Chapter 275

There is too much content to be published in each issue of the technical report, and the length of the pure technical report has not decreased, but is still increasing.

From astronomy to geography, from oceans to climate.

The "Gan and Shi Celestial Book" in the Warring States Period was rich in astronomical records at that time.

The "Shui Jing Zhu" of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, this detailed geographical information introduces domestic geographical resources, geographical natural disasters, and agricultural production books.

The "Miscellaneous Astronomy and Meteorology" unearthed from the ancient tombs of the Han Dynasty is the earliest comet map recognized by the world.

The "Dayan Calendar" written by the monks of the Tang Dynasty more accurately reflects the law of the sun's movement.


Yuan Dynasty Guo Shoujing's "Shoushi Calendar" The most advanced astronomical calendar in ancient China, the precise calculation of the return year is the first in the world
geography class.

"Fa Xian Zhuan", also known as "Buddhist Kingdom Records", is the first Chinese to record 1000 years ago through field investigations based on what they saw and heard.

A masterpiece of history, geography, and religion in Central Asia, South Asia, and parts of Southeast Asia.Fa Xian went to India by land and returned to China by sea.

His work is the earliest detailed record of China-India land and sea transportation in the existing Chinese historical materials, and has important historical value for the study of Asian history in the early fifth century.

"Zhu Fan Zhi", Zhao Rushi once recommended Fujian Road City Shipping Department, collected and compiled a large amount of overseas materials, and compiled "Zhu Fan Zhi".

This book records the customs and products from Japan in the east, Somalia in East Africa in the west, Morocco in North Africa and the medieval countries on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

It also records the mileage and the required date from the coast of China to overseas countries. The content is rich and specific, and it is an important document for the study of overseas transportation in the Song Dynasty.

"A Tale of Islanders"


The authors of these immeasurable professional books come from a people with a long history.

In Liaocheng, Dongchang Prefecture, Shandong.

A Juren family, the Juren is called Chen Deyan, aged about 50 years old, in the early years of Hongwu.

The wife in the family has passed away, and gave birth to a son who died halfway. Later, he married several concubines and wanted to continue the blood, but in the end he got nothing.

Although he was elected at the age of 30, his identity as a candidate in the early Ming Dynasty still had a certain amount of gold in the officialdom, unlike the middle and late Ming Dynasty.

However, because this person has no descendants, he has no intention of officialdom. He returns to his hometown and devotes himself to practicing. He has ancestral property and fame, and is a gentleman in the city.

A gentleman, that is, a person who has a grassroots imperial examination title and is above a scholar. In the Ming Dynasty, this kind of title could only be obtained through examinations.

In the Qing Dynasty, it could be purchased by paying money, that is, donating students.

This kind of people who have achieved fame but have no intention of becoming an official, there were many people in the Ming Dynasty, and it was a widespread phenomenon.

Because such people live a prosperous life and pursue the life they like more.

This phenomenon caused Zhu Yuanzhang to be furious. Some people were high school Jinshi but did not become officials, and decreed to deprive them of their fame.

But the effect is not great, many people go their own way.

Like Chen Deyan, his family is small and rich, but it is enough to maintain a decent life, and his fame is not high, so he doesn't worry about getting into trouble if he doesn't become an official.

Even if there is trouble, it is not his turn.

A scholar can know the affairs of the world without going out.

Because of their circle.

Beiping's technical report has already spread to Shandong. Many people are interested and will ask their friends to send it from Peiping.

Where there are business opportunities, there are businessmen.

Many businessmen will take the technical newspapers from Peiping back to various places and sell them to those who need them.

This kind of behavior of spending "huge sums" of money to buy technical newspapers is incomprehensible to ordinary people, and they think it is a prodigal behavior.

This is determined by the living standards of the two, resulting in incomprehension.

The cost of buying technical newspapers is a month's expense for ordinary people, they must not understand it, but for someone like Chen Deyan, he thinks it is worth it.

Because the money to buy technical newspapers is not worth mentioning to him.

And in Peking.

Because of the local distribution, the price of technical newspapers is very cheap, and many working families will also buy them, which is a manifestation of social wealth.


Chen Deyan took out the technical newspaper he had read before and read it again to pass the boring time in daily life.

With a twitch in my heart, I remembered an ancient drawing book.

He returned to his study, found this book, read it carefully, combined the contents of the book, and wrote a new article on drawing technology based on his own ideas.

Just as he was about to send the time to Beiping Technical News, two people in China Heavy Industry uniforms knocked on the door of his house.

The old servant at home ushered in, and after they were seated, after exchanging pleasantries, Chen Deyan knew the reason for their visit.

It turns out that the technical report will be split.

"The technical newspaper has too many pages, and the published content also deviates from the name of the technical newspaper, so after discussion with the superiors, it was finally decided to split the technical newspaper."

Chen Deyan was very curious.

"Why do you need to specifically notify the old man about such things?"

The two staff laughed quickly.

