40k: Midnight Blade.

第74章 73第8军团(8,4k)

Chapter 74 73. The Eighth Legion (eight, 4k)

In the room, Khalil is signing a document.

He did it with ease—even though the document actually contained 170 pages of material that he had to confirm by himself.

His expression was relaxed and natural, even with a sense of relief that came from nowhere.

He spent 15 minutes on the document, one penny, one penny, and eventually he wrote his name in ink with a quill at the end of the document.

Caryl Rohars.

Two lines, one in High Gothic and one in Nostramo.

Then, he raised his hand and handed the document to the waiting machine servant, who took it with his hand, and issued a short and hasty confirmation from his throat.

Without receiving any other orders, it just left with the file in its arms.

The legs replaced by metal made a crisp collision sound on the ground. Its body was not heavy. It was not a combat servant, so there were no steel plates or other bulletproof objects in its body. Its internal organs were completely hollowed out, and its brain was completely empty. It is only one-third the size of a normal person.

A laboratory embryo, born to be driven, to do these simple tasks.

Khalil pursed his lips and said nothing.

He knew where it was going. In just two days, he knew the Nightfall as well as he knew every gloomy alley in Quintus.However, he does not know where the documents will go.

The logistics fleet was still 58 days away—57 days, technically.It is now 45:[-] AM on Terra.

Regarding this time, if you want to know, then you have to ask the clock hung in every corridor on the Nightfall, and I don’t know who set this tradition.

It's a little eccentric, but interesting.

These traditional Terran 24-hour clocks will remind all those who see them of the passage of time time and time again during the course of the voyage.

For Khalil, the incident has another meaning.

When Terra.


With a chuckle, he cut off all these thoughts—after signing the document, he officially became the instructor of the Eighth Army, teaching fighting and close-handed cold weapon fighting full-time.

And Konrad Koz gave him another surprise. The Lord of the Eighth Legion used a [-]-word statement in the document to describe in detail the responsibilities that he, the legion instructor, needs to undertake.
In short, he not only taught the recruits of the Eighth Army all kinds of skills they wanted to learn on weekdays, but even conducted 'combat drills'.

What is a practical exercise?

It is to let him act together with the Eighth Army in the future, test the results of daily training on the battlefield, and witness with his own eyes in the war whether the sharp blades in the dark he forged are sharp.

You're a quick learner, Conrad.Khalil thought.

However, it is still too early to think about these.

Sighing softly, Khalil straightened his expression, adapting to his new identity in an instant.

He walked out of the room and started walking towards a place.Then, at two o'clock in the morning on Terra, on the orbit of Nostramo, he walked into the training room gladiator cage on the upper deck of the Nightfall moored here.

The Astartes of the Eighth Legion fell silent at his presence.

Khalil just slowly took off the clothes on his upper body, and slowly moved his shoulders and wrists.

"Who will come first?" He chuckled and asked below the ring.
"There are three people from 710." Captain Van Cleef said seriously. "Please take a look, the name of every sinner has been recorded."

"You guys learned Nostramo so quickly?"

"Not currently."

The first company commander in blood-stained armor said so.

"It's just that I understand the most basic pronunciation and how to use some common vocabulary. It is conservatively estimated that it will take us another four days to master this language to the point where we can communicate with the Nostramo people."

"Then how did you write their names on it?"

"We let them write it themselves," Van Cleef said. "There are more solutions than problems, Primarch."

Conrad Curze scratched his head, and then wrote down this sentence in his notebook—yes, he planned to look at Fulgrim.

The company commander who stood by the table and witnessed all his movements suddenly widened his eyes.

"The Primarch?!"


"You—you? Why?"

"Because that sentence helped me." Conrad Koz said lightly. "So I'm going to take it down, and I'm going to add your name to the end. What's your opinion, Van Cleef?"

"I don't think that's right."

"What's wrong?"

"That's your notebook."

"Yeah, it's my notebook, so I'm free to write anything in it, isn't it?"

"But my words should not be taken so seriously by you."

The Lord of the Eighth Legion sighed.

"VanCleef. Tell me, is there any rule or regulation that says the Primarch shouldn't write his company's words in his notes? Especially if he thinks he's benefited from the words?"

".No, Primarch."

"Then why do you think it's wrong?"


The first company commander raised his head in embarrassment, and said in a low voice: "They will find me in the dueling cage."


Now it was Conrad Coz's turn to be at a loss.

"Duel cage, Primarch," said VanCleef with difficulty. "This matter will definitely spread, and many people will come to me for this matter."

The expression of the Lord of the Eighth Legion began to change little by little. Half a minute later, he asked in a deep voice, "...if you don't tell me, and I don't tell you, how would they know?"

VanCleef looked away, not answering the words of his primarch.Conrad Curz raised his eyebrows and suddenly felt a strong smile.

"I see." He said slowly. "You're going to take the initiative to show off, aren't you?"

"...not to show off." The fierce-looking company commander replied with difficulty, his voice was terrifying as if a blade was stuck in his throat.

"Hmph." Conrad Koz snorted and let him go temporarily.

He lowered his head, signed the materials submitted by the company commander, and put them on the other side.

His seal will arrive with the logistics fleet. At that time, all the documents he signed in the past two months will even need to be read again by himself, and then printed on the signature with the seal one by one, so that they are considered It really has legal effect.

