Rebirth 09: Synthetic Male God

Chapter 452 Global Announcement

Chapter 452 Global Announcement

October 11, Thursday, sunny.

Rongfei 919 Factory, inside the huge hangar.

The two J-20s completed all preparations.

The spare one was pulled into a corner to avoid being photographed.

Wang De was wearing orange work clothes and a helmet, standing on the belly of Weilong, with items on the work board in his hand being ticked.

One of the best pilots, the strongest in the military, holding his helmet, was confirming the entire process of the "first flight" with the staff.

If Zhou Rui were here, he would be able to recognize that this is the "live ammunition escort" who scored the first kill of the world's fifth-generation aircraft.

He is also one of the pilots who is most familiar with the "Vyron". After a long period of running in, he and this "Vyron" have become old friends.

But this time, the old guy has a new change. The black lines on it look a bit special.

The pilot looked up at the "Vyron", somewhat lost in thought.

Wang De said: "Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with the machine. Zhou Gong has done it."

The pilot was stunned and felt calmer: "I see, is Zhou Gong here too? But I'm not nervous, but excited."

Wang De nodded: "I wish you good luck!"

The pilot nodded, climbed up the ladder, sat in the cockpit, lowered the canopy, and gave a thumbs up sign.

The maintenance team members gradually left, leaving all the space for the J-[-], which was facing the hangar door.

Outside the hangar, the military's dedicated photographer has focused his lens on the closed door.

On television across the country, Yangma’s channels 1, 7, and 10 began broadcasting special programs as early as half an hour ago, all of which were related to national defense and aviation.

And at 13:55, a special live broadcast was suddenly interrupted.

The closed hangar appeared on TV in thousands of households.

"Dear viewers, I am currently in Rong City, Sichuan Province, participating in a special first flight ceremony."

"Our reporter reported that today, our army"

"What's behind me now is..."

Some people are chatting, some are catching fish, some are chatting, and some are in a daze.

They all felt that the scenes on TV seemed important.

Similarly, these public channels were also captured by various intelligence agencies around the world at almost the same time, and they all focused their attention on Chengdu, the Republic of China.

Some were shocked, some were gloomy, and some were disdainful.

But no matter what the outside world speculates, it will not affect everyone in the 919 factory.

In the hangar, Wen Hongqi shouted into the microphone: "Cold start the engine!"

Veyron's tail nozzle slightly retracted and adjusted, and scorching flames ignited from it.

"Attention all units, open the hangar door!"

Two steel doors opened slowly.

The hangar, which was not originally dark, was as contrasting as night and day against the dazzling sunlight outside the door.

A bright gap continued to expand, finally revealing the runway and blue sky behind it.

It's like an open door to heaven.


Far away from the runway, the filming team focused the camera on the open hangar.

A giant silver-gray thing with black lines jumped out in front of him.

The reporters' voices became louder.

"Everyone, what is slowly driving out now is a twin-engine heavy-duty stealth fighter independently developed and produced by our country. It is also the most advanced fifth-generation fighter in the world."

As the entire "Vyron" walked out of the hangar, there were waves of exclamations from the stands.

"It's so big!"

"Is this our fifth-generation aircraft?"

"So beautiful, so beautiful!"

Yu Shu clenched his fists tightly, a sense of pride welling up spontaneously.

He, an ordinary person, had the opportunity to participate in such a great project.

Zhou Rui smiled and clapped.

"crack" "crack" "crack"

The applause was gentle at first, as if everyone was still in shock, and finally became rapid and enthusiastic.

The audience gave their applause without hesitation, even if the "Vyron" in the distance could not hear it.

The "Vyron" slowly stopped in the center of the runway. The engine behind it was getting hotter and hotter, and the high-temperature air caused some visual fluctuations in the tail.Many people think that it is a great thing for "Vyron" to make a public debut and take off smoothly.

Most viewers, including tens of millions of people in front of the TV, cannot perceive the specific parameters or understand its advanced level.

In the eyes of many people, the most advanced things in the Republic are second-rate at best internationally.

But this time, it's really about "showing the sword".

After receiving the instructions from the tower, the pilot was ready to give the world a little shock of the times and pressed the "Four-image Stealth Start" button in the cockpit.

There was no buzzing or vibration, but the sound effects full of technology were imitated in everyone's minds.

A wave of fish scale-like ripples surged rapidly on Veyron's surface, covering its entire body in less than a second.

This big guy is 21.2 meters long, has a wingspan of 12.88 meters, and is 4.69 meters tall. Its surface instantly changed from metallic silver-gray to a dazzling mirror color.

The black striped pattern on its body does not reduce the beauty of this mirror color, but adds a mysterious color to "Vyron".


"Oh my god! What is this!"

"What happened? How did this happen!"



In the stands, behind TV screens, all over the world.

Countless people seemed to have their brains suspended.

What technology is this?
Is this a technology that should exist on earth?

What route?What does it do?What function?
question, doubt, fear
Surprise, astonishment, exclamation.
The most calm people in the stands were probably the people from the "Four Elephant Materials Project Team".

Han Ziyin whispered: "I still think she looks best when she has a pure mirror color."

Zhou Rui smiled and said: "Just a little bit of disguise and let them guess."

Yeah, let them guess.

Not only the global intelligence agencies, but also military fans are scratching their heads, and ordinary viewers are in disbelief.

Those children who accidentally changed the channel to Yangma thought they were watching cartoons.

In the camera, the reporter's voice was trembling, and it took him a long time to organize his words: "The J-[-] adopts brand-new stealth technology and has stealth performance that far exceeds that of the fifth-generation aircraft currently in service. This is a new technological route that is completely independent of our country."

Due to professional limitations, he can only express it in official and rigorous language.

But in his heart, he just wanted to shout: Fucking awesome! ! !
After 2 minutes of static display of the "mirror color" mode, the tail flame behind the Veyron became thicker and thicker.

With permission from the tower, the pilot began to accelerate.

That acceleration was so fast, so silky smooth.

After only a few hundred meters, it rushed into the sky with unparalleled power.

Zhou Rui, who was very familiar with his big baby, frowned slightly, thinking that the organization still had a hand in it. The take-off distance was actually about 400 meters. With the strength of the Veyron, the take-off distance on flat ground should be about 280 meters.

This is another smoke bomb. Is it supposed to conceal the suitability of the aircraft carrier?

Of course, ordinary people can't feel this difference and just cheer to accompany the "Vyron" with its head held high.

The moment "Mighty Dragon" raised its head and soared into the sky, a droopy old man in the first row suddenly stood up.

Mi San smiled and saluted the sky.

There is no explanation or meaning, but at this moment, only this action can express his joy and excitement.

A veteran next to him was obviously confused, but when he saw Brother Mi's straight back, some blurry images came to his mind.

Those are. What are they? I can’t remember.
He struggled to stand up from the wheelchair.

Mi San gave him a hand and said softly: "Can you still stand up? Old man?"

The veteran didn't answer, he just stood up tremblingly and stubbornly.

Following Brother Mi's example, he raised his hand and saluted the sky.
He couldn't see clearly what was flying that day.
In the chaotic and rotten thoughts, the faces of comrades appeared inexplicably.

Those old friends who were braver than him, more heroic than him, but had not even seen a single glance of the New Republic.

The veterans in the first platoon had no one to direct them or give orders.

Some struggled to stand up, while others could only straighten their backs in wheelchairs.

Salute to the sky.

They were not, saluting the pilot.

Not really, against the Veyron.

Rather, it is towards a motherland that has become better and better over the past century.

(End of this chapter)

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