The Great Industrial Ming Dynasty Started from Beiping

Chapter 381 Bombarding Prince Ning's Mansion

Chapter 381 Bombarding Prince Ning's Mansion


The restructuring of Beiping caused protests from the six prefectures of Baoding, Hejian, Zhending, Guangping, Daming, and Shunde.

Only Yongping Prefecture did not protest, because there are mostly guards here, mainly military areas.

And these six governments are the real local government.

For example, Baoding Prefecture belonged to the Henan sub-province when Hongwu founded the country. In the second year of Hongwu, Beiping Province was established, and these state capitals were included in Beiping Province.

The prefects were dissatisfied.

Prison lawsuits were originally one of their greatest rights, but now they are suddenly taken away by the palace, it is natural to be dissatisfied.

"Today, the system is only being reformed in Beiping. Before long, our six prefectures will inevitably be unable to escape. Prince Yan's actions are becoming more and more unscrupulous, and he does not take the court system seriously."

"Why did the Chief Secretary pass this regulation?"

"My lord has gone to Nanjing, and my little lord's enthusiasm is unrestrained. Not to mention the chief secretary, there is no movement in the capital."

The magistrate of Baoding Prefecture smiled helplessly.

There have been people writing letters to the capital since years ago, but in the end, nothing came of it, or there was no reply, and they still couldn't wait for the will of the saint.

"I really don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing for the sage to let the prince leave Beiping."

"In the past, when the prince was in Beiping, the prince still had restrictions on his work. Unexpectedly, in just a few months, the prince has become so chaotic."

"Who would have thought that the prince has so many means, and the key army only listens to the prince."

"I see, but you all underestimated the son."

"how you said that?"

"Last year, the prince had already changed the military system. Who would have expected the situation today?"

"Military household economic cooperatives, military workers, new army."

"After changing one by one, the military power has long been firmly controlled by the prince, and only then does the prince have the confidence of today."

Some wise officials read Zhu Gaochi's detailed practices over the years one by one.

After listening to the crowd, they suddenly realized.


So it seems that Shizi has such ambitions long ago.

"Today's situation is not caused by the prince in just a few months, but the prince's planning for many years, and the rings are closely linked."

"Having mastered the military power, now I am starting to focus on the power of the local government. If this does not take a year, the entire Beiping will be completely in the hands of the prince."

"The general trend of the son, the reaction of the court is as stiff and slow as the old man, how can we resist."

Local officials are discussing the restructuring of Peking.

But no matter how everyone analyzes it, the result cannot be changed. Without the influence of external force, no one can stop what the prince wants to do.

at this time.

The important annual spring plowing has begun.

While discussing the restructuring of Beiping, officials participated in local agricultural affairs, which was the most important job of the local government in the agricultural society.

Zhu Gaochi is also paying attention.

No matter how Beiping develops, food is the foundation.

"Only if the grain output of Peiping can meet the rations of the population of Peiping, then the industrial development can be ensured."

"No market can create a market, no project can make a project, not afraid of big plans, only afraid of small steps."

"Only food is the red line, and the guarantee of Beiping's food production is absolutely unshakable."

At the request of Zhu Gaochi, various departments made every effort to ensure the conditions needed for agricultural production.

Until Ma Wangxuan from the military-industrial joint office came to the door.

"King Ning of Daning has made a move."

"What did he do?"

Zhu Gaochi disagreed.

"Taking advantage of the period when Daning military officers were training in military schools and the local power was blank, he violated the rules and let people take over the local military power."

Zhu Gaochi couldn't help but smile.

"Learning quickly"

You can't reason with hooligans.

China in later generations has suffered a lot. Faced with the principles of hooligans, China has compromised a lot, trying to make itself conform to the principles of hooligans.

As a result, every time a rogue's reason is satisfied, the rogue will immediately cancel his own reason and formulate a new reason for various reasons.

Zhu Gaochi does not deny that he is a hooligan.

He has never followed the rules in the past few months in Beiping, and it is impossible to break the system established by Zhu Yuanzhang if he abides by the rules.

Without breaking this system, it would be impossible for him to control Peiping.

Facing the unruly self, those who are still following the rules must not be able to resist themselves.

"My Uncle Wang, I don't have great intelligence, but I still have small intelligence. He can change so quickly, which is not beyond my surprise, but I thought he would be so determined."

Ma Wangxuan couldn't laugh.

"If King Ning's actions are implemented, not only will King Ning's power be stabilized, but it will even surpass the past."

In the past, King Ning controlled at most part of his own guards, and had no control over the rest of the guards.

This is the benefit of not following the rules.

Make rules according to your own needs, this is the real development path by leaps and bounds.

That's how America works.

Hold high the banner of free trade when you need it, and hold high the banner of fortress trade when you see that the situation is not in your favor.

If it is true that according to the various principles in the United States, it obediently follows his plan, as simple as a little white rabbit, China will suffer a lot in this regard.

"King Ning wanted to make his own rules, but he forgot one thing." Zhu Gaochi shook his hand, telling Ma Wangxuan not to be so nervous.

"Can his strength match his appetite?"

