The Great Industrial Ming Dynasty Started from Beiping

Chapter 243 Military Industrial Compound Factory

Chapter 243 Military Industrial Compound Factory

Yangqu, the gateway of Taiyuan, Shanxi.

In a local iron sulfide smelting and sulfur extraction workshop, two workers wearing China Heavy Industry uniforms, with the red thread bordering the swallow on the left chest, representing technology, watched with relish.

The owner of the iron sulfide workshop is very enthusiastic next to him.

Originally, he was not allowed to visit, but there was no other way. The money offered by Zhonghua Heavy Industry was too much for him to refuse.

After watching for a long time, he worked out some methods, and one of them said confidently: "Arranging the historical records and combining the current situation of mineral development, we can conclude that according to the natural principles of mineral changes, any area rich in coal resources must have iron mines. Areas rich in minerals must have iron sulfide."

"The Yangqu area and Yangcheng area in Shanxi are the main supply areas of iron sulfide. Based on the current exploration results in Shanxi, it can be judged that there are definitely more than these areas in Shanxi that contain iron sulfide."

His opinion was recognized by his companions.

The companion said: "Compared with Shandong, Shanxi has richer mineral resources and high quality, and the mining conditions are more relaxed, but in terms of technology, Shandong still has an advantage."

The Shanxi workshop owner was listening.

Foreigners praised Shanxi for its goodness, and the owner of the Shanxi workshop had a smile on his face. When he heard that it was not enough, his face collapsed.

He said unhappily: "The craftsmanship passed down from my family's ancestors has been like this for generations. If you don't say anything, I will drive you out."

Chasing away people but not mentioning refunding the money, it seems that the owner of the workshop is still reluctant to part with the heavy money given by China Heavy Industry.

Those who do technology are generally more straightforward.

Those who are good at playing tricks and tricks, and those who are good at understanding the world, in terms of technology, they must not be the group of top-notch people.

Just like a certain scientific boss in later generations who denied a certain machine plan and offended many people out of thin air, a lot of sewage was born and poured on him.

If it weren't for his achievement protection, he would have been played to death by this set of "methods" long ago, the kind of ruined reputation.

The technician didn't seem to understand the anger of the workshop owner, and said honestly, "The method of refining sulfur in one furnace and three pots in Shandong was born in the Song Dynasty, which is much more advanced than yours."

"One furnace and three pots method?"

The owner of the workshop became less confident when he heard that the other party had something to say, and his face became more polite, and he asked for advice in embarrassment.

China Heavy Industries adopts a communicative attitude in terms of technology.

The technicians told the truth about the method of one furnace and three pots in Shandong, so that the owner of the workshop had nothing to say. Instead, he bowed deeply and bowed his hands to the technicians, thanking them for their advice.

In the end, the workshop mainly returned the money to them, but was rejected by the technicians.

No matter how many complaints the finance department has about the technology department, the technology department's environment for craftsmen can be said to be the richest in the world.

After a few years, the technicians have become somewhat "ignorant" of yellow and white things.

Seeing that the other party refused to accept it sincerely, the owner of the workshop asked his family to cook a table of good meals. Several people talked about technical matters at the wine table.

"Not only does the imperial court want to restore the Song Dynasty system, our little prince said that the restoration of the Song Dynasty needs to restore all aspects, and technically we must pursue the restoration of the Song Dynasty's level as soon as possible."

The technician was slightly drunk and said with a hint of alcohol.

Many things opened the eyes of the owner of the workshop, especially the technical report mentioned by the guest, he wished he could buy it and read it every issue.

Let’s not mention other aspects in the late Ming Dynasty. Only the firearms integrated Western technology. The standard in the field of cannon is not as good as that of the West, but the firearms and gunpowder are not inferior to the West.

In the Qing Dynasty, due to inertia, the firearms of the early Qing Dynasty were still shining on the battlefield. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, they began to retreat in an all-round way, and guns were regarded as demons and heretics.

The same is true of the Song Dynasty.

After going through the Yuan Dynasty, many technical achievements could still be seen at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, but at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, it had already declined.

For example the printing industry.

The paper and engraving skills of the Han craftsmen in the Yuan version are inferior to those of the Song Dynasty craftsmen, but after Yu Yin of the Song Dynasty, the handwriting and engraving are still famous hands.

When something is broken, it is not so easy to restore it.

Therefore, the books written by the West on the East, before the rise of China in the later generations, were more fair in their evaluation, and they mostly used the technology of the Song Dynasty as examples.

For example, the technical level after the first industrial revolution, the technology of some industries has not surpassed that of the Song Dynasty.

After the rise of China, the threat theory was on the rise. In the books published by the West during this period, including the evaluation of ancient China, the mainstream views of the West became suppression and contempt.

The content of books in the two periods before and after is completely different.

On the second day, after bidding farewell to the workshop owner, the two technicians discussed whether to continue to go to Shaanxi as planned.

"King Qin was murdered in Shaanxi, so let's change our itinerary."

"We just go to understand the technology of raising sulfur in various places, and we don't deal with the government. We still have the opportunity to cooperate with the Chief Secretary of Peking, so it's not possible."

The two hesitated, discussed and discussed, and finally gave up on going to Shaanxi and returned to Peiping.

