The Great Industrial Ming Dynasty Started from Beiping

Chapter 230 The secret agent turned out to be him

Chapter 230 The secret agent turned out to be him
Zuo Changshi of Prince Qin's Mansion died of illness, and King Qin led troops outside to quell the chaos. All of a sudden, the entire Prince Qin's mansion was leaderless.

It seems that only one night in Shaanxi, there is an extra organization called "Railway Construction Chamber of Commerce".

Not only local merchants participated, but also a large number of southern merchants, the richest salt merchants, Huizhou merchants involved in the most provinces, and even Fujian Fujian merchants.

And there are a large number of nobles, such as the Xu family with the highest prestige, Qin Wangfu, Yanwangfu, and Jinwangfu all participated.

If it is said that the gentry had the strongest power in the southern land, then in the northern border of the early Ming Dynasty, the Weisuo had the strongest land power.

As for the private households, because many of them moved from other places, and there were also many landlords who migrated from the south, the power of the gentry was still very weak.

Each company joined forces, and the railway engineering team in Beiping provided technology to recruit civilians from all over the country, and even military households in the guards to act as workers.

If in the past two years, the business group with 30 taels of joint stock was impressive, then the railway construction business group with financing of 200 million taels in just a few months is a shocking force.


Ge Cheng looked at the new technical report in his hand with a complicated expression.

"Since the construction of the railway, in addition to the use of iron in all walks of life, the demand for iron has increased exponentially. It has driven the economic take-off, promoted the development of productivity, and favorably guaranteed the construction of industrialization."

"In order to encourage Shaanxi and Shanxi railway construction matters, the Railway Construction Chamber of Commerce fully enters Miyun Iron Mine, Shanxi Iron Mine, and Shaanxi Iron Ore Industry."

"According to local conditions, the measures of each province have been changed accordingly. For example, in the Miyun Iron Mine in Beiping, merchants pay the capital, and the mine is responsible for management and production, following the Miyun zoning system."

"Then in Shaanxi and Shanxi, China Heavy Industries will produce technology and workers, and jointly manage and produce with businessmen."

"This is a great industrial plan with a period of five years. When the industrial plan is completed and the goals are achieved, there will be earth-shaking changes."

As a traditional official, Ge Cheng can be said to have grown from scratch, watching from the sidelines how the road to industrialization was born and even developed.

Logically speaking, there is a process for the rise and development of anything, in which there will be many repetitions.

However, the industrial development of Beiping, in the hands of the young prince, has become orderly, everything is seamlessly connected, and the speed seems to be sailing in the smooth water.

What made Ge Cheng even more emotional was that the young prince seemed to have seen the changes after each step and the follow-up measures, and made supportive preparations in advance.

Ge Cheng is not too surprised that Beiping has today. He already has some insight into the power of industrialization. What surprised him was that it only took a few years to develop so fast.

Ge Cheng is not surprised if today's achievements are achieved in ten years, 20 years, or even 30 years.

So he found Zhu Gaochi, facing this "junior" whom he had grown up with since childhood, Ge Cheng's face was complicated.

Zhu Gaochi also looked abnormal.

Among the high-level officials in the palace, there must be spies from Jinyiwei. This is the inference made by Yao Guangxiao, who is in charge of confidential affairs, the year before last.

It is precisely because of Yao Guangxiao, and one of the reasons why Jin Zhong, who is white, can rise quickly.

It's not just that Jin Zhong is Yao Guangxiao's acquaintance. Historically, Jin Zhong was also recommended by Yao Guangxiao to Zhu Di.

Zhu Gaochi originally thought that Yao Guangxiao recommended Jin Zhong because they were old acquaintances, but later Zhu Gaochi realized that the reason was not so simple.

The two had never had any social contact in their early years, and they even knew each other in Beiping, but Jin Zhong's status was too low, so how could they have such a deep friendship with Yao Guangxiao.

Zhu Di needs a trusted confidant who is in charge of the Changshi Mansion, and the trustworthy Jin Zhong has this condition.

As for who among the original cronies were Jin Yiwei's spies, Zhu Di did not investigate in detail, but he no longer discussed with them on many confidential matters.

"Uncle Cheng, does King Father know your real identity?" Zhu Gaochi was in a dilemma, not knowing how to deal with Ge Cheng.

Ge Cheng shook his head, "My lord has doubts, but the doubts haven't reached me yet."

"Then why did Uncle Cheng tell me?"

Zhu Gaochi looked at Ge Cheng curiously, not understanding Ge Cheng's thoughts.

"Because I saw how the little prince developed the industry, and I was overwhelmed."

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple." Ge Cheng said calmly.

He is not afraid that the palace will deal with him, because of his status, the palace will not deal with him, on the contrary, if the news of the exposure spreads, the Yingtian mansion will not let him go.

Zhu Gaochi had no doubts about this reason.

Because this principle holds water.

It is an eternal truth that low-level civilizations admire high-level civilizations.

During the Imchen Japanese Invasion, Japan invaded North Korea, and fought against the Ming army, some Japanese generals took the initiative to fight against the coalition forces.

Later Jin invaded Liaodong, and later Jin's high-level generals also took the initiative to fight against Daming.

There are countless examples of this.

It is human nature to yearn for beautiful things.

Zhu Gaochi's calmness caught Ge Cheng a little unprepared, and he was already prepared for the little prince not to believe him.

