Chapter 295

For the maintenance of the guard, [-]% depends on self-cultivation, and [-]% depends on the allocation of the imperial court.

Then repairing castles, armaments, etc., the bulk comes from the imperial court, and the manpower comes from military households, which is a heavy burden for the guard.


The guard got rid of it and gave it to China Heavy Industries.

The money paid was less than [-]% of the market price, and the guard didn't take much advantage of it, because what the guard saved was labor.

The guards do not need to pay for this labor force, and it is borne by military households serving in the service.

in short.

The guards did not take advantage of it, China Heavy Industry suffered a big loss, and military households enjoyed great benefits, because military households no longer had to bear heavy labor.

Military households have more time to increase production, more time to practice, and more leisure time.

The technological development of various iron smelting workshops of China Heavy Industry has got rid of the low efficiency of the traditional craftsman model.

The assembly line production method under advanced equipment only needs 100 people to achieve the task that needs [-] people to complete.

The efficiency brought about by large-scale production solves this problem.

It became a small advantage for the guards, a small profit for China Heavy Industry, great convenience for military households, and an increase in social production.

And the produced armaments have not only become cheaper, but also have higher performance than before, which has become a miraculous thing.

The generals of the guard still don't understand how China Heavy Industry makes a profit.

But Zhu Di knew.

Because Zhu Gaochi explained it to him in detail.

"How to maintain an elite army has always been a big problem. The Weisuo system has been implemented for decades. Although it has lightened the burden on the common people, it has also revealed many disadvantages."

"The ability of China Heavy Industry to adjust resources, I believe my father has already understood, this ability can not only play an important role in people's livelihood, but also in the military."

"For example, in the matter of guards and armaments, each has its own place and benefits. This is the enduring way and the foundation of all ages."

Zhu Di suddenly realized.

"So you don't let us go out, and you want to take this opportunity to closely integrate China Heavy Industry and the guard, and after sorting out, let us go out to verify the effect?"

Seeing Zhu Di's own understanding, Zhu Gaochi nodded fiercely.

This is also one of his purposes, not Zhu Di's misunderstanding.

"But there's no need to make such a big commotion. If you haven't seen the atmosphere in Beiping City, you're only missing Mars."

Zhu Di said dissatisfied.

Zhu Gaochi didn't care, but showed complacency, "After all, it can be regarded as a reform, and people will divert their attention so that it is convenient for my son to do things."

"You, you are too brave."

Zhu Di nodded Zhu Gaochi helplessly.

But Zhu Di did not refuse.

Zhu Di is the second generation.

And it is the second generation with good quality.

He was able to accept new things. After becoming emperor, he also did many new things and did many pioneering actions.

Set up a province in Guizhou, set up a province in Vietnam, and made seven voyages to the West.

He also innovated the way of managing the country, becoming the first emperor in the world to use the cabinet system to manage the country, and also compiled a 7000 million-word Yongle Canon.

Use the capital to guard the gate of the country.

In the early Ming Dynasty, the essence was in the south, whether it was population, grain output, or economic level.

In addition, the North and South have been divided for many years and other reasons.

In the end, Zhu Di chose to move the capital to Beiping.

Only in this way, future generations will go all out to defend the north.

It is impossible and impossible to easily give up the land in the north when frustrated, and let the materials in the south run to the north with full force.

This is the evaluation of Zhu Di's move to the capital in the junior high school textbook.

Now Zhu Di has seen the benefits of handing over the Beiping Garrison's armaments to China Heavy Industries, and he knows what the boss said is right.

In the eyes of Zhu Di, China Heavy Industry is no longer a "plaything" that he allowed his eldest son to get out and test his son's ability.

A few days ago, Zhu Di went to watch the steam locomotive of China Heavy Industry in person. The behavior of praising China Heavy Industry has proved that Zhu Di has changed his attitude towards China Heavy Industry.

If China Heavy Industry was not in the hands of his eldest son, Zhu Di would have taken over himself long ago.

This is a sharp weapon of the country and cannot fall into private hands.

Seeing that Zhu Di's attitude was loose, Zhu Gaochi took the initiative to give him a big bait.

"The military-industrial joint office and the military-business joint office should not be under the sole control of China Heavy Industry, but should be included in the palace."

Zhu Gaochi said with a smile.

Zhu Di couldn't help but sized up his son.

My son is not very generous, not a generous person.

It cannot be said that it is not generous.

It is not generous in rights.

Everything should be controlled in his own hands, and outsiders should not be allowed to contaminate, Zhu Di thinks so.

"Are you willing?"

"There is nothing to be reluctant to do. As long as it is good for Peiping, my son will naturally support it."

Zhu Gaochi said generously.

Day two.

Officials of the Changshi Mansion, officials of the Capital Division, and several big shopkeepers of China Heavy Industry came to the Chengyun Hall.

It was the first time for China Heavy Industries to appear in the Hall of Carriers.

The political center of Peking.

After a whole day of discussions, the official document was finally issued.

The military-industrial joint office will be handed over to the Changshi Mansion.

Chen Heng, chief officer of the capital, is also the head of the military-industrial joint office.

The military-industrial joint office has one director, one executive director, and two deputy directors.

The executive director is Jin Zhong, Chang Shifu.

The Military-Industrial Joint Office was originally a department between China Heavy Industry and the Guards to assist in communication, and there was no real level.

But the significance of Chen Heng concurrently serving as the military-industrial joint office is different.

