Elven settlers

Chapter 238 Going to the Pasture

Chapter 238 Returning to the Ranch
Although he was mentally prepared, Li Cha was still a little surprised by the remoteness of Rock Ranch.

After they set off in the morning, they trekked for almost a whole day in the wilderness with lush vegetation. It was not until they turned over a branch of Yunhui Mountain that Rock, who had been leading the way, stopped.

"Here, welcome to Holm Oak Ranch."

Rock bent slightly on Geranium's back, stretched out his left arm to embrace the distant scenery, and made a welcoming gesture.

Li Cha looked up in the direction of Rock's arm, and a vast plain appeared in front of him.

The east and north sides of the plain are surrounded by Yunhui Mountains, and the south side is a bay, from which the blue ocean can be vaguely seen.

A great silvery river draws a semicircle on the plain, and finally flows into the sea.

"What a great place!"

The magnificence of nature is vividly displayed on this land. Looking at the scenery in front of him, Li Cha expressed admiration from the bottom of his heart.

As a member of the Agricultural Products Association of the Kanto Region, Li Cha has seen countless farms and pastures that he can't even count, but the natural conditions like this pasture in front of him are absolutely rare.

Although the ranch in front of him doesn't even have a gate, Richard is sure that it has the potential to become the best ranch in the Kanto area.

This made him look forward to this investigation even more. It was worthwhile to drive so long before, and only such an inaccessible place can have such a good natural environment.

"Your ranch environment is really good, and now I can't wait to see it, oh, and it too."

Li Cha comforted his Duduli, being in such an environment made Duduli very excited.

"Haha, go home!"

Rock opened his arms, cheered and rushed towards the camp by the oak forest with the elves, and Li Cha also shook the reins, riding a Duduli to follow.

After entering the pasture in person, Li Cha discovered that the plains were not all grasslands, and there were many hills and woods dotted among them.

From Li Cha's professional point of view, almost all the big trees in those forests have grown for tens of hundreds of years, which can be called primeval forests.

The weeds on the plain are as tall as half a person, and they look like waves rolling under the breeze.

Just when Li Cha was intoxicated by the beautiful scenery, suddenly a ferocious and swift cat boss jumped out of the grass without warning, scaring him and Duduli into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, the target of the cat boss is not them, but a big tail stand that is also hiding in the grass.

After several shrill screams, Daweili was limp and held in the mouth by the cat boss, half of his body was stained red by the blood on the neck.

"Although such an environment is very good, but... the development difficulty seems a bit high?"

Seeing the cat boss dragging his body with a big tail and disappearing into the woods not far away, Li Cha thought to himself.

After recovering from the shock of the beautiful scenery, Li Cha returned to his senses, and he began to examine with his years of experience.

The natural conditions of the inaccessible wilderness are excellent, but in contrast, the strength of the wild elves will be relatively high.

It is not that no one has tried to open up wasteland in the wild, but in the end they all gave up due to the dangerous environment and the inconvenience of life, and very few can successfully persist.

To successfully operate and build a ranch in such a place, there are very high requirements for the strength of the rancher.

Thinking of this, Li Cha couldn't help feeling worried for Rock.

"I don't know if he has this strength. It would be a pity if such natural conditions were finally given up."

Rock, who was eager to return home, didn't know what Li Cha was thinking, of course, even if he knew, he would just laugh it off without caring.

He could already see the tall and majestic oak forest beside the camp.

"Woof!" "Woof!"

The Delubis guarding the camp also saw or smelled Roque's breath, and ran towards Roque in a swarm.

"Meh?" "Meh!"

The Mare sheep thought that these Dai Rubi were coming to attack them, and were about to run away in fright, but were immediately stopped by Helujia.

"That is?"

Li Cha also felt a lot of panic from Duduli's body. Duduli pawed the ground with his paws agitatedly, and ran away without turning around after he tried his best to comfort him.

"Don't be afraid, it's my sheepdogs."

As soon as Rock's words fell, the seven Derbys broke through the grass like sharp black arrows and ran in front of them.

"Wang Wang~"

After seeing Rock and Geranium, the Delubis quickly wagged their short tails to welcome them.

"Hahaha, I'm back. How have you been during this time? Have you guarded the ranch well? I brought you a gift, and I will make delicious food for you when I go back."

Rock jumped off the Geranium, and the Derbys immediately surrounded him.They squeezed back and forth, grabbing a spot on Rock's lap.

Although Rock had explained it, Li Cha still rode his Dodoo and watched from a distance. Although these Delubis were very close to Rock, they carried a kind of aura of top predators on their bodies. It can only be obtained by hunting countless other elves.

This kind of wild murderous aura made Li Cha and his Duduli feel a little scared, but the stronger Arbor, Geranium, and Heluga didn't make them feel this way.

Seeing Roque carelessly stroking and rubbing each Dai Ruby's head, Li Cha has more confidence in Roque running the ranch here.

After each Druby's body was photographed by Rock, he introduced the Malik flock he had brought back to the Drubies.

The performance of these Mali sheep was much better than that of Li Cha and his Duduli. After being sniffed by the Dairubis, they gradually relaxed.

A few Mali sheep even dared to lick the heads of Druby's, but Druby pushed them down and licked them back.

It's not far from the camp, so Roxo led the elves back to the camp.

The camp was well guarded by the Dai Rubys, exactly as it was when he left.

The canopy he built sheltered his toolbox and camp beds from the sun and rain, so the boxes that housed his various items and the five bunks were all intact.

"It's a joke, because I just started to cultivate wasteland, and I haven't built a house yet, so the living conditions are a bit rough."

After Rock inspected the camp, Richard, who was looking around more often, explained.

"It's okay, I sometimes sleep in the wild, your idea is not small."

Li Cha meaningfully raised his head towards the nearby oak forest. He had already seen a large number of logs piled there just now.

With so many tall and strong timbers prepared, it is obvious that Rock is going to make a big construction.

(End of this chapter)

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