I also thought that although the little prince believed on the surface, he didn't believe it in fact, but he watched Zhu Gaochi grow up, and from the look on Zhu Gaochi's face, he could see that Zhu Gaochi really believed, but he didn't believe it.

If you don’t believe your own judgment, are you old?

"You really believe it?"

"Why don't you believe it?"

Ge Cheng had nowhere to rest his hands and feet, while Zhu Gaochi had a smile on his face.

What he chose was not to believe in Ge Cheng's character, but to believe in human nature.

Nomadic civilization and fishing and hunting civilization belong to the first level, farming civilization belongs to the second level, and industrial civilization developed on the basis of farming civilization is naturally regarded as the third level.

There are also countless examples of smart people in agricultural society yearning for industrial society, because smart people can see that advanced civilization is an inevitable trend.

Just like the nomadic peoples and the fishing and hunting peoples, even if they take over the Central Plains, they will eventually reform themselves and become the governance method of farming civilization.

When Daliao and Jin were established, they both took the initiative to change, and even earlier, as long as the forces entered the interior, the traditional model of self-reform would occur.

It is not that Confucian culture must be accepted by foreign rulers, but because Confucianism, born out of farming civilization, is the means by which nomadic, fishing and hunting peoples must change themselves.

Just like why Kublai Khan is not recognized by many people, he has clearly defeated his competitors, and the competitors have also surrendered to him.

The deeper reason is his reform measures.

Order the world to build a country based on agriculture and mulberry; it is strictly forbidden to change farmland into pasture and practice farmland; establish administrative agencies, improve laws and regulations, and use agriculture as the basis for rewarding and punishing officials; promulgate the "Nongsang Collection" to promote advanced science and technology.

This reform completely changed the social model of the original Mongolian Empire, such as destroying farmland to restore pastures, and focusing on nomadism. Naturally, the new requirements were not accepted by many people.

Some people even objected: Are the Mongolians who farm the land still Mongolians?

Taking ancient times as an example, anyone who wanted to cultivate the land, those who entered the farming areas were already Han Chinese, not grassland people.

The transformation of ancient nations was as simple as that.

When ancient prairie people went to the Central Plains to farm, their descendants would all be Han Chinese instead of prairie people.

The Han people who also ran to the grassland to graze eventually became grassland people.

Ge Cheng was speechless for a while, and Zhu Gaochi didn't think about how to arrange Ge Cheng. Both of them didn't want to make things worse, so they chose to follow the steps first.

After telling the secret in his heart, Ge Cheng heaved a sigh of relief.

As for the reason why Ge Cheng took the initiative to disclose, Zhu Gaochi didn't try to guess, and when Ge Cheng told himself one day, that would be the time to truly accept this person.

Although the name of the Railway Construction Chamber of Commerce has the word railway in it, the big businessmen are very smart and know what is the most profitable investment at present.

To accurately describe it, it should be called the Miyun Iron Ore Chamber of Commerce.

But many people are still waiting and watching. The money and workers are not in place, and they give various excuses.

They are all waiting for the result of the three prefectures discussing the railway issue, and they will end up in person when the dust settles.

Jin Zhong was naturally the one who came forward in the Palace of King Yan, and Mo Changshi was in charge of the matter at the Palace of King Qin, who was also a key figure in the delay.

This person is old-fashioned and has a big appetite, and he is plotting to become the principal.

As for Prince Jin's Mansion, they are more cooperative. After all, as the third eldest, King Jin has already formed a style of doing things since he was a child, and he is not as aggressive as his second brother, King Qin.

So Mo Changshi's death brought a turn for the better. I don't know who the new Changshi will be and what attitude he will take.

The candidate for the new chief historian of Prince Qin's mansion must be appointed by King Qin who is outside.

at this time.

King Qin succeeded in quelling the chaos and returned with a great victory. His prestige was unmatched for a while. He was also the current emperor, and the oldest surviving son was also born to Empress Ma.

King Qin, who had regained his military power, suddenly surpassed King Jin and King Yan in momentum.

The king of Jin went out of the fortress without any record, but he established many settlements outside the fortress. There is no credit but hard work.

As for King Yan, what is surprising is that King Yan, who has always made great military exploits, is still "trapped" by Nuer.

People originally thought that King Yan would be the first person to make meritorious deeds when he went out in person, but he was the most ineffective.

Guo Ming, who was in charge of the Liao Palace, accompanied Zhu Di, and the two of them strolled around the Dahei Mountain outside Beizhen. On the mountainside of the Dahei Mountain, you can see the Xiaohei Mountain not far away.

Heishan, big and small, had no reputation at first, but because the Zhuangzi outside Ningguo Mansion in Dream of the Red Chamber was in Heishan Village.

Many comments pointed out that the prototype of Heishan Village should be the large and small Heishan Mountains in the Zhenyuanbao area outside Beizhen, which are precisely these two mountains.

"The widow wanted to become in-laws with you, but many people objected, and I don't know if my father can agree."

Zhu Di withdrew his gaze and looked at this key figure who "plays a pivotal role" in Liaodong.

The country's road is like a network, which indicates the extension of the country's administrative management. In the same way, there will be some nodes on the network in the dense network of human relations. Controlling these "nodes" means mastering the network here.

(End of this chapter)

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