"Mr. Chen is not an ordinary person. You have submitted several technical articles in our technical newspaper. You are a celebrity in our technical newspaper, so you came here to tell us."

Hearing this explanation, Chen Deyan was very happy.

Although it didn't bring him any benefit, and the contribution fee of the technical newspaper was not in his eyes.

But the respect for him in this technical report shows that his talents are valued by others, which is why he couldn't help but be excited.

Most of the ancients were relatively simple, because of the times.

Chen Deyan explained very seriously, "Although the manuscripts submitted by the old man were written by the old man, many of them were actually borrowed from ancient books. They are regarded as borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, not the real skills of the old man."

No surprises for the two staff members.

Since the establishment of the technical newspaper, there has never been a shortage of articles about other content, but only about professional technology.

Especially as the reputation of the technical newspaper grows, more and more people contribute, and countless technical manuscripts appear.

Like a big bang, a lot of things exploded.

However, as the staff of the technical newspaper, they have contacted many contributors, and although they did not participate in the review, they belong to a newspaper after all and communicate with each other.

Tech News has an opinion.

The present era is the easiest to be famous.

Because countless ancient technologies only need to be refurbished, add your own annotations, and make partial improvements to produce results.

When will this era end?

It may not be so easy to find out all the past and existing technologies.

Of course, in this context, there will also be some new technologies that have not been seen before.

For example, after the expansion of the factory, various needs were born. In order to solve these needs, the craftsmen had to come up with other methods.

Most of these approaches are new technologies.

The former category is the mainstream technological driving force before the Industrial Revolution, and the latter category is the new technological driving force born after the Industrial Revolution. One of the representatives is Watt, who was born as a craftsman.

The two staff members of the technical newspaper have a good foundation of communication with Chen Deyan because of their knowledge reserve in this area.

"Mr. Chen is humble. The achievements of the ancestors are dazzling, and Mr. Chen's innovations based on the achievements of the ancestors are also dazzling."

Another person echoed: "It is precisely because of people like Mr. Chen that technology has been continuously developed, thereby promoting social productivity, and they are people who have contributed to society."


Chen Deyan laughed from ear to ear, and said, "Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it."

When two staff members came to visit Chen Deyan, they did not bring expensive gifts, but brought the latest issue of the technical newspaper that published Chen Deyan's articles, as well as the manuscript fee.

The value of technical reports and manuscript fees did not impress Chen Deyan, but such a courteous treatment made Chen Deyan very happy.

As the saying goes, sending goose feathers for thousands of miles is light and affectionate.

What's more, the technology newspaper not only published Chen Deyan's article, but also marked his name, how could he not be happy.

The dissemination of technical newspapers is still mainly in Beiping, followed by Shandong, then Shanxi and Shaanxi, and there are very few other places.

It's not that there is no demand for technical newspapers in vast areas, but that the speed of information dissemination is so fast that the radiation speed of technical newspapers is already very fast.

Two staff members told Chen Deyan the details of the split of the Technology Newspaper, and the submission address of the Technology Newspaper was still the same.

Chen Deyan finally stayed with the two of them for dinner, and they explained that they had other places to go, and Chen Deyan asked them about one person.

A "celebrity" in their circle who also published many articles in the technical newspaper.

"This person is from Shandong just like the old man, but his hometown is in Jinan."


Chen Deyan understood it, and made a decision in his heart. He will travel far away in a few days to visit this master in Jinan.

The two staff left Chen Deyan. They had a lot of luggage and left it at the inn, as well as their carriage.

With the development of the ancient station system, there are also inns and warehouses at the city entrance, which have various specialized functions.

The premise is money.

Because these all cost money, ordinary people don't have this demand, so naturally they are reluctant to spend this money.

Unless there is an emergency.

For example, the widow of the Zhao family, when her deceased husband died in another country, the fellow countrymen paid for special personnel to send them back to Peiping thousands of miles away.

The widow of the Zhao family emptied the money and returned it to the villagers. In addition to handling the affairs of her deceased husband, the Zhao family, which was originally considered wealthy, directly became poor and useless.

Being able to provide for the two sons to study, it can be seen that his father's ability was still very strong during his lifetime.

It's just birth, old age, sickness and death.

Even a well-off family in later generations cannot afford accidents, let alone in ancient times when productivity was even lower.

The technical report was split.

The technical newspaper is still a technical newspaper. In the past, people still voted here, but non-technical articles will be published in China Heavy Industry Daily.

Beiping Technology News was also renamed China Heavy Industry Technology News.

There is a certain meaning behind the name change.

It shows that China Heavy Industry has officially entered a stage, and it also shows that China Heavy Industry is ready.

Not just tech news.

The Peking Grand Theater also started rectification.

Zhu Gaochi left Beiping, but the development of China Heavy Industry did not stagnate. Instead, because of Zhu Gaochi's decentralization, he made drastic self-improvement.


The situation is getting tense.

(End of this chapter)

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