Chapter 492 Kunpeng
There seems to be no upper limit to the computing power of the system. Even though Zhou Rui put forward countless demands in one breath like a short essay, when Zhou Rui finished his statement and confirmed his choice, it still took a blink of an eye.

The big plane in front of me is completely different.

The wings are fused and there is no tail, just like a mechanical bat.

And its biggest feature is its size!
According to the data provided by the system, the height is 6.1 meters, the wingspan is 63.2 meters, and the length is 37.1 meters.

It has six Pifang turbofan engines, the entire fuselage is covered by "Four Elephants-MP3" stealth skin, can cruise at Mach 1.5, has a maximum endurance of 16000 kilometers, and a endurance of 8000 kilometers at supersonic speeds.

Bomb load: 36 tons.
Evaluate from Zhou Rui's perspective.
This can be said to be a "monster".

It has nothing to do with the A380.

If I had to compare, it would be with B2.
B2 is its younger brother.

Regardless of size, bomb load, stealth performance, battery life, speed
Is there any room for improvement?

The answer is yes, but Zhou Rui needs to quit and continue to deepen his knowledge of aeronautical engineering, especially related to bombers.

But this year it’s too late to “do the same thing but in different ways”.

Zhou Rui looked around and saw that this thing only had one room for modification, although as a military aircraft, it was not necessarily necessary.

I decided to give it a try and withdraw if it doesn’t work.

"Comprehensive application of 'mechanical intelligence' systems."

System: "Comprehensive application of the mechanical intelligence system will reduce battery life. Do you confirm?"


To Zhou Rui's expectation, the appearance of the monster bomber in front of him did not change much this time.

Zhou Rui entered the "monster" with doubts and found that a large number of sensors and controllers had become intelligent devices. Tens of thousands of "points" were networked internally, so that the underlying control logic of the aircraft in front of him had been changed. Completely subversive.

The first is this aircraft. The number of controllable parts has increased significantly, and many subtle parts can be controlled through "mechanical intelligence".

In addition to the instrument panel, the pilot can also use interactive methods to control this complex mechanical creation, which greatly reduces the control difficulty and learning cost.

The two most important changes are
One: It can execute orders on its own, with no one dropping bombs, no one cruising, no one taking off and landing, and its accuracy and response speed in all aspects are far superior to human control.
Two: It can form a combat formation with other aircraft equipped with "mechanical intelligence". It can either serve as the main aircraft with escort aircraft, or it can follow fighter jets to break out.

The price paid is increased power consumption, reduced fuel tank space, and a loss of more than 1000 kilometers of comprehensive range.

But, blood is earned!
At this point, with Zhou Rui's current knowledge level and structure, there is nothing that can be upgraded on this aircraft.

If there is, it means demolishing the east wall to make up for the west wall. If the speed is increased, the battery life will be reduced, and if the battery life is increased, the bomb load will be reduced.

Zhou Rui no longer gave new instructions, but used this free and special perspective to continuously shuttle through the entire as-yet-unnamed huge aircraft and observe every corner.

After wandering around for an unknown amount of time, Zhou Rui "got out" of the plane again.

Floating above white space.

So next, how is the system going to give me the complete set of design drawings of this thing?
To put it bluntly.
This is already much more complicated than the A380
"Confirm the design plan."

"Received and cannot be changed after confirmation. The design has been solidified and a holographic design will be generated, which the host can review at any time."

Then it's gone.
In just a moment, a thought flashed through Zhou Rui's mind.
There are loopholes here that can be exploited!
Is it possible to use up the "computing power" of the system in this white space as long as the uncertain plan uses up a "different approach but the same effect" opportunity?You can do "command-based one-click design" as you like in it, and finally just remember it in your mind!

The A380 is a bit too big, but what about the simpler one? Do you remember it completely?

Before he had time to think about it, Zhou Rui's gaze sharply lifted, leaving the white unknown space and returning to the usual monotonous system panel.

It was very different from what he had imagined before. The system did not let him draw it by hand like the "Revelation from Heaven", nor did it break through physical limitations and give him a hard drive out of thin air. Instead, it stored the design drawing itself in the system, allowing him to Can be viewed at any time.

Although this will make it take a lot of effort for the drawings to appear in the real world, at least it will not make him work hard to draw tons of drawings.

When Zhou Rui opened his eyes again, it was dusk outside again.

He smiled to himself, got up from the sofa and stretched.

First, I felt refreshed all over my body, but then I felt a very obvious hunger.

Zhou Rui found his own Snickers bar from the office drawer. While eating it, Zhou Rui thought about how to use the "new drawings".

To be precise, the first step is how to reproduce it from the mind into the real world before we can talk about the rest.

By the way, I haven’t given a name yet, otherwise it would be very inconvenient to always refer to “new drawings” and “new drawings”.

According to his usual style, Zhou Rui likes to find inspiration from Chinese mythology, such as "Four Symbols", "Bi Fang" and "Enlightenment".

Based on the characteristics of this new drawing, Zhou Rui thought for a moment and decided to temporarily call it "Kunpeng".

After all, if successfully manufactured, this is destined to be the largest bomber in the world.

It is also the largest strategic bomber, the largest stealth bomber, and the largest supersonic bomber.
Of course, there is still a long way to go. Although it adapts to the current situation of domestic industry, Zhou Rui does not want to lower some rigid indicators. The technical requirements of some structures are slightly beyond the current level and require "exerting efforts" to achieve it. get.

And the cost is very beautiful
Hmm. It’s causing trouble for smokers across the country!
Everyone, work hard!

According to the naming convention in the aviation field, "Kunpeng Strategic Penetration Stealth Bomber" is its full name.

"Strategic" means a very large strike radius.

"Penetration" means capable of supersonic speed.

Needless to say, "stealth".

As for bringing the drawings to reality, the fastest way is to have a decisive battle commanded by Zhou Rui like the "Fifty Warriors of the Shipyard".

The slowest method is for Zhou Rui to draw it himself.

Gritting my teeth, I estimate that it will take three to five years to complete the painting.

Haha, I'm so funny
By the way, this drawing that exists in the system can be viewed at any time. Another advantage is that Zhou Rui can often look through it to strengthen his knowledge, just like reviewing.

The plan given by the system is the "highest score" of his strength, which has a very good reference significance and allows him to learn new things through reviewing the past.

Even if it is something you are involved in, you can get a lot of inspiration and inspiration by reading it frequently. After all, Zhou Rui cannot guarantee that he will get the "highest score" every day.

The ability of "different approaches but similar effects" can also bring out more wool, or it can have more wonderful uses.

(End of this chapter)

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