For this, he is ready.However, although he didn't feel how difficult this matter was, he could still feel a subtle fatigue.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help shaking his head.

There are still some nobles on Nostramo who slipped through the net, and the Eighth Legion is tracking down their whereabouts.The ultimate goal is to leave none behind.

Judging from the current efficiency, Curz knows that it will take at most a week before the Eighth Army can completely eradicate gangs and nobles.

But, after that, it's the real action.It is also the point that he really needs to focus on, but before that.
He narrowed his eyes, moved the list of legions in front of him to the center of the table, and then spoke gently.

"Then, go back and rest, VanCleef—if you want to show off, wait until tomorrow. How do you like it?"


"Okay." Lowering his head with a chuckle, Curz waved to him, saying goodbye in Nostramo.

The first company commander was slightly taken aback, and then he replied in a hissing voice. Although it was still jerky, it was clearly recognizable as being in Nostramo.

The door slid open, then closed again.

Now, Conrad Koz was sitting in the office where he was alone, smiling slightly, and a subtle pleasure rose in his heart.

"I must speak Nostramo," he muttered. "Why can't you speak? High Gothic can be spoken, but Nostramo can't be spoken?"

He lowered his head and began to read the list.
"There are quite a few of them, almost one-third of them." Conrad Koz said with a sigh. "What am I supposed to do, Khalil? Or, Legionnaire?"

"I'm only responsible for teaching fighting techniques. You shouldn't ask me this kind of question," Khalil said.

He lowered his head, and briefly flipped through the documents brought by the servitor in front of him. It was a petition signed by all companies and teams, requesting the expansion of the training room.

The news that he served as an instructor of the legion has spread like wildfire, and this kind of matter that is obviously related to his duties naturally requires him to look at it.

Really troublesome.Khalil thought.Why do I need to decide how big the expansion should be?
"Not necessarily." Curz said seriously. "You will receive a new material tomorrow. I have updated the definition of an instructor."

".Conrad, what do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, instructor, I just expanded your scope of work." The Lord of the Eighth Legion looked up at the ceiling and said. "Anyway, those who can do more work."

".I won't argue with you about this for the time being."

Khalil sighed, feeling very complicated by the performance Konrad Koz showed.On the one hand, he appreciates the attitude.As judges and defenders of the rules, it is impossible to be not good at using the rules.but.
Conrad, you are learning too quickly.

"Well, let's talk about them," Khalil said. "This list is very interesting, one third?"

"one third."

Conrad Koz nodded and pursed his lips.

"I've had a rough look at some of the guys just being aggressive in combat, but there are others who just focus on what I don't know how to describe their behavior, Khalil. They seem to be going astray somewhere .”


"They are obsessed with using fear tactics," Conrad Koz said in a low voice. "While the Eighth Legion did have this tactic in their playbook, they took it too far."

"is it?"

"Yes. I looked through a lot of past battle reports in the afternoon, and found that most of the people on the list, even when dealing with a target that can be easily killed, would first use cruel means to execute the people around the target."

Khalil nodded thoughtfully. "Use fear to disintegrate the enemy's fighting spirit and rationality step by step to make them collapse. Aren't we all good at using this tactic?"

"Can they"

"But they put the cart before the horse." Khalil chuckled. "You want to say this, don't you?"

Conrad Coates nodded apprehensively.

In fact, the situation is far from as simple as he said.

The people on the list are not just obsessive - they actually show a kind of disregard for the common people.

They only have eyes for sinners who need to be judged.If the need to use weapons of mass destruction within a city terrified sinners, Curz believed they would not hesitate to use them.

They don't care much about the life and death of civilians.According to the development of this momentum, Curz can almost predict what they will become in the future.

When people step into the abyss, they are often unaware of their situation.Someone must give them a hand before they can understand how dangerous they are at the moment.

Moreover, the most critical point is that most of these people are veterans.

"So, how do you want to handle this?" Khalil asked softly.

He just waited for a while before continuing to speak.As before, he could naturally see that Conrad Curz was thinking about it.Although Kalil already had speculations and answers, he didn't plan to say them out.

Let him understand these things by himself - about the fact that war will destroy humanity
"...I'm going to talk to them."

"and then?"

"According to the results of the conversation, I will decide how to deal with them."

Conrad Koz said calmly and firmly. "I hope they can understand why the Eighth Legion was established and why it fought. Fear tactics are always just a means, and we should not be obsessed with it."

That's an interesting adjective, Conrad.

Khalil narrowed his eyes calmly, but still didn't express his thoughts clearly.However, this sentence of Conrad Koz has actually pointed to a certain essence.

"But." The Lord of the Eighth Legion shook his head. "I still think you should deal with them first."

"Me?" Khalil raised an eyebrow. "I'm just an instructor."

"I will assign some of the people on the list to ground combat tomorrow, and you can follow along, Khalil. Actual combat drills! Then, you can teach them."

Conrad Koz smiled slightly: "Just like you taught me."

"I never taught you to add so much work to a person, Conrad Coates."

"Those who can do more work." Curz blinked and said with his head tilted.

Khalil sighed helplessly, but did not refuse.

After a moment, he moved his neck calmly and nodded.

"However, this is at best a training session." He said softly.

 There is still 3. This chapter is to make up for the 1K owed last night. I apologize for adding [-]k.

  The old man has started class.jpg
(End of this chapter)

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