At the end of this journey, from Beiping to Shandong, and then from Shandong to Shanxi, it took three months to travel.

There are many skilled workers like them.

China Heavy Industries invested, and the qualified technicians of each factory were given a half-year travel period.

Go to workshops in various places to see. Of course, it is better to learn better techniques.

It's the same reason as the chefs of the Later Generation Hotel, who go to the food festival and peer exchange meetings, but with the scale of the workshop, they can't afford this kind of behavior.

This is the difference between factory scale and workshop scale.

After the two returned to Peiping, of course they had to write down some results, otherwise even if no one accused them, they would not be able to face it.

The development of coal mines used railways to make the mines wider and wider, and the rest of the mining industry was naturally promoted.

The two didn't have a better method, but in terms of sulfur smelting, they felt that Shandong's one furnace and three pot method was better than other places, but it also had shortcomings.

The current production technology of the coke refinery is born out of the technology of the Song Dynasty, and is based on the technology of the Song Dynasty.

In fact, the technology currently used in coke refineries is a technology invented in the middle and late Ming Dynasty.

"The method of one furnace and three pots is a technology passed down from our ancestors. It adopts the principle of external combustion and is the most advanced method at present."

"Each furnace can hold more than [-] catties of ore, and the refined "flow yellow" is about four hundredths."

"If you want to get better efficiency, you should start with the improvement of the sulfur tank, and the process can also learn from the coking process."

"Improve the original direct sulfur block to produce sulfur powder first, and then block, from one process to two processes."


The two are in charge of this project, and cooperate with the factory set up separately from the iron factory to improve the sulphur-smelting production process.

After a lot of practical operations, the concept of "four levels and one uniformity" was proposed soon, and the cooling method of the coke refinery was learned to build a cooling room.

The final output rate increased from the original 20.00% to [-]%, and then to [-]%.

Compared with the original technology, it has improved by a full five times!
The breakthrough in technology has led to a qualitative improvement in the production of gunpowder, which made Zhu Gaochi very happy. He personally summoned two technicians, and he raised the craftsman level of the two in person.

As for nitrate ore, it is mainly obtained from Shandong.

The main production areas of saltpeter are divided into Shandong, Shanxi, and Sichuan. After detection in later generations, the western region became the most abundant area.

China Heavy Industry is endorsed by the Wangfu, coupled with the convenience of the Beiping Trade Center, a large amount of nitrate can be purchased from Shandong.

The iron sulfide production area is also the most abundant in Shanxi, but Beiping also has such minerals, mainly in Changping County, northwest of Beiping City.

China Heavy Industries opened a mine here.

The inside of the gate of the sulfur cave is four feet high, three feet wide, and fifteen feet deep. wait.

When Zhu Di came back from Liaodong, Zhu Gaochi also proposed his new factory.

"My son wants to build a military-industrial complex."

Zhu Di looked at Zhu Gaochi amusedly, and joked: "We have been in various places in Liaodong for several months, but we didn't go to Jinzhou, because you have done a lot of things in Jinzhou, and if we don't see it, we don't know it. How dare you now It's getting bigger and bigger, and you still know that you have to get your father's consent to do things?"

It depends on how you hear it.

It doesn't seem too serious, but it's Zhu Di. If Zhu Yuanzhang said that, Zhu Gaochi would have to break out in a cold sweat.

"The father ordered his son to supervise Beiping, and naturally he hoped that his son would make some achievements. The son dared not disappoint his father, so he should do his best."

Zhu Di shook his head, and had no intention of forcing a debate with Zhu Gaochi.

In his opinion, his son's talent in industrial development is admirable, but he still has some tricks in being a man.

Eager to argue about everything, too good at sophistry, lost some grandeur, on the contrary, he was a little petty.

But Zhu Di was already satisfied, and didn't have too many harsh demands.

"Military-industrial compound factory, it sounds like the name doesn't just produce armaments?" Zhu Di asked curiously.

Zhu Gaochi replied honestly: "In the past, the military equipment was mainly produced by the Ministry of Industry in the capital, and part of it was repaired and built by military households in various guards."

"In my son's opinion, it not only consumes the energy of the guard, but also is not efficient. It should be unified and the military-industrial compound factory should be responsible for the production."

In the Hongwu Dynasty, the manufacture of ordnance was divided into two parts, central and local.

Yingtianfu's arms manufacturing occupies a central position, while the local guards are responsible for some scraps, and Zhu Gaochi mainly focuses on the latter.

Except for building new firearms, Zhu Gaochi is still supplied by Ying Tianfu for the rest of the armaments, and he can't change this system, and the court will not agree.

The military equipment of dozens of guards is not something that China Heavy Industries can afford alone, and it is not worth the candle to try our best.

Therefore, Zhu Gaochi only needs to manufacture new firearms to meet the construction of the new army.

In Beiping, Zhu Gaochi wanted to transfer part of the power of the guard to the military-industrial compound factory to cooperate with the promotion of new firearms.

After listening to his son's explanation, Zhu Di was noncommittal, "This is not a trivial matter. The firearms such as bird guns you mentioned, we will mention them after we confirm."

At the moment, Zhu Di paid more attention to the second brother's affairs, and sent someone to Xi'an to mourn the funeral.

(End of this chapter)

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