The Great Industrial Ming Dynasty Started from Beiping

Chapter 259 What is Rich and Powerful?

Chapter 259 What is Rich and Powerful?

China Heavy Industry Workers' Children School.

It is still in the exploratory stage.

Tentatively, it is a seven-level system, with four years of primary school and three years of middle school, with an entry age of eight and a graduation age of 15.

After graduating at the age of 15, I went to China Heavy Industry as an intern for one year. At the age of 16, I decided whether to transfer to the military.

Because it has only been established for one year, the educational situation of the school is very complicated.

For example, in the upper grades, it is mainly through the absorption of young people who can read and become the students of the upper grades, rather than the seven-grade system.

So the upper-level curriculum is also very confusing, with both lower-level content and higher-level content.

The level of students also varies greatly.

In a word, it's messy.

In the sixth grade classroom.

On the blackboard, the teacher uses the chalk provided by the factory to write on the blackboard.

"There are things today, but I don't know how many they are. When you count three or three, you get two, when you count five or five, you get three, and when you count seven or seven, you get two. How many things are there?"

The students were deep in thought.

Lian Zining, who was sitting in the back row, had already figured it out, because Lian Zining had extensive knowledge, he knew where this question came from.

He considered himself to be of a higher standard than the school teachers.

As a literati, especially the second place in the list, Lian Zining even wanted to give it a try and go on stage to explain it himself.

It was precisely because of Lian Zining's determination that the school opened the back door and allowed Lian Zining to enter the school to observe. Of course, this was allowed by the little prince.

The level of teachers is not high. To put it bluntly, the school's teaching staff is weak, and the level of teachers varies greatly.

The young teacher, stimulated by the bright eyes behind the classroom, timidly offered to invite Mr. Lian Zining to come on stage.

Lian Zining took the chalk, and when it came to preaching, he was not polite at all, without any of the worldly sophistication he originally possessed.

"This problem is a kind of Da Yan problem to be solved, which originated from the "I don't know how many things" in "Sun Tzu's Mathematical Classics."

"Qin Jiushao, a famous scholar in the Song Dynasty, made a comprehensive discussion on the solution to this kind of problem in "Nine Chapters of Shu Shu", and called it "Dayan Qiuyi Technique."

Lianzi Ning said something, and said slowly, and then explained the topic, so that all students' thinking is clear.

Compared with young teachers, Lian Zining's knowledge reserve is indeed at the crushing level. Not only did he explain the problem-solving methods in detail, but he even explained the ideas and origins clearly.

The students in the classroom not only understand the method of solving the problem, but also have a deep understanding of this problem method.

If Zhu Gaochi were here, he would say that this belongs to the problem of solving a system of congruence equations in modern number theory.

This set of theories is 550 and four years earlier than the congruence theory established by the famous Western mathematician Gauss, and is called the "Chinese Remainder Theorem" by the West.

Arbitrary order equations, solutions to linear equations, and triclinic quadrature are all included in the nine chapters of Shushu.

The writing method of the ancestors for solving such problems, if it is written according to the writing method of later generations, it is:

Rewrite an n-degree polynomial f(x)=a[n]x^n+a[n-1]x^(n-1)+L+a[1]x+a[0] into the following form:


"Qin Jiushao, a famous scholar in the Song Dynasty, said in the preface of "Nine Chapters of Shushu", "Mathematics can be used to understand the gods and follow one's life if it is large; if it is small, it can manage world affairs and classify all things."

"The so-called spiritual power is to travel between unpredictable things and understand their mysteries."

"According to fate means conforming to the nature of things and the law of development. According to Qin Jiushao, mathematics is not only a tool for solving practical problems, but also should reach the lofty state of "understanding the gods and obeying fate."

"You not only need to learn this way of solving problems, but also understand Qin Jiushao's realm, so that you can go further on the road."

"His three oblique quadrature and Qin Jiushao's algorithm, as well as positive and negative alchemy, I have seen in your books, you should read in advance in your private time, it will be very helpful for your study."

In a class, Lian Zining didn't explain everything according to the book, but extended the lecture around the topics in the book.

It broadens the knowledge of the students, and tells the stories of the experiences of the sages, which makes the students so fascinated.

In this way, the time of one class passed unknowingly during the teaching process of Lian Zining and the students.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Lian Zining came to his senses, put down the chalk reluctantly, and looked apologetically at the aggrieved teacher.

The students also showed dismay.

Many poor students, even if they are not talented in learning, still like to listen to Lian Zining's lectures. The deeds of those sages are like stories, and they all like to listen to them.

Lian Zining stayed at the school for two full days, and had already forgotten his original intention of going to China Heavy Industry until officials from Ying Tianfu came to him.

Their return date has been set and they will leave tomorrow.

Lian Zining came to his senses just now, his face was a little lonely, but he quickly pulled himself together and recovered.

I started to feel annoyed.