Zhu Gaochi's daring to break the rules and make his own rules is based on his strong strength and he is not afraid of the court.

So what strength does Ning Wang have, dare to wrestle with himself?
"Let Jin Zhong take the lead, and in the joint name of the Changshifu and the Military Industry Joint Office, contact the Beijing Parallel Capital Division to start the establishment of a new army."

"Order the Shixia Battalion to station in Daning, and take over the defense of Daning in the name of defending Daning"

This is the bayonet red.

Ma Wangxuan hesitated, "What if King Ning doesn't compromise?"


Zhu Gaochi clapped his hands together, and said with a smile, "Just do what you want, focus on completing the goal, and don't need to worry about the rest."

This is the general direction, but it is not so easy to do.

After learning the news, Jin Zhong took the initiative to find the door.

"Make full use of the prestige of the palace, and try to win over everyone you can. If you are firmly opposed to the palace, you must get rid of those who should be removed. Just take this opportunity to find out all the hidden hostile elements in Daning."

Jin Zhong, who had an idea, arrived in Miyun in half a day.

Stone Box Camp and Golden State Camp.

It can be described as the cradle of the new army.

Whether it is the construction of a new army or the testing of new weapons, they all started in two places.

Including the rotation training of Beiping military workers, they were also trained in the two places, and a large number of officers who met the standards of the new army were trained.

Zhu Gaochi despised King Ning, but sent Shixia Ying to go out, which shows that he has worked hard.

The garrison of the Shixia Camp is veteran Qiu Fu.

One of the most loyal generals in the palace, received the order from the young prince, and did not hesitate to summon the entire battalion of soldiers.

With a wave of his hand, the whole army took the train and went straight to Daning.

The new marching method made Daning unprepared, and the guards all over the country did not respond. There were thousands of elite soldiers on the train, and it was so unimpeded all the way.

The railway is controlled by the Ministry of Railway Engineering, that is, China Heavy Industry, which is essentially in the hands of Yan Wangfu.

This is the lifeline.

Three thousand of Beiping's most elite soldiers appeared overnight at the city of Daning thousands of miles away, holding high the banner of the King of Yan.

Dozens of soldiers in disguise first controlled the city gate, allowing the new army to enter the city easily.

Before people could react, one sentry and two sentries of Shixia Camp controlled the east gate, three sentries controlled the west gate, four sentries controlled the south gate, and five sentries controlled the north gate.

At the same time, each sentry of Yiziying controls five Weisi yamen respectively.

The Bingzi Battalion controls the Changshi Mansion, and has built fortifications on the street, announcing that Daning City will temporarily implement control and let the street population go home.

Qiu Fu led the cavalry battalion, artillery battalion, and scouting battalion to defend Ning Wang's mansion and asked Ning Wang to leave the palace.

Move too fast.

It took less than two days to set off from Shixia Camp to control Daning City.

The young King Ning turned pale with fright.

"Have you found out clearly, where did the army come from?"

The eunuch in the palace cried, "It's King Yan's army."

King Ning was at a loss.

"He... is he going to rebel?"

"The banner outside the palace belongs to King Yan. The general who came called himself Qiu Fu. This person seems to be a trusted general of King Yan."

"They asked the prince to leave the city."

"Let this king leave the city? What do they want to do?" King Ning trembled.

He never expected that Zhu Gaochi would dare to do this.

And this army that suddenly appeared, why the palace didn't even hear any news, what's going on outside.

"My lord can't go out."

An official who stayed in the palace persuaded: "The situation outside is unknown, and there must not be many soldiers in this group of soldiers who suddenly descended from the sky."

"Maybe the lord is already being rescued outside, wouldn't it be self-inflicted to go out of the palace now, maybe if you hold on for a while, you will be able to wait for the rescue."

"Daning's [-] soldiers will definitely not let this group of disorderly troops succeed."


"Crack clap."

On the train.

Miyunwei, [-] reserve soldiers temporarily called by the Miyun Guard, arrived at Daning Railway Station and took control of the station here.

1000 people were left behind, and the remaining 2000 went to Daning.

They were a full day behind Stone Box Camp.

And before.


Qiu Fu ordered coldly.

This is a veteran who dared to intervene in the battle for the throne in the future, and proposed in front of Zhu Di that Zhu Gaoxu be the crown prince.

Now he is leaning toward Zhu Gaochi, but his personality has not changed, and he dares to do anything.

Since King Ning did not leave the palace, Qiu Fu had no scruples if he wanted to rely on the two hundred guards of the palace to guard Ning Palace.

However, the artillery battalion didn't have time to bring heavy artillery. There were only a dozen bowl-mouth guns, but these were enough.


The courtyard wall collapsed.

Soldiers from the new army swarmed in.


The grenade in his hand opened the way and exploded all the way. The entire Ning Palace collapsed at the touch of a touch, and there were cries everywhere.

The battle ended in only half an hour, and King Ning, who was hiding in the hut, was found by the soldiers.

The northern parallel capital sent the following to the guards.

King Yan's Mansion takes over the military power of Daning, and the guards obey the orders of King Yan's Mansion. Anyone who resists will be killed!

(End of this chapter)

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