The Great Industrial Ming Dynasty Started from Beiping

Chapter 268 Let the prince give an explanation

Chapter 268 Let the prince give an explanation

In Beiping City, a supply and marketing cooperative in Dongcheng District.

An old man dressed as a farmer pushed a two-wheeled cart into the city and bought a few bags of fertilizer at the supply and marketing cooperative, his face was full of red light.

Happened to meet an acquaintance.

"Hey, old man Liu, this is entering the city."

The old man showed a simple and honest smile, and nodded again and again.

"I heard that your youngest son is getting married, why, you only buy fertilizer." The acquaintance came up and asked with a smile.

"They buy their own things."

"You don't care?"

"I gave them money." The old man said confidently.

There is a lot going on in the field.

This fertilizer is very important. In a few months, the supply will be cut off again. The old man made a shrewd plan and bought it in advance.

Fertilizers are restricted.

Each person can only buy two bags. If you want more fertilizer, you must provide a land deed. You can buy more fertilizer according to the number of acres.

As for repeated purchases.

The peasants in this era whose thinking is still very "simple" have not given birth to the idea that it doesn't matter if they are discovered.

Just as the rise of the live broadcast industry in later generations has provided ordinary people with an era of increasing wealth, but more people are reluctant to try.

Scolding Internet celebrities while watching videos.

It's the same reason as the reform and opening up in those years, when people were reluctant to lose face to be self-employed, thinking that being self-employed is very shameful and has a negative impact on society.

These people don't understand what economy is.

In the information age, the Internet economy has already become an important part of society, providing opportunities for more ordinary people to create wealth.

It is a new path besides working in a factory.

The acquaintance looked at the clothes on the old man's body, the fertilizer on the old man's car, and several brand new sickles.

"Old man Liu, you have had a good time. I remember that more than ten years ago, during the Chinese New Year, you bought a catty of pork back to the village."

The acquaintances are also from the village, but they entered the city very early, so they can be regarded as respectable people in the village.

Old man Liu also remembered.

At that time, he was worrying about his second son's marriage. If it wasn't for the Chinese New Year, the family hadn't eaten meat for a year, so he made up his mind to buy a catty of meat.

For the marriage of his second son, Old Man Liu emptied his entire family.

With three sons left, old man Liu was desperate.

Old man Liu gave birth to five sons. How proud he was at the time, he suffered so much later, and his three sons were also very desperate.

At that time, no one thought that there would be today.

In just a few years, his fifth son is about to get married, and his mission has been perfectly completed, but unfortunately, the new wife is not a local, but a Korean.

The youngest son went to work in Jinzhou, and hooked up with a North Korean woman from somewhere. If it wasn't for her strong looks and big buttocks, the old man would never agree.

It is easy to be laughed at by the villagers.

But it doesn't matter anymore, the five sons all got married, and later saw their ancestors underground, how dare he show off in front of their ancestors.

"It's all thanks to the little prince." Old man Liu said honestly.

"Okay, on the day your youngest gets married, I'll go have a glass of wedding wine." The acquaintance said with dignity.

weddings and funerals.

If other people can come, the more people come, the more lively it is, it's all for the face of the host family, not to mention the acquaintance in front of him is a respectable person in the village.

He is the only "big man" in the village who has gone out, traveled all over the world, and seen the world.

Old man Liu was grateful.

The location of the supply and marketing cooperative is one of the most prosperous areas. There is a restaurant beside the gate of the supply and marketing cooperative.

The owner is the Hui merchant.

This Huizhou merchant was very smart, saw the business opportunity, and opened five new restaurants in Beiping in one go, all of which were next to the supply and marketing cooperatives.

The supply and marketing cooperative has a lot of customers. Although not all of them are target customers, it still makes his business boom.

In this restaurant that can only be regarded as a mid-range level, there are several guests in the private seats on the second floor, one of them is leaning on the railing, looking at the street.

I happened to see the greetings between old man Liu and his acquaintances, and could vaguely hear what they were talking about, people coming and going downstairs.

Not long after, the figure of old man Liu also disappeared.

The person leaning on the railing looked away, with a complicated expression on his face, he returned to his seat silently, picked up the wine glass and took a sip of wine.

Elegant room.

Several guests are chatting.

"Some people are getting richer, while others are still poor. I didn't expect China Heavy Industry to make subsidies, and it's hard for them to come up with this kind of distribution. It's surprising."

"How much can you subsidize? It's just useless work."

Some people are noncommittal.

"Although there are not many subsidies now, it shows that China Heavy Industry has this kind of thinking, with that person's intelligence."

Having said that, the speaker raised his hand and shook it, his thumb stretched backward.

Everyone knows who he's talking about.

The man continued: "There must be more moves, I'm afraid no one can stop him."

"Why do you want to block it?"

Li Youzhi looked dissatisfied, "Peking has developed so well, how many civilians and military households have benefited, and the social atmosphere has also changed to the better side, why should we stop him?"

Li Youzhi is the chief secretary's favorite.

He is different from many people. His ancestral home is a native of Beiping, his hometown is in Qingyuan County, Baoding Prefecture, and he is now working as an errand for the Chief Secretary.

