The Great Industrial Ming Dynasty Started from Beiping

Chapter 240 A New Era of Railway Troop Transport

Chapter 240 A New Era of Railway Troop Transport
north town.

In the early Ming Dynasty, it was the political center and military center of Liaodong. With the development of the Ming Dynasty, it was gradually replaced by Liaoyang in the middle period. In the late Ming Dynasty, Shenyang began to surpass Liaoyang in size.

Therefore, after the Houjin rebellion, when they conquered Liaodong, they moved the capital to Shenyang as the capital, and used the flesh and blood of the Han Chinese who had been reduced to slaves to create the magnificent Houjin Palace in a short period of time.

In comparison, the Liao Palace has not yet been completed, because Zhu Yuanzhang worried that the people's resources would be consumed too much, so the construction period stopped and stopped.

Now Zhu Di is out of Liao, with Beizhen as the rear, and sits here.

In Zhu Di's eyes, Liaodong and Beiping seem to be two worlds.

To accurately describe it, it is Beiping after industrial development. Before the eldest son promoted industrial development, Liaodong was the same as Beiping more than ten years ago.

At that time, Beiping was the same as Liaodong now, with a sparse population, poor people's livelihood, and desolate water conservancy. However, after decades of governance and immigration by the imperial court, Beiping has undergone tremendous changes long ago.

After several years of industrial development, driven by the huge China Heavy Industry System, Zhu Di did not mention many changes, but he still remembered them in his heart.

"Xiyangha is really abominable for doing evil things. If it wasn't for the emperor's will, he would have sent troops to surround his hometown a long time ago."

Behind the desk, Zhu Di said angrily.

Zhu Yuanzhang was very broad-minded, and he treated any nationality as long as he lived in China, and he made a decree to announce it to the world.

Therefore, the policy on the frontier is mainly based on peaceful absorption.

For example, with regard to the various ethnic groups in the Nuergan land, Zhu Yuanzhang did not advocate the use of large troops in the Nuergan area.

He said to his courtiers: "Since the capital of Yuan Dynasty has fallen, there are those who persuade me to take Liaoyang. I say that strength should not be slowed down, and power should not be feared. Although Liao is far away, there is no need to use troops. The world is peaceful, and he should return. .”

Zhu Yuanzhang's policy is not wrong.

After decades of constant Wang Hua, the Nuergan ethnic groups voluntarily chose to submit to Ming Dynasty, which cut off the ambition of the neighboring North Korea to plot Nuergan.

In the early Ming Dynasty, North Korea was still very inspiring, striving to open up, and indeed achieved a lot of results.

Hamgyong Road and Ping'an Road have been the land of China since ancient times.

Due to historical reasons left over from the end of the Yuan Dynasty to the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, after the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, although no troops were sent to take it back, it was not recognized as a disputed area.

North Korea actually occupied the two places, but it was not officially recognized by the Ming Dynasty.

Finally, it was recognized by the rulers in the early Qing Dynasty, and officials were sent to divide the frontier and determine the ownership. Therefore, in terms of law, the two places completely belonged to North Korea.

Therefore, in the current Nuergan, North Korea has the strength to have delusions about this area.

It wasn't until the various ethnic groups in these areas surrendered to Ming Dynasty and raised the flag of Ming Dynasty that North Korea gave up its attempt.

In later generations, it was deliberately distorted by some people, who denied Zhu Yuanzhang's policy, and believed that because he had not sent a large army to conquer it, it was not considered Mingdi.

Zhu Di was flanked by King Liao, Guo Ming on the left below, Zhou Xing on the right, and Zhuang De who came from Sanwanwei.

"Xiyangha is just a little thief. The last general led the troops to his hometown and cut off his retreat. This thief should be obedient."

Eight years ago, in the 20th year of Hongwu, the [-] guards established in Nuergan, the current general Zhuang De said loudly.

Hearing this, Zhu Di pondered, while King Liao looked at the fourth brother curiously.

Guo Ming spoke at this time.

"It's easy to fight, but it doesn't please the sage. Generally speaking, all the Nuergan clans still have a heart for Daming. There's no need to spoil a pot of porridge just because of a piece of mouse droppings."

Zhu Yuanzhang likes to subdue it with Wanghua in his Kaijiang, which means to make others obey China culturally, rather than purely using military means.

This attitude is not only used in the North and Northeast, but also in the South.

For example, the frontiers of Yunnan.

Confucianism in Yunnan reached its most prosperous period during the Ming Dynasty, and many chieftains devoted their hearts to the Central Plains throughout the Ming Dynasty.

For example, the famous King of Lijiang still held high the banner of the Ming Dynasty during the period of his strongest power, and built the largest library in Yunnan, where his children all studied.

Even the well-known Xu Xiake traveled to Lijiang and left a lot of handwriting, and the two formed a posthumous friendship.

