Build the Traveler Alliance from Scratch.

Chapter 401 The Wheel of Fate Begins to Turn

Chapter 401 The Wheel of Fate Begins to Turn

Perhaps remembering Lin Zhongtian's aura, the divine thoughts in the thunder finally sent a message after being silent for a long time.

"why you?"

"Well, it's a long story. Anyway, your last daughter, Diana, is now my student."

"...Can she find you?"

The divine thoughts in the thunder seemed a little surprised.

Lin Zhongtian shook his head and said, "I found her."

After hearing Lin Zhongtian's words, Zeus's spiritual thoughts fell silent again.

After a long time, Zeus suddenly said: "For the sake of you and me having met thousands of years ago, I can give you this power of thunder, but you have to help me take care of Diana..."

Lin Zhongtian raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and said with some surprise: "You don't seem like a god who would love his children so much."

Zeus did not deny it, but simply explained: "Diana cannot afford to lose anything. The future of the Olympus pantheon rests on her."

Lin Zhongtian nodded suddenly: "I see, it's a fair deal, I agree."

Both of them were old foxes for thousands of years, and Lin Zhongtian also knew that Zeus's residual divine will could not exist for long, so he was concise and concise, and in a few words he settled on such a deal involving the power of the God King.

Zeus was very satisfied with Lin Zhongtian's attitude and work style, and immediately replied:

"Very good, then goodbye, old man - by the way, I don't know your name yet."

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said: "My name is Lin Zhongtian."

Zeus said thoughtfully: "Lin Zhongtian...Okay, I've written it down. Goodbye, old friend."

As the words fell, the remaining divine thoughts in the thunder dissipated.

It was replaced by a blue-white thunderbolt the size of a finger, the shape of which was not far different from the thunder spear that Ares had condensed before.

Lin Zhongtian put it away in the storage space and planned to take it back to the Traveler Alliance to study it before putting it on the shelves of the [Pavilion of Rare Treasures].

If his prediction was good, Zhao Lihe would have taken the photo immediately, but he didn't know if the funds in his account were sufficient.

After processing Zeus's spiritual thoughts, Lin Zhongtian did not disturb Diana and his wife, but closed his eyes and carefully felt the presence of the time traveler.

It's a pity that the current timeline is the same as it was thousands of years ago, and there is still no breath of time travellers.

It seems that the time of the other party's time travel is a little later.

At this moment, the long river of time suddenly fluctuated violently.

Lin Zhongtian frowned and couldn't help but open his eyes and look at the real world outside the mirror space. Steve was kneeling on one knee, holding a watch and proposing to Diana, and Diana actually agreed. Come down.

There is no doubt that the reason for the fluctuation of time is this marriage that did not exist in the first place.

Lin Zhongtian did not intend to beat the mandarin ducks, so he used his power of time and space to suppress the fluctuations of the river of time, and then appeared in front of Diana and Steve who were embracing each other, and told them about his upcoming departure.

Hearing that the teacher who had just returned was about to leave again, Diana was extremely reluctant to leave.

Fortunately, Lin Zhongtian told them that they would not be away for long this time, only a few decades at most.

Before leaving, Lin Zhongtian handed over the human mother box and many life-extending exercises to Diana and Steve, and then naughtily recommended them to settle in a certain city in New Jersey, USA.

That city has an ominous-sounding name, Gotham City.


In the void, silver light flashed, and Lin Zhongtian's figure appeared again.

The harvest this time is good. Whether it is the power of war or the power of thunder, they are all genuine power of gods.

With these two kinds of authority, those members of the time traveler who want to take shortcuts have a goal to strive for.

After putting both kinds of rights on the shelves of the [Pavilion of Rare Treasures], Lin Zhongtian once again anchored the next important time node and chose time travel.



Question: What goes in with six legs and comes out with two legs?

Answer: Bruce Wayne and his family.

This is a DC hell joke that Lin Zhongtian often saw in his previous life.

But now, he could witness the birth of this hellish joke.

Standing on a tall building in the rainy weather, Lin Zhongtian looked down at the dark and damp alley below with a strange expression.

There, standing was a handsome young boy. He was wearing a close-fitting custom-made suit, a black and white tie, and black leather shoes. Although his facial features were not fully opened, his eyebrows and eyes could already be seen. With his handsome silhouette, if he were a few years older, he would definitely be a handsome young man who could attract the attention and screams of many beautiful women at banquets.

But at this moment, the young man's eyes were blank, and the black hair on his forehead was wet from the rain and stuck to his tender face.

The blood splashed on his body in a trumpet shape, and his chest and hands were stained with the blood from his parents. It was continuously diluted and slipped in the rain, and merged into the red pool of blood at his feet, which was unclear whether it was rain or blood.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi couldn't help but sigh.

