Rebirth 09: Synthetic Male God

Chapter 395 Natural Disaster

Chapter 395 Natural Disaster
four hours ago.

It was still a peaceful afternoon in Che County.

The noisy vegetable market, bicycles coming and going, and students having fun after school.

This small county town is not big. It is sandwiched between two mountains and built along a river. It has a sense of isolation from the world.

This kind of county town built along the river in the ravine and divided on both sides is often seen in the east and south, but it can be said to be very rare in the northwest.

But precisely because of this, the water resources here are abundant, and the green mountains and trees on both sides make it very pleasant. Some houses are even built directly on the river banks, as are the main roads in the county.

An old man carried two bottles of soy sauce and walked towards his home. When he passed the chess stall, he said hello to his neighbor.

"Lao Zha! You're still betting! How many dollars do you lose in a day? You can't even bet me, so why are you betting with Lao Liu!"

The "Lao Zha" on the chess table waved his hand: "My retirement salary is higher than yours! Play as many games as you want!"

Several primary school students on the side ran over noisily: "Let's not talk about chickens and civilize you, me and others!"

The old man was afraid of being hit and got out of the way. : "Children today are do teachers teach them!"

The old man continued on his way home. When he turned a corner, his field of vision suddenly widened. From a distance, he could see dark clouds covering the mountains to the north, and even lightning and thunder.

But he has lived here all his life, so this situation is not surprising. The climate in the mountains is changeable. It rains on the top of the mountain and sunny on the top of the mountain.

He shook his head and didn't care much, and went home humming a little tune.

Before a disaster occurs, few people can spot the signs.

three hours ago.

A middle-aged woman was squatting by the river washing clothes.

Although the water in this river is not very clear, it is free. After so many years, she is still used to washing clothes by the river to save water and electricity.

Just a bit useless.

Ordinary people just squeeze out a little savings from every bit of life.

As she washed herself, the middle-aged woman thought it was because she was too old to be dazzled by squatting for a long time, so the water in the river became increasingly turbid.

The middle-aged woman looked up in confusion and found that not only herself, but the entire river had become turbid.

Feeling slightly uneasy, she stood up and looked upstream.

Then she saw it.
Huge floods, carrying astronomical amounts of silt, rushed down from the mountain col ahead.

Even the mountain walls were shattered and shattered by the huge waves.

Even boulders several meters high were carried along by the debris flow and rumbled forward.

The whole valley was trembling.

The middle-aged woman was stunned for a few seconds.
Her mind had never raced so fast.

After just a few seconds, it dawned on me
He took out his cell phone and dialed his son's number.

"Mom! I'm on the subway! What do you want to say?!"


"Mom loves you."

The next moment, the signal turned into a busy signal.
Disaster comes quickly.

From the debris flow outbreak point to the ravine where Che County is located, there is only a short distance of 8 kilometers.

But the altitude difference between the two is a full 2000 meters.
The violent water flow, with a potential energy of 2000 meters, swallowed up everything including half the mountain's sand and boulders.

In just a few minutes, three villages and 50% of the county were completely destroyed.

The sediment formed a barrier lake downstream, causing the water level in Che County to remain low for a long time.

Houses collapsed, bridges broke, and transportation, electricity, and communications were all disrupted.

The disaster situation is severe.

After the disaster was reported, great attention was paid to it, and all surrounding forces were immediately mobilized.

The situation is extremely urgent, and entering the disaster relief scene just one minute late may mean the difference between dozens of lives.


After the bad news about Che County was passed on, within an hour, a nearby grassroots geological staff got a signal from the leader and moved closer.

Along the way, countless vehicles and people were fleeing away from Che County.

Some people were covered in mud and water, and some had bloody heads.

But they are just the lucky ones who were not directly affected by the disaster.

The real victims had no chance to escape.

Wang Tianfu didn't know the specific situation. He just heard that a large mudslide occurred in Che County.

But this place is still more than ten kilometers away from Che County. How come we have already encountered people fleeing?
Wang Tianfu lowered the window, stopped a young man who was in better condition, and said in the local dialect: "Brother! What's going on ahead!" "It's terrible! It's terrible! The entire Che County is gone! The bridge is also broken!"

