Build the Traveler Alliance from Scratch.

Chapter 56 "Zigong Redemption"

Chapter 56 "Zigong Redemption"

In front of the bodyguard team, the young woman was waiting there with four burly men. When Pan Yunpeng walked up to him, the young woman saluted lightly and said softly: "I am Su Ting, and I have met Chief Escort Pan." head."

"...Miss Su."

Pan Yunpeng nodded, glanced at the four strong men behind the woman, and asked, "Do you want a book?"

The woman named Su Ting nodded her head, and said softly: "Yes, it is best to read "Thousand Characters", "Hundred Surnames", "San Zi Jing" or "Zeng Guang Xian Wen" and "Story Searching". If nothing, it would be good to change some pens and papers."

They are all enlightenment books for young children who can only be taught at a young age...

Pan Yunpeng took a deep look at her, and then waved to a bodyguard beside him.

The bodyguard handed over a book, Pan Yunpeng took it, and said with a light smile: "I don't have any of the things you mentioned, but here I have a copy of "Lu Shi Chunqiu" annotated by a great Confucianist, would you like to take a look at it?" ?”

As he spoke, Pan Yunpeng flipped a page seemingly casually, and handed it to the young woman.

The young woman subconsciously took it, looked down, and found that this "Lushi Chunqiu" happened to be in the "Xianzhilan Chawei Chapter", and the first article that caught her eye was "Zigong Redeeming People".

Su Ting naturally knows this story. It is said that there is a law in the state of Lu. As long as you meet compatriots who are slaves in other countries and redeem them, you can get compensation and rewards from the state of Lu. Zigong, a student of Confucius, He redeemed Lu people from abroad, but rejected the compensation and rewards given by Lu.

Confucius said that he had done wrong, and he also said that receiving the reward from the state of Lu would not damage his character, but not receiving the reward would cause no one in the state of Lu to take the initiative to redeem his dead compatriots.

Seeing this article "Zigong Redempting People", the clever Su Ting immediately understood.

What the kind-hearted Chief Escort in front of me wanted to express should not be the original intention of this article, but the themes of 'citizens in slavery' and 'redemption' mentioned in the article.

He was asking himself if he was being coerced to go up the mountain, and if he needed the escort team to help him redeem him.

After figuring this out, Su Ting showed gratitude, and her heart was both warm and sad.

There are still good people in this world...

It's a pity that this kindness came too late.

Thinking of this, Su Ting sighed softly, closed the book, handed it back, shook her head and said: "Of course this book is excellent, but it's not what I want, if the bodyguard really doesn't have these books , sell me some pens and paper!"

Pan Yunpeng frowned, seeing her like this, he knew that she understood what he meant.

So, this means that you voluntarily go up the mountain and fall into the grass as a bandit?

Pan Yunpeng sighed: "Okay, then I'll sell you some pens and paper."

After finishing speaking, Pan Yunpeng beckoned and called two bodyguards, a man and a woman, to trade with Su Ting and the others on his behalf.

It should be said that the two bodyguards, a man and a woman, were originally the people in the bodyguard team who were in charge of dealing with bandits. As the head of the bodyguard, Pan Yunpeng would not usually come forward easily.

"Hehe, a hot face with a cold butt~"

Lin Zhongtian leaned against the carriage, and when he saw Pan Yunpeng approaching, he couldn't help but said something with a smile.

Pan Yunpeng spread his hands and said helplessly, "It's voluntary, what can I do..."

Lin Zhongtian smiled lightly and said: "Actually, I already knew that the woman surnamed Su did it voluntarily. Just now when you were talking with your subordinates, I observed carefully and found that the woman surnamed Su was the head of the four men."

"Did you see the man with the mole on his forehead on the left? He just pulled out his crotch, and was glanced at by the woman surnamed Su. It was this glance that made him hang down his arms, his forehead was sweating, and he didn't dare to act rashly anymore."

Pan Yunpeng looked at the man thoughtfully: "There's another thing..."

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said: "Yes, and you see that the books she mentioned are all elementary books. Maybe they have taken over the backyard of the cottage and monopolized the education and custody rights of the next generation of little bandits. Not sure how high your status is!"