He was delayed at school for two days, and in the end he forgot to go to China Heavy Industry to take a look. He thought he still had an afternoon to take a rough look.

But he remembered again, he still had a class in the afternoon.

After hesitating for a long time, he still stayed in the school, taught the last class, and then told the students that he was going back to Yingtian Mansion.

The students were very reluctant to part with Lian Zining, Lian Zining smiled, he didn't know how to speak many words.

In Lian Zining's view, the knowledge taught in the school has really delayed the students' future, and they have no chance to study.

Human energy is limited.

They have delayed too much in other knowledge, and they must not be as good as others who put all their energy into science.

But Lian Zining didn't know.

Times are different.

Only the progress of things can lead to the development of the times, and the development of the times feeds back the progress of things.

Only when the times are regressing, it means that things are also regressing.

Civilization does not necessarily progress, it also regresses.

Because civilization comes from society, and society is composed of people, different people will naturally change whether civilization progresses or regresses.

The Ming Dynasty was indeed developing. The civilization level of the Song Dynasty was fully restored in the Ming Dynasty, and even surpassed the Song Dynasty in some industries.

But now there is a different Zhu Gaochi.

He came with the "cheater" he learned in his own time.

This cheating tool can be called the shoulders of the predecessors. Standing on the shoulders of the predecessors, he naturally did things that made the predecessors speechless.

At the pier in Tianjin.

A dozen boxes containing parts of the steam engine were carried onto the boat by coolies at the pier, and people from Yingtianfu would take these boxes on a tank boat and return to Yizhen through the canal.

Yizhen was one of several areas where the gate project was constructed, and it would also be the first gate project to use steam engines.

The officials who were seeing off by the Chief Secretary bid farewell to Lian Zining and his party.

The tank boat started, and on the deck, Lian Zining looked at the pier that was getting farther and farther away, with a complicated expression in his expression.

In his opinion, the changes in Peking were too drastic.

It seemed to contain some kind of great change, although he couldn't recognize it clearly, but in the haze, he had a shocking idea.

This kind of change is beneficial to civilization, but it happens to be in the hands of the vassal king.

If the vassal king becomes stronger and stronger, what will be the consequences?Taking history as a mirror, the answer is self-evident, and Lian Zining is very worried.

The vassal king's rebellion has caused great harm to the country and the people. Lian Zining is not only lamenting the development of Beiping, but also worried about the harm that Beiping's changes will cause.

Tianjin Overseas, Jinzhou.

Every month, there will be a group of military workers from Beiping for training. The origins of these military workers are very complicated.

There are workers in every factory, including ordinary workers, foremen, and even stewards.

But they have the same background, that is, the workers who have changed from civilian to military status are all from China Heavy Industries.


The military workers who come to train are all well-behaved workers. Only after passing the selection can they be qualified to come to Golden State for training.

It was these workers who came to Golden State for training again voluntarily.

for a period of three months.

This change has been implemented for half a year, so now people arrive in Jinzhou every month, and every month a group of people finish their training and return to Beiping by boat at Lushunkou.

"stand at attention!"

"Look to the right!"

"Take a break."

"stand at attention!"

On the school field, more than a dozen phalanxes, led by elite officers, were conducting drills for the new army.

The composition of these elite officers is also very complicated.

Some were selected from Beiping, some from Jinzhou, and many generals who were implicated in the Lanyu case and dispatched to Jinzhou.

There are even a small number of local generals in Liaodong.

The King of Yan went out of the fortress, the daughter of the Guo family became the imperial concubine, Jinzhou was regulated by the Palace of King Yan, all kinds of original history happened or new changes happened.

King Yan's prestige has indeed increased in Liaodong, and it has increased a lot.

Only when the imperial court takes action to suppress it, or the Liao king grows up, will it be possible to weaken this momentum, and at present.

The sage did not intend to suppress King Yan, including King Jin.

It can even be said that because of King Qin's death, the sage paid more attention to these older sons.

And Liao Wang.

He is too young, has no prestige, let alone proves his talent on the battlefield, so at present, King Liao strictly abides by etiquette in front of King Yan, and dare not disobey his fourth brother.

On the contrary, because of the existence of the Guo family, the relationship between the Liao Palace and the Yan Palace is not bad. Through the Guo family, the two families have an additional layer of in-law relationship in terms of brotherhood.

Zhao Hong was wearing a military uniform. In the queue, he was promoted as a temporary captain to assist in the work of training instructors.

Today is the plan to practice formation.

After practicing the basic instructions every day as usual, the trained military workers began to receive the long-awaited bird guns.

Whether it is gunpowder or lead ammunition, provided by China Heavy Industry, everyone can train with massive live ammunition.

This kind of "luxury" behavior is unimaginable even in the frontier army.

But it seems different.

China Heavy Industry produces gunpowder and bullets, as if they don’t need money, and will give more as much as they want, for fear of not wasting it.

For the first time, the guards in Jinzhou felt what it meant to be "rich and powerful".

(End of this chapter)

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