"Did you escape?"

"There was no way to escape. The county seat would be gone in a few minutes! We were far away! We saved our lives!"

How many minutes?The county seat is gone?

Wang Tianfu felt cold all over his body and did not dare to think about it!

He quickly took out his mobile phone and wanted to contact the leader, but then he realized that there was no signal at all!
It’s over, the signal tower is broken and the bridge is broken!What about electricity?
He hesitated for a long time, not knowing whether to continue moving forward or to retreat to the place where there was a signal.

Although he had not witnessed the horror of the disaster with his own eyes, the sight of people limping down such a winding mountain road with bloody heads and heads had already frightened him, a grassroots employee who had been sitting in an office all year round.

"Run! Run! The water hasn't receded yet!"

"Mom! It hurts!"

"Quick, quick, I can't hold you anymore!"

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Don't block my car!"

Cries, howls, curses.

A kind of collective panic sprouted in his heart.

Wang Tianfu suddenly had tinnitus.

Why don't you go back? He's just a hard worker with a monthly salary of 2000 yuan. He was called here to check on the situation just because he was close.
why me?Why me?
Just when Wang Tianfu hesitated to move forward, a blue-red light that kept dancing at the bottom of the winding mountain road came quickly.

Two police cars passed through the crowd and headed upstream.

It seemed that among all the cars, only the front of Wang Tianfu's car was facing forward. The police car stopped and lowered the window: "Comrade, don't go forward! There is a disaster ahead, go back down the mountain!"

The old policeman's face showed anxiety, but there was also a kind of determination.

Time was urgent, so the old policeman just said a word and moved on.

Wang Tianfu stood there, watching the police car go away, feeling a little complicated.

In the end, he shook his head and sat back in his car.

This old Jetta made an overwhelmed sound.

Just as he was about to start the U-turn, the sound of a vehicle came from behind again.

A red fire truck, swimming upstream.

Similarly, seeing Wang Tianfu, the only car facing the front, the fire truck lowered its window and said: "Stop going forward! There is danger ahead! Go down the mountain!"

The fire truck continued to move forward, leaving Wang Tianfu holding the steering wheel tightly.

Next came the white ambulance.
Wang Tianfu's eyes began to look empty.
There is still no cell phone signal, no one can order him, and no one will know what choice he made.
Wang Tianfu suddenly put the car into gear and drove forward.

Be that same "swimmer".

"I am a geologist, and I am most familiar with the geology and hydrology of surrounding villages and counties."

That old Jetta had never started so fast before.

"I'm just going to see if there might be a place where I can be used."

Wang Tianfu kept moving along the mountain road, and was finally stopped about 10 kilometers away from Che County.

Turbid, turbulent rivers, and completely broken bridges.

Police car, fire truck, ambulance
Blue, red, and white are all blocked.
The bridge deck was cracked and broken by the impact of sand, and it was hundreds of meters away from the opposite side.

An old police officer looked sad after getting out of the car.

"It's over. What should I do?"

Why is there so much water?
Wang Tianfu ran over and stood weakly by the broken bridge. The turbulent and turbid river water below seemed to be slapping his brain, but he still forced himself to calm down and said:

"This is Bainiaogou. It is only a few meters wide on weekdays. But now at this water level, the water depth is at least 10 meters!"

The old policeman was stunned and said, "Who are you?"

"I'm from the Geological Bureau, so I'm familiar with this area."

The old policeman was a little surprised, but it still didn't help the situation here.
For them, it is not an exaggeration to say it is a natural chasm.
Moreover, communications were interrupted and the way forward was unclear. Thousands of people were waiting in the disaster.
Anxiety was spreading, but they didn't know what to do.
Police officers, firefighters, doctors and nurses are all guides in their respective fields in the face of various dangers. They carry the hope of ordinary people and are the solid figure behind them.

But in the face of real natural disasters, they are so helpless.

At this moment, everyone heard the noise and turned around.

On the winding mountain road, a touch of green is approaching.

Everyone, including the police, firefighters, doctors, nurses, and Wang Tianfu, felt much more relaxed.

When the sky falls, those who can truly resist it are here.

(End of this chapter)

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