A smile appeared on Pan Yunpeng's face, and he suddenly asked, "Brother Fu, are you interested in hearing her story?"

"Not interested in."

Lin Zhongtian shook his head, looked up at the sky in boredom, and said calmly: "I have seen too many similar tragic stories on the way to the capital, and the story of the woman surnamed Su is probably not much different, it is really nothing interesting Yes, besides, she is a woman who has finally made up her mind to survive in this cruel world with her own strength. You appear rashly and intervene, thinking that you are doing her good. It is really ridiculous -"

"Brother Fu, what are you thinking?!"

Pan Yunpeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he quickly interrupted Lin Zhongtian's words, and then moved closer to his ear, lowering his voice.

"I mean... organization."

"You want to draw her into the League?"

Lin Zhongtian came back to his senses and frowned.

Pan Yunpeng shook his head: "How can it be so simple, we have to investigate for a while first."

Lin Zhongtian glanced at him, turned around and boarded the carriage: "You can decide for yourself, I won't care about it."

Pan Yunpeng looked at the carriage thoughtfully, and suddenly realized that Lin Zhongtian must have encountered a similar situation, and the result seemed to be not very good, otherwise he would not have said such words in such a tone.

After thinking for a while, Pan Yunpeng leaned against the carriage and was about to speak when Lin Zhongtian in the carriage took the lead.

"Okay, don't guess, I did slaughter a cottage, killed many bandits, and I did save a woman and watched her slay herself with a sword in front of me, but this kind of crap is not enough to make me Worry, I am far more open-minded than you in this regard, if you really want to comfort me, then do things well, clean up the mountains and rivers as soon as possible, and build a brand new world."

Lin Zhongtian's faint voice came from the carriage.

Pan Yunpeng smiled slightly, clasped his fists and saluted: "Brother Fu taught me a lesson."

Inside the carriage, Lin Zhongtian shook his head, poured a glass of wine, and drank it down.

It's really troublesome, this belongs to the human sense of morality and empathy...

In the afternoon of that day, the bodyguard team didn't have many things needed by the cottage, and the rules of the bodyguard bureau's mountain worship stated that the bodyguard team was obliged to trade with good friends who had received good wine.

So Pan Yunpeng made an impromptu decision to take a rest at the foot of the mountain for a day and send people to a nearby county town to buy the supplies needed for the cottage.

Seeing this, Su Ting was a little embarrassed, and warmly invited them to go up the mountain to rest.

Pan Yunpeng knew that she had no malicious intentions, but he still refused very decisively.

No matter whether the other party accepts the good wine or not, no matter how deep the friendship between the two parties is, Pan Yunpeng will never let go of his inner guard. This is the lesson he learned from his dead father.

At that time, his father believed too much in the rules of the Escort's worshiping mountains, so he died at the hands of those bandits.

Lin Zhongtian is somewhat interested in this different one.

But he still has to find time to teach Yang Suhua fingering and clawing, so he really doesn't have much time.

So, the night that should have been turbulent was spent peacefully.

The next day, the bodyguard team traded the purchased materials with the Shanzhai, in exchange for a pile of scattered silver and dozens of intact animal skins.

The transaction should have ended here, but when Su Ting saw that there were female relatives in the bodyguard team, she seemed to sense a business opportunity, so she deliberately asked people to bring the little foxes they caught to the female relatives.

Sure enough, Yang Suhua and Zhang Yan immediately took a fancy to those little foxes.

But what Su Ting didn't expect was that these two girls belonged to the kind of kind girls with soft personalities.

Even though they liked these little foxes very much, they just watched them helplessly, and would never say anything to trouble others, let alone ask others to buy them for them.

Just when Su Ting was a little disappointed, the big injustice in the escort team finally spoke.

"Both of you, just open your mouth if you want to. Crying babies have milk, understand?"

Lin Zhongtian reprimanded him angrily, then took out a few golden melon seeds and threw them to Su Ting.

"Miss Su, I want those little foxes."

"There is no need to refund the extra money, it's just this price."

(End of this chapter)

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