Chapter 392 The Confused Taiyuan

"It's a good thing that King Jin is ill, and it's even a great thing before we enter Taiyuan." Tang Yun waved his hand.

Everyone couldn't help but smile.

The more sick King Jin became, Shanxi fell into a group of dragons without a leader, which created more opportunities for them. The main reason was that they would die in their hands, and they would bear a bad name.

But it is God's help for the current military operations!
"Shanxi's military strategy still stays in important checkpoint areas, rather than relying on railways to set up military depots."

Tang Yun was more confident, pointing to the large map on the desktop, the fortresses and passes marked in red ink.

In addition to these, there is also a blue line marked with blue pen and ink, which is a railway line running through the territory of Shanxi.

"The traditional military strategy has no effect at all under the military strategy of the new era."

"In the area where Shanxi and Beiping border, the two most important checkpoints, Guguan and Weizeguan, are the biggest proof."

Roads are logistics lines, so protect them.

But now the railway is the logistics line. What the new army needs to protect is the railway, and the direction of advancement is also along the railway.

"In the Pingding Prefecture Defense Army, the hometowns of many officers and soldiers have participated in the cooperation of our economic cooperative, and a group of them can try to win over."

"Take it first." Tang Yun said.

at this time.

The first battalion of the Kaiping New Army, the second battalion of the Daxing New Army, the fourth battalion of the Yuancheng New Army, the sixth battalion of the Tianjin New Army, the fourth battalion has arrived at the train station, and the whole army has been completed.

The train from the Seventh Battalion of the Pingshan New Army had just entered the train station.

When the time had entered Mao, Tang Yun stopped waiting and ordered the new army to attack.

"Zhu Neng."

"The mark is here!"

"You lead the third battalion as the vanguard and take down the [-] defenders in Pingding Prefecture. Do you have confidence?"


Zhu Neng answered without hesitation.

The fourth battalion has more than [-] troops, and the opponent has only [-].

Deliberately beat unintentionally.

Zhu Neng didn't think he would fail.

"Pingding Prefecture is handed over to you."

The first battalion of the Kaiping New Army and the second battalion of the Daxing New Army were the first batch of new-style troops to be established, together with the other battalions.

This vanguard army was originally planned in advance, and its combat effectiveness is beyond doubt.

An hour later.


The sound of gunfire could be heard even at the train station on the outskirts of Dongcheng.

And Tang Yun boarded the train again. He wanted to lead the army straight to Taiyuan City, which was a risky move.

Blitzkrieg was originally an aggressive strategy, and what was fought was when others were caught off guard.

In Shouyang County, Yangqu County and other places, Tang Yun ignored them.

These places are different from Binh Binh.

There are checkpoints and military forts around Pingding Prefecture, and Pingding Prefecture is the base camp, which belongs to the military area north of Shanxi.

Taking Pingding Prefecture will ensure the stability in the north of Shanxi.

The rest of the county towns are powerless to resist and can only play the role of closing the gates to protect themselves, and the target of the new army's operations is not these county towns.

in contrast.

What Zhu Gaochi hopes is that most ordinary counties will remain like this, and after taking Taiyuan City, these counties will have no organization and cannot form a joint force.

This is the importance of the center.

No matter how bad the center is, it is better than no center.

Nanming's external environment and internal population and economic conditions were many times better than those of the Southern Song Dynasty. The only difference was that the Southern Song Dynasty had a unified center.

However, Nanming has several centers, and internal fighting is greater than external fighting, which means that there is no center.

Taiyuan City.

King Jin was seriously ill, and no one dared to speak nonsense.

Not only the people in the palace can't believe it, even many officials in the city who know the news are also at a loss.

A good person, how can he be so sick?

Jin Wang's health is not bad at ordinary times, although he occasionally suffers from ailments in spring, he is still in his prime after all.

Say something outrageous.

But for Zhu Yuanzhang in the capital, many people have guessed how long he can live.

To know.

On the 27rd of the first month.

According to the letter written by Zhu Yuanzhang, the King of Jin also taught Zhu Yuanzhang's grazing experience as a shepherd boy in his early years to the guard soldiers who grazed cattle and sheep outside his mouth. At that time, the King of Jin was still riding out of the city on horseback.

"close the door."

"close the door."

The general guarding the city gate suddenly shouted.

far away.

Bursts of smoke and dust rolled in, and a cavalry galloped in, and there were so many people and vehicles entering and leaving the city gate, it was difficult to close the gate for a while.

In Taiyuan City, which has been peaceful for decades, no one would have thought that an enemy army would suddenly appear.

This enemy army cannot come by flying.

The sneak attack was successful.

The success of a professional sneak attack is inevitable, and the failure is a small probability event. Only in the frontier can it be impossible to succeed.

More than 1000 cavalry took control of the southern city gate, and then robbed the remaining city gates.


More and more cavalry came, and there was a boundless army.

There are tens of thousands of people and there is no limit.

Fifteen thousand troops suddenly appeared under the city of Taiyuan.

The Dusi Yamen, the Eight Guards Yamen, the Chief Secretary Yamen, the Inspectorate Yamen, the Changshi Mansion, the Prince Jin Mansion... they were successfully taken down.

The people on the street fled in fright, and the doors of every shop and shop were closed.

The whole city of Taiyuan was panicked.

