The Great Industrial Ming Dynasty Started from Beiping

Chapter 426 Join if you can't beat it

Chapter 426 Join if you can't beat it
Zhu Gaoxu has a lot to say.

After returning from Daning, the first thing he said when he saw Zhu Gaochi was: "Brother, you are right."

Looking at Kong Wu's powerful second brother, Zhu Gaochi patted Zhu Gaoxu's shoulder in relief.

Zhu Gaoxu is taller than himself.

One hero and two gangs.

Zhu Gaochi needs helpers, the more helpers the better.

Fighting father and son soldiers, fighting tiger brothers.

It will be of great help to Zhu Gaochi to have a brother who understands him and fights side by side with him.

"Why do you say that?" Zhu Gaochi asked with a smile.

"In the beginning, I couldn't understand why my brother was so radical, but I saw the fire in Dazhai, and saw the fire of hope in the eyes of the people, and I knew that my brother would never make mistakes."

"Hahaha." Zhu Gaochi couldn't help laughing when he heard his younger brother's admiration.

"There are indeed many people who don't understand, and Grandpa Huang doesn't understand either, and they still blame me." Zhu Gaochi said, "Because I don't want to go to Yingtian Mansion, which disrupts Grandpa Huang's style of cutting things quickly."

"That's the way Grandpa Huang didn't see the eyes of the people in Peiping." Zhu Gaoxu sighed.


Zhu Gaochi nodded.

Interest classes will never disappear.

Industrialized society is essentially a transformation of productivity and agricultural society, but it does not mean that the interest class has disappeared.

On the contrary, because of the improvement of social efficiency, the interest class has become more extreme in ordinary exploitation.

The interest class will never disappear. Zhu Gaochi is just holding on to the ordinary people's share that originally belonged to the ordinary people in the process of promoting industrial development.

At the speed at which the capital of merchants has doubled dozens of times, the assets of ordinary people have only doubled.

this is the truth.


It is precisely because of the social resource allocation model adopted by Zhu Gaochi that the Peking model has undergone tremendous changes in the past six years.

It is precisely because of the Beiping model that it only took six short years to raise an invincible new army.

Only then can Zhu Gaochi open the frontier to the map.

The agrarian revolution is inevitable. This is the iron law for an agricultural society to enter an industrial society.

Without completing the agrarian revolution, the bottleneck of industrialization cannot be broken.

There is only one Beiping, and it has only been developed for six years. The problem of employment has become a fatal problem, and the development of industrialization has fallen into a stalemate.

Zhu Gaochi neither wanted the land revolution of the 400-year enclosure like the United Kingdom, nor the Civil War like the United States. He also didn't want to kill the blood of Ming Dynasty.

So it was decided to adopt land reform under the distribution of social resources.

Food point, food price.

The improvement of industrial treatment, etc., a land revolution that has proven to be successful, turns the agricultural population into an industrial population.

"So I need your help, you go to Shandong, Shandong needs you to sit in the town." Zhu Gaochi laughed.

Compared with other provinces, Shandong has the greatest resistance to land reform, because Shandong is a province with a large population, with many households, many landlords, and more squires.

"Don't worry, big brother." Zhu Gaoxu was proud of being able to help big brother.


The registered population is more than five million, with many civilian households and few military households.

The railway construction of the railway project group has encountered great obstacles, and large and small households are unwilling to sell their land.

The Shandong Chief Secretary did not cooperate, the Shandong Metropolitan Division did not cooperate, and the Shandong Procuratorate and Envoy Division did not cooperate, and the local gentry did not cooperate.

Zhu Gaosui came to Shandong.

He also came with the fifth battalion of the new army. The new army in Shandong has reached the eighth battalion, with a total of more than [-] people.

Jining, Shandong.

A railway engineering team under the Shandong Engineering Group, with thousands of people, is working on it. Many people came here today.

The leading squire stopped and did not allow the workers to continue construction.

The head of the construction team came forward and explained: "The route of our construction, the land was bought with money, and it did not occupy other people's fields."

"We don't care, you build a railway here, which affects our Feng Shui." The squire said loudly.

The common people are unwilling to sell their fields because there is no profit to be made.

However, in order to ensure the smooth construction of the railway, China Heavy Industries not only allocated a large sum of money to buy land, but also provided resettlement measures.

Those who are willing to sell the land to the railway engineering team will also be assigned work, with a salary of 12 yuan per year.

Food and housing are included, as well as various hidden benefits, such as low-interest loans, etc., and one year's salary is comparable to three or four years' income.

This is the largest expense.

Although the current population of Shandong is more than [-] million, it is far from comparable to the population of later generations, and there is still a lot of wasteland that can be used.

Even where the resistance is greatest, directly borrow the straight.

The squire did not allow the railway construction team to work, so the railway construction team naturally did not fear the squire and insisted on construction.

The squire was not afraid of trouble, and led the villagers to fight with the workers.

The local government favored the squires, and sentenced the railway engineering team to suspend work, fined them, and compensated the squires and others for their medical expenses.

Soon, Zhu Gaosui came with the army.

In the yamen of the local government, soldiers were sent to arrest the squires for trial.

"Firstly, the railway construction team is working on your own land. Secondly, you obstruct other people's construction without any reason, and you also incite unreasonable people to make trouble."

"The railway construction team was delayed by five days, and the medical expenses of the workers and the common people were all because of you."

