Elven settlers

Chapter 297 The Viridian Forest in Autumn

Chapter 297 The Viridian Forest in Autumn

After Geranium ran in front of Rock, she didn't stop, but lowered her head and turned her strong neck towards his legs.

"Want to sneak attack on me?"

Rock's reaction was also quick. When the geranium hit him, he sank down and hugged the geranium's neck with his arms.

Due to the huge impact, his legs made two deep marks on the ground.

After being pushed five or six meters by the geranium, Rock's body slowly stopped.


Geranium arched her neck, and happily put her head on Rock, trying to knock him down.

"Haha, come on!"

Rock was also not to be outdone, he pushed Geranium's head vigorously, and wrestled with it.

Just like Chenglong likes to jump down from a high place and let Rock pick it up, and suddenly bump into Rock and knock him down, it is also a unique game between Geranium and Rock.

When Geranium was still a chrysanthemum leaf, it liked to hit Rock with its head very much, but at that time it was too small, and Rock could block it with only one hand.

Later, it evolved into a bay leaf, and it learned to sneak and surprise attacks from behind, but the number of times it succeeded was still very small.More often, it was blocked by Rock, and then turned it down to the ground.

Geranium has now evolved into its final form, taller, stronger and stronger.If you go all out, even a big rock can be knocked into the air.

But it still likes this "wrestling" game with Rock, and every time it bumps its head against Rock, its brows and eyes with high interest are still the same as before.

However, Rock is not completely helpless. He has been wrestling with Nido King and Nido Queen every morning for the past week, so his strength has improved a little.

After he stopped the geranium's momentum, he subconsciously withdrew his force, and when the geranium was shaken, he flashed into the geranium's chest as if flying close to the ground.

Then hugged its front legs and pushed it hard with the shoulders, and at the same time pulled it horizontally with both hands.

The unsuspecting Geranium was staggered by Rock's sudden change, and then lost his balance and fell to the grass in an instant.

"How about my move, not bad."

Rock stood proudly in front of the geranium that fell to the ground. Ever since the geranium evolved, it was rare for it to fall down, so this success made Rock very happy.

Too bad his happiness didn't last long.

As soon as his words fell, Geranium, who fell to the ground, took advantage of Roque's unpreparedness, suddenly grabbed his ankle with a vine whip, and then pulled him to the ground as well.

Immediately afterwards, Geranium turned over, put her upper body on Rock's body, and rubbed her head against his face.

"Hahaha! Okay, okay, this time it's a tie."

The tentacles of the stamens on the top of the geranium's head rubbed against his face, and Rock laughed and hugged the geranium's head.

After the two of them played around for a while, they realized that there was still business to do.

"Geranium, we are going to find berries for the pots. Whether everyone can still have honey in the future depends entirely on you."

Rock put on a saddle bag for the geranium, then sat on its back, and walked towards the Evergreen Forest.

This season is the season when a large number of berries are ripe, and the place where the most berries are distributed around Rock's pasture is the Viridian Forest.

It's just because the insect elves in the Viridian Forest are also particularly active after autumn, so Rock hasn't gone there to pick berries before.

However, as the pots fermented the honey vinegar, there was not enough time for Rock to slowly collect the berries.

Therefore, in desperation, he could only choose the fastest way, and he didn't care so much about the related troubles.

To be on the safe side, Rock also brought Hei Lujia with him.Its fire attribute can be of great help when facing insect elves.

The Evergreen Forest is also called the Evergreen Forest, because the trees in the forest are all green and green throughout the year.

But this does not mean that the breath of autumn cannot be felt in the Viridian Forest, on the contrary, the autumn here is quite strong.

After a midsummer of wanton growth, all kinds of plants bear all kinds of fruits.

There are nuts with huge heads and brightly colored berries.The air is filled with a variety of ripe fruit, rich fruit aroma intertwined.

Due to the large number of fruits ripening, the wild elves in the Viridian Forest also became active.

Pikachu went in and out of the tree hole one after another, transporting one after another nuts back to his home to prepare for winter.

Dajia, who usually spends most of his time sleeping underground, also emerged from the soil one after another, and seized all the time to eat and eat.

They need to quickly accumulate enough energy to allow themselves to play a role in the next reproduction drama.

Heracross has also entered the breeding season. These honest and docile guys on weekdays have become extra irritable after autumn.

From time to time in the forest, the sound of "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, and iron clashing sounded. It was Heracros fighting with his own kind with the huge horn on his head.

Even bird elves like Bibi and Toucan, who are usually at the top of the Viridian Forest's biological chain, hibernate in a low-key manner at this time.

In addition to the fact that the male insect elves are too aggressive during this season, it is also one of the important reasons for the insect elves to reproduce with peace of mind.

It seems that these bird spirits also understand the principle of sustainable development.

"Another corpse, these guys beat too hard."

Rock kicked a Heracross lying on the ground, and found that it was motionless.

He turned Heracross's body over, saw that Heracross was missing half an arm and a leg, and shook his head sighing.

This is the third Heracross corpse that Rock has encountered. He, Geranium, and Heluga have only entered the Viridian Forest for more than two hours. It can be seen that these Heracross battles are frequent and fierce.

But this is not because Heracross is too harsh on the same kind, but because Heracross's fighting will is too firm.

Four or 10 minutes ago, Rock and the elves were fortunate enough to witness a duel between two Heracrosses. The weaker Heracrosser was obviously defeated, but he still fought to the end.

Just like the corpse in front of Rock's eyes, he didn't retreat even though he was missing an arm and a leg, and fought until he was exhausted.

This battle left a very deep impression on Rock, Geranium, and Heluga, so even though Heracross tasted good, Rock and the others didn't pick up the corpses of Heracross they encountered to eat Intention is regarded as respect for a soldier who will never surrender.

Rock and the elves passed the corpse of Heracross and continued on.After walking a few steps, I suddenly smelled a sweet fragrance.

 I wrote that chapter in the middle of the night yesterday, and the following paragraphs were a bit confusing after reading it today, so I slightly changed it to make it more coherent without affecting the plot.

  In addition, there is only one update today, I have to check the information

(End of this chapter)

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