Elven settlers

Chapter 252

Chapter 252

"It's amazing."

Rock looked up at the postman and the toucans flying away, and said with a sigh.

To become these pilots who can control the flying spirits requires high professional skills and knowledge reserves.

Not only do you need to know all kinds of air currents and wind directions in the sky, but you must also have a good understanding of the flying ability, physical condition, and even life habits of various flying elves.

To some extent, it is not as simple as a pilot who flies an airplane.

Rock himself would never be able to do it. Even without considering these professional abilities, he would not dare to ride a flying elf.

He just didn't dare. Rock, who was already a little afraid of heights, felt a little weak in his calves just by imagining himself riding an elf to an altitude of thousands of meters without any protective measures.

This is also the reason why he has not tried to subdue those elves that can carry people to fly.

"In the future, if one day you really want to fly on an elf, it must be a big and stable guy."

Unknowingly, Rock imagined the scene of himself flying on an elf again, and he quickly shook his head to shake the dangerous thought out of his mind.

After sending off the postman of the Elf Alliance, Rock put away his documents and officially started the construction of the lake with the elves.

Rock's plan is to connect several depressions between the east side of the camp and the Jingkong River, and then use these depressions as the base point, and then expand to the surroundings. The shape of the lake will be formed naturally according to the terrain and terrain.

In the order of construction, he plans to build towards the Jingkong River from far to near, and wait until the entire lake is roughly built before connecting to the Jingkong River.

Since there is still a lot of water in those depressions, Rock can only dig a temporary drainage channel to drain the water from the depressions.

Even if there is no rain, it is necessary to build a drainage system on the construction site, which can effectively prevent the construction site from being flooded in rainy days.

"Abo monster, it's time for you to show your skills. This, this, and that, connect these three puddles, and then drain them over there."

Rock pointed out the range of Arbor, and then Arbor used the burrowing skills mastered in the special training in Sunshine Town.

I saw a mass of khaki light flashing and disappearing on its body, and then plunged into the ground.

The soil on the ground avoided the Arbor's body like a stream of water. In the blink of an eye, the Arbor disappeared into the soil, leaving only a large hole with a diameter of about half a meter on the ground.

After a while, Arbo broke out from a slightly lower position on the other side.

As soon as its whole body got out of the hole, a stream of water gushed out of the hole.

The water level of the puddles that Rock just pointed to dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the accumulated water inside was emptied in a short while.

The next step is to carry out earthwork excavation, but the soil in the depression that has just been drained is still very wet, which is not very good for construction.

So Rock was going to let the sun bask in these depressions first, and during this time he could take the elves to arrange the roads on the construction site properly.

"Abo monster, you continue to build the drainage system of this depression, you follow me."

Rock took Geranium, Heluga, and ten Derbys and walked towards the tree orchard.

The road he wants to lay out is very simple. It is a road from the hill where the tree orchard is located to the excavation site of the lake. This road is mainly used to transport the excavated earth.

The top layer of humus soil dug out, Rock is going to spread it evenly in the tree orchard. This soil is the most fertile and can greatly enhance the soil strength of the tree orchard.

In addition, the tree orchard only occupies a small half of the southwestern side of the hill, and other excavated soil can also be piled up on the east and north sides.

"Geranium, let's start here, cut off all the weeds along the way, Hei Lujia, you take the Dairubis to burn the grass roots, and be careful not to ignite the grassland."

After finding the general direction, Rock started with Geranium.

As the geranium moves forward, it swings the antennae above its head from side to side.There is a sharp cold light on the tentacles, and every time it is swung, it can directly cut down a fan's grass stem.

"Huh? This is, sword energy?"

Geranium's performance caught Roque's attention, and he hadn't carefully observed Geranium's joint cut before.

I thought that after evolution, the geranium that lost the sickle leaf on the top of its head would no longer be able to display its talent in swordsmanship.

But the discovery of this kind of sword energy gave Rock a new idea.

But he just had a flash of inspiration, and there is no specific plan yet.So I can only take this inspiration into my heart and finish the work at hand first.

After the geraniums passed by, Hei Lujia led the Dai Rubis and burned the grass roots on the ground with flames along the road opened by the geraniums.

Rock's worries were unnecessary. The grass was very wet after the rain, and there was no risk of ignition at all.

The grass roots on the ground were burned to ashes, and the soil below was also dried, so that a temporary road was completed.

After the construction is completed, the road will be covered with vegetation again in a few days and disappear completely, which is exactly what Rock wants.

The road is about [-] kilometers in length, and it only took Rock and the others about an hour to get it done.

At this time, the depression where the water was first emptied was almost exposed to the sun. Although it was still a little wet, it did not affect the construction, so Rock officially started excavating the earth.

Simple digging is laborious and inefficient, so Rock asked Arbor to use the digging skill first to dig up all the surface soil on the ground, so that he only needed to use a shovel to shovel the soil into the trailer.

In addition to Rock, there were fifteen velvet sheep digging the soil.

These wooly sheep who had learned the strange power technique were divided into two teams by Rock, one team dug the soil, and the other team pulled the trailer, and they rotated every hour.

There are ten trailers in total, Geranium can pull one by herself, three woolly sheep can also pull one, fifteen just pull five, and the remaining four trailers are handed over to the Mare sheep.

Because the merle sheep are the weakest in physical strength, Rock arranged for ten merle sheep to pull a trailer, and there were five vacant places for rest in rotation.

It seems that the tasks of the velvet sheep and Mali sheep are relatively easy. After all, these lambs are raised by Rock to shear the sheep, and they are also considered one of Rock's important properties.

It was impossible for Rock to really use the Maari sheep and the wool sheep as coolies. If a few of them were exhausted, the gain would outweigh the loss.

Therefore, the main force currently working is Rock and his elves. Of course, they also have the ability to undertake various tasks in the lake digging project.

In this way, Rock and the elves of the ranch began to work hard for their lake.

 Happy Dragon Boat Festival!
(End of this chapter)

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