Chapter 3 The King of Beasts
The morning breeze blows the green mist, which wraps around the mountainside like a ribbon, embellishing the Yingzui Mountain, which has gradually turned green after the spring has melted.

Suddenly, two roars came from the forest.

This roar could not penetrate the mist, and was firmly locked in the mountain, turning into a low whining sound.

All creatures living in this forest know the danger behind this low growl, which is the declaration made by the absolute overlord in this forest when he is hunting.


On a gentle slope in the forest, a big cat in a colorful brocade robe was licking the blood stained on its chin and nose with its barbed tongue.

The yellow and black markings, the tail as thick as a steel whip, the beard like a steel needle, and the conspicuous king character pattern on its forehead all show its status as the king of beasts.

At this moment, there is a dead body lying at its feet, which is its prey tonight, a newly grown sika deer.

After licking its paws and chin, the tiger raised its head and let out a low growl towards the bushes in front of it, then lowered its head and enjoyed the big meal by itself.

Immediately afterwards, several noises were suddenly heard in the bushes.

A small head with a thick head and a thick head popped out of the bushes, and its dark eyes scanned the surrounding woods vigilantly, and was soon attracted by the sweet smell of blood.

Sensing the presence of food, the little tiger jumped out excitedly and rushed over with four short legs.

But before it pounced on the food, the tigress who was eating gave it a slap.


The tigress growled dissatisfiedly at the cub, turned her head and continued eating.

The little tiger was rolled twice by the slap, got up and let out a cry of grievance, then crouched obediently on the spot, watching his mother eat eagerly.

An adult tigress eats very fast, and her proud sharp teeth are like two rows of meat cleavers, which can easily tear the flesh off the food.

Halfway through eating, the tigress seemed to suddenly realize something, and quickly raised her head to look at the cub.

...Why just one cub?

What about the other one?

The tigress turned her head to look at the low bush, and called her cub again with a low growl.

But this time, she didn't get a response for a long time.

The female tiger was a little uneasy, pacing back and forth around the food, then turned her head and roared at the cub, then bit the neck of the prey, picked it up with her mouth, and walked towards the bushes.

The little tiger obediently followed behind his mother, but his eyes were still looking at the food in his mother's mouth.

Walking into the bushes, the tigress found a fairly flat place to lay down the prey, walked a few times around the place where the cub was just now, sniffed it carefully, and after confirming the location, picked up the prey again and followed the Following the scent left by another cub.

Soon, the tigress found her cub next to a broken pine tree.

The pine tree was about half a meter in diameter and more than ten meters high, but it was broken in the middle for some reason. The fracture looked very fresh, and it should have been broken not long ago.

Looking at the broken pine tree, the tigress instinctively felt a little uneasy.

She put down the prey in her mouth, ignored the cub behind her that was pounced on to eat, and walked quietly towards another cub with cat steps.

Beside the broken tree, the cub was alone, but he didn't notice his mother's approach at all.

It was concentrating on playing with a gray bead, and moved the gray bead back and forth with its two fleshy claws, opening its mouth from time to time to take a few bites, having a great time.

Just as it grabbed the gray beads with its two paws and opened its mouth to eat, the tigress who had quietly walked behind it slapped her cub on the back of the head.

Caught off guard, the little tiger swallowed the gray bead all at once.

The next second, the little tiger's eyes widened suddenly, and his whole body twitched and fell to the ground.

The tigress didn't know what happened, her eyes were dazed, she was stunned for a while, and then she quickly nuzzled the cub's twitching body, trying to help it stand up.

But that doesn't do anything.

The cub rolled on the ground, whether it was accidental or intentional, when he turned over, he slapped his mother with a slap, pushing his body which was close to [-] jin to roll several times.


The tigress turned over and stood up, staring blankly at the writhing, painful-looking cub, obviously stunned by the slap.

……what's the situation?
When did her cub have such strength?
After a while, the little tiger finally stopped twitching.

After recovering, the little tiger climbed up in a daze.

The tigress who had been slapped inexplicably became vigilant at this moment, leaned over cautiously, and poked her cub's head with her paw as usual.

The cub often plays this kind of game with his mother. When he sees the paws stretched out by his mother, he habitually lies on the ground and raises his two little paws to thwart his mother's attack.

But different from usual, this time the little tiger's claws were extraordinarily strong.

With just a tentative touch, the tigress' paws were thrown into the air.

what happened?

Is this still your own cub?
Looking at the cub who was still lying on the ground waiting for her, the tigress showed a trace of confusion and suspicion in her eyes.

At this moment, another cub suddenly let out a deterrent roar.

The tigress suddenly came back to her senses, her eyes revealed a fierce look, and she turned her head to look in the direction of the cub.

I saw a huge stone man about two meters tall standing next to her prey, looking down at the brave little tiger with interest, not caring about the attack on her feet.

The tiger cub's sharp claws touched the hard rock, and couldn't even scrape off any sporadic stone chips.

But the stone man just bent down, pinched the flesh of the back of the tiger's neck and lifted it up.

"There are tigers... so this is really the Earth in a parallel world?"

Lin Zhongtian looked at the impotent and furious little tiger with great interest.

After successfully verifying his conjecture, Lin Zhongtian transported some materials from this world, and used the ants on the ground as a reference to build this new rock body.

In order to allow this rocky body to move freely, Lin Zhongtian took a lot of effort to design the limb joints, which can barely complete basic movements such as walking, bending, swinging arms, and turning the neck, but the range should not be too large.

Logically speaking, with such an agile creature as the little tiger, Lin Zhongtian had nothing to do with it.

But he couldn't hold back, he had the blessing of gray fog space ontology consciousness.

After integrating into the gray mist space, Lin Zhongtian's consciousness and spiritual power became extremely powerful, even if he was only attached to the gray ball, he had a reaction speed beyond the physiological limit of all carbon-based organisms.

As long as he thinks, let alone a tiger, even the Flash can hardly escape his perception.

Coupled with the X-ray-like vision without blind spots, it is no problem to handle a small tiger.

Of course, no matter how powerful Lin Zhongtian's consciousness is, he will still be restrained by his body after all. With the current flexibility of this rocky body, at best he can only defend and counterattack and stop with static.

Therefore, after entering this body, Lin Zhongtian began to think about how to change another body.

But before that, he has one more important thing to do, which is to retrieve the gray ball that accidentally dropped in this world before.

But who would have thought that just as he followed the traces to the place where the gray ball fell, he saw the little tiger swallowing the gray ball.

But what surprised him the most was the result of the little tiger swallowing the gray ball——

It didn't die?
Thinking of this, Lin Zhongtian could not help but focus on the cub beside the female tiger.

(End of this chapter)

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