He is valued by the chief envoy, so many people are willing to invite him.

"Don't you know why it's blocking you?" The person next to him asked back.

Hearing this, Li You was depressed.

The boss who promoted him has the kindness to know him, and also understands the difficulties of the boss. Behind him is the imperial court, and in front of him is the Yan Palace.

"Ju Zheng, you are good at everything, but your personality is too straightforward. You understand many things better than anyone else, but you insist on saying it, why bother."

Juzheng is Li Youzhi's character, and being able to call him this way shows that they have a good relationship.

"Like Su Guan and others in the yamen, they are undoubtedly from the palace. You were promoted by the vassal. You have to distinguish between relatives and estrangements in some things."

A few words from his friend pierced Li Youzhi's heart.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and rivers and lakes are circles.

The chief secretary's yamen naturally has circles.

The person who came back from the railing put down his wine glass and laughed twice: "The sky is big and the earth is big, eating is the biggest."

"Now the people in Beiping can not only have enough to eat, but also eat good food, not only have new clothes, but also have new wives."

"This is the general trend."

"No one can stop the prestige of the palace in Beiping, not to mention Juzheng, even the feudal princes, who are also running around for his political achievements."

This man speaks too directly, it's not good to listen to.

Someone blocked the discussion of several people, "Drinking, we only drink to narrate love, regardless of other things, whoever breaks the law will be punished with three drinks."

Not expressing a position is also expressing a position.

Not facing it is also a decision.

The behavior of China Heavy Industry's civilian workers to military workers is undoubtedly a new change in society and violates the current institutional situation.

That is to say, these military registries are hung in the capital of Beiping, which is not so dazzling, but it is different after all.

There is no precedent for how the Chief Secretary should react.

If it is in Shaanxi.

Then the Chief Secretary of Shaanxi had conflicts with the Qin Palace a long time ago, and finally impeached the court.

But this is Peking.

Therefore, the relationship between the chief secretary and the palace is not as intense as in Shaanxi, and the harmony on the surface has been maintained.

Coupled with the changes in Beiping, everyone can see it.

In terms of morality, the Wangfu stood firmer.


Many times it is useless, but more often it can play its role.

The passive countermeasures of the Chief Secretary of Beiping just indulged the behavior of the palace. The increase in military households has indeed expanded the strength of the palace.

Since the 27th year of Hongwu, King Yan regained the military power in Beiping, and has not said that he will cancel the control of King Yan over the guards in Beiping.

This is the logic of high-level politics, which is different from that of grassroots.

The rules and regulations at the grassroots level are set by the top management, and the staff at the grassroots level act in accordance with these rules.

The relationship between high-level people is determined by changes in the relationship between high-level people.

Different high-level people will have different political structures.

Just like in the early Ming Dynasty, because of the difference in personalities between King Qin and King Yan, the environment in which they got along with the Chiefs of different places was also different, which created the difference between the political structure of Shaanxi and the political structure of Beiping.

It is the truth of life.

Do things and be human.

Only by being a good person can one do good things. Zhu Di's historical achievements are due to environmental factors as well as his personality factors.

To be a human being is not to distort human sophistication.

In terms of the principles of life, Zhu Gaochi thinks he is not as good as Zhu Di. This is Zhu Di's strength, so Zhu Gaochi handed over the dealings with officials to Zhu Di.

Chief Secretary Yamen.

A map of Beiping was hung up. In front of the map, there were several officials, including the two big bosses of the chief secretary, Yan Dun and Shen Kui.

"Peking has 23 guards, five independent guards, and three guards. The guards can gather about 14 troops, and each guards the key points and echoes each other."

The information of the guard is a military secret, and even the top local officials cannot intervene, but this information is on the surface, and it is not a violation of the regulations for the chief secretary to know it.

"Last year, Prince Yan's Mansion joined forces with the capital of Beiping to ask for the expansion of the Kaiping guards. This proposal was rejected by the court."

The reason for the denial was not mentioned by that person, but those present knew it well.

"Although Beiping Tuowei's proposal was rejected, China Heavy Industry's conversion of civilian workers to military workers, coupled with the expansion in other places this year, can be said to have increased the number of Beiping military workers by at least [-]%, or even far exceeded this number."

"Only the relevant officials of the Beiping Capital Division and the senior officials of the Yan Palace know how much it is, and we have no way of knowing."

After listening.

Yan Dun glanced at Shen Kui.

Holding the teacup, Shen Kui stared at the map with his brows tightly furrowed, as if thinking, but kept silent.

Zuo Buzheng made Yan blunt, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then averted his gaze.

What an old fox.

Neither of the chief secretary made a sound, and the atmosphere in the room became quiet, and people's breathing could be heard.

According to Mo Lin, deputy envoy of the procuratorate, said with a smile: "The construction of the guardhouse is a good thing that benefits the country and the people. In my opinion, we simply don't discuss it."

Wang Li glared at Mo Lin, and Mo Lin gave him a look of disapproval, but he still kept his mouth shut.

Wang Li said in a deep voice, "We must ask King Yan to explain."

(End of this chapter)

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