There is no doubt that the next important time point is the birth of Batman.

And this time through time travel, he has clearly felt the disturbance of the long river of time.

According to his guess, this was probably because Time didn't want him to interfere with the birth of an important plot protagonist, so it made extremely small disturbances when he traveled through time, causing him to miss Diana's island and the deaths of the Waynes.According to the DCEU timeline, Batman's parents were killed around the 80s.

In this timeline, Superman has come to Earth, and all the giants of the Justice League, except Cyborg and The Flash, have basically been born.

…What about the time travellers?

Lin Zhongtian closed his eyes and felt the power of the gray mist.

Soon, Lin Zhongtian opened his eyes and a smile appeared on his face.

As he expected, in this timeline around 1980, the time traveler has arrived in this universe!

But he is not on the earth at the moment, but in a place extremely far away from the earth...

This place was so far away that Lin Zhongtian could only vaguely perceive the general direction. he a Kryptonian, or a Green Lantern?

Or are they alien creatures from other civilizations in the universe?
Lin Zhongtian didn't know.

However, he believed that as long as this fellow learned about the existence of the earth, he would definitely try his best to get back here.

...I hope his planet has the ability to travel between stars!
Otherwise, Lin Zhongtian would have to search for him in the vast universe by himself.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhongtian turned his attention again to the young man in the alley below.

Or the baby version of Batman, Bruce Wayne.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Zhongtian still did not choose to show up in front of little Bruce.

The reason is also very simple, Batman's existence is more important than Wonder Woman.

Lin Zhongtian can interfere with Diana's destiny and give her epic level enhancements, but in the final analysis, these are just icing on the cake and will not significantly change Diana's future destiny.

But Batman is different. Any small changes may lead to very serious consequences.

Especially for Bruce during this period, changing his experiences and concepts will change the outcome of the entire DC universe.

Compared with him, Diana and Steve's marriage seemed so insignificant.

Suddenly, the siren of a police car came from outside the dark alley.

It turned out that a nearby passerby heard the gunfire and called the police on Bruce's behalf.

The police car quickly drove into the alley, and a young policeman in police uniform got out of the car and hurried to little Bruce, checking with concern whether there were any injuries on his body.

Little Bruce raised his head blankly and looked at the young policeman with tears on his face.

Seeing this scene, the young policeman felt a little distressed. After sighing, he took out his police officer's ID card and while calming Bruce's emotions, he promised to catch the murderer of the Waynes.

Looking at the name 'James Gordon' on the police officer's ID card, Lin Zhongtian had a thoughtful look on his face.

It turns out that the seeds of trust have been planted as early as today.

It's no wonder Batman Beyond has such a deep bond with Commissioner Gordon.

Soon, there were more and more police cars near the alley, and even the current police chief himself came to the scene.

Obviously, as the head of the Wayne family, the deaths of the Waynes have alarmed the entire Gotham upper class.

Lin Zhongtian glanced at the lost little Bruce for the last time, then twisted his body and disappeared on the top of the tall building.


Ten minutes later, Lin Zhongtian appeared in the suburbs of Gotham, looking at the manor in front of him with a strange expression.

According to the information he heard, the manor in front of him was called Trevor Manor.

Living here is the famous Trevor family in Gotham City.

The founder of the Trevor family was General Steve Trevor, a war hero who participated in World War I and World War II, and retired from the Air Force with the rank of major general after World War II.

After retiring, Steve Trevor and his wife Diana settled in Gotham City, and with the belongings Diana brought from Paradise Island, they successfully took root in the ascendant early Gotham City.

Today, the power of the Trevor Group has spread across all walks of life in Gotham City, and it also controls 90.00% of the real estate in the two affluent urban areas of Berrien District and Chinese District. It can be said that it is no less than the Wayne Group giant.

However, for some reason, the Trevor family is not active in Gotham City's high society.

Lin Zhongtian originally thought this was done intentionally by Diana and Steve.

After all, Diana is a demigod, immortal and eternally young.

If you are active in society with the same identity for a long time, it is likely to attract some unnecessary attention.

However, when Lin Zhongtian came outside the manor, he discovered that Diana and Steve were not in the manor.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Zhongtian teleported to the inside of the manor, searched around the manor, and sure enough found a letter written by Diana to him.

Diana knew that Lin Zhongtian would come to Gotham City to find her, so she prepared this letter in advance.

The meaning of the letter is also very simple. It probably means that she and Steve have a very happy married life, and they even plan to have a biological child in the next 20 years.

If I have to say I have any regrets, it would probably be that I couldn't see Lin Zhongtian and couldn't return to Paradise Island...

(End of this chapter)

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