt down from the top of the gargoyle.Khalil stared at him until the tall figure completely disappeared into the night before he sighed.

"Only eighteen months old," he said to himself. "Which psychopath created such a monster and threw it into Quintus?"
"The Coroner of the Scolewalkers is dead," said a bald man.

He has no lips, and his face is so damaged by countless piercings that it is difficult to look directly at it.

He was naked from the upper body, and there were chains buried deep in the flesh and blood piercing through his wrists, extending all the way to his waist, looking weird and terrifying.

Piercings don't matter, many gang members like to add something to their face to show that they are different.The same goes for body modification, where pain-loving perversions abound.

But the lips that were cut off were the crux of the matter.

This means he belongs to Shakertooth.

This meant that he belonged to a noble family in the upper echelons of the hive capital.

"I heard that woman had a special metal arm that was powerful enough to knock out the head of a sharp-toothed bull with one blow—how did she die?"

In the room with burning candles, another woman asked.

She wears a flamboyant white dress with layers upon layers.The waist is slender, and the exposed chest is soft and white.It looks beautiful, but there is a string of necklaces carefully polished from human bones on its chest.

The bald man glanced at her impatiently, and spoke in a harsh tone.

"You have nothing to say, do you, Guvas? Everyone knows that the Scolevoker family is very rich, as long as they are willing to be their dogs, they can have anything. Does it matter who killed her? The important thing is her body where!"

"Well, you can't tell, Konja, I can't tell if I'm really trying to find something to say—but you'd better talk to me politely."

The woman smiled charmingly, her lips stained red with human blood slowly stretched.

"I recently bought a batch of hallucinogens from the top floor. If you don't want to wake up one day and find yourself being hung up by the people under your hands to be skinned, please give me a little respect."

The bald man named Kangja snorted coldly. He raised his right hand and stroked his exposed teeth.The spare left hand kept piercing the flesh and blood of the thigh with sharp fingers.

He needs a little physical pleasure to remind himself—don't lose his mind.

"Almost there."

In the hall, another person who had been silent all this time finally spoke.Compared with Guvas' flamboyant court dress and Kangja's brutal body modification style, he in black seems to be the only normal person here.

He said with a blank expression: "We have nothing to do with the Scolewalker's family. It's not our turn to worry about such things."

"But the Scolewalkers have always been big spenders, Prey," Conja said. "Are we really not getting a share?"

"Anyone who has the guts to murder the coroner of the Scolewalk family on the eve of the Great Purge is not something we can deal with."

Prey shook his head calmly.

"And, even if we're really lucky and find her body, what are we going to do with the next problem that the Scolewalker family throws? Of course they're going to want to know who murdered the coroner."

Kangja nodded thoughtfully, in stark contrast to the irritability of the previous conversation with Guvas.

"So, are we going to declare a curfew?" asked the glamorous Govas.

She squinted her eyes and took out a needle-like device from the handbag on the table while talking.

Through the transparent shell, you can clearly see the bewildering scarlet color inside.

"Not yet—and, less injections. Type III blood mixtures are so addictive, you'll burn your brains out, look at your lips, you're already addicted to human blood right?"

Guvas licked his lips, tasted the taste of blood, and nodded absently.

Just staring at the tube of injection, her sight became confused, her breathing became short of breath, and her cheeks flushed even more.

Kangja, who was watching, sneered.

The addicts of the third blood mixture will be like this, they will suddenly fall into the frenzy of addiction at every unpredictable second.

If you don't drink blood, or inject a tube of the third injection, then this state of madness will last for several days.

Seeing this scene, Prey picked up a gold-encrusted dinner plate from the long table annoyedly and threw it over, knocking the syringe in Guvas's hand to the ground.

The woman's first reaction was not anger, but she subconsciously rushed over like a dog, fumbling on the carpet, trying to retrieve the syringe.

Her behavior continued until a dark leather boot stamped on her right hand.

Guvas looked up and saw Prey's expressionless face.

"I really shouldn't have agreed to let you go into the hallucinogen business." Prey said in a low voice, his left foot began to exert force, and it ruthlessly rolled on Guvas' palm.

The bald-headed Konja grinned, Guvas was pale with pain, but he dared not move.

"You don't have any self-control ability at all, that's all. The usual indulgence is irrelevant, but now is the moment when life is at stake, and you still want to take a shot of hallucinogen?"

Prey flew up with a kick, and kicked the woman to the other side of the long table.He finally couldn't bear it any longer and began to curse loudly.

"Let's not talk about the bloody vengeful spirit being a private soldier arranged by some fucking crazy family, let's talk about the death of the priest and the razor! They were torn apart and thrown in the damn church. Some even had to be cleaned!"

"The purge is coming soon, Gugas!"

Prey stood up from his chair and stared hard at the bleeding woman.The latter's first reaction was not to stop the bleeding, but to keep touching the bleeding nose with both hands to send blood to the lips.

Her face was full of bewilderment.

A look of unconcealable disappointment finally appeared on Puley's face.

He looked at Guvas and spoke again.Therefore, he ignored a fleeting black figure outside the window of the room, and also ignored the small sound that kept coming from the rain curtain.

Those voices sounded like flesh and blood being torn apart.

"Konja hooked up with Shakertooth, which means we finally don't have to donate money to get through this purge. You're addicted to hallucinogens"

"Look at yourself, the black lungs who are sick and dying in the factory are better than you—"

". Prey?"

Kangja blinks, not understanding why Pree stopped.

Of course he'd be happy to see Govass punished and disenfranchised and thrown out of the gang, and he'd be more than happy to teach this psychedelic fool a lesson.However, Prey's pause stopped everything.

He turned his head to look at Prey.Then, his eyes widened.

He didn't see Prey.

To be precise, he didn't see Prey's head.

A headless corpse stood swaying in front of the window, and the sour rain poured in, but they didn't realize when the window was opened.

Conja jerks to his feet, drawing his gun while trying to yell for the gang members waiting outside to come in and help.

Unfortunately, he was destined to fail to do this.

A slender and pale arm had already grabbed his neck first.

"Goodbye." Ghost said politely. "Plus, your windows are convenient to open."

A dull sound sounded in the next moment, and the last sight Kangja saw in his life was a white bone stained with scarlet blood.

Half a second later, when his consciousness was about to sink into darkness, he finally recognized what this bone was.

That's a vertebra.

Whose is it?

With this question in mind, he fell into a dark sleep forever.

Ghost threw down the head with a section of spine, turned his head and glanced at the only Gugas left in the room.

He heard the conversation of the three gang leaders clearly from outside.He knew her name, and he knew she was addicted to blood.

In fact, the latter can be completely analyzed through her behavior at the moment.

A normal person would not lie on the corpse of his companion and suck blood hungrily.

The ghost walked by without mercy.

Outside the window, the torrential rain continued.

(End of this chapter)

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