Elven settlers

Chapter 361

Chapter 361
"Everyone come out for a while, and later here will transport you some hay for winter."

After reaching the oak forest, Rock clapped his hands to wake up the sleeping pots, and then beckoned them to leave the wood stack in the oak forest temporarily.

The potters have a very good temper, they are not angry, and they trust Rock very much.

So they followed him very cooperatively and climbed to the grass outside the oak forest, basking in the warm autumn afternoon sun.

As they withdrew, King Nido and Queen Nido and the Mare sheep pulling hay entered the oak forest.

Rock commanded King Nido and Nido to dismantle two haystacks, and evenly spread the removed hay on the open space in the middle of the wood stacks, so as to isolate part of the moisture from the ground.

After the hay was paved, King Nido and Empress Nido removed the remaining haystacks from the trailer and placed them neatly on top of the paved hay.

Then the Mare sheep pulled the empty trailer, returned to Geranium's side again, and reloaded the trailer.

According to the configuration of three Mali sheep, one trailer pulls a total of ten trailers. Each trailer can load two haystacks at a time, so twenty haystacks can be transported back and forth in one trip.

Rock calculated that it would take about 10 to 800 minutes for the Mali sheep to transport a round trip, and it would take until midnight today to transport all the more than [-] haystacks.

"This won't work. It seems that we need to increase some capacity, but the exercise effect of these thirty sheep must be guaranteed."

Although he really wanted the Mali sheep to fully eat the "experience" of transporting fodder, Rock didn't want to stay up late today, so he thought about it and arranged for five more black Luga to join the transport team.

Helujia only needs one to pull a trailer, and each trailer can transport three haystacks at a time, so that all the haystacks can be transported back before dark.

In addition, the reason why Rock chose Hei Lujia instead of the wooly sheep is that a very important factor is that the Hei Lujia can take care of and supervise the Mali sheep throughout the whole process, which saves Rock from running back and forth all the time.

"Take good care of them and keep their speed at a certain intensity. If you get tired, change to other companions."

Rock told the five "helpers" and "supervisors" he had found, and after watching them leave, he stayed at the camp and prepared his luggage for departure.

There are a lot of things to bring this time, basically all the goods to be brought to Sunshine Town for sale.

Three pairs of tusks from a long-haired pig, two pairs of antlers and horn beads from a fright-horned deer, three bear hides from a ring bear, three pig skins from a long-haired pig, and two buckskins from a fright-horned deer.

These leather rocks have been simply processed, but the storage time has been prolonged, and they can only be regarded as raw hides.Further tanning would be required for proper use, so Rock didn't hold out much hope for much money.

He was looking forward to the horn beads and antlers of the Scarlet Horn Deer, and the tusks of the long-haired pig, which should fetch a lot of money.

"I'm afraid Sarah is going to bleed profusely now."

Rock wrapped the last pig's tooth and put it in Geranium's saddle bag, and began to estimate the benefits of his trip to Sunshine Town.

Of course, the most valuable thing is the heterochromatic armored chrysalis that he accidentally caught a few days ago. When he sets off tomorrow morning, he will personally carry the super ball of this iron armored chrysalis next to his body until the transaction is completed.

But even if this unexpected windfall is not counted, the prey that Roque and the elves hunted this time can be regarded as one of his highest incomes, enough for him and the elves to spend a comfortable winter.

"Let's see, pig teeth, antlers...bear skins, all the hunted ones for sale, and the gift of tree fruit wine for friends. I think about what else... Oh right, how could I forget this .”

Rock suddenly slapped his head, thinking that he hadn't harvested honey yet.

Just when he was planning to go to the bee farm to collect honey, the Mali sheep came back with the hay again, so Rock had to direct King Nido and Nido to unload the haystack from the trailer and put it in order.

"Next, if there are any trailers coming back, you just put them away in this order. I'll be back in a while."

After giving King Nido and Queen Nido instructions on the order in which the haystacks should be stacked, Roque left the camp and went to the bee farm.

This is the last time to collect honey this year. In the rest of the time, the honey made by the big needle bees needs to be stored in their respective hives for their winter use.

After harvesting this batch of big-needle honey, Rock decided to take it with him and see the situation.

If those hunting can sell for a high price, then he will save this batch of honey for winter.

After all, during the three months of winter, the big needle bees can no longer make honey.

Of course, if the hunting can't be sold for any price, then the honey has to be sold as well.

Compared with the real income, it is tolerable to eat a little simpler.

"There should be nothing missing now."

Rock put the just-harvested needle honey into Geranium's saddle bag, finished packing his luggage, and then stayed honestly in the oak forest, commanding Nido King and Nido Queen stacked haystacks.

Pulling a trailer to transport goods is already very proficient for the Mare sheep.

Therefore, although the workload was a little bit heavy, all the haystacks were successfully transported back before the sun went down.

It's a pity that the Mare sheep did not evolve as expected after undergoing relatively high-intensity labor. It seems that they need to do some other work in the future to make them evolve.

"Okay, you can go in, it should be quite comfortable."

As the sun set, the orange-red sunlight shone obliquely into the oak forest through the branches and leaves of the oak trees. Rock called back the potters who had been basking in the sun all afternoon.

"Ah? Ah! Ah!"

"Bah, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh~"

After the potters climbed back to the wood stack in the oak forest, they were surprised to see a golden haystack that suddenly appeared, and then they were very excited and climbed towards the huge haystack.

Sure enough, just as Rock thought, the bristly hay did not have any effect on the bodies of the pots, and they got into the haystack in twos and threes.

For the potters, this large haystack is composed of cylindrical haystacks and stacked high. The environment inside is soft and breathable, and it also has the functions of warmth and shelter, just like a quilt Composed of hills.

Judging from their expressions, it should be very comfortable inside, making Rock want to get in and try it.

 I was too sleepy when I wrote the last paragraph, and it was a bit unclear, so I changed it later, you can refresh the bookshelf and read it again
(End of this chapter)

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