Therefore, Guo Ming's reason made Zhuang De unable to fight back, so he closed his mouth helplessly and looked at the silent Zhou Xing.

Because of Li Xueyan's matter, Zhou Xing went to Beiping to plead guilty to Zhu Di, and was graciously forgiven by Zhu Di. Therefore, no matter what his true heart is now, he can't oppose Zhu Di on the bright side, otherwise people will doubt his character.

As for the young King Liao, he didn't know if the fourth elder brother really listened to his father's words, or if he had other plans to deliberately find a reason to stay in the Northeast.

But now the leaders of both civil and military parties have not voiced their objections. The Liao king, who has just arrived, chose to keep a low profile.

The longer Zhu Di stayed in the Northeast, the deeper his prestige in the Northeast, this is an unchangeable fact.

Now that he is stuck in the northeast, no one can urge him to leave except the emperor of Yingtianfu.

When everyone left, Zhuang De caught up with Zhou Xing and asked, "Why didn't you support me just now?"

Zhuang De's grade is lower than Zhou Xing's, but Zhuang De is quick-tempered and fierce, and he is even better at fighting. It can be said that he was the vanguard of the Ming Dynasty's recovery of slaves.

Zhou Xing didn't blame Zhuang De for his rudeness, and explained to him in a low voice, "It's useless to talk too much. If you catch Xiyangha as soon as possible, it will be more effective than me saying [-] words."

Zhuang De glanced at Zhou Xing, "It's fine with your words."

Looking at the back of Zhuang De leaving angrily, Zhou Xing shook his head helplessly. In the land of Liaodong, he was the only person who was not afraid of King Yan's power.

On the second day, someone came to report to Zhu Di, saying that Zhuang De had returned with [-] guards. Not long after, news of the military came. Lukou, go to track and besiege Xiyang Ha and the others.

Hearing this news, Zhu Di's face was very ugly. Zhuang De's actions were tantamount to showing him his face. No one has dared to do this in front of him for many years.

The offended anger in his heart almost made him want to have Zhuang De taken back, but he soon held back.

Zhu Di is Zhu Di after all, and said coldly: "This person acted without authorization and missed the important matter. Send someone to tell him. If Xiyangha is captured, it will still be considered a great achievement. If Xiyangha is released, he will be punished for several crimes." Severe punishment."

at this time.

The Beiping mansion sent an official document, regarding the training of the Beiping guards, under the organization of the son, with the assistance of the capital, it is still going on as usual.

"How urgent it is." Zhu Di put down the official document, with a noncommittal expression on his face, feeling a little discouraged, thinking whether to return to Beiping or not.

Guo Ming was very respectful, took the official document that Zhu Di had someone hand him, and understood King Yan's dissatisfaction at a glance.

There are people in Liaodong who oppose the King of Yan. Judging by King Yan's appearance, the prince decided to parade the army in Beiping. It seems that he has not informed the King of Yan?
"The son is young after all, but he still has good intentions. If a young man doesn't want to make achievements, King Yan doesn't have to worry."

Guo Ming spoke for his son-in-law-to-be.

Zhu Di couldn't help showing a smile. Fortunately, there was this person planning for him in Liaodong, otherwise Zhu Di really wouldn't be able to stay in Liaodong.

Don't mention Zhou Xing, Zhuang De and others below don't like him very much.

He, Zhu Di, also wants face.

A good Beiping is twice as rich and powerful as Liaodong, so I beg him not to come.

Zhu Di is the King of Yan in the Ming Dynasty, and Zhu Gaochi's thoughts are different after all, and the starting point of the two is different.

Liaodong was able to pull out tens of thousands of elite soldiers. Zhu Di had no idea in this regard, and the imperial court would never allow it.

Because Daning was born in Beiping, the imperial court would turn a blind eye to what King Yan did in Daning, as long as Zhu Di was not too excessive.

But Liaodong is different.

Liaodong is under the Shandong Chief Secretary and has nothing to do with Beiping. Zhu Di's plan for Liaodong is tantamount to stepping on the red line.

This is also the reason why Zhou Xing first, and then Zhuang De, dared to defy Zhu Di one after another.

If in Beiping, even before Prince Zhu Biao died of illness, Zhang Yu, the left guard of Yanshan Mountain, would not dare to defy King Yan openly.

The regular spring and summer exercises of the Beiping Zhuwei are said to be carried out as usual, but this is not as usual as people think, but according to the usual spring and summer drills, but the way of drills has completely changed.

Kaiping Zhuwei.

On the grassland, more than a dozen cavalry teams moved in one direction and gathered into a torrent. Behind thousands of fine cavalry, billows of dust rose up, like clouds covering them, unstoppable.

After discussion by the Kaiping generals, those who went to Peiping to participate in the martial arts performance were all cavalry and did not need to take a railway carriage.

