Rebirth 09: Synthetic Male God

Chapter 562 The Military Research Institute is launched

Chapter 562 The Military Research Institute is launched

"Occasionally or not, I have gained something at least. Well, don't worry. The materials require me to send them back, so you can take a look first."

The matter of "Kunpeng" has been laid out for so long, and it's time to unravel the mystery.

If we work backwards, there will probably be a "scientific research decisive battle" before Kunpeng is released, so that a complete set of designs can be reasonably presented, materials and parts prepared, and troops mobilized to try to assemble it.

Of course, if you consider it rigorously, you will naturally need to intersperse a lot of testing, research, wind tunnels, decision-making, tackling difficulties, etc. After all, aircraft manufacturing is rigorous, and others don't know that "Kunpeng" is already so complete.

Zhou Rui will find a way to use his "accidental income" to simplify the intermediate process and make it come into being smoothly.

A large supersonic stealth breakout bomber, this is a big killer.

Excluding the situation of bullying "children", if the fight between major powers has not reached the "nuclear" stage, such things will not be deployed.

You don't have to fly halfway around the world just to drop a conventional bomb, right?

I can't even hear it!

99% of the time you won’t need it, but the 1% of the time, you’d better pray that you have it!

Moreover, Kunpeng uses "four-image stealth technology" and is equipped with a "Bifang" engine. Its performance is all-around better than the B80 that was technically finalized in the 2s. It is still and destined to have a place in modern warfare. If the data is released, it can make The old American has trouble sleeping and eating.

The significance of strategic deterrence may be even greater than that of the "Vyron".

There is no need to consider mass production of this thing. The demand is much lower than that of the "Vyron". Take the next door as an example. For decades, there have only been 20 of them, and they are patched together.

Build one first and use it as a strategic deterrent, even if it is just a hand rub, and then fix the technology, and then judge whether additional ones are needed based on the situation on a year-by-year basis. One aircraft a year or even one aircraft every few years is fine.

Of course, in the subsequent low-end rounds, Zhou Rui does not need to participate. He only plays high-end rounds now.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Rui quickly began to arrange various matters. It is now mid-March and he hopes to get there before mid-April.

The list of materials can be sent over first and let Lin Guangrong keep an eye on it so that they can contact each other first to shorten the time later.

Before that, I had agreed to Yang Rubin's "Junwu Research Institute", at least to get it started.

If Kunpeng is at the level of strategic deterrence, then "Junwu" is about substantially improving combat effectiveness.


Feng Yang wore a somewhat old-fashioned jacket and walked on the university road.

Compared with the National University of Defense Technology, where I was an undergraduate, the area around Fuda is more lively and secular.

Today is the first day of official work of the "Military Wu Research Institute", and he is here to report.

It has been nearly ten days since he arrived in Shanghai. Feng Yang has taken a long vacation. He also went to see the Big Gourd Strings and the Bund. The bustling metropolis is even more lively than Beijing.

But my enthusiasm for the "Military Research Institute" has not diminished.

Three days ago, he got a piece of information about an existing drone model.

Loitering grenade, patrol aircraft, hummingbird aircraft, migratory bird aircraft.

Even more powerful are integrated technologies such as "drone combat platform" and "visual helmet".

It is said that all these things were only made by Mr. Zhou in his spare time last year.

Feng Yang didn't know what words to use to describe Mr. Zhou, who was younger than himself, except admiration.

The emergence of military drones and "mechanical intelligence" gave him hope in the direction of "intelligent command" that he had been studying.

Some ideas that might have taken ten years to come to fruition now feel like they are right around the corner. How can we not be excited about this?

When I walked into the smart building, since I didn’t have a work permit yet, a guide drone flew out immediately.

"What can I help you?"

After seeing it for the second time, Feng Yang still felt strange: "I'm here to report, my name is Feng Yang." The indicator light on the guide drone turned yellow for processing.

"Notifying, please wait until you can take the No. 3 elevator. One-time permission has been opened for you."

Feng Yang walked into the elevator and actually "pressed the button". The box in the upper right corner of the elevator also made a sound: "Hello visitor, we are heading to the sixth floor."

Although it was a little strange that he didn't go directly underground, he still secretly thought that it was awesome.

As someone who is destined to join the "Military Research Institute", he already has the authority to know something: all the equipment in the entire building is a self-organizing network, which can be called a whole, between the guide drone and the elevator The coordination is very efficient.

This is definitely a cheating level ability on the battlefield.

When we arrived on the sixth floor, there was already a girl with beautiful appearance and graceful figure waiting for her.

"Dr. Feng, are you right? I am Lin Xiaoxiao. I will take you to the conference room."

Feng Yang was not familiar with the people and affiliations in this building.

I just remember that there are so many beauties on the sixth floor

There are already several people in the conference room, all under the age of 30, and they generally have a military atmosphere.

It is not difficult to see from the sitting posture. Everyone sits upright.

About ten minutes later, Wang Tao arrived with "Mr. Zhou's confidants".

This ten-person team is currently the most knowledgeable about drones on the market, and they are also the most hands-on. Everyone has excitement on their faces.

It’s finally time to play something big.

A few minutes later, Zhou Rui arrived with Gan Yuan.

At this time, nearly 20 people gathered in the conference room.

Zhou Rui glanced around, and everyone's information was recorded in his mind, and he felt like a strong general.

They will form the first research team of the "Military Wu Research Institute".

Of course, there is also a management team downstairs, all experienced people sent from the general assembly.

"Everyone, except for the three people who have not arrived yet, here are the main members of the research department of the 'Junwu Research Institute'. I am Zhou Rui, and I am also the general person in charge and director of the 'Junwu Research Institute'."

"Papa papa", "papa papa", "papa~papa".

The ten people in the military began to applaud subconsciously.

It was a little confusing at first, but soon it was like getting the password right, the rhythm, frequency, and quantity were all exactly the same.

That's called neatness, which made Zhou Rui stunned.

"Ahem, very good, very energetic. Let me talk about the task distribution first. The research department is divided into three groups, namely the drone group, the vehicle platform group, and the command system group."

These are structures that were set very early and also indicate the direction of future work.

Each group is assigned a leader, and of course the UAV group, Wang Tao does his part and is enough to convince everyone.

The leader of the vehicle platform team is an old member of the "Trust Group" called Chegan. He is from Zhejiang Province and looks stocky and stocky.

He stands out in terms of his previous design and manufacturing of the Saturn, and the military drone combat platform has many similarities with the Saturn.

The command system has the smallest number of people, only three people, and the team leader is Feng Yang.

"Papapapa", "papapapa", "papa~papa"

The people in the "confidant group" went from not knowing what was going on to being forced to join, and they also started to act uniformly.

Zhou Rui had a dark look on his face: OK, OK! That’s how you play it, right?

(End of this chapter)

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