Chen Heng is a military officer of the second rank, plus the Changshifu.

In other words, although the military-industrial joint office does not have the name of rank, it already has actual power. It is no longer a negotiation department but a management department.

Zhu Neng served as the deputy director of the military-industrial joint office, responsible for the functions of the guard.

Ma Wangxuan served as the deputy director of the Military Industry Joint Office, responsible for the functions of China Heavy Industry.

At the same time, the Military-Industrial Joint Office directly manages all military workers.

The military industry enterprises within China Heavy Industry are jointly supervised by the Military Industry Joint Office and China Heavy Industry.

Long Knife Factory No. [-], Long Sword Factory No. [-], Standard Saber Factory, Shield Factory, Gunpowder Factory, Paper Bullet Packaging Factory, Bird Gun Factory, Van Factory, Light Cannon Foundry, Cannon Foundry, Military Food Factory, Ordnance Factories... There are more than [-] factories of different sizes.

The first order from the Military-Industrial Joint Office.

The whole army learns the spiritual movement of the Five Heroes!
Bauhinia Pass Thousand Households Office.

This is the barracks where the nearby guards mainly serve.

Thousands of soldiers sat on the ground.

There are many banners hanging around.

"All soldiers learn the lofty spirit of the five heroes!"

"The heroic style wins the world, and the arrogance makes mountains and rivers!"

"Loyalty for thousands of years, legacy for generations to come!"

"Iron shoulders shoulder morality, blood recommends Xuanyuan!"


Bauhinia Pass is guarded.

Standing on the high platform, he read the manuscript in his hand word by word. He has done this kind of behavior many times.

Since the deeds of former soldiers at Zijingguan who rescued and sacrificed their lives were put on the stage by the Peking Grand Theater, the Thousand Households of Zijingguan has attracted attention.

The condolence teams organized by various factories of China Heavy Industry often come to Zijingguan to study and shout out the spirit of bravery.

The more you see, the more you will naturally.

As an important pass, with the outward movement of the frontier, Beiping is no longer a border area, and its importance has dropped significantly.

But the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse, and the Bauhinia Pass Qianhu Office is still an important military force in this area.

For such an important place, the guard was of course also a general from the Peking Department.

While reading the manuscript, he looked at the young heads on the playground, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, there were very few familiar faces left.

Since the establishment of China Heavy Industry, more and more military households have joined China Heavy Industry.

Many of those familiar faces who served in the military retired to China Heavy Industries.

The younger brothers in their family serve instead.

In the past, one person could serve in the army for a lifetime, but now many people serve in the army for only three years, or even two years before retiring.

The defense was originally worried.

Worries would cause Qianhu's combat effectiveness to decline, but he soon stopped worrying.

The new young people are better managed, they are more obedient, they are easier to be frightened, and they are more obedient than the original people.

Get those old jobs out of here.

The defense has never been willing to let go, and the changes can be described as huge.

I really don't know how many military households left the land and joined China Heavy Industries.

Even without the reformed military-industrial joint office, China Heavy Industry's influence in the guard has already penetrated deep into the roots.

The reform of the military-industrial joint office this time allowed China Heavy Industry to gain a reputation.

The guard was a little curious.

Does the Military-Industrial Joint Office count as its own superior department?

If so, what level of government office is the Military-Industrial Joint Office?

If it doesn't count, then what do you mean by following the official document issued by the Military-Industrial Joint Office?
What about Dusi?What about the palace?

Forget it.

Why do you think so much? It's not all about the prince's family. If you change your left hand for your right hand, you can play tricks.

"The entire army, with me as the leader, will definitely inherit this spirit, and will live up to Daming, the prince, the common people, and my comrades!"

After finishing the defense, he put down the manuscript.


More than 1000 young soldiers clapped their hands and made noises.

in the country.

The Military Household Economic Cooperative started to move.

Organizations at all levels hung up banners in rural villages and wrote slogans all over the walls.

"The love of officers and soldiers is like the sea, and national defense is as heavy as a mountain!"

"If you forget the suffering, you will be beaten."

"The robbers are coming, and the villagers take up their swords and guns."

"Everyone for me, I for everyone, build the Great Wall of Flesh and Flesh!"

"Soldiers guard the border, and the people are the backers!"


"Where did the enemy come from, and where did it go?" the people in the village asked around the staff carrying the iron bucket.

The staff gently put down the iron bucket and shouted to the people, "The enemy is still far away, but if we don't defeat them as soon as possible, they will come to us sooner or later."

"Think about the stories of the older generation, how we survived those years, how much we were bullied."

"Why are they coming again? Didn't they beat them away?" Some people asked anxiously.

"Because our life is good, their life is not good, and they want to ride on our heads."

"God, how can there be such bad people, they can't work hard on their own, why do they only want to bully people!"

An old man leaned on a cane and beat the ground angrily.

"Seventh Sister in your village, her husband was killed by that group of people without incident, and he was hacked dozens of times."

"Too cruel."


"Poor Seventh Sister."

"Don't let them come here."

"To kill them."


 Some readers have great opinions on He Kuan's death. Let me explain here that He Kuan's death was actually a small foreshadowing long ago. When he said goodbye to his wife before leaving, I may not have designed this paragraph well. The plot makes many book friends feel uncomfortable. I will try to change these factors on the basis of maintaining the overall style later, and hope that everyone can have a good reading experience.

(End of this chapter)

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