The Miyun Guard and the Miyun Guard were notified by the guards in Kaiping, and they were so happy that they saved a lot of effort.

"One mouth at the top, broken legs at the bottom." A veteran put the muzzle on the ground and complained.

They gathered from the guard, only to hear that this time they were going to Peiping for training.

If the army marches normally, it will usually be thirty miles a day, unless there are other requirements or factors, it will exceed this change.

From Miyun to Peiping, the total distance is about 150 li, which means it takes five days to march, and it takes up to ten days to go back and forth.

The flag officer comforted: "Practice more now, so that there will be no accidents when you go to the battlefield in the future."

The sergeants disagreed with the flag officer's words.

No one can tell the truth.

The flag officer said with a smile: "This time the march is changed to a railway carriage, which is different from the past. Don't complain anymore. If the people above hear it, I can't protect you."

Although the flag officer has an official character, he really can't put it in front of the folks, otherwise he will be poked in the back.

Moreover, the flag officer still has to rely on his fellow villagers to work hard for him to keep him alive on the battlefield.

"I'm afraid that I'm going to go to Peiping all of a sudden after I'm doing my drills in the guard. Don't let us tell."

No matter how good the above is, in short, in the eyes of the soldiers, they have to walk for several days for no reason, and they are the ones who have worked hard.

"I heard that it was the little prince's idea. The little prince is still good to us. For the sake of the little prince, let's forget about it." A well-informed person interjected.

In short.

The soldiers of the various guards are generally resistant to new changes, especially to make them work harder.

Although he didn't dare to resist, his morale fluctuated greatly.

Under the leadership of Qiu Fu, the Shixia Camp stationed in the important area of ​​Miyun was the first to board the railway carriage at Miyun Railway Station.

A six-horse railway carriage with three carriages.

on level ground.

A pack horse can carry two to three hundred catties for long-distance transportation on ordinary roads, and more than a thousand catties for pulling trucks on dirt roads.

Then, by way of railway transportation, the long-distance transportation load of a horse can reach eight tons.

Although the six horses do not weigh 48 tons, their carrying capacity far exceeds [-] tons.

3000 people, plus armor, weapons, flags and other armaments, used a total of nine six-horse railway carriages.

on the platform.

There are nine railway carriages, and each railway carriage has three carriages. The tables and chairs have been removed from the carriages, and the two sides of the carriages are open.

It not only preserves the line of sight of the sergeants in the compartment, but also allows the sergeants to get up and down quickly.

There are 110 people in each carriage, exactly a team of one hundred households.

Flags were hung on the carriages, and the carriages were also painted, marking No. [-], No. [-], No. [-], No. [-]...

When each hundred-family team arrives at the platform, they receive the corresponding car number of each team, and only need to board the car with the corresponding number.

Under the leadership of Baihu, people climbed into the carriage curiously and stretched their necks to look out. Most of them were riding a railway carriage for the first time.

"Six horses can pull so many of us?"

"It can't be pulled."

"It should be able to move, this is running on iron, and if it can't be pulled, wouldn't it be a big joke."

The soldiers whispered to each other, looking at the new thing curiously.

Each hundred households reported to the thousand households, and each thousand households reported to Qiu Fu. After the confirmation, Qiu Fu took the rest of the people and boarded the railway carriage.

Several flag bearers on the platform unfurled their flags.

The bamboo whistle sounded.

"Jingle Bell."

"Jingle Bell."


Then there is the sound of bells, and finally the sound of beating gongs. The entire platform is full of sounds from various instruments.

"Card wipe, card wipe."


The railway carriage at the front started to move. Three coachmen and two apprentices worked at the front of the carriage, connected the carriages, and worked at the rear of the carriage.

The speed of the railway carriage was getting faster and faster, the sound of the iron wheels and rails was getting louder, and the scenery on both sides began to retreat.

"It's really moving."

"It's so cool."

The running wind poured into the carriage from both sides, refreshing the pores of the soldiers who still felt crowded just now.

"Hey, you don't have to suffer anymore if you keep marching like this in the future." There was a smile on the face of an old military household.

Traveling is really hard work.

When they heard that they were going to march to Peiping, the soldiers in the guard complained a lot, thinking that the people above did not consider the hard work below.

"It's incredible, it's incredible."

"It will change in the future."

The Shixia Battalion set off from Miyun Station in the morning and arrived in the evening. They arranged the queue on the platform and then marched to the prepared barracks.

Many people have felt the power of the railway.

The speed of the march is not the same, and more importantly, the physical strength and morale of the soldiers have been preserved.

From Miyun to Beiping, it only took one day, and then the army could go into battle after getting off the car. This change can be described as earth-shaking.

What does this represent?
It represents a new era, just as the Song Dynasty transformed firearms and indirectly changed the milestone of the war mode.

(End of this chapter)

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