The Great Industrial Ming Dynasty Started from Beiping

Chapter 236 The "Emergency" of the Forest Farm

Chapter 236 The "Emergency" of the Forest Farm

"Technical News"

The island counts nine questions.

One question said:

Today, on Wangwang Island, the two tables are set up at the same level, three feet high, and the front and back are separated by a thousand steps, so that the back table is straight with the front table.In front of the watch, it took 120 three steps, people looked at the island peak with eyesight, and joined with the end of the watch.

Walk 27 steps from the back table, and look at the island peak with one's eyes, and join the end of the table.

Ask about the height of the island and the geometry of the table?
The answer is: 55 steps in the fourth mile of the island; 150 steps in the [-]th mile.

The technique says: Take the height of the table and the space between the table as the reality;Add the height of the table to the income, that is, the height of the island.

Those who seek the front table to go to the island: the front table is the truth; the appearance is the law.In addition, Deshima went to count.

The second question said:
Today, it is hoped that Songsheng will be on the mountain, and I don't know how high it is.

Stand on the same level with two tables, two feet high, and fifty steps away from the front and back, so that the back table is straight with the front table.

In front of the table, he walked seven steps and four feet, looked at the end of the pine in the thin ground, and joined with the end of the table.Looking at Songyuan again, it is two feet and eight inches into the table.

From the back table, walk eight steps and five feet, look at the end of the pine tree in the distance, and join with the end of the table.

Ask about the geometry of Song Gao and Shan Qu?


Zhu Gaochi reads every issue of the technical newspaper. The original intention of making the technical newspaper is to integrate technology and create the style of academic journals for later generations.

But after all, the times are different, and people's ideas are also different. People in the technical newspaper office have never seen the academic newspapers of later generations.

In their understanding, the technical report deviated from Zhu Gaochi's original intention and became a hodgepodge, all-encompassing.

The content of the newspaper is getting more and more, resulting in longer and longer pages. Each issue of the newspaper, the longest one, has thirty or forty pages, and even published a miscellaneous note.

However, Zhu Gaochi did not intervene in the correction.

In his view, as a superior, he should not only guide the direction, but also not be too fine-grained, which restricts the initiative.

"Who said there was no geometry in ancient China." Zhu Gaochi put down the technical newspaper in his hand and couldn't help shaking his head.

The author of the Sea Island Calculus was a Han Chinese in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

He is the first person in the world to propose the concept of decimals, and use decimals to represent the cube root of irrational numbers.

In terms of algebra, he correctly proposed the concept of positive and negative numbers and the rules of addition and subtraction, and improved the solution of linear equations.

In terms of geometry, the "circle cutting technique" was proposed, that is, a method for finding the area and circumference of a circle that is exhausted by an inscribed or circumscribed regular polygon.

The result of pi ≈ 3.1416 was obtained scientifically by using the circumcision technique.

He used the technique of cutting circles to cut circles from a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle with a diameter of 2 feet, and successively obtained a regular 12-gon, a regular 24-gon... The thinner the cut, the greater the difference between the area of ​​the regular polygon and the area of ​​the circle. Small.

In his original words, "The more you cut, the less you lose, and the more you cut, so that you can't cut it, then it fits into the circle without losing anything."

He calculated the area of ​​3072 polygons and verified this value.

The scientific method for calculating pi proposed by Liu Hui has established China's leading position in the world in pi calculation for more than a thousand years.

The excellence and leading position of ancient Chinese technology has never been better than a rootless duckweed, but it is supported by theory.

Common points, approximate points, four arithmetic operations, complex fractions, formulas, convenient multiplication, commensurate terms, homogeneity, equations, Pythagorean...

Created Yang equestrianism, Mouhe Fanggai said, new equation technique, heavy difference technique and so on.

The masterpieces include "Nine Chapters on Arithmetic", "Sunzi's Suanjing", "Zhou Bi's Suanjing", "Sea Island Suanjing", "Zhang Qiujian's Suanjing", "Ten Books of Suanjing", "Nine Chapters of Suanshu" ", "Nine Chapters of Mathematics", "Enlightenment of Mathematics", "Principles of Mathematics"...

Just as the ancient Eastern technology spread to the West, the knowledge of these books can be clearly seen from the time when each country was first published. The overall context is Chinese numerals-Indian numerals-Arabic numerals-European numerals.

Before Chinese mathematics spread to India, India also had its own numbering system, but this numbering system was as cumbersome as the Mediterranean, not a place-value system.

When the Chinese number system spread to India, the Chinese Jiuzhang arithmetic also spread to India at the same time.

The most ridiculous thing is that some mistakes in the nine chapters of arithmetic were repeated in India, completely copied.

Mathematician Mr. Wu Wenjun, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mr. Qian Baocong, a famous historian of mathematics in China, and other great scholars.

Their point of view is that the invention of Western calculus is the product of Chinese mathematics defeating Greek mathematics.

It can even be said that the reason why modern mathematics can develop to this day is mainly due to Chinese mathematics rather than Greek mathematics. It is mainly Chinese mathematics rather than Greek mathematics that determines the development of mathematics.

Based on this appeal, history that has been turned upside down must be turned upside down!
In Mr. Wen Xing's "Missionaries Steal Chinese Civilization and Reverse World History", Mr. Li Liang from the Institute of History of Natural Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences wrote "The "Missed" Companionship—Missionary's Explanation of the Records of Companionship During the Chongzhen Calendar Reform Period" Selective Delete, etc.