Unlike the general army, the new army moves very quickly, occupying various important street areas, and deploying fortifications very quickly.

They seem to be familiar with every street in Taiyuan City, and have formulated a strict combat plan.

Relying on taking over these important streets and setting up fortifications, the flow of the entire Taiyuan City is controlled.

Taiyuan City soon became "quiet".

Not only the people, but also the officials and the army lost contact. Except for the new Beiping army, no one knew what was going on outside.

in other words.

The city of Taiyuan was statically managed by the new Beiping army as quickly as possible.

Li Jian took thirty soldiers of his own and set up defense at the west gate of the palace.

Teams of colleagues around him are doing fortifications in this way, forming a huge "network".

These grassroots officers have qualified the military orders issued by their superiors and have taken the initiative.

The speed is unheard of.

Many people are still not sober, what is going on.

"You are rebelling!"

Wang Yun, chief envoy of the Shanxi Chief Political Department, was in the courtyard where he was being held, yelling at the soldiers outside.

All the prisoners here are civil servants.

Chen Jia, the political envoy on the right, Sun Bing, who participated in politics on the left, Qiao Cheng, who participated in politics on the right, Li Hao, Liu Zhun, Cao Ruzhou, etc., and the heads of civil officials in Shanxi are all here.

Some of them were in the yamen, and some were in their own houses, and were arrested by soldiers who broke in suddenly.Most of the guard soldiers were suddenly disarmed while still in the barracks.

The soldiers ignored the shouts inside, their duty was to prevent a single person from escaping.

The palace guards fought with the intruding army.

"Bang bang bang."

The well-prepared new army stepped forward to fire guns in a row, squatted down after firing the guns, and the row behind continued to shoot.

In the Langfang of Jinwang Mansion, a fierce exchange of fire took place.

But it was obvious that the guards of Prince Jin's Mansion, who were caught off guard, were unprepared, and they were completely powerless to fight back when they were beaten by the intruding new army.

The wounded left on the ground retreated, and the guards wanted to rely on the courtyard wall to resist and regroup.


More than a dozen grenades fell into the courtyard from mid-air, and the palace guards were defeated and finally gave up on the periphery.

Teams of royal guards were finally forced into the Chengyun Palace.

The guards are elite.

The most important King Jin was carried up by them, and the prince was protected here, ready to fight to the end, and never let King Jin and the prince fall into the hands of the rebels.

chaos army.

The royal guards made such a judgment in their hearts.

Because of the opponent's military uniforms and combat methods, although some weapons are different, the combat methods still have the shadow of the Ming army.

They guessed which one took advantage of the death of the prince to make trouble.

Although they couldn't understand why some people dared to make trouble, but the matter has come to this point, Jin Shizi must not allow any mistakes.

"Listen, people inside. We are the new Beiping army. We are ordered by the young prince to take over Taiyuan. For the safety of King Jin and his sons, please come out and surrender."

Carrier Hall.

Everyone looked at each other.

So many people died together with them, so it was the internal turmoil of Lao Zhu's own family?Whether or not to resist.

The guards looked at King Jin.

King Jin closed his eyes and said nothing, the son of King Jin cursed endlessly.

When they were young, the eldest sons of them were studying in the capital, including Zhu Gaochi. He still remembered this companion who was a little fat back then.

But unlike Zhu Gaochi, Jin Shizi had a good relationship with Zhu Yunqi in his early years.

In history, Jin Shizi's father died early, and the cutting of the vassal did not cut off his head, so he was very worried about Zhu Di's rebellion.

"After a stick of incense, our army will launch another attack. If you accidentally injure Prince Jin, the responsibility will be on your side."

shouted a voice from outside.

"Go out."

Jin Shizi is not stupid, he knows that there is no other way now.

If you have a way to resist, you will not retreat into this hall and become a trapped beast.

Jin Palace ended the battle.

Take them all.

Each battalion performed its own duties, went straight to the targets in the city, and strictly carried out the operations according to the combat plan planned in advance.


Inevitably, there were flames everywhere in Taiyuan City, and the sound of artillery and bombing kept ringing.

The sound of horseshoes and the sound of firecrackers like firecrackers continued continuously.

Taiyuan City.

It is not only the center of Shanxi, but also the location of the palace. There are not only the guards of the palace, but also the elite army of the eight guards.

"By the order of King Jin!"

"The officers and soldiers of the Taiyuan Central Guard will be taken over by the new Beiping army. All armies will put down their weapons and must not resist. Violators will be punished as rebels!"

The official documents with the seal of the Prince Jin Mansion were passed on to the various armies one after another.

"Fuck you, fight me!"

Guard in Taiyuan.

One of the most elite troops in Shanxi, and one of the few places where the new army failed to attack, the two sides fought fiercely in the barracks.

The artillery battalion finally arrived on the battlefield.

More than [-] cannons were lined up, and the black muzzles were aimed at the barracks of the guards in Taiyuan.

"The last ultimatum, the order of the Jin Palace, will the guards in Taiyuan violate it!"

An officer shouted loudly.



The earthquake shook the mountains.

The barracks were full of scars.

Few people used to recognize the prestige of the Beiping New Army's artillery, but now at least they do.

"Let the brothers below surrender."

The commander of the guards in Taiyuan, Shanxi, drew his sword and killed himself after speaking, but was rescued by the guards and generals around him.

(End of this chapter)

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