"You have to pay 1 taels of silver to make up for the delayed construction period of the construction team and the medical expenses of both parties."

Zhu Gaosui became the magistrate of Hui County.

Naturally, the squire couldn't afford to pay. Zhu Gaosui was not polite, and ignored the pleas of the other squires, and directly confiscated the person's land and assets.

"My elder brother said that if you are willing to reason, we will reason together. If you don't want to reason, our old Zhu family will accompany you to the end!"

In front of all the squires, Zhu Gaosui didn't threaten his feelings at all.

Zhu Gaosui became the biggest supporter in Shandong of the Wanchangwanwan mine industrial plan, as well as the development and construction plan.

Nearly [-] railway workers are scattered throughout Shandong to build railway sections.

The grain stores in Shandong were forcibly closed down, replaced by grain stores, and the Beiping Chief Secretary and China Heavy Industry sent people to organize the work.

"The new regulations stipulate that private trade in grain is not allowed. Violators will be charged with smuggling salt. Grain can only be purchased by grain stores, and there can only be grain shops opened by grain stores on the market."

"Last year, the purchase price of grain at Beiping's grain point was only [-] cents and [-] cents per shi."


"so little?"

"It's too much to deceive people."

In the countryside, big households complained.

"Hiring, hiring."

"China Heavy Industry Headquarters is recruiting."

"Heji Recruitment."

"Xishan Coal Mine is recruiting workers."

"Saibei Development and Construction Group is recruiting."

"Shandong No. [-] Coke Refining Plant is recruiting workers."

"Shandong Metallurgical No. [-] Plant is recruiting workers."

"Jiyang Agricultural Machinery Factory is recruiting workers."

"Dongchang brick kiln factory is recruiting workers."


Teams of recruitment teams are recruiting people in the countryside of Shandong.

"A salary of 12 yuan per year, including food and housing, ten days off, and holidays, is not better than you guarding a few acres of land? The working hours are long, and the wages will increase."

"You farm all year round, facing the loess and turning your back to the sky to feed your stomach. Others' families will become richer and richer, and your children will not be able to marry a wife in the future."

"Don't be afraid, there is the Ministry of Workers and People's Union."

"Every citizen who has registered with the Ministry of Workers and Civilians, any rights and interests are protected by the Ministry of Workers and Civilians. If someone bullies you or deceives you, you can go to the local Ministry of Workers and Civilians to make decisions for you."

"The Ministry of Workers and People's Union is a government office specially established for our common people. It has only one purpose, to protect the rights and interests of our common people."

"What? Worried about getting old and having no income?"

"As long as workers who have registered with the Ministry of Workers and Civil Affairs pay a small amount of money every year, the Ministry of Workers and Civil Affairs will distribute food when they get old."

"Of course, food will be distributed without doing anything."


Faced with the temptation of interests, the traditional gentry forces are not enough to look at, and they cannot resist the offensive of capital at all.

The only force they rely on is not enough.

"Zhou Dong's family, your family took the lead in resisting industrial development in Shandong. While taking advantage of the benefits of industrial development, you resisted industrial development at the same time. You took advantage of all the good things in the world."

A big family from Shandong was approached by the Ministry of Industry and Civil Affairs to invest in the business of Beiping.

Faced with the questioning of the staff, the big man dared not deny it.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm going to write a letter to the people in my family to tell them to open their eyes." Zhou Dong's family begged for mercy.

The staff threatened: "Boss Zhou's share capital is less than 1000 taels of silver. In the three years since he opened the restaurant in Beiping, he has already owned three large restaurants under his name, and he also has a 3000 yuan operating loan from the Industrial Promotion Bank."

"In just three years, Zhou Dong's family's share capital has increased by more than ten times. Zhou Dong's family has to think clearly, and don't make any small moves behind the scenes, so as not to make mistakes."

"Don't dare, it's really a misunderstanding. I'll go back to my hometown in person." Zhou Dong's family changed the subject again.

Only then did the staff refrain from threatening, and said, "I hope Zhou Dong's family can bring help to the development of the industry, instead of becoming a moth."

China Heavy Industry, China Heavy Industry system, China Heavy Industry upstream and downstream industry chain, various organizations of China Heavy Industry, and various development and construction business groups.

The power has been reflected in Shandong.

The squires could not compete for the common people, and they could not beat them. Even many of the squires had already established business in Beiping.

There are traitors within.

In the face of this all-round offensive, the traditional gentry was defeated, but a large number of gentry took the initiative to join in the industrial development.

The more you understand, the faster you surrender.

Whether it is to accumulate 100 taels of silver in 1 years, or to accumulate 1 taels of silver in just a few years, anyone who can calculate accounts can figure it out.

Even the ignorant gentry in the late Qing Dynasty, when they opened their eyes, immediately changed from resistance to active participation.

From the initial resistance to railway construction, to the later defense of railways.

Daming was a prosperous society among the people.

A report from the Dean and Professor of the China Institute of Economic Thought and Practice, Tsinghua University.

Calculated in 1990 US dollars, the per capita GDP in the Ming Dynasty was about 920 US dollars, and that in the Qing Dynasty was about 760 US dollars.

The big families in the Ming Dynasty were actually richer than those in the Qing Dynasty.

After the victory of the capital, not only did not cause greater conflicts, but many large households took the initiative to invest in Beiping to get a share of the pie.

As the most famous Hop Kee firm, naturally it will not miss this opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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