You only care about the strategy

Chapter 240 Why do you think you have to do it with him?

Chapter 240 Why do you think you have to do it with him?

After the uninteresting principal's pre-meeting speech, the first competition was an obstacle course.

The general process of the competition is to run quickly with a table tennis ball in a spoon, then bend down to cross the obstacles, pop the balloon with your hands when passing a horizontal bar, and finally squat into the bag and jump to the finish line.

Since the competition was held in a stadium, there was no water in the balloon this time, and there was no need to use your head to push it up.

But even so, there will still be many own goals, such as someone rolling and crawling to pick up the ball after the table tennis ball landed, for example, a blue balloon was pinched several times, and finally exploded with a bang after putting both hands together to suppress the blush in the face. …

The whole place burst into laughter.

Shiina Kiri and Fujita Hiroshi participated in this competition last year, but they did not sign up this year. They leisurely leaned on their seats and watched as spectators.

Team competitions are mostly class competitions, and class teachers and sports committee members encourage class members to actively sign up.

Generally speaking, everyone needs to participate in at least one competition, unless there are special circumstances.

Even Yuka Gensei participated in the women's 5*100 meter relay race.

As for Kazuki Kobayakawa, in addition to signing up for the tug-of-war competition like Kiri Shiina, there were also multiple rope skipping and typhoon simulations.

As a squad leader, you can be said to be a leader.

In addition to the competition, we also had to organize the entrance of the class team and the order in the field. I was so busy that I left the audience stage early.

The women's relay run was the last race of the morning.

A large number of female high school students wearing white sportswear and dark knee-length shorts gathered on the plastic runway.

There is a white strip of cloth with the name written on it behind him. The exposed skin ranges from fair to dark, and most of the faces are filled with smiles, full of the flavor of youth.

Shiina Kiri saw Gensei Yuka at a glance. She was wearing the most common white mask and stood silently in the crowd.

The girls all around were talking about the game later, but she kept her head lowered and her eyes were hidden in her bangs.

The contestants were orderly distributed behind the track, and as the physical education teacher blew the whistle, the competition officially began.

Looking at the position, Yuka Gensei was arranged as the penultimate relay player.

In the relay race, this position is not good. It is not the trump card that everyone expects, but the pressure it bears is no less than that of the last relay player.

However, the strength of Class C was pretty good. When the baton was passed to Yuuka Gensei, the overall ranking was in second place.

In ordinary romance novels, the heroine often loses her temper in the middle of the novel, and the hero appears after breaking her knee.

The helpless heroine comforted and helped bandage the wound.

Well, in another kind of anime, the doctor in the infirmary happens to be away, and then the medical partition curtain is closed, and something... happens.

Shiina Kiri also thought about these possibilities, so when the referee blew the horn, he walked under the audience stand.

It's a pity that the plot is not cliché, or maybe Yuuka Gensei is reliable enough.

She rarely brushed her bangs to both sides, revealing a pair of beautiful and determined eyes, staring closely at the baton that was coming from behind, and then ran hard on the track after taking it.

The curvy, thick shoulder-length short hair was blown by the wind, revealing her white neck.

Even if she is wearing a mask, it is difficult to hide her stunning appearance.

Shiina Kiri realized something, the idiot Yuka Gensei was not stupid at all.

Refusing to socialize does not mean that she is a weak heroine who will screw up everything.

In the first grade, he never noticed this girl, which also showed that she always did what she should do well and never made a fool of herself.

There were many students gathered in the audience. I couldn't tell which grade or class they were from. They were both male and female. Maybe they came to cheer for their friends.

"Yamamoto, look over there, that girl must be very beautiful!"

"Nonsense, that's the second-year senior Yuansheng from the school radio station. You praised her for her beautiful voice last time, but you don't know her?" There was a discussion from male classmates in front of me. This kind of discussion about a beautiful senior. This is actually very common, perhaps because at some stage young boys will meet a beautiful senior sister who amazes him for a while.

She might just give you a polite smile and you'll fall for it.

"Ah! She is Gensei-senpai! I remember Yamamoto, didn't you send a love letter? How's it going?"

"Hey, she has someone she likes."

"Really? She told you herself?"

"No, it was on the school radio."

"Confess your love in public?!"

"of course not!"

"That afternoon, we played "Prayer to You That Time." The senior on the school radio smiled and said, "May all lovers in the world get married eventually." She whispered, "I don't understand how people who love each other can stay together. Obviously every time he couldn't help but get closer, he would subconsciously shrink back. '

After she said this subconsciously, she began to apologize continuously, saying 'I'm sorry' as if she didn't want any money.

When I heard that she, who had always been quiet and elegant, suddenly panicked, I knew that my senior sister must have fallen in love with someone she shouldn't have liked! ! !

Damn it! She just met that person at a certain time when she needed him. Why did she feel that he was the only one! ! Why be so humble! Why! Three rooms! Why! "

Three rooms. "..."

He didn't know how to comfort his friend.

"Keep saying sorry?" Shiina Kiri was not impressed.

This month he rarely went to the broadcasting room to pick up Yuan Xia. He was busy going to the playground to practice football every day after school.

He suddenly remembered something. One day the girl asked him if he could work together in a convenience store in the future.

At that time, he seemed to want to complete her special plot line mission, but curing Aozora's disease was more important, which meant that chasing Kazuki Kobayakawa was a top priority, so he refused directly.

It seems more than that.

He also told her that she didn't need to come over when he worked part-time in the future, otherwise it would be a waste of time and the shift would be meaningless.

So this was her way of approaching him quietly?

This was actually such a small thing that he forgot when the girl said it.

Is it sunny or cloudy? Is it afternoon or evening?

Can't remember.

She probably hesitated for a long time before asking. Will he be disappointed after he casually refuses?

The 5*100 women's relay race ended soon.

Gensei Yuka's performance was remarkable. In the penultimate round, she was even on the verge of catching up with Class F, which ranked first.

Unfortunately, the finalist of Class F was too strong, and he opened a long distance to win the first place.

"Yamamoto! Stop pinching me! Look, Gensei-senpai seems to be walking towards us."

"What? Really?"

"Could it be that... after Senior Gensheng received my love letter..."

When the boys saw Gensei Yuka walking straight towards them, they were so excited that they almost couldn't help but go up to them, but they heard the girl shout softly as she approached.


The voice was as clear and sweet as the school radio, but it broke all his illusions.

(End of this chapter)

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