Both describe a large number of empirical evidence, as well as the sequence of the development of mathematics in various countries, which can be clearly proved,
In Mr. Xiang Guanjie's "Achievements of Ancient Chinese Mathematics", he proposed that since the Yuan Dynasty, China's mathematics has been dated.

A hundred years is enough to wipe out the inheritance.

It was not until the middle of the Ming Dynasty that some new works began to be published, but they mainly focused on the restoration of the mathematics level of the Song Dynasty, and did not introduce the old and bring forth the new.

Then in the Qing Dynasty in the next 300 years, China's mathematics recovery period was interrupted and completely declined.

Just as we do not deny the strength of the United States in later generations, but the strength of the United States is because of its overall national strength, not out of thin air.

Then China’s achievements in ancient times are the pinnacle of the world, and there must be a source, rather than duckweed-like lack of foundation.

Just like America.

The Inca Empire, which lives alone in the world, is the overlord of the Americas. His civilization and knowledge are also the strongest and most advanced among the indigenous countries in the Americas.

Then ancient China was the strongest in the world, and naturally it is the same, it is the strongest and most advanced in the world.

The century-old history of humiliation, coupled with the harsh external environment, actually made Zhu Gaochi not very confident in his heart.

Zhu Gaochi couldn't help getting up, left the desk, and walked to the gate. The guards surrounded him, thinking that the little prince was going out.

Zhu Gaochi shook his hand and walked alone in the courtyard.

He was apprehensive about the development of the Industrial Revolution in the early Ming Dynasty, and held some prejudices, which made him not very confident.

Can I promote the industrial development of Daming alone?Lead the distribution of social productivity and complete the goal of industrialization.

Like a person sailing against the current, can he really succeed?

Now he no longer doubts.

Because he is not alone, the technological achievements of the ancient ancestors are the nourishment for his success, what is lacking is only an opportunity.

Even if it is only to restore the technological civilization of the Song Dynasty, coupled with the military capabilities of the Ming Dynasty, the industrialization of the Ming Dynasty can be successful.

With the development of technical newspapers, more and more ancient knowledge emerged, allowing more and more craftsmen to communicate, which led to more technical integration.


Originally used to supply the Liaozuo area in Denglai, Shandong, in the fourth year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, sent two generals Ma Yun and Ye Wang to lead the army from Penglai to take a boat across the sea to land here and recover Liaodong. The port was renamed Lushunkou and has been used ever since.

Fifty miles away from the wharf at Lushunkou, a large number of fertile fields were built, and steam engines were used extensively when opening up wasteland.

From the crude and crude machine at the beginning of its birth, the steam engine began to use the most advanced technology later.

For example, the use of fine iron for the pistons strives to achieve the highest efficiency of the steam engine.

Today, there are more technical reserves and improvements for the components. For example, the nine-smelting iron made of more advanced materials for the piston is changed to the pig iron with the backward material, so that the piston can operate more effectively in the cylinder.

That is to say, the steam engine has changed from blindly using the best materials to requiring the most suitable and most effective materials.

The result is that while the shape of the steam engine has become smaller, the power has not been reduced, but has become larger.

Likewise, the use of fuel has become more efficient.

With the same volume of fuel, the current steam engine can burn longer and generate more horsepower, allowing the steam engine to work even if it leaves the coal mine area.

It is an important reason why the British Industrial Revolution can be successfully learned by Italy and France. Because of the advancement of steam engine technology, steam engines can also be used in areas lacking coal mines.

The large-scale use of steam engines in Lushunkou seems to be just a small step in technology, but it actually marks the beginning of a great era.

In an agricultural society, resources are very expensive, so when resources need to be used, the society needs to pay a high price.

Therefore, the development of the Ming Dynasty was very slow. In the end of the Ming Dynasty, the population of the Northeast was restored to more than 300 million.

But now in the early Ming Dynasty, it is still in the stage of military immigration to the north.

However, industrialized societies are different. Resources are no longer expensive and can be used in large quantities. Industrial products from mineral resources have become cheaper.

This impact includes all aspects, such as agriculture, and the cost of reclaiming wasteland has also dropped significantly.

As an overseas base built by China Heavy Industry, Lushunkou District has invested a lot of technology.

Digging ditches, building water conservancy, building houses, mining technology, salt making technology, shipbuilding technology...

It's not a problem for the craftsmen of Ming Dynasty, it's their special skills, what's lacking is just support facilities.

As for China Heavy Industries, which guides Beiping's industry, the most indispensable thing is resources.

Thousands of eunuchs are in order, and Zhan Zhan Yeye's hard work provides the most powerful guarantee for the development of Lushunkou.

They have laid a solid foundation for the hardest, most tiring, and life-consuming pre-work. People who recruit immigrants from China only need to take over according to the schedule of the forest farm, and then live hard to obtain a relaxed living environment.

This model greatly reduces investment, and is welcomed by the people, attracting more people.

According to the new report of the forest farm, the grain in the forest farm can no longer be piled up, new warehouses are still under construction, and one shipyard after another has been built in the shipyard. There are not enough people who worry about sailing.

Goods from the saltworks, freezer, and salted fish factory are also piled up in the warehouses, and I hope the headquarters can take care of